Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1017 - 1071 Chs

1071 Chs


1017 Chapter 2- Trinity – Time for the Party Part 1 (VOLUME 6)




Come Saturday evening, I was getting myself dressed for the party while the kids were downstairs getting their costumes on. Some of them needed makeup to be done, but they were having their attendants do it for them. They said that it would be better than me having to do the makeup for all of them.

Talia, taking the holiday as an excuse to be literal and spot on, was going dressed as a devil. Her red dress was going to be accompanied by horns, beautiful makeup, and hair that had been teased and still looked really good. Her boyfriend, Arthur, was going to attend the party dressed as an angel. He said it would be a contrast and a statement. Usually, when couples dressed as angels and devils, the girl was the angel so that she would be skimpy and scantily clad. And men were the devil because that was the stereotype. Well, they did the opposite, and Talia’s dress was anything but skimpy. Reece would murder her if she tried to dress like that.

Zaley, whose costume I had worked on just the other day, was going as a zombie. A zombie school girl that is. She was wearing one of her uniforms for school, which I had tattered in all the right places and stained with dirt and fake blood. She was going to have her hair pulled back into pigtails and black streaks of fake dye in it to make it look dirty. She was going to look amazing. And her best friend, Breanna, who she had recently started to hang out with, was going as bubblegum. Literally. Since her hair was bright pink, she was dressing entirely in pink and calling herself bubblegum.

Zachary was going as an alien. The big headed, green skinned, huge eyed alien that you see in cheesy movies. It was funny, and he had gotten the perfect lifelike silicone mask for it. And his outfit that he was wearing was shining silver. He was going all out for this.

Zander had chosen to go as a pirate. He was wearing a wig that had long hair and a few braids in it. He was getting a fake five o’clock shadow. He was wearing an eye patch. And he was dressed perfectly for the role. And he had spent the last three weeks practicing how to talk like a pirate. He was getting good at it too.

Zayden was going dressed as a knight. Not in his armor or anything, but in the tunic and other clothes that marked him as being a knight of status. He would, however, still have a fake sword at his hip. That was a necessity. And what a handsome young knight that he was when he was dressed in that outfit.


Reagan and Rika had costumes as well, but not for tonight. They were going to the university’s Halloween party on the thirty first. And they had partially coordinated. Well, the groups of them did. Reagan was going as a mummy while Levi was a skeleton, Luka was a ghoul, Elias was a scarecrow, a scary one, Cypress was a giant bat, Beech was a spider, and Rowan was Frankenstein’s monster.

Rika and her group were going to switch roles with each other. Rika was going as a vampire while Alyssa, who is a vampire, was going to go dressed as a werewolf. Alexandria was going as a Fairy while Ashle went as a half vampire half werewolf and Ilana was going as a Tree Pixie. They had all borrowed something from the other’s species and made something out of it. It was quite amazing if you asked me. And they looked quite amazing when it was all said and done.

Reece and I were going to dress up as well. Though I was going to go dressed as Reece, and he was dressing as me. We hadn’t decided on anything overly elaborate for the costumes. I thought that this was going to be fun, since it was the first time that Reece and I were going to be dressing up together in all this time.

I had gone out to get some clothes that were the same as Reece’s, only in my size. His favorite long sleeved green t-shirt, his favorite black pants, and his go to sneakers that he always wore. To be a little snarky with it, I also put on his collar that I got him for his first Christmas present that said Fido. I figured that it would be appropriate, but no one had to know that it was actually Reece’s collar. I could say that I bought it for the costume.

I also pulled my hair up and put on a baseball cap. I knew that my long hair would make me look nothing like Reece, so it needed to be taken care of. And the hat that I was wearing said Alpha on it, so there was no doubt about who I was supposed to be.

After I was dressed, I headed down the stairs to find the kids. They were all almost done getting ready for the party and I wanted to see what they looked like. I also wanted to get some pictures of them and save them for the future. These moments were always so precious to me.

After more pictures than were necessary, and way more than the kids wanted me to take, it was time to head down to the party. The guests would be arriving soon, and we needed to be there for them. I also wanted to see off Reagan and Rika before they went on their first ever hunter’s moon hunt. They were excited about this, and I didn’t blame them one bit.

And I wasn’t worried either. Vincent, Shawn, Shane and David were all going as well. Shawn wanted to be there for sure, because he was taking Alexandria, Levi and Luka. Since they were either werewolves or hybrids and that meant that they were able to shift into a wolf form. The only one that had to miss out was Alyssa, and I felt bad for that. Though, she was spending the night doing something with Dietrich, so it wasn’t that bad.

“Oh wow, you all look awesome.” Reagan complimented the kids as we came down. “And wasn’t it nice of Dad to walk you down?” He joked with me.

“Yeah, Dad, you really should have worn a costume.” Rika laughed.

“Me, wear a costume, hmmphf.” I harrumphed and pretended to scowl at them. “Anyway you two better hurry. You’re going to be late.” I kept my voice deep and pretended to talk like Reece. And the scowl stayed in place. All seven kids laughed hysterically.

“What is this about me not wearing a costume?” I heard Reece coming down the stairs behind me. “I have the perfect one here.”

I turned to look at Reece and almost immediately needed to groan as I started to laugh.

“What the hell are you wearing?” I couldn’t stop laughing and a stitch was forming on my side. “You were supposed to dress like me, Fido. That is not me at all.”

“Yes it is. I am a bunny. You are my Little Bunny. It’s a perfect match for you. Plus, aren’t I adorable?” He folded his hands together, covered in soft white fur, and put them under his chin while he batted his eyes at me.

I had to admit, his costume was intricate. He was wearing a full bodysuit of soft white fur. It was perfectly shaped so that his hands were bunny like, and so were his feet. He even had a little cotton tail on his butt. And there was a hat-like element to the costume. It covered his black hair and had two tall white ears sticking out of it. And there was a rabbit nose and the little whiskery parts of it attached to Reece’s face, so he looked adorable with a little pink nose and everything. It was perfectly elaborate and I loved it.

“You know, Trinity, you aren’t wearing a costume at all.” Reece said as he crossed his arms over his furry chest. “That isn’t fair.”

“I am dressed like you. I have a collar that says Fido, and a hat that names me as Alpha, I am definitely dressed up.” I countered him. “See how dedicated I am. I even have the scowl.” I worked my face into an imitation of his and made him laugh.

“I do not look like that.” His voice was loud and boisterous.

“Oh, yes you do.” Reagan said with a smile, while also backing up a little.

“It’s spot on.” Rika didn’t back up, she didn’t fear Reece at all.

“That’s just mean.” Reece pretended to pout. “I am a happy little bunny, why are you making me sad?”

“Don’t worry Daddy, we still love you. Scowl and all.” Talia said as she put a hand on his shoulder.

“Oh great, that makes it all better.” He laughed. “I will remember this. When the next tickle fight comes, or the next water balloon war, I will remember this.” His playful eyes moved between them all as they just laughed and laughed.

“Come on, Little Bunny.” I said as I took his hand in my own. “Don’t let it get you down. I am here to protect you after all.” I winked at him and then he laughed.

“Oh Goddess, I am so glad that we don’t dress like this normally. I don’t know how I like you looking like me. It makes me not want to kiss you, since I would just be kissing myself.” He joked as he leaned in and actually kissed me. That dork. I love him so much.

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