Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 594: DXCIV. Hail His Name!

Chapter 594: DXCIV. Hail His Name!

"Subject 813666 reacted to my attack of annihilation, managing to penetrate his dark matter into the tissues of his human body, losing control and quintupling the strength of his attacks. This is very interesting, 813666" the Xis exclaimed, who holding Dag still was beginning to study his behavior again, formally analyzing each of his physical upgrades.

"Aaaarghh! Uaarghh!" 

Dag's harrowing screams, mixed with a roar, echoed within the city walls of Klorr and his muscles continued to harden: the Xis managed to hold his arms still, but in that way, he lost sight of his leg, still in contact with that of his opponent.

Dag's shin continued to push on the Frostsinner's, and before the alien could say anything else, his leg broke in half under the fury of the Earthly warrior.


"The leg! Dag managed to break his leg with that very powerful kick!" Freydis gasped, who, having fully recovered from her fainting, was now perfectly conscious and did not stop for a moment to look at her boyfriend, with the hope that he could overcome even the most difficult of tests.

"The enemy did not believe that Dag could go that far... when that dark sphere was destroyed in a thousand pieces, the Frostsinner's expression changed for a moment... I'm sure he's never faced someone so powerful... keep on hitting, boy!" Kranus yelled, who joined the Shieldmaiden to cheer on the Hammers Of Thor's Master with her.

"All that power... the Captain has just broken the knee joint of a Xis, one of the most powerful beings in the known Universe... his strength is undeniable, but what he says is true! The inhabitants of Earth cannot continue to live in slavery under the laws of these pieces of shit! Rebelling is possible! Men! Watch the Primal Thunder! Look how bravely Dag is fighting for all of us, for our salvation! Hail his name!" Reidar added, gradually raising his voice until he screamed loudly, inciting all the soldiers of the two Clans to support who was risking his life for them.

The screams of the men who received the message joined in a roar and traveled forcefully to the ears of Dag and his enemy.

All the men present, including the Commanders and Generals, still on the front line before the door, shouted Dag's name in unison, hailing his strength and encouraging him to defeat that mortal enemy, that being who believed he could get to Skjold and impose his power on whoever he wanted.


With his leg broken, the Xis faltered backward and his body unbalanced, falling sideways.

Dag, who still had his wrists locked, exploited his enemy's downward movement to turn backward and lift him from his arms, knowing that in any case, he would not leave his wrists.

In fact, as Dag turned his back on Xis, he continued to tighten his wrists, thus preventing him from using his weapon, but the young warrior lifted his whole body and projected it forward, using all the strength in his dark arms to violently slam the enemy with his back to the ground in front of his feet.

After the thud, the Xis instinctively closed his eyes and his hands finally gave up his grip, while his left leg, with which he had tried to parry Dag's kick, was hanging from the lifeless knee.

"Now! I have to hit him now! It's my time! Come on!" Dag thought intensely, who tried to communicate his will to the dark matter, that, having taken possession of his body, established every action and movement.

With the Giantbane still in his hands, as soon as the Xis was perfectly stretched out in front of him, Dag tried to hit him in the chest, once again with a well-settled vertical shot.

Incredibly, despite the extensive damage the enemy had suffered, he turned to one side, avoiding the blow of the axe, whose glowing blades pierced the ground, missing the target.

"What the fuck?! He managed to dodge it!" Dag continued, who was sure he could hit him.

The Xis, as if sustained by an invisible force, rose on one leg, floating for a few moments in the air and turning towards Dag.

His elegant clothes were dirty and ripped and his face was battered, with a blackish liquid that instead of blood was pouring down from a deep cut.

In addition to that liquid, the same gas that Dag used to condense dark matter enveloped the wounds of the white-skinned man in front of his eyes, which, however, healed in a few seconds: the cuts caused by Dag's powerful blows closed again, the spine that had broken after the violent impact on the ground straightened and the leg hung and lifeless immediately returned to its original position as if it was made of rubber.

With a total healing time of about 2 seconds total, the enemy was again fit as a fiddle. 

"Aaaargh!" Dag yelled, whose mind lost control over the dark matter that ruled his body, which suddenly snapped forward, again trying to strike the enemy with the Giantbane.

Xis' arm rose and his hand opened in the direction of Dag.

The power that at the beginning of the fight had managed to keep the young Master in the air and immobilize him was activated for the second time, but Dag's physique, too powerful to be blocked, slowed his advance for a moment, but he began to run again in the direction of the enemy, showing him that he could not be stopped by such derisory power.

"No, no! Stop it! Don't run like that, otherwise, he'll be able to counterattack! It's not a good idea, stop and wait!" Dag thought frantically, trying to warn the dark matter that was fighting in his place to change strategy.

However, despite orders by its true master, Dag's body continued to move according to his primordial instincts.

Running like a fury and continuing to evade his opponent's psychic attacks, he jumped towards the Xis, reaching almost two meters high, and tried once again to hit him with the divine axe.

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