Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 595: DXCV. The Cocoon

Chapter 595: DXCV. The Cocoon

The Frostsinner, who had noticed that Dag had not even taken a weapon as powerful as his hammer from the ground and that he continued to strike him only and exclusively with his fiery axe, did not take long to understand the true danger that that weapon posed to him.

However, being also aware of his superiority, when he saw Dag jump, the alien rose upwards, beginning to float and rising beyond the reach of his opponent's arm, which fell to the ground without being able to hit him.

"Uaargh! Graah!" Dag shouted again in a demonic voice, looking down on the Xis with his purple, shining eyes and remaining in a combat position.

"An innate skill, a symptom of an evolution that is advancing in small steps. I must admit I underestimated your potential, 813666, scientists were absolutely right. Of the subjects studied, no one is capable of doing what you do. I should offer congratulations to you, human" the Xis said, who with a clean face, without any scratches, and with the usual haughty expression, began to applaud ironically towards Dag, continuing to float.

The alien's gesture of superiority helped unleash the wrath of the young warrior, whose mind had now completely lost control over the body, no longer being able to control it.

He leaned over his legs and after about a second, violently stretched out his knees, strengthening his quadriceps and pushing his body upwards, reaching up to the enemy.

Having foreseen that move, the Xis disappeared and reappeared behind Dag, in mid-air.

A beam of purple dark matter instantly generated by the enemy's body enveloped Dag's abdomen and arms, momentarily blocking his movements.

"However, you still can't handle all this power. You fight just like a human being... you are weak, 813666!" the alien exclaimed aloud after imprisoning Dag.

"I knew it! I told you not to attack right away! Now we're stuck in here! I can feel the strength of his dark matter... it's superior to our power!" Dag thought, communicating again with his inner power, which, reluctant to the idea of being defeated in that way, continued to shake the young Master's body, trying to free itself from the grip of the Xis.

The Frostsinner floated down until his feet touched the ground, taking Dag with him and stopping in front of him.

A second bundle of dark matter enveloped the young warrior's body, strengthening its grip on him and also blocking the movement of his legs.

As if he was a butterfly trapped in his own cocoon, Dag, in his demonic form, wriggled again and again.

The dark power did not stop fighting despite it being evident that its strength, not even combined with that of the Primal Thunder's electrical powers, was able to counter that superior force. 

"Let me control my body and let me use all your powers... give me this chance and I will win! If you keep wriggling and attacking blindly, the Xis will kill us! I can't die... we can't die!" Dag's soul continued to think, trapped in his own head by the dark matter that had lived in his body since birth and had become increasingly powerful over the years, expanding and consuming his human genes.

Suddenly, as if he had passed out, Dag's body stopped agitating and his head fell down unconscious, yielding to the force of gravity.

That gesture caused a great scare to his comrades, who, looking at him from afar and not being able to know the speeches that were taking place inside his head, thought that Dag had just been defeated.

Amid Freydis, Reidar, even Kranus and Kron's screams, Dag's conscience had somehow managed to establish a true dialogue with his dark power, prompting it to trust him.

The young Master felt a feeling never felt before: despite never losing his sight, managing to see with his own eyes, he gradually perceived the physical pain caused by the squeeze of Xis' dark matter, who was wrapping and crushing his joints and rib cage.

"Aaargh! Aaaargh... I did it! I feel my body again! I can feel every muscle I have, including my arms and legs! You listened to me!" Dag thought again, referring to his dark power and talking to it as if they had just become great friends, knowing that, that primordial instinct, so strong that it was even feared by powerful beings like the Xis, had no intention of dying, even though the anger it felt for the enemy exceeded everything.

The Xis continued to observe him, noting that Dag's face rose and his eyes pointed at him again, as if another person was fighting in his shoes.

Although the young Master could now fully use his demonic form, the mechanical strength of the dark matter bundles that enveloped his body remained insurmountable and his bones and joints creaked, as if they were about to give in despite their enhancement, which made them as hard as steel.

"I must resist! The power achieved so far is still not enough! I'm going to use the Giantbane to give him the coup de grace, but first I need to be able to get out of here! I need more strength... aaaargh!" as he continued to think, Dag again uttered a roar-like scream, marveling at his own voice, which really came from his vocal cords as a result of the transformation.

Clutching the fist of his left hand and the fingers of his right hand on the axe handle, Dag activated for the second time during the fight Call of the Berserkr, knowing that, although that choice was a danger to every human being, there was such little humanity still left in his body at the time, so he had a moral duty to make full use of his final form to his advantage.

As soon as the ability was active, combined with the demonic transformation and the Primal Thunder, the young warrior's muscles grew again and again, strengthening his bones and tendons, which somehow managed to counteract the squeeze of the purple dark matter.

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