Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 88 - 87: Name and Benefit_l

Chapter 88: Chapter 87: Name and Benefit_l

Translator: 549690339

There are two changing rooms for the staff.

Men and women are separated with their own designated entrances, no connections between them.

Link spends less time changing, and leaves the changing room earlier, just as three regular employees who were on the same shift arrived.

All three were about to graduate from the senior division as first-class official wizards. They didn’t want to go to the front line, so they had to find a full-time job certified and guaranteed by a tier 3 wizard within three months.

Even though they worked different roles, were of different ages, and the wizard’s levels varied significantly, they had encountered each other several times in a week and had a bit of interaction.

At Wizard Tina’s request, Link no longer called them by their formal titles:

Wizard Tina, Witch Sharia, Witch Ayla.

Instead, it was Sister Tina, Sister Sharia, Sister Ayla.

Wizard Tina said, this way felt more intimate and less rigid.

Facing such a request, what could Link do but agree?

After all, none of them were even 20 years old yet!

Taking advantage of the moment before Sharia entered the changing room, Link quickly said, “Sister Sharia, my classmate Jasmine Kidman is starting a part-time job as a guide today, please guide her a bit, put some heart into it.”


Before Sharia could respond, another female staff member, Ayla, interjected in a ridiculous tone, teasing him, “So Link does have good female classmates, and here I thought you had a heart of stone.”

Hearing this, Link only laughed. He didn’t react otherwise, just calmly waited for Sharia’s reply.

Tina, Sharia, and Ayla: all three were part of the batch of Storm Sea New Blood six years ago, and they had all joined the “New Blood Mutual Aid Association”. Ayla had even been the president of the “New Blood Mutual Aid Association” for two terms and was now responsible for contacting all official wizards who joined the association, establishing connections, and sharing information.

It was thanks to Witch Ayla’s efforts that Mina Havcheck got the opportunity for competition.

Unfortunately, she didn’t live up to expectations, and lost miserably.

This led to Sharia and Tina questioning Ayla’s judgment, especially Tina.

Since then, Ayla always spoke to Link in a sarcastic tone, constantly ridiculing him.

Link did not want to deal with her, nor could he afford to offend an official wizard, so he always responded with a smile and never talked back.

This time was no exception.

Sharia patted Ayla’s arm to signal her to stop talking nonsense, then she softly laughed, “No problem, I’ll take good care of Jasmine.”

She was admired for her customer service skills without negative reviews, and not without reason.

Her personality was gentle, she had a sweet smile, and her voice was soft and gentle, giving people a sense of being immersed in the spring breeze.

“Thank you, Sister Sharia.”

Link immediately bowed in a formal bow.

She was the one he brought in, so he had to make sure she was well settled.

Just then, Jasmine came out of the changing room in her uniform.

“Sisters, this is my classmate, Jasmine Kidman.

Link formally introduced them, “Jasmine, this is Sister Sharia, who is in charge of the sales guidance for the shop. Make sure you learn well from Sister Sharia. This is Sister Ayla, also in sales guidance. This is Sister Tina, who is responsible for the precise processing of plants and herbs, and who is about to become assistant of the Serene Wizard.”

“Hello sisters, I’m Jasmine Kidman. I look forward to your guidance, jasmine showed a sweet smile on her face, free from pretense and affectation, behaving naturally and generously.

When girls get along, it’s best not to be pretentious and coquettish. People can see right through it, and it’s more likely to generate resistance and dissatisfaction.

Sharia, being the gentle big sister, took Jasmine into the small circle of girls.

Seeing this, Link quietly withdrew.

He believed that, given Jasmine’s usual social skills, even if she couldn’t become friends with the three.

After all, there was a chasm-like level gap between a first rank wizard apprentice and an official wizard.

At the very least, she wouldn’t allow the relationship to become frozen and make work difficult.

What he could do, he had done; the rest was up to Jasmine.

As it turned out, girls were quite adept at putting on a surface act.

All day long, including at lunch, Jasmine maintained a relatively friendly atmosphere with the three ladies, with no friction

After lunch, Link did not wait in the shop nor did he rashly ask to watch the Serene Wizard prepare the aromatherapy essential oil; instead, he went out to read books at the public library in the East District.

Although it was called a public library, registering for a borrowing card required magic stones, and borrowing certain valuable books cost even more magic stones.

In short, acquiring higher-order knowledge came at a high price.

In the evening, after the busy work, everyone left work.

Back at the potion shop, Link and Jasmine together received a half-hour lecture from the Serene Wizard.

The Serene Wizard was indeed an accomplished pharmacist, who had quickly made a significant name for himself in the East District in less than a month, in perhaps the span of an afternoon, he had developed aromatherapy essential oils based on leaf extracts from glasswort herb and sleepy flower pollen.

The industrial production process was also well designed.

Once mass production was underway, the cost would certainly not exceed that of similar aromatherapy essential oils on the market, and the effect on meditation would be top-notch.

Serene Wizard explained in-depth but with simplicity, splitting all the details. Using the simplest and easiest to understand language, he made it very clear about the method, elements, difficulties, knowledge and skills required for the preparation of aromatherapy essential oils.

Link had an epiphany.

Many doubts and problems related to potion study and alchemy pharmacy that had arisen during his self-study process were resolved.

His understanding of potion study and alchemy pharmacy reached a new level. If he were to develop glasswort aromatherapy essential oil now, he could do it all by himself without any help!

Although Jasmine’s gain was not as great as Link’s, she still benefited a lot. After listening to the Serene Wizard’s lecture, the two said their goodbyes and left to return to the academy.

Taking advantage of the momentum, Link started working on revising the almost completed two papers,

One paper was on the various characteristics of glasswort herb and the special effects of the leaf extract, with Wizard Palo as the corresponding author, and Link Grande and Jasmine Kidman as the first and second authors,

The other paper was on preparing aromatherapy essential oil with Sleepy Flower and glasswort leaf extract, with the Serene Wizard as the communication author, Link Grande as the first author, and Jasmine Kidman as the second author,

He made appropriate modifications, filled in a few gaps, and then polished them slightly before submitting the papers to the paper review office through his personal smart brain.

As for the patent, Wizard Palo would handle it properly after reviewing both papers and agreeing for their publication.

If Link needed to sign any related documents, he would just need to make a trip when notified.

This time, it seemed like Link had lost a lot in the distribution of patent rights and interests for the aromatherapy essential oil, but in fact, he had gained both fame and fortune.

Firstly, it further deepened his connection with Wizard Palo, and secondly, he established a partnership with the Serene Wizard.

Being a fox borrowing the tiger’s ferocity, surely required a ferocious tiger, right?

When the need arose, Link would say I have Wizard Palo and the Serene Wizard backing me up.

Who would dare to deny that lightly?

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