Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1021 - 1021 Chapter 6- Trinity – Our Monthly Date Night Part 1 (VOLUME 6)

1021 Chapter 6- Trinity – Our Monthly Date Night Part 1 (VOLUME 6)




Well, it was Saturday, the twenty-seventh of October now. Halloween was in just four days and that would mean trick or treating with the kids and a night of fun with them that included movies and pigging out on junk food.

Today though, it was time for Reece and I to go on our monthly date night. We used to go on them regularly, but then the case with all those murders popped up and we put them on hold. I was more than happy to implement them again, especially considering that in just a few short months we would be having another baby and that meant that we were going to stop them for a little while.

I wanted to get in as many of these date nights as I possibly could with Reece. I wanted to make sure that we showed each other how much we enjoyed the company of the other, and that we never lost that spark that we had. I mean, yeah, we were true loves and mates for each other, so what?

That didn’t mean that we couldn’t or shouldn’t still put effort into our relationship. We needed to make sure that we kept the other knowing that there was never going to be anyone else for us. Getting complacent and bored would just make our relationship a moot point.

If we didn’t act like lovers, we would just become friends. And while that isn’t a bad thing to be, it wasn’t all that I wanted for us. No, we needed to make sure that we stayed passionate and in love. And that was why we had our date nights. To keep things interesting.

I had dressed in a beautiful dress for our date. Not a gown or anything like that, but a dress that was appropriate for a night out on the town. It was a long black dress that reached to my ankles and had a slit up to my left thigh. There were shining crystal beads that decorated the bodice of the dress and brought the attention of the people around me, and they usually ended up looking at my breasts. They did look fantastic in this outfit, and the view of my breasts like this dress often made Reece drool, or unable to speak for a moment. It was definitely flattering.


We were heading to dinner, a show at the opera house, a stroll through the park, and whatever else that we decided on for the evening. I really didn’t care what we did though, just that we went out.

Reece, who was dressed mouthwateringly good in an exquisitely cut Italian suit, black of course, came walking toward me with a confident and possessive smirk on his face. He had paired the suit with a teal colored silk shirt, a black tie, and black leather dress shoes. He looked like he had stepped out of a magazine and was ready for a night in Italy or France rather than Colorado. Damn, he was sexy as hell.

“Are you ready to go, Little Bunny?” He asked me in a purring sort of voice.

“Oh, I am ready, sweetheart.” I winked at him, and he laughed at my cringe worthy flirting. “What do you have in mind for me tonight?” I knew what we were doing, but I was asking him the question anyway. It was an attempt to be seductive and make him explain it for me.

“Well, I thought that we could have a nice, se-.” In the middle of Reece’s explanation there was a knock on the door. It was Reagan, he had come up from one of the lower floors.

“Hey Mom, Dad, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Reece pulled away from him. He wasn’t at all upset about our moment being interrupted. Probably because it was one of the kids. If it would have been one of my guards or my brother, then he would have bitten their head off.

The door to the room opened and Reagan stepped inside. He saw that we were dressed for the night out.

“Sorry to delay your date, I just wanted to ask this first.”

“What is it?” I asked him, a soft and encouraging smile on my face.

“Well, given what happened last month and since the summer started really, I wanted to ask if this was OK. There is a party at the university for us on Halloween, as you know, but after that party there is another one that my friends from school are throwing. I wanted to go to that one, but I also wanted to make sure that it was OK.”

“I appreciate you asking us first, Reagan, but things are better now. The threat is over, and as your mother keeps pointing out to me, you are an adult now. I think you can go, and it won’t be an issue.”

“He’s right, Reagan. Just make sure that we know what time you are expected home and all is good. And thank you for being so considerate.” He was a good kid, always making sure that he did what he needed to.

“Thanks. And have fun tonight. I will take care of the quads for you, so you don’t need to worry.”

“You’re such a good big brother.” I walked over and hugged Reagan tightly. “I love you, Reagan.”

“I love you too, Mom.” He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me. “Now go on, have fun.” When he pulled away, he was smiling at me with knowing eyes. That was a little embarrassing, but I ignored it.

“We will see you later.” Reece took Reagan’s hand and shook it as he pulled him into a manly one armed hug. They were so much alike that it was eerie sometimes.

We said goodbye to the others and walked toward the car in the garage under the castle. We were heading out in a new car that we had purchased earlier this month. It was a new type of car, one of the auto piloted ones that actually was worth the money in my mind. There have been a lot of those over the last twenty years or so, but this was the first that I wanted to buy. They were tested rigorously on a course that was designed for them to crash, but they were completely safe. The AI in them was smart as hell, probably too smart. If we weren’t careful, then they would take over the world. Not that I would let that happen. Magic still beats science anytime.

Reece and I actually started the date while in the car. We were reclining with each other and his arm wrapped around me as we discussed what we were going to do for a vacation this December when the kids were out of school. I wanted to take them all on a trip away.

For this vacation, I wanted to go to the island that Reece had gotten me for our wedding gift, and just be away from everyone for a while. No guards, no maids, no one but us. I was going to be halfway through my pregnancy by then and I wouldn’t want to do much of anything anyway, and I thought that some quality time as a family would be really great for us.

Reece agreed with me about the idea for the vacation, so we started planning on when to leave, how long to stay, and things like that. It was a pleasant way to start the date. And of course, the conversation was peppered with lots of kisses as we spoke. This was a date after all, and a romantic one at that, so kisses and hand holding was to be expected.

When we got to the restaurant, I almost wanted to skip going inside. I would almost rather stay in the car and just drive around as we talked to one another. We didn’t sit and just talk like this as often as I would have liked. We didn’t get a chance to just enjoy each other’s company unless we were in the bedroom or my office. And the bedroom usually led to sex and the office didn’t feel intimate.

Inside of the car though, we were in our own little bubble. We were able to hide away from the world and ignore it for the time being. I never knew that this was possible until we had this moment with each other. And I really, really wanted to make it last.

There would be time for that later though. Right now, it was time to enjoy the date that Reece had planned for us. It was time for dinner, delicious food, and amazing conversation. Then we were going to go to the play and maybe for a drive instead of a walk. We can get some ice cream or something and just go for a drive in the mountains. That would be really nice.

Knowing that we had more time like this that we could enjoy tonight, I allowed Reece to be the gentleman and open my car door for me. Yes, it was automatic, and he could have let the car open it for me, but he wanted to be the one to do it. He leaned toward me, his hand held out and a smile on his face.

“Come my love, let us enjoy our night together.” I couldn’t help but smile when I took his hand.

“Thank you.” I said as he pulled me to my feet and wrapped an arm around me. And with that, we went inside the restaurant.

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