Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1003 - 1003 Chapter 188- Trinity – Spreading the News (VOLUME 5)

1003 Chapter 188- Trinity – Spreading the News (VOLUME 5)




When I got up to the tower, I told Abigail that I wanted her to prepare for an impromptu party. I was glad that she had help in the kitchen these days, and that the immortality thing had reversed her age by quite a bit. Otherwise, I think that she might have killed me on the spot.

Don’t get me wrong, she acted perfectly polite and calm. And she was most likely genuine in that as well. The problem was that there was a small glint of annoyance and panic in her eyes. She was being asked to change plans at the last minute. I felt bad, but I really did have a reason. And I even asked that she join us for the meal this evening. She was not going to want to miss what I had to tell the group tonight.

I was glad that Carter was still in town and hadn’t gone back home yet. I wanted him and Emmalee at the family dinner this evening. I also wanted Cedar, Acacia, Juniper, Paul, Trevor, Aunt Glory, Athair mór, Daciana, Riley, Landon, Mom, Dad, Lila, Grandfather, Noah, Nikki, Olivia, and all of mine and Reece’s kids there too. It wasn’t that big of a party, but it was definitely more than the normal amount that we had at one time. The nineteen extra people was what made Abigail balk at the mention of the party.

After I had told them all that I wanted them all at dinner tonight, I started to think about what I needed to tell them. I knew that a lot of them were just going to think that it was a celebration of Reece and him still being alive. And that was a good thing, most definitely. But there was more to it. There was something a lot more special about what happened last night than we all originally thought.

I wanted to relax as much as possible before the dinner that night, and so did Reece. So, we decided to take a warm bath. I knew that hot baths didn’t affect me as a werewolf as much as they did humans, but I also knew that Griffin would tell me to err on the side of caution anyway. So, that was why we didn’t make the water all that hot. It was fine though, Reece’s body heat more than made up for it as I sat in his lap.

“Are you worried?” I asked Reece as he cradled me.


“About what?” He sounded confused as he snuggled me closer.

“About having another baby?”

“Why would I be? It’s not like we can’t show it the love that it needs.”

“I know. And that wasn’t what I was talking about.” I turned in the circle of his arms and looked up at him. “What I am saying is, are you worried about having another baby when the last one was over ten years ago?”

“Did you forget how to change a diaper, Little Bunny? Because I sure didn’t.” He laughed softly.

“No, that’s not it either.” I shook my head. “Ugh! I am having such a hard time articulating this.” I turned all the way around then, straddling his lap and looking up into his eyes. “What I mean is, Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley are all going to be eleven when the new baby is born. Reagan and Rika will be nineteen. Is it too much of a gap?”

“Trinity, you do know that Valerian had a baby hundreds of years after his first one died, right? And your Grandfather and my mother had a baby. I am a hell of a lot older than my baby sister than the quads will be with this new baby. And let’s not even think about the difference in age between your mother and my baby sister. Oh, and another one, you are how much older than your sister? Not that Wes and Eve are your biological parents, but they raised you so you were the youngest for so long. This gap of ours is nothing.” He just shook his head at me as if I was being crazy.

“Well.” I batted my eyes at him. “Does that mean that in fifty years, if we want to try for number nine, you wouldn’t have a problem with that?”

“Why would I? We’re immortal Trinity, there is nothing stopping us from having another kid in a hundred years. Even if we have great, great, great, great grandchildren, we can still have another one. Because that is what immortality is all about.” He pulled me closer and kissed my lips gently.

“Is it? I didn’t know that the whole point was to have kids that are centuries apart in age. I was so wrong all this time.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I will help you to stay on top of things. Starting with this.”

Reece lifted me and slid inside of me then. It was unexpected and perfect. He made love to me slowly and gently. It was something that spoke of love, devotion, and forever.

After our late afternoon break in the bathtub, along with the impromptu love making, Reece and I needed to hurry and get ready for dinner. It kind of ruined the entire point of relaxing in the tub, but I guess that it didn’t matter. Rushing like this was just part of our lives and I was used to it by now.

When Reece and I made it to the dining room, almost everyone was already there. And with the entry of Juniper and Paul just after Reece and I got there, it completed the entire group. It was a little more crowded than I thought that things were going to be in the living room, even though we had had this many people here before. It was fine though, and I didn’t care one bit. We were all family. Not all by blood, but by time and connection. These people were all special to me, and I wanted to share my news with them.

“Trinity!” Acacia ran to me when I was in the room. “I am so happy to see you. We’ve all been separated for too long.” Her and Cedar lived mostly in Faerie now. They came back when they needed to, but she was helping her family with the advancement of their business that they started a while ago.

“I missed you, Casey.” I said as I hugged her back.

“Trinity.” Cedar came and added his arms around me. “I can’t believe all of this happened.” When he pulled away from me, he looked up at Reece and pulled him into his arms. “You almost died, man. You almost left Trinity. How dare you! Didn’t I tell you twenty years ago to treat her right?” Cedar was laughing as he spoke, helping us all to see that it was OK now and no one needed to cry anymore.

“Yeah, I remember.” Reece patted him on the shoulder. “And that’s why I am here. I won’t ever mistreat her.”

“Oh stop it you guys.” Juniper rolled her eyes at them. “You’re such babies.”

“They won’t stop it.” Paul ran at them, pretending to cry as he threw his arms around Reece. “I thought I lost you, Reecey!”

“Eww, get off me.” Reece pushed him playfully.

“Don’t say that, Reece. We need to tell the others about our love!” At that he was pretending to try and kiss him and we were all laughing hysterically.

“And this is why I can’t take you anywhere.” Juniper grabbed the back of Paul’s shirt and yanked him away.

“Gwahh!” He yelled out as his feet momentarily left the floor.

“At least we know that it’s going to be a lively evening.” I took Reece’s hand and walked toward the kids. We needed to sit down and enjoy the meal that Abigail made for us. And she had done as I said, she was sitting with us and enjoying the meal while the other maids and cooks took care of everything.

At first, I was content to let the conversation go where it wanted to. And, of course, it went to the unbelievable events of the night before. Most people couldn’t believe how Reece had almost died, but they also couldn’t believe how Talia had been such a badass. Everyone was congratulating her, even though it clearly made her look shy and embarrassed.

We all talked a lot about how things were going to go back to normal. And how we didn’t have to worry about our people being hunted anymore. I know that this was a huge relief for them all, and I was happy to see those relieved sighs. It meant that this ordeal really was over.

I didn’t bring up the news right away. I wanted to wait until everyone thought that this was just a way for us all to reminisce and celebrate the end of this gruesome chapter in our lives. I wanted to let them all relax and fool themselves into that false conclusion. I knew that, just like how I surprised those in the throne room earlier, it would be so much more exciting and satisfying if I sprung this all on them at the last minute.

Only Abigail seemed to be waiting for me to spill the beans. I had told her that I had something to say though, so that was expected. And, sure enough, about every five minutes or so, she kept looking up at me and grinning. She was telling me that she was waiting, as patiently as she possibly could.

When I thought that everyone was relaxed enough, and not at all thinking that there was something else that needed to happen this evening, I rose to my feet. Reece, seeing that I had decided that it was time to spill the beans, jumped up beside me and took my hand in his.

“Ahem.” I cleared my throat to get their attention.

“Trinity and I have something that we want to tell you all.”

“What? We already know you love each other very much.” Paul pretended to cry. “Damn you, Trinity, you stole him from me.”

“Sorry Paul, he was mine first though.”

“Oh yeah, you’re right. OK, you can have him.”

“You let go of me that easily?” Reece was slightly offended. “I see how it is. Fine, I don’t want you either.” He turned away in a fake huff and once again the entire group cackled.

“Anyway.” I drew out the word to change the subject and get their attention. “Reece and I learned about something today. Something that was a bit of a surprise.”

“Apparently, last night there was a lot of magic flying around.” Reece added as I paused. “And that magic did something other than keep me alive.”

“You see, I am pregnant.” I dropped the bombshell and there were several gasps throughout the room. And a lot of people jumped to their feet to congratulate us. Even Paul put the jokes aside for the time being and cheered with Juniper.

“TRINITY FAITH! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER!?” Juniper snapped at me but I just laughed. She would get that out of me later.

“Anyway.” I said that word again, dragging them back to attention once more. “I wasn’t pregnant before the battle. And Reece and I hadn’t made love since yesterday morning, before the battle. So, how did I get pregnant? And it wasn’t even that time of my cycle.”

“The magic?” Athair mór spoke softly. “You used magic to bring Reece back. Strong and powerful life magic. And that magic wasn’t done with Reece. It quickened his seed inside of you.”

“That is exactly what I think as well, Athair mór.” I nodded at him. “And that is why we will be having another baby.”

“I am going to be a big sister?” Zaley asked as she looked up at me.

“Yes, sweetheart, you will. Are you OK with that?” I was worried that, as the youngest, she would be a little upset. Yes, Zachary, Zander, and Zayden were the same age as her, but they were so much bigger that they seemed older, even if they were usually more immature.

“I love it.” She beamed at me, smiling at the thought.

“And I want more siblings too.” Zayden said as he leapt up. Zachary and Zander agreed with him as they came closer to me to hug me as a group.

“I like being a big brother.” Zachary said proudly. “I hope that it’s another girl. I like having younger sisters better than brothers.”

Everyone in the room at some point came up to me and Reece to hug us and congratulate us. They were all proud to be part of this celebration, and they were happy to be gaining more family members.

I knew that there wasn’t a better family that I could ask for. These people, all of them, were the best that anyone could ever ask for. They loved unconditionally, whether you are blood related or not. They were all so close and dear to me that I never wanted to lose a single one of them. And it wasn’t just these ones either. There were more, but they already knew about the babies, so they weren’t here. My family was already so big, and it was still growing all the time. I couldn’t be happier about it all. This was pure bliss to me.

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