Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 983

Chapter 983: Chapter 168- Trinity – The Battle Part 3 (VOLUME 5)




I could see the fear and the distrust start to bubble up in Reginald’s eyes. He didn’t understand what was happening. He didn’t know what to believe anymore. And that wasn’t easy for him to come to terms with. It wouldn’t have been easy for anyone.

“ lied to us? B..but, why?” His voice was shaking as he turned to speak to Olorud. “Why would you lie to us? We were partners. We’ve been helping you this entire time.”

“You were my pawns, you fool. You were meant to create an army for us, but that was all. We sought out your family because of the connection with the supernatural world. What she said is true, your founder fought with them, not against them. They tasked themselves with keeping the peace around the world, and I didn’t like that. I wanted the races to fight. I wanted the wars to continue, but I didn’t have the ability to do it on my own. I knew that I needed help. I needed someone to work with me. I needed your family to become my test subjects. If we could manipulate you and change you all, then we would be able to take over the world. I admit, I did not know how much their population had grown, but I didn’t care. I just wanted an all out war in this realm.” Olorud was laughing maniacally after having explained this to the human that was next to him.

“I..I don’t understand. You weren’t the ones that started this. was the nannies. They are the ones that brought us to you. They are the ones that told us to work with you. You didn’t do anything to my family over the years.” I could see confusion and remorse in the man’s eyes.


“HA HA HA HA HA!” Olorud laughed again. “You fool! Do you not know where those nannies came from? The ones that you all called grannies. They weren’t human. How could they have been? They were sent by me. They were my minions that were feeding you all lies, among other things.” That look on Olorud’s face mixed with the words that he just said, none of it sat very well with me. I was almost content to let Reginald’s mind be blown before this battle started. I was seeing a fissure in their ranks, and the fighting hadn’t even begun yet, but that needed to take a back burner.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked Olorud. “What else did you feed them?”

“Why, magic of course. Sort of. I made them a little more like me and my people. My minions, the ones that remained on earth for as long as they could, they fed their children their blood. It weakened them, and one of my minions died a while back. The other one is still there though. That one has remained with them for so long. And I knew that she was the one that I needed to have there among those fools. It was so easy for her to manipulate them and turn them against the faith that their patriarch had in the world of nonhumans. I have enjoyed watching their corruption. And after I destroy you, Mongrel Queen, I will watch the rest of the world turn to my side like this family has. You will see. They will all join me. Muwah ha ha ha ha ha.” He threw his head back and laughed again. He was a crazy son of a bitch, but that didn’t matter at all. I was still stuck on the fact that he had just said that his little minion had fed the Jaegan their blood. They were making them less human than they should have been.

It was all starting to make sense to me now. These people were able to do what they did to the werewolves, vampires, and other supernatural people of the world, because they weren’t human anymore. Not pure human. They were tainted. Their blood had been changed by that of someone else. And what was worse is that none of them knew about it. They were all kept in the dark about what was happening.

I thought about the good people, the ones that didn’t turned into murdering assholes with the others, Rayk, Clovio, Warrick, Armina, Gustav, they were all good, and there were likely others before they had been killed or forced into compliance. Those people proved that the blood wasn’t what made them evil, it was the lessons and the brainwashing. Could I still save this family? Could I make it so that they weren’t all a lost cause? I truly hoped that I could.

“I cannot believe that I trusted you, Olorud, that I trusted those hags. I should have just moved on with the family ideals. I should have tried to change the world without you.” Reginald, only partially understanding the truth, spat his words at Olorud.

“You don’t get it, Reginald. Your family ideal, the one that Alaric started all those years ago, was to bring about peace among all the people of the world. He wanted to have the humans, the werewolves, the vampires, the warlocks, and all the other nonhuman people of the world to work together. He wanted to have world peace and unity. And that is something that I want as well. Your family is after world domination and control over others. That is not Alaric’s ideal. If he could see you now, he would be so disappointed in you and all of his descendants.”

“YOU KNOW NOTHING! YOU EVIL MURDERING MONGREL BITCH!” He was able to see that Olorud used him, but he couldn’t see that he was in the wrong here. I didn’t understand him, or the way that he thought about this at all.

“You’re an idiot, Reginald. A massive idiot!” I snapped at him in a stern voice. “You are going to die here. If you do not surrender, then you are going to die with those ancient beings that stand next to you.”

“I would love to see you try.” He grinned. “We have runes that you have never seen before. We can eliminate you before you even know what is happening to you.” His eyes were filled with a crazy sort of excitement. I knew that there was nothing at all that I could do to talk him down. And I also knew that Olorud would never be able to stop right here. He was after blood. He wanted to see me dead. He wanted to see us all dead. And nothing at all was going to stop him, except for his death.

“This is the last time that I am going to offer you this. Both of you need to give up right now. You need to think about this before you get hurt. We will kill you. That is a promise. Do you understand me? You will die. I don’t want to kill you. I have been trying to make sure that my people are more civilized than that, but if you force my hand, then we will answer your call for war. We will give you the battle that you are so desperate for. Please, I urge you, stop this now and spare yourselves and the ones that you care about.”

“I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I SEE YOUR HEAD ON A SPIKE, YOU EVIL MONSTER BITCH!” Reginald screeched at me with blazing eyes and spittle flying from his mouth.

“Why stop now?” Olorud chuckled softly as he responded. “This is my chance to end you all. I want you to see that no matter how powerful you think that you are, you are no match for us. Even with our magic diminished, you will not be able to stop us.”

“ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!?” I screamed at Olorud. “Do you not see that I am floating in the fucking sky the same as you are?” I shook my head at him. “I am clearly more powerful than you think that I am. I swear, you act like there is nothing at all that could possibly stand up against you. You are so pathetic.”

Instead of responding to me at all, Olorud just raised his hand into the air. I didn’t know what he was doing at first, but I understood it after just a moment.

He and Reginald weren’t the only ones that were on the bridge that had brought them over to me, nor were they the only ones here period. There were several others on that bridge, most of them were more of those ugly and grotesque looking monsters like Olorud, but there were some of the Jaegan up there as well. And, on the ground, having marched closer while I was speaking with the man and the monster, there were hundreds of people. I didn’t know how they had managed to get so many people here, but they were here now.

This shouldn’t matter to me at all. There were only a few hundred of these humans here. And however many of the Ancient Ones, those monstrous creatures, weren’t going to win at all. They were going to find out very soon that I wasn’t playing around here. I was going to make sure that they paid for attack my home and for murdering my people. Today was the end for them, it was their punishment day.

“KILL THEM ALL!” Olorud called out in a loud and excited tone of voice when his hand lowered to point at me. They were all cheering for him when he yelled again. “ATTACK!”



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