Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 86 - 85 Outside Help l

Chapter 86: Chapter 85 Outside Help l

Translator: 549690339

Life was peaceful, indeed.

But the research on Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil hit a major snag.

All traditional measures and methods of Potion Study proved futile in creating an aromatherapy essential oil derived from Glasswort leaf extract that achieved the desired effect.

The several samples fell far short of their expected positive impact on meditation.

Let alone when compared to similar potions on the market.

Jasmine believed that only with the intervention of Alchemy Pharmacy could there be any change.

Alchemy Pharmacy is a sub-discipline intersecting the study of Alchemy and Potion.

The library had no books on the subject, and even the Advanced Literature Library had scarce resources.

Link had to invest six Academic Points, earned from his successful Silver Star Flower hybrid cultivation, on the exchange page to obtain a copy of “Basics of Alchemy Potion-making”.

After that, Link started studying on his own.

And then, Link almost shut himself down.

His brain would assure him, you’ve learned it, now have the courage to try it.

But after trying it…

The results would tell him, you’ve learned nothing.

Alchemy, Potion Study, Alchemy Pharmacy, it was just too hard.

Even though Link possessed “Severus Snape’s talent in Magic Apothecary,” allowing him to learn the relevant knowledge at a very fast rate.

However, Link’s study time was too limited, and his foundational knowledge was still not broad or deep enough.

This resulted in the current predicament: he seemed to understand but he didn’t, he claimed not to understand but he had some grasp.

To continue the research and development of Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil, Link and Jasmine needed external guidance.

In Link’s current circle, only two people could provide him with the guidance he sought: Wizard Palo and Serene Wizard.

Without much deliberation, Link decisively chose Wizard Palo.

A reciprocal relationship must be maintained.

When someone invests in you, they won’t just abandon you.

So if there is a problem, boldly seek help from the other party, and do not hesitate to bother them.

It serves as a progress report, displays phase achievements, demonstrates your value, seeks help, and also asks for further investment.

Sunday evening.

Through the friend system on his portable smart device, Link communicated with Wizard Palo in advance, scheduling a time and place to meet.

Administrative Building, “Paper” review office.

Link and Jasmine came here together, knocked on the door first, and then entered consecutively.

“Good evening, Wizard Palo.”

Extra courtesy is never excessive. The first thing Link and Jasmine had to do once they walked in, of course, was to greet him.

“Take a seat.”

Wizard Palo gestured towards the chairs in front of the office desk and got straight to the point, “Did you bring the experiment log and the samples?”

As soon as Link sat down, he immediately rose to present the organized experimental proposals, experiment logs, data records, “paper” drafts, and a few samples, placing them one by one on the office desk.

“Wait a moment; let me have a look.”

Wizard Palo picked up the materials arranged in categories and began to read them thoroughly.

Although he claimed to be reading thoroughly, he was incredibly fast.

After all, at Wizard Palo’s level, his perception of time, control over his body and mind, and the speed of his thoughts all far exceeded those of ordinary people, Wizard Apprentices, and ordinary Official Wizards.

Soon, Wizard Palo had finished reviewing all the materials and then turned his attention onto the several different samples.

Without any noticeable moves, the caps of the bottles popped open automatically, and wafts of slightly differing scents drifted out.

Wizard Palo’s right index finger gently flicked in the air, and the scents disappeared instantly.

After doing these, Wizard Palo didn’t immediately express his opinion but instead asked, “You guys first share where you think you went wrong and what ought to be done to move forward?”

Link gestured for Jasmine to speak first.

Both were New Blood choices that Wizard Palo picked from the Quete Archipelago.

Although Jasmine’s qualifications were not exceptional, her performance was not bad either. And, she had contact with Wizard Palo even earlier. If she performs well today, she might also gain favor from Wizard Palo.

Before coming, Link had discussed his thoughts with Jasmine.

After preparing herself mentally, Jasmine agreed to do so, striving to make a good impression on Wizard Palo.

Therefore, Jasmine was neither daunted nor shy. She was composed and spoke confidently: “I feel that we haven’t taken Rune Studies far enough. We failed even in etching the most basic alchemy rune array. Out of necessity, we had to shift to using natural reaction method to prepare essential oil distillate.

As a result, the aromatherapy samples we created have lackluster effects on stimulating spiritual power during meditation, or in other words, they have a less than satisfactory positive impact.”

Pausing for a moment, Jasmine changed her tone to continue: “Moreover, our understanding of Potion Study and Alchemy Pharmacy is still too limited and fragmented. When conducting research and development, we often have to refer to resources on the spot, which is inefficient.”

“Hmm. Fairly well put.”

Wizard Palo nodded slightly, apparently satisfied with Jasmine’s performance, and then turned to Link, “And you? What do you have to say?”

After some thought, Link succinctly said: “I believe we haven’t fully explored the mechanism by which numerous potions positively affect the efficiency of meditation, hence we have not achieved the expected results.”

“Your points are all valid.”

Wizard Palo nodded again, not denying their viewpoints, and then changed his tone, “Your research intuition is quite keen, able to discover the unique effect of Glasswort leaf extract, and even thought of developing it into aromatherapy essential oil, all of which is commendable.

I have looked at the materials you brought.

The research on the various characteristics of Glasswort is detailed and conclusions made are accurate. With a bit of embellishment, you can publish your findings officially.

As for the development of aromatherapy essential oil, I personally suggest that instead of seeking my advice, you collaborate with Serene Wizard.”

He paused deliberately, giving Link and Jasmine time to think.

A moment later, Wizard Palo continued, “By doing so, not only can you promptly complete the research and development, but under the guidance of Serene Wizard, you could also learn more comprehensively and deeply about Potion Study and Alchemy Pharmacy, and even monetize faster. What do you think?”

Palo, without a doubt, was the lot-box-wordiest Link had ever encountered.

Moreover, Palo’s demeanor was incredibly mild, and he was very patient.

He also showed a great deal of respect for Link and Jasmine.

Link and Jasmine caught each other’s eyes, read her meaning, and then replied: “We are willing to follow your guidance, Wizard Palo.”


Wizard Palo cracked a slight smile, “I will communicate with Serene Wizard in advance. As for the specifics, you can go to her store tomorrow, communicate with her, and follow her arrangements.”

“Thank you, Wizard Palo.”

Link immediately pulled Jasmine up with him to express their gratitude to Wizard Palo, “Sorry for the trouble.”

“Ha ha… The more of such trouble, the better.”

Wizard Palo chuckled heartily. He seemed to look forward to their future progress, and he added, “In Serene’s Potion store, I own a stake. Once the Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil research is successful, and the patent is transferred to the academy mainly through Serene’s Potion Store, I will also reap the benefits.”

Those who work with their minds rule over others; those who work with their hands are ruled over by others.

At Wizard Palo’s level, Magic Stones are automatically delivered to him.

So are talents..

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