Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1022 - 1022 Chapter 7- Trinity – Our Monthly Date Night Part 2 (VOLUME 6)

1022 Chapter 7- Trinity – Our Monthly Date Night Part 2 (VOLUME 6)




Reece and I were taken to a VIP table inside of the restaurant. Not because we were the king and queen of the supernatural world, but because we were rich and powerful people. We were known around the world for various reasons, and that led to some differences in treatment. Not that we asked for these things, but people tended to do them in the hopes of a bigger tip or some special reward. It was almost like it was an unspoken agreement with them all. I didn’t mind though, as long as they were good people and didn’t try to get something they didn’t deserve, then they would be rewarded handsomely. Why not right? I mean, we had more than enough wealth to spread to the world.

The table was meant for two. It had a couple’s style seating arrangement with just one extra wide curved seat. The seat was soft, highbacked, and meant for snuggling together and being intimate while practically lording over the restaurant. It was a little embarrassing to sit here at the back of the restaurant in full view of so many people, but not so much that I couldn’t do it. I mean, I had been on my throne in front of the people in the castle quite often and that was no worse.

The drink choices for the evening were recited to us by the server instead of being given to us on a menu. The waiters here often memorized everything and only when someone insisted on having one did they hand out actual menus. I think it was a way to prove that they were catering to their guests’ every need. And it was quite a lovely restaurant in my opinion.

Reece ordered himself a wine for the night, but I couldn’t have any, so I got myself some sparkling water and a juice. I was in the mood for something flavorful. Once we had our drinks at the table, the waiter started to recite the list of specials for the dinner service. They didn’t have the same menu every day, so you never knew what you were going to get while there.

I was trying to listen to the waiter, a young man that looked to be the same age as Reagan. He was human, smiling professionally, and doing all that he needed to be doing. His ebony complexion, brilliant mocha colored eyes, and dazzling smile made me feel perfectly comfortable, but there were others that were nearby that weren’t making me feel very calm.

There were two waitresses that were about fifteen feet away. They were talking about Reece and I as if we couldn’t hear them. And if we were human, we wouldn’t have. As it was though, their words were just not able to hide from us.


“Look at them.” The first woman, about twenty-two or twenty-three years old, was saying to her friend. She had bright platinum blonde hair, hazel eyes, and sharp features on her overly spray tanned face.

“What about them?” The other girl had a softer tone, but she was looking at us as well. Her green eyes were less piercing and her brown hair didn’t look anywhere near as horrible as the other woman’s had when it was paired with her naturally tanned complexion.

“That’s Reece and Trinity Gray. The rich billionaires that think that they are better than everyone else. They think that just because they have money and can get plastic surgery that we all need to treat them special and what not. It’s disgusting.” Her tone was so venomous that I hoped I never had to deal with her personally. I probably would snap at her if I did.

“They don’t look like they are all that bad.” The other woman spoke softly. “And you don’t know that they had surgery. They could just be naturally that pretty.” She was looking at me with envious eyes. Like she wanted to have beauty like mine. That was ridiculous though, she was pretty, unlike the other woman who let her nasty personality ruin her good looks. And that horrible orange spray toner that was applied a little too generously to her entire body.

“Oh, they had to have had surgery. They’re both like forty or even older, but look at them. They look like they are no older than me.” I wanted to laugh, the woman definitely looked older than me. “If they didn’t have surgery then they aren’t human. I mean, honestly, look at them.”

“Ha ha ha, what, are they vampires?” The nicer woman said as she laughed at her friend. “Are they eternal?”

“Maybe.” The ugly woman didn’t sound like it was a joke. “I mean, I have heard some things in this city, things that are unbelievable. They just might be vampires. I wouldn’t put it past them to be devilish creatures like that.”

“No, they can’t be. Vampires aren’t real.” The other woman looked like she wasn’t really sure about that.

“I don’t know, they might be. I have a friend that says people that she knew got younger a long time ago and haven’t aged since. What else could that mean? There is something wrong with this city, and they are a part of it.” The woman was clearly seeing through the lies that have been said, she was smart, but also cruel. She was the type of person that we didn’t need looking into us. “And I have a friend that is a reporter. All those murders in Europe over the summer, those two had something to do with it all. They were always there at the crime scenes. I don’t trust them.”

“Th..that doesn’t mean that they are vampires. I mean, th..they can’t be. Can they?” The brunette was looking less and less sure about things as the conversation went on.

“I don’t know, but I don’t trust those two at all.”

“Now, for you, Mrs. Gray?” The waiter was asking me what I wanted to eat. I was glad that I was able to pay attention to him and the women at the same time. I knew what I was going to order right away. I needed to dispel some suspicions here.

“Oh, I think that I will have the braised short rib ravioli, and the risotto. And can I get extra garlic on both please?” I patted my belly bringing attention to the fact that I was pregnant. “The baby wants it extra flavorful.” I made sure that the two women heard me place my order.

“Sure thing, Mrs. Gray.” The man nodded, memorized my order, and walked off toward the kitchen.

“What’s with the garlic?” Reece asked me, knowing full well that it wasn’t a craving.

“I am going to make those women realize that we aren’t vampires.” I told him, not letting the two gossipers know that we had heard them.

“But vampires aren’t affected by garlic.” He reminded me.

“I know that, and you know that, but they don’t.” I smiled at him. “This is just a little show for their benefit. And, besides, I do love garlic.” I saw that the two women were still staring at us, and it was clear that they were shocked about the garlic that I had asked for. It was working, if only just a little bit. They probably wouldn’t think that we were vampires anymore at the very least.

We ate our dinner in peace after that. The two waitresses had been called away and we didn’t see them for the rest of the night. That was a good thing, since I didn’t want to deal with them anymore. And actually, the food was really good with the addition of the extra garlic. I think that I might be wanting it more and more.

We went to the opera house and enjoyed the show there. Got the ice cream that I knew I would want and we took a drive through the night. Everything was fine. In truth, the only thing that gave me pause through the entire evening was the talk about Reece and I not being human.

I should have known that this was going to happen soon enough. I mean, I didn’t even look twenty-five to most people, and I was supposed to be almost forty. That was a big red flag to most people. And I knew that we wouldn’t be able to fool the world for too much longer.

What was I supposed to do though? Become a hermit? I didn’t want to live a life like that. I didn’t want to be away from the world, from people. I didn’t want to miss so many things just because I wasn’t looking my age.

This was a problem though. And one that we all needed to figure out and face soon. Especially the people that were younger than they should be, or too old to be alive. OK, so Grandfather wasn’t too old to be alive, not technically, but he was almost ninety and looked like he was in his forties. That just wasn’t normal. And what happened when he reached one hundred? What was supposed to happen when we all got to be that old? There just wasn’t any way to hide what we were forever. And sooner or later, we were all going to have to hide away for a long time.

I was quiet through most of the drive that we were taking, and I knew that Reece was worried about me. He didn’t say anything for a while though. He just took my hand, kissed the back of it, and held me close. That was enough for the time being though. It was enough to tell me that he would be there with me through this whole thing.

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