A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 754 Let Us Help

Chapter 754 Let Us Help

Archer arrived at one of the many bustling squares throughout the city, where market stalls and merchants sold goods to passing people. One man tried to call him, but Archer ignored him and continued looking for the three close girls.

He then spotted a massive crowd surrounding an ongoing fight, causing them to let out excited cheers. When he saw this, he approached and saw Nala and Teuila fighting two other people.

Nala was fighting a large bear man built like a bodybuilder back on Earth, but the lioness wasn't struggling. She was winning, causing the man to grow angrier with every punch she landed.

After looking around when he didn't see Lucrezia fighting and soon found the blonde woman watching the fight, he approached her and cheekily pecked the unsuspecting Death Witch on the cheek, causing her to spin around as her blood-red eyes blazed with anger.

However, Lucrezia soon calmed down when she spotted him, and a glowing smile appeared on her face, "Arch! I'm glad you're here,'' she said, ''the girls will be happy to see you.''

Archer smiled and greeted her before returning his gaze to the fight. It looked like the lioness was about to win as she struck the man's ribs with several lethal kicks, causing her opponent to stumble backward.

The bear man rushed forward angrily, swinging his fists wildly, but Nala blocked the attacks. Archer noticed her beautiful blue eyes gleaming excitedly as she counterattacked after deflecting one last strike.

Archer saw rushed mana wrap around her fist before striking him in the chest with a resounding thud.?Her opponent stumbled backward, and Nala continued to pursue him. She didn't allow him to react as she sent several punches in his face.

He was amazed to see this and started cheering her on. Nala blocked one of the men's punches before punching him in the jaw with such force that the crowd heard the crunch as the force of her attack sent him flying.

The bear man crashed outside the ring unconscious, causing the crowd to roar excitedly as Nala won her fight wildly.

After watching Nala fight, his gaze found Teuila trading punches with a stocky woman. Archer noticed her opponent towered over the Aquarian Princess, which didn't matter as she was much stronger than the barbarian woman.

Archer felt every punch that connected with the woman, causing her to struggle while defending against Teuila, who was unleashing so many strikes that he could barely see her as she moved so fast.

He watched in awe as each punch from Teuila forced the barbarian woman to stagger, eventually dropping to one knee. Teuila stepped back, spun around, and delivered a powerful kick to her opponent's face, rendering her unconscious and securing victory in the fight.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, witnessing Teuila's impressive display of skill and strength. Archer couldn't help but join in, his admiration for Teuila's prowess evident in his enthusiastic cheers.

When Teuila turned around and spotted him standing alongside Lucrezia and Nala, she rushed over to him. Archer smiled as he hugged her, causing a beautiful smile to grace her lips, and she tightly embraced him.

After that he questioned, ''Why are you two fighting?''

''For fun, Archie!'' Nala declared while joining in on the hug.

This caused Teuila and Lucrezia to giggle before the referee approached the group. Archer looked at the man who handed them a pouch of copper, silver, and gold coins. Nala grabbed it.

She quickly stored it in her storage ring before the three left the cheering crowd behind as more fights started. Afterward, the group left the square behind, and Nala was excited as she exclaimed, ''Let's eat!''

Archer chuckled before agreeing, as Teuila and Lucrezia also wanted to eat. The group traveled through the city, looking at stalls where games and trinkets could be bought. They ended up at a game where they had to throw a wooden ring.

The group continued to explore the city while trying all kinds of games, and by the time it started to get later, Nala yawned and asked to return to the domain along with the other two girls, who were also tired.

Archer nodded with a smile before opening a portal, and the girls kissed him before stepping through as they said bye to him. Once they were gone, he said, ''One more group, then I can rest.''

He did the same thing and used the tattoo to find Nefertiti, Hemera, and Leira in the city's northern part. With a sigh, Archer traveled toward them while admiring the scene around him.

There weren't as many people as when he first arrived, but there were enough out that businesses decided to stay open. After walking for an hour, Archer stands outside a theater, where soldiers guard the entrance.

Archer knew the three girls were inside but decided to wait by lying on a nearby patch of snow-free grass and getting comfortable as the ground was cool. He gazed at the beautiful twinkling stars above, stretching endlessly like a neverending painting.

Each one was a beacon in the darkness, and I couldn't help but wonder where Earth might be among those distant specks of light. The thought tugged at his heartstrings for a moment, but just as he was growing depressed, something distracted him.

A shooting star blazed a colorful trail across the sky, causing his eyes to widen in shock as he watched its mesmerizing beauty.At that moment, the wonder of the shooting star erased any thoughts of Earth from his mind.

But his moment of peace was shattered. An earth-shattering roar coming from the west caused his gaze to snap in that direction, and he saw an eery green beam shot up to the sky. He knew something terrible was about to happen.

He summoned Leira, Hemera, and Nefertiti without wasting any more time. The three girls were shocked but smiled when they saw Archer, but he quickly spoke, ''Somethings coming, and my armies are busy. I hoped you could help the soldiers while I take on the incoming Swarm.

Nefertiti's eyes widened in shock, but Hemera protested, ''You can't fight a horde of monsters on your own Arch! Let us help.''

''You can,'' Archer answered. ''Just cover me from the above and help the soldiers as that beam is bad news.''

They all nodded, so he continued, ''Now stay here, and I'll open a Gate for you.''

After speaking, the three girls hugged him before kissing his cheek and telling him to be careful. Archer nodded before summoning his wings, taking off, and flying toward the Starfall's Western Gate.

It only took him ten minutes to reach the top of the wall where the Avalonian soldiers were preparing to fire upon the horde when they got in range. When the commanders spotted him, he bowed, ''Welcome Whtie Prince,'' he said. ''We will be needing reinforcement due to the horde's size.''

Archer's gaze turned toward the horde, and thanks to his dragon eyes, he saw a massive horde of all kinds of sinister monsters. He gulped, but soon, the excitement boiled up inside him as he opened a Gate.

Nefertiti, Hemera, and Leira stepped through while preparing to fight. When the soldiers saw the purple-haired cat girl, they knelt, but she waved them off and started giving orders to the people around her.

The other two girls helped her before Archer jumped off the wall and landed with a thud. He used Blink to get closer to the horde before casting hundreds of Plasma Missiles and sending them flying toward the Swarm.

Explosions rang out all over the place, sending monsters flying. After that, Archer summoned hundreds of Stone Men before ordering them to charge at the bigger monsters, which looked like mutated trolls but mixed with another creature.

But Archer ignored it as the horde of monstrous creatures surged forward, their snarls and roars filling the air with chaos. Archer stood at the forefront, his eyes ablaze with determination.

He cast Eldritch Blast, creating chaotic mana bolts that flew forward so fast that he could barely see them. The blasts streaked through the air, cutting a path through the Swarm, and crashed within a group of creatures, causing chaos.

With each blast, monsters were thrown back, their ranks disrupted, and thrown into disarray. The ground shook as the blasts struck explosively, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

But the Swarm's creatures were relentless, pressing forward with an uncompromising fury as they roared and hissed. Archer grinned and summoned more Stone Men as the first ones crashed into the enemy.

Archer watched as they barreled through the Swarms ranks and turned any creature they came into contact with into blood mist until a group of trolls jumped on them and managed to bring them to the ground.

When this happened, Archer cast Eldritch Blast into the mutated trolls, causing them to fly into Ratlings, who surged out of a nearby hole, but he put a stop to it by taking a deep breath and letting out a Dragon's Breath that washed over dozens of creatures.

The violet flames burned them to ash, and projectiles and spells slammed into the horde, taking out even more. Archer turned around and saw the city's defenses firing on the creatures, and dots in the distance were flying here.

Archer knew he didn't have much time to earn experience before the powerful mages reached, so he started to cast every spell and summoned his Shadow Creatures, who butchered the Swarm, but even with the extra help, it wasn't enough.

However, this didn't alter the reality, and he continued to sense the experience seeping into him each time the Stone Men or Shadow creatures claimed a life, accruing it for him.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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