A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 753 People Are Rude

Chapter 753 People Are Rude

Archer and Llyniel danced until the wood elf grew tired, which showed on her pretty face as she was sweating and breathing heavily. This forced him to stop the dancing and make their way over to Ella and Halime, who were resting.

Llyniel collapsed onto the bench with all the grace of a fish out of the water, leaning heavily against Ella for support. Despite her efforts, Ella couldn't suppress a giggle at the elf's antics while Halime smiled warmly.

Archer chuckled before casting Aurora healing on the trio. When the violet lights washed over them, they shivered and thanked him as they stretched their bodies. After the group recovered, he informed the three girls while standing up, ''I will find the other girls and see how they are,'' he said. ''Will you three be okay?''

Ella assured him they would be fine, with the other two girls nodding in agreement. Llyniel chimed in, suggesting they find a restaurant for a meal before fully immersing themselves in the festival.

Archer smiled, exchanging goodbye kisses with each of them before blending into the passing crowd. Leaving Market Avenue behind, he navigated toward the main thoroughfare of Starfall City.

It was named the Celestial Way, a bustling street flanked by various shops selling all kinds of merchandise. Archer spotted a few stunning necklaces and rings in the window as he walked past a jewelry shop.

Eventually, he reached a charming tavern where patrons toasted and celebrated with drinks. Outside, under the shelter of a canopy, Sera, Talila, and Kassandra sat, their mugs brimming with ale as they exchanged laughter.

With a smile, he approached the trio, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of the mana lanterns hung up outside the tavern. Sera was laughing at something Talila said, her red hair catching the flickering light while she bounced up and down on the spot.

Her ruby-red eyes turned in his direction when she heard something, causing a glowing smile to appear across her pretty features, "Sweetheart, over here!" she called out, beckoning him to join them.

Archer beamed before walking over to the table, greeted by the sight of his girls enjoying drinks and conversation. With her characteristic confidence, Kassandra raised her mug in greeting while Talila flashed him a mischievous grin.

"Join us, Arch!" Talila exclaimed, patting the empty seat beside her. "We were just discussing our plans for the rest of the festival."

The three told him they'd been eating loads of good food but were running low on coins, so Sera looked at him with an innocent smile while giving him puppy eyes. This caused him to laugh while she asked, ''Can we have some gold, please, Archie?''

Hearing Sera call him baffled him, as only Nala called him that, but Archer ignored it with a smile while taking out a pouch with a thousand coins and giving it to the dragon girl, who got excited and stored it in her ring.

Archer watched Sera's sneaky glances as if she were covertly checking her surroundings after stashing the gold he had given her, which was hilarious to him. After that, she leaned over the table before grabbing his shirt and pulling him forward until she kissed him.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment as their lips met, a rush of emotions coursing through him. But just as quickly as it began, Sera broke the kiss, her breath catching as she pulled away with a playful grin.

The dragon girl gave him a bright smile, ''Thank you, handsome,'' she said.

Before Archer could gather his thoughts, Sera dashed off towards the tavern's bustling bar, leaving him momentarily stunned. Talila and Kassandra laughed at the sight, their joy echoing through the tavern.

Regaining his composure, Archer chuckled at Sera's antics before being enveloped in warm hugs from Talila and Kassandra as a greeting. The silver-haired girl put her arm over his shoulder, ''It's good to see you Arch,'' she said. ''What have you been up to?''

Upon finishing her drink, Kassandra nodded with interest. Seeing their curious expressions, Archer explained that he had stumbled upon some delicious noodles and ate for a while before encountering and dancing with Ella, Halime, and Llyniel.

When the two girls heard that, they smiled before Kassandra questioned with an excited smile gracing her lips, ''You can dance?''

Archer nodded, ''A little,'' he answered. ''They helped me learn once we started.''

The Kraken Princess giggled, ''I want to dance with you before the festival ends, Arch.''

''Of course,'' he smiled. ''I would like that.''

Kassandra smiled and was going to speak, but Sera's shouting interrupted the Kraken Princess, causing the three to gaze at the little redhead who was barging people out of the way while carrying a tray with mugs on.

Archer chuckled as Sera placed it on the table, complaining, ''People are rude,'' she said, giving each a mug. ''It's like they can't see me. I'm not invisible, you know.''

When Sera sat down, Archer and the other two girls laughed even more as her complaining continued until Kassandra teased the dragon girl, ''Well, you're short, Sera, so you can't blame them.''

He watched Sera's face twitch before a grin appeared, ''Shut up, muscle woman! You have a man's figure.''

Kassandra giggled, ''Still doesn't change that you look like a twelve-year-old girl.''

''Shut up, you slippery octopus! I'll turn you into Takoyaki! I don't look like a child! I'm the second oldest here!'' The dragon girl snapped back.

"Actually, you're third in line," Kassandra countered. "Our husband is the youngest. I'm twenty-two, and Talila is twenty-


The silver-haired elf nodded while drinking her ale and watched the two girls arguing with smiles on their faces. But when Archer heard that, he interjected with a smug, ''So what if I'm the youngest? I can still make you tremble under me, Kass.''

Kassandra's face went bright red when she heard his words, but she quickly shut up and stopped talking, as it was the truth, and she had no comeback. But during her sudden silence, Sera had to make things worse, ''We heard you squealing like a Mudsnout while under our husband during your first time.''

Archer watched Kassandra's expression change to complete embarrassment, ''Shut up, you little gremlin!'' She snapped. ''You're a lewd dragon.''

Sera was grinning as she rested her chin on her hands before replying, ''You're a secret Masochist Kraken who likes to be dominated!''

After hearing Sera's teasing remarks, Kassandra fell silent and stopped her playful banter with Sera. Archer quickly spotted her reaction and rose from his seat, making his way to the space beside her.

Gently, he pulled her into a comforting hug, whispering, "There's nothing wrong with that, Kass. Sera's just being a Gremlin and teasing you."

Kassandra's deep black eyes met his, and Archer saw the relief in them when she heard his words but couldn't react as he leaned forward and kissed her. He loved the feeling of her silky smooth lips.''

When they parted, she spoke while leaning up against him, "I'm sorry for reacting like that. I'm still getting used to hearing about that stuff even though we've already been through it."

After that, the four started drinking as the ale flowed freely, while Archer, with Talila, Kassandea, and Sera, were boisterous and speaking loudly. He watched them with a smile as they clinked the mugs together in a toast at being sister wives, which amused him.

The atmosphere grew more relaxed with each passing round, and inhibitions faded. Talila's giggles grew louder, Kassandra's cheeks flushed crimson, and Sera's eyes sparkled with mischief.

As the night went on, the effects of the alcohol became evident on the three girls as Sera was all over the place and telling a story about how she burned an army of orcs when they were exploring the underground city.

Her stories made the other two girls laugh, and the patrons around them were just as drunk as the dragon girl. Kassandra couldn't sit straight as she swayed side to side with her eyes closed.

Meanwhile, Talila suddenly stood up and stumbled over to Archer, sitting on his lap. This caused him to laugh, but he wrapped his arms around her waist. The elf started peppering his face with kisses, declaring, ''I love you, you silly dragon.''

Upon hearing this, Archer smiled before replying, ''I love you too, Tali.''

After responding, Talila laid her head on his shoulder and nuzzled into his neck while babbling about their first meeting. When Sera saw a hint of jealousy in Archer's eyes, she stumbled over to him.

Archer grabbed the dragon girl by the waist to steady her, ''It looks like you three have had enough to drink,'' he said. ''I will take you to the domain. We can explore the festival tomorrow.''

The girls protested his decision, but none could stand up straight. So, Archer stood up, scooped Kassandra over his shoulder with a yelp, did the same to Sera, and then approached, cradling Talila in his arms, before teleporting into the domain."

Their sudden disappearance startled those around him, but they quickly returned to their celebrations. Meanwhile, the four reappeared in the treehouse and quietly made his way to the girls' bedrooms.

He gently tucked them into bed as they mumbled sleepily. Each one gave him a sloppy kiss before drifting off to sleep, making him smile while ensuring they would be okay, and ordered the Brownies to keep an eye on them.

Once he had sorted things out in the domain, Archer departed and returned to the bustling city streets. Amidst the crowds, he blended in and began searching for the other six girls who were somewhere amidst the festival's chaos.

Archer utilized the dragon tattoos to track them down, swiftly locating Teuila, Nala, and Lucrezai nearby.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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