Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1016 - 1016 Chapter 1- Trinity – An Upcoming Celebration (VOLUME 6)

1016 Chapter 1- Trinity – An Upcoming Celebration (VOLUME 6)




Today was October the eighteenth. It had been about five weeks since the battle with the Jaegan had ended. Five weeks since Reece had almost died. And five weeks since I got pregnant with our newest baby. Time was moving fast, but at the same time it was moving slow. I was enjoying this time with the kids and Reece. I had taken a step back from the politics of the kingdom for the last few weeks, and I wasn’t going to go back to work until after the baby was born. I knew that Gabriel, Vincent, and the others would be more than capable of running things while I took a break. Not only that, but they would be able to come and check with me if there was something that really needed my attention.

For the time being though, I wanted the peace, safety, and tranquility that being at home with my family provided for me. I mean, had I never been chosen to be the Queen of my people, then I would have had a life a lot like this. I would have worked of course, but I would have been home with the kids more. I wouldn’t have had so much to do all the time.

Sometimes, not often but sometimes, I regretted the decisions that I had made in my life and what the outcome of things had been. Not enough to do something about it, but when it got to be stressful and dangerous, like it had been earlier this year, then I sometimes wished that I had never been the queen. If I wasn’t the queen, I would have just been a normal Luna, with a normal family.

Yeah, OK, we weren’t ‘normal’ in any way. We were werewolves and witches, warlocks and Fae. There was so much that went into us that we wouldn’t have known about if it weren’t for the things that had happened to me and Reece over the years.

I guess that, in a way, I could never regret a single moment of my life. Because it was what happened to me that led to me having the family that I have now. If it wasn’t for the events and the people in my life I wouldn’t have my children. Take Zaley for instance. She didn’t have a soul. Not until Edmond sacrificed his immortal soul to save my children. So, without him, Zaley would have been stillborn. And Reeselynn, who wasn’t here yet but was still loved dearly, she was only in my belly because of the magic to save Reece. That live magic took root from his seed and my love for him. If that hadn’t been the case, then I wouldn’t be having my eighth child with the love of my life. There was just so much that had been happening around us over the years that it had taken root inside of us and become us. Anything that might have changed in this time would alter everything.

Trying not to think about those depressing thoughts though, I was putting some finishing touches on Zaley’s Halloween costume while I talked to Abigail about the food that we needed to have at the party this weekend.


This Saturday, the twentieth of October, was the annual Halloween party that I threw for the kids that were too young for the hunter’s moon hunt. This year was the first time that Reagan and Rika were going to be participating in the hunt, and it was the first time that Reece was not going to participate. This would be the first time that I would know that he missed the hunter’s moon hunt since I have known him. And since just last month, in the midst of the Jaegan battle, we had reached twenty years since Reece and I had met, that was a long time to go without missing one of these things.

Oh, wow. Thinking about that now. I was going to be thirty-nine on my next birthday, and then after that I would be forty. Reece was already in his forties. That old man. I joked about that with him from time to time. Yeah, he still looked like he was twenty-five, just as handsome and strong as when I met him all those years ago, but biologically he was forty-five now. That was trippy to think about. I mean, this November thirtieth and December first, Reagan and Rika would be nineteen. They were the same age now that I was when I was first starting my relationship with Reece. And I didn’t even want to think about the fact that they were going to be getting into similar situations. Just hopefully not with someone that was so idiotic in the beginning.

“Trinity, you want the apple pie bombs again, yes?” Abigail, who now looked about forty, but was nearly ancient when I met her twenty years ago, asked me in her sweet voice. She still talked like an old granny, even if she was younger now.

“Yes. Those are always a hit. And so are the pumpkin pie bites. The kids look forward to those treats every year, and so do a lot of the parents.” As I thought about it, about how the parties had evolved and improved over the years, I couldn’t help but think about the first time that I threw the party. It was more of a way to annoy Reece than anything else. And he was a little angry when he found out. That was why I had announced that he was there to judge that costume contest. He couldn’t act like an asshole in front of the little kids. And now, with him finally being able to join the party again, Reece was looking forward to announcing Alpha’s favorite among the costumes. Though he needed to be unbiased, since we had five children of our own that would be in the contest. He couldn’t just pick Talia, Zachary, Zander, Zayden or Zaley just because they were our kids.

“How many people are we expecting this year, Trinity?” Abigail asked as she made notes on the paper in front of her.

“I think that it will be a little more than last year. We have had some new people settle into the city since the battle. I know that our friends from California are still here. So, as a rough estimate, I would say that there will be about nine hundred or so. But to be safe, let’s make enough food for a thousand. If there are leftovers, we can always donate it to the shelter on Sunday.”

“Lovely, dear. I will make sure that we have all of the goodies ready that day. I am just glad that I have so many helpers now. Heh heh heh.” She chuckled sweetly as she said that. “If I had to do a party this large by myself I would probably die.”

“I wouldn’t do that to you, Abigail.” I squeezed her hand gently. “Don’t you worry about that. You are a part of the family, and I can’t ever let you go. I am not that good of a cook, and Reece would burn down the castle. I need you, Abigail.” I was practically begging her never to quit on me.

“Don’t worry, Trinity. I won’t leave. I have been with Reece since he was a little pup, and I won’t leave him either. He is like my own little boy, and I love him wholeheartedly.”

“We love you too, Abigail. All of us do. Even Reeselynn here.” I patted my belly that was already starting to curve a little. “She loves your food already.”

“I am glad to hear that, sweetheart. And I will continue to cook for her as well. For as long as I am able to.”

“Thank you.” I leaned across the table, across the costume that I was working on, and hugged the older woman.

We talked a little more about the food that I wanted to be at the party, and then she left. After that, Roisin came in to discuss her part of the party. As the head maid for the tower, and my personal maid, she liked to be the one that decorated. Or the primary one that did it. She also had an amazing eye for detail and magic that would be vital in accomplishing the task.

She had enlisted a crew that had two more Fae and two witches with a flair for the gothic style, and together the five of them were going to make the party perfect. There would be three different ballrooms set up for specific parts of the party. There would be the toddler party that had things that were cute and not scary at all. The second one would be for the elementary and young middle school kids, or those that just didn’t want to be scared. It would be a little scary, but mostly it would just be fun. And the third ballroom was going to be the creepy, scary, haunted horror fest. And Talia, with her connections to the dead, actually enlisted real ghosts to help us. They were happy to do it too, since they were usually so lonely. This was something that made them feel wanted and needed. And that was something that all the souls had been craving. They wanted to be useful for once.

I was starting to get excited for this part. It was the twentieth anniversary party for the annual Halloween bash. And I meant to make it into the best party that they had ever seen. They would see, it was going to be amazing.

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