Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 87 - 86 Cooperation Development !

Chapter 87: Chapter 86 Cooperation Development !

Translator: 549690339

After finishing their business, Link and Jasmine quickly left.

If a superior does not take the initiative to build a rapport with you, you must exercise discernment.

When discussing matters, you may use tactful or direct language, but you must never take up too much of the superior’s time.

Once everything is settled, you should take leave promptly.

Upon leaving the office, Jasmine was thrilled.

Although she knew Wizard Palo, there was no genuine friendship between them.

Without Link taking her along, it was almost impossible for her to cross paths with Wizard Palo again.

Let alone proving her potential as a worthwhile investment.

Before they left, Wizard Palo promised to talk to the Serene Wizard and arrange a part-time job as a guide in the potion shop for Jasmine.

Never underestimate the position of a shop guide, it can truly train a person.

Not to mention being proficient in the details of all potions on sale in the shop, it provides a platform to understand potion study;

Being a guide and interacting with all kinds of customers will offer Jasmine more intuitive and comprehensive observations and understanding of human nature, society, and the complexity of the world.

Experience consists of two parts: observing people and going through events.

This will greatly help Jasmine’s growth.

Furthermore, she would no longer have to spend her mornings alone in the laboratory.

After a semester, Jasmine had grown accustomed to being around Link.

Especially the first day of holidays, she felt uneasy throughout the entire week prior.

The next day.

At dawn, Jasmine urged Link to set off early using her smartwatch.

Link did not spoil Jasmine, but had a leisurely breakfast in the canteen before catching the rail train.

Ravensmouth City, East District, Serene Wizard’s Potion Shop.

When Link and Jasmine arrived, the shop had just been opened.

“Good morning, Serene Wizard.”

Upon entering, Link greeted politely and Jasmine followed suit.


Serene Wizard was leaning on the counter, her charm and beauty on full display.

She held a cup of something similar to a coffee – a hot, revitalizing drink, and responded casually after taking a sip.

When Serene Wizard set her cup down, Link immediately presented prepared materials and samples and respectfully said, “These are developmental reports and preliminary results of the research into leaf extract from Glasswort Herb Aromatherapy Essential Oil. Please take a look, Serene Wizard.”

“Alright, let me take a look.”

Serene Wizard picked up a thick stack of handwritten materials, swiftly skimmed through them before taking several sample bottles one by one for a light sniff, a trace of surprise appeared on her face.


After careful evaluation, she curiously asked, “How did you come up with the idea of adding Sleepy Flower powder as an ingredient?”

“That’s truly a wonderful idea! Glasswort Herb may not be common, but nor is it expensive to cultivate. Sleepy Flower is as ordinary as you can get. Combined, they produce such an effect without resorting to high-level potion study or alchemical formula techniques.

It shows great potential for optimization!”

“While studying the Birth Induction Technique, I cultivated a pot of Sleepy Flowers, which I have kept by my bedside ever since.” (See chapters 19 and 20)

Link candidly replied, “A few days ago, the effects of several samples were not up to expectations. Efforts to incorporate Alchemical Formula Technique failed. On a whim, I thought of adding Sleepy Flower powder.”

This was actually the result of “Severus Snape’s magic apothecary talent”!

“I see.”

Upon hearing this, Serene Wizard seemed thoughtful, commending, “It appears you not only have a talent for botany, but also a notable gift for potion study.”

Link smiled faintly, neither arrogant nor modest, accepting Serene Wizard’s praise with calm.

Understated words of modesty such as “Overpraise” or “Flattery” are completely inappropriate in the Wizard World.

At this moment, there is no better response than to calmly accept.

If he dared to say “You overpraise me, Serene Wizard” or “You flatter me too much”, would you believe that the Serene Wizard’s face would instantly turn cold?

Are you questioning her judgement?

“Just like Wizard Palo said, your research sense, plan, and expectations are all good. What you lack are the basics of Potion and Alchemy Pharmacy studies, and the absence of a guide.”

Serene continued ensuring the matter at hand, “I can agree to collaborate with you on developing the Glasswort aromatherapy essential oil, but I have one condition, I want 70% ownership of the results.”

Since receiving the suggestion from Wizard Palo to collaborate with Serene Wizard on developing Glasswort aromatherapy essential oil, Link prepared himself mentally to forfeit a large part of the rights.

Even more so, Link estimated that he might have to give up to 80%.

Unexpectedly, the conditions set by Serene Wizard turned out to be just 70%, which took Link by surprise.

Then, Link cautiously asked, “Serene Wizard, can I negotiate the price?”

As soon as the words fell from his mouth, Link subconsciously ducked his head back.

Serene Wizard surprisingly got pleasure from Link’s firm yet cautious attitude, and responded with interest: “How much are you proposing?”

“Sixty percent?”

Link initially tried to cut a percentage, then rapidly changed his words, “Or rather, sixty-five percent.”

“Alright, it’s sixty-five percent.”

Unexpectedly, Serene Wizard didn’t feel that Link’s haggling was disrespectful to her position and authority, and quickly agreed.

In business, bargaining is normal.

If Link didn’t dare to negotiate, Serene Wizard would, on the contrary, be disappointed.

How could a person who can’t stand pressure, uphold principles, and fight for his own interests be a good subordinate, a good collaborator, or even a good comrade?

Wizard Palo was on the verge of ascending to Sage.

Now is a critical moment for their faction to gather all kinds of strength.

Serene Wizard retreated from the front lines back to Ravensmouth City and opened a potion shop, partly due to her personal character, and partly to provide a source of wealth for their faction, as well as to select reserve talent.

The continuous operation and the upkeep of the “New Blood Mutual Aid Association” for decades is one part, and a unique genius like Link Grande is another part.

There is no conflict between the two.

Then, Serene Wizard finally turned to Jasmine, who had been standing quietly by the side, and said, “About the part-time guide job, you can do it.

However, let me tell you in advance that being a guide is not easy. Sometimes, when you encounter difficult customers and face some hardships, you have to deal with them yourself. Are you mentally prepared for this?”

“I have no problem with that, Serene Wizard.”

Jasmine nodded firmly, affirmatively replying, “I’m prepared.”

“That’s good then. Go change your clothes, familiarize yourself with the potions on sale in the shop and the guide’s lines.

Link Grande, you first help Jasmine Kidman get acquainted with the situation. And when Sharia comes, please ask her to guide Jasmine.”

Serene Wizard waved her hand, “As for the development of the aromatherapy essential oil, it can be completed this afternoon. At that time, I will call for you two and explain everything.”

“Thank you, Serene Wizard.”

After politely saluting Link and Jasmine, they headed to the employee’s changing room.

On the way, Link couldn’t help but think, Alchemical Formula Technique, indeed…

Difficult things are not easy, and easy things are not difficult!

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