Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 982

Chapter 982: Chapter 167- Trinity – The Battle Part 2 (VOLUME 5)




As I watched those that were walking through the sky, I stepped away from my family. They were going to be here in less than a minute, and I didn’t want them that close to my family. I didn’t want them that close to my daughter. I needed to protect them. I needed to make sure that my family and my people were safe. Wasn’t that my job? Wasn’t that what I was supposed to do? I thought so at least.

As I stood several hundred yards in front of my family, I braced myself for what was about to come. Those people were coming even closer, and it almost didn’t look like they were going to slow down. They didn’t appear as if they were going to stop and talk to me. And if that was the case, then I would have to stop them and keep them away from the people that I loved.

“I see that you are waiting for us, Mongrel Scum.” A deep and angry voice resonated across the small gap between me and that group when they came to an abrupt stop. “Someone must have warned you of our arrival.” He didn’t look or sound happy. I could tell by the anger in his eyes that twitched at the people around him that he was wondering if someone here had snitched on him.

“I was alerted by my scouts that I sent out looking for you. You have a very distinctive smell, Sir, so it wasn’t that hard for my people to find you.” His eyes widened and I took in his appearance, all of his appearance.


I had thought that, since they were created around the same time, that the Ancient Ones would look very similar to the gods. That they would bear at least some sort of resemblance to the people of the world. Then again, I didn’t know if the forms that I saw the gods in were their original forms or not. For all that I knew, the way that they looked before now could have been similar to this, as monstrous as that would have seemed.

The man that was speaking, the one that was clearly their leader, was more like the idea of a demon to me than Alexio and Rudy were. He was tall, about nine feet tall to be exact. And his head, the one that was looking at me, was topped with huge black horns that curled up and away from his face. He had two other heads, but they didn’t appear to be fully functioning. In truth, it looked like they were there only to see and sense things, like an approaching enemy. And they had long, snaggle and snarling teeth that were blood stained. They had clearly been used to eat someone or something.

The main head was what I tried to focus on. Its skin, similar to the second and third heads, was covered in a dark, burgundy red flesh that was insanely dry. It was cracked and peeling in several places and a blackish ooze was seeping from the open sores. His nose was more of a snout, but it was longer than that of a pig or anything like that. It was almost like an anteater’s nose, meant for more than just smelling normal things.

The ears on the side of the heads, all three of them, were huge and looked almost like bat wings. If I didn’t see the shells and the holes in the ears, then I would have thought that they were bat wings. He had wings though, on his back. They were giant and furled so that they stood up behind him like some monstrous bird.

There were rows and rows of spiky horn-like things that ran down the monster’s head and to his shoulders, from there those horn things ran down his arms, back and legs. His hands were tipped in claws that were at least two inches long, and he had a long scaly tail that swished behind him. There was only one thing to be said about this thing that was in front of me. He was ugly. Very ugly.

I could definitely see why no one wanted to worship this creature. If he looked like this from the beginning of his time, then he would definitely frighten the humans away from him. And I wasn’t sure if there was any level of benevolence that would make up for this evil appearance. Perhaps it wasn’t the fault of the ancient ones that they weren’t worshipped, maybe it actually had been because of the way that they looked.

“Who are you?” I asked the man, barely holding back the urge to ask him what he was.

“Do you dare to speak to the king in such a manner, you worthless piece of shit.” A human that I had not noticed before yelled from the monster’s side. “You hold your tongue and wait to be addressed.” He snapped at me again, his voice filled with hatred and anger.

“I am sorry, ass wipe, but since I am the Queen around here, and this is my fucking property, I will speak to whoever I want to. And while I am on the subject of finding out who people are, I am going to take a wild guess and say that you are Reginald, leader of the merry murdering band of bitches known as the Jaegan family.” I narrowed my eyes. I knew that I had pissed him off, but based on the sneer that the monster wore when the man spoke, interrupting what he was about to say, I could tell that this human was not particularly liked by the creature. Seeing that reaction in him, I was sure that I could give the man a taste of my attitude and not make the monster-man pissed off at me.

“Why, you little-.” The Jaegan asshole started to yell at me, but the Ancient One interrupted him.

“Enough Reginald Jaegan, the woman knows your name. That means that others have spoken to her. I knew that I should never put any trust in you people. All you humans are just as worthless as those mongrel monsters.” The beast of a creature turned back to me. “What do you know of me, Mongrel Queen? How much have you been informed about my people?” He looked intrigued, but also very angry.

“They haven’t told me anything.” I glared at him. “I have connections with people that know what you are though. I have been informed by a god, one that was there when you still had your full set of powers.” I didn’t want to tell him that there were so many gods here at my disposal, the less that he was informed, the better.

“So, you did have an informant, just not one that I expected. How do you know the gods? What connection do you have with them other than that mongrel blood of yours.”

“My mongrel blood?” I asked him. “I am sorry, how am I a mongrel?”

“You are a perverse race that was born from the gods and humans, how is that not a mongrel?” He shuddered as if disgusted.

“You are so wrong that it is hilarious. Look monster dude, we weren’t born from the gods. We were created by them. There is a big difference. The humans were changed when the followers of that god created their special race of beings. Did you think this entire time that the gods got it on with the humans and that is how we were made? Sorry to disappoint you, but you couldn’t be more wrong.” There was laughter in my voice. I think that I was wanting to piss him off. Partially because he still hadn’t told me his name. I was guessing that he was one of the ones from Talia’s vision, but I couldn’t be sure just yet. Assuming things would just make me look like him. Not physically like him, but in the intelligence department.


“HUSH, REGINALD!” Olorud yelled at him. “YOU JUST GAVE HER MY NAME!”

“In truth, I knew your name already, I just didn’t know which one you were. There were three of you in the vision that was sent to us.”

“Oh, so you did get the vision. And yet you still chose to face us.” Olorud grinned. “I would have thought that you would be running away, frightened of your fate.”

“Yeah, except the vision wasn’t the same as the other ones. It felt different to her, so we didn’t need to worry about it all that much. I was sure that we would be safe, with nothing to worry about.” I glared at him. “Reginald, can I ask you something?” I narrowed my eyes at him, he was the one that had sent those murderers after my people.

“What, Mongrel Bitch?” He snapped at me.

“Damn, you are an asshole.” I shook my head and spoke under my breath before I asked my question. “Why did you attack my people?” I gave him a look that said that I found him reprehensible.

“Why? Because you are beasts that seek to destroy the human race. My family, pure human since the beginning, has always sought to destroy you. We will rid the world of your monstrous blood and the filthy half breed abominations that you have all created to run amok among our people. You are trying to take over the population of this planet, but we won’t have that.”

“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!” I was laughing hysterically. These people didn’t know anything about the way the world really was. I mean, they didn’t even know how many of us there really were.”

“What is so funny to you, bitch?” Reginald sneered at me. “Why do you laugh at me?”

“I am laughing, Reginald, because you seem to be woefully misinformed. We are not trying to take over the world. Though we have a strong foothold here since we have been living here for so long.” I shook my head, trying to not let the anger get the best of me. “Do you even know how many of us there are in the world?” I so wanted to blow this man’s mind. I was sure that they would be drooling messes when they found out.

“You have no more than mere thousands at the moment, and we will end you all before the virus of your species infects the world too much.”

“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!” I laughed maniacally again. I just couldn’t help it. He really was so stupid.

“Again, with the laughter.” He was getting so annoyed with me.

“Reginald, you are so stupid. Even when your ancestor, Alaric Jaegan fought with my friend, Dietrich, the Vampire King, there were more than thousands of us in the world. At the present moment though, we take up more than half of the world’s population. My people, which includes all the shifters and magic users in the world, along with the Fae and Vampires, account for half of the people on this planet. How is it you plan to eliminate us all? They will kill you before you get too far into this battle.” I was shaking my head in exasperation.

“You lie!” Reginald screamed at me. He clearly didn’t know the truth. “That is all a lie! There are not that many of you. We have been told by the founders of our family! Alaric hated the nonhumans, he fought to eliminate them until his death.”

“No, Reginald, you were lied to. And I am guessing that it was them that lied to you. They seem to have been playing a long game here.” I was pointing at Olorud, who just happened to be smirking in a satisfied way. He had really been conning this man for a long time.



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