Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1004 - 1004 Chapter 189- Reece – The Others Leave (VOLUME 5)

1004 Chapter 189- Reece – The Others Leave (VOLUME 5)




It had been a few days since the battle ended. There were a few stragglers here in the castle and the surrounding areas. Not to mention the ones that had arrived too late. I didn’t blame those ones. No one knew that the battle was going to be the night that they were called. It was hard for them all to be here. Not only that, but there ended up being more than enough forces to handle the enemies that had attacked my home.

There were a few people that were still here that needed my attention though. Mainly, there was Nigel, the Alpha from Wolfhamm, and Cadwal, the Alpha from the northern sect in Wales. There were reasons that I needed to talk to these two men, since there were things to settle before they left.

Nigel was first, since there was less to deal with in his situation. He was going back to his little village and would work with a few of my men to help calm the fears of our kind throughout all of England. He was taking Warrick with him to help accomplish these tasks for me. And in return, his son was going to be staying here in Colorado with us. He was going to be attending an American high school that had a lot of good stats and prestige. He would graduate from here in two years, and after that, he would figure out what it was that he wanted to do with his life, most likely he would return home and train to be his father’s heir.

I needed to settle what it was that Warrick was going to be doing though. I wanted to make sure that the man wasn’t just blindly following the orders that he was given. That would be like he had no substance of his own. He needed to learn how to not only live among our kind, but among powerful people in our communities. If he wished to come back here in a year or so, he needed to make sure that he was able to stand on equal footing with Alyssa. Not that I wanted to give the little fucking pissant another shot at her, that wasn’t up to me. I knew that they were in fact mates, and that meant that he was going to be a part of her future, if she allowed him to be. For the time being though, he needed to gain some knowledge, confidence, and discipline.

“Are you sure that you want to send him to work with me?” Nigel asked as he looked over at Warrick. The man in question had his head held high and a determined look on his face. “There might be people in my territory that will want him dead just for being a Jaegan.”

“He is not Warrick Jaegan.” I gave Nigel a stern look. “He is Warrick Abitz. That is his legal name now. He was registered here in the United States with that name, and he will carry it with him for the rest of his life. Those that are not being tried for the crimes against us, they will use the names that they have on their documents. They were likely never registered under the name of Jaegan when they were born, but who knows for sure. All I know is that if you don’t tell them where he came from, then they will never know.” I made it clear that this man was not a part of all of that business.


“I can’t be sure that no one will figure it out.” Nigel was still looking defiant at me. I think that he was possibly one of the ones that wanted to teach Warrick a lesson. In a way, this was good. He would learn to harden himself in the best environment possible.

“Then you will tell them that Warrick is under my protection.” It disgusted me to say that, but I knew that I had to extend that to the boy. He was Alyssa’s mate. That was what I needed to keep reminding myself. “I will give him my seal. And if anyone hurts him, they will answer to me.”

“U..u..understood, King Reece.” Nigel finally understood what was happening here.

“Now, Nigel, look after my niece’s mate as well as I intend to look after your son.” I reminded him that his blood was with me, and if anything happened, payment could be exacted. Though I never intended to harm an innocent boy, I was able to imply it. And man, was I glad that Trinity wasn’t here. She would whoop my ass for saying that. She wanted to be more evolved and civilized people.

After settling the details with Nigel, I sent him on his way through the door that my Little Bunny had made for him and his group. I said my goodbyes to Warrick as well, telling him to do his best to become the man that he knew Alyssa deserved. He wasn’t upset about being sent to help others, only about being away from the woman that he loved so dearly. In a way, I really did hope that he turned things around and came back to make it alright with her. If for nothing else than for Alyssa’s happiness.

Now that they were gone, I walked over toward Cadwal. He was waiting for me with a jovial smile. He wasn’t leaving someone with me, so I think that he was able to feel like he was in a position to have more freedom. He wasn’t going back home alone either. He was taking a handful of my men to help spread the word of peace to the rest of the United Kingdom, but he was also taking two very special visitors to Wales.

First, I spoke to the man about Clovio. That little asshole I didn’t care if I ever saw again. He was the one that had put his filthy hands on my Rika. And that meant that I didn’t care if he did die. Trinity, on the other hand, did care. And for all I knew, Rika might as well. I knew that Warrick would also, and when he got back to make up with Alyssa and found that his friend and cousin was dead, he would just cause a massive scene. And all that meant was that I had to make sure that he came back in a year as well. Goddess, but this was annoying.

“Hello there, King Reece.” Cadwal said happily as I walked over to him. “I see that the men are getting ready to head out.”

“That they are.” I nodded at him. “This is Clovio. You have been told who he is and why he is coming with you. He is working as a sort of probation for me. I want you to see to it that he learns the truth of our kind. I want him to understand what it means to be a man among us. See to it that his character, will, heart, and mind are all stronger when he comes home. And make sure that he does his work as well. He is on a mission of peace, and I intend to see that he succeeds.”

“Yes, of course. We will take good care of him.” He didn’t sound threatening or menacing toward Clovio. And he didn’t imply that he might not be safe, so that was all well and good. Now I just needed to settle the rest of the situation and we would be good to go.

“Reece?” The other man that I needed to speak to Cadwal about called out as he approached me quietly.

“Hello, Westin.” I nodded at him. “Are you prepared to go?”

“I am.” He nodded.

“Now, King Reece, what is it that this man is being sent out on probation for?” Cadwal looked him up and down as if he were a particularly nasty piece of garbage.

“He is not being punished, Cadwal.” I snapped at him. “Westin is leaving my pack for a short time, at most a year. He is going to take this time to clear his head and calm his heart.”

“OK.” Cadwal sounded very confused. “What is happening here, King Reece?”

“My mate does not recognize me.” Westin answered for him. “I smell her, I see her as the woman that I am meant to be with, but she ignores me and chooses to think that I do not exist. I am hoping that some time away from me might help her to understand what I am to her. I want to come back after a time apart and see if her wolf recognizes me then.”

“That.. is.. horrible.” Cadwal drew out the words as if he was having a hard time processing all of what he just heard. “How can she not recognize you? Is there something wrong with her?” Cadwal was angry on Westin’s behalf.

“I think that she is just confused. She needs time to process and understand. And I am giving that to her.”

“Alright, well you come with me, boy.” Cadwal clapped Westin on the back. “I will see to it that you are able to relax and forget about this heartache. You will not have to dwell on this too much. And when you come back, I am sure that she will see you for what you truly are to her.”

“I hope so.” Westin looked at the ground, his expression dejected. “I truly hope that you are right.”

I watched them all leave after that. Westin heading off with Clovio to the north of Wales. They would like it there. I knew that they would. It was a quiet and peaceful place with a lot of wonderful scenery. It was somewhere that, while on that long and difficult journey we had, Trinity and I were able to rest and relax. Even if it was just a little bit of a break, that was the place that we had done it. And, to be honest, I wouldn’t mind going back at some point in the future. Maybe when things were settled down a little more. And maybe when the new baby was a little older and could handle a few days without Mommy and Daddy.

With the courtyard clearing out quickly, I felt like things were truly over. The whole ordeal was done. The case. The murders. The search for answers. The battle. All of it was done and over with now. And that was all that mattered to me right now.

Now that these things had come to a close, I was able to focus on what was the most important to me. My wife, my children, my family, and my future. I would be able to be where I was needed the most. And right where I wanted to be as well.

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