A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 752 Dancing

Chapter 752 Dancing

Archer watched as the eccentric old man spun around to confront the noodle stall owner, who was busy cooking his meals, saying, ''Shut up, Raymond! She is peddling dodgy trinkets to swindle the people! It's outrageous.''

Intrigued, Archer rose from the table he was sitting on and approached the small stall, which offered everything from useless junk to chains that radiated mana. After inspecting the merchandise, he found nothing interesting, as they were for lower-level people.

Afterward, he turned back to Rodrick, who was muttering curses while shuffling toward the noodle stall, which was billowing smoke. This distracted Raymond from the impending confrontation.

Archer sighed with annoyance. The old man was determined to argue with Raymond, which would stop him from eating his newly discovered food. Raymond wouldn't accept it, so Archer cast Mana Manipulation.

Rodrick attempted to move forward, growing visibly agitated as he got close to the noodle stall, but the magic stopped him as a faint violet could be seen around him. However, the cooky old man calmed down upon finding himself face-to-face with Archer.

''Move along,'' Archer commanded. ''You're bothering me while I'm trying to eat, and if you persist, I'll feed you to my monsters without a second thought, old man.''

The threat caused the old man to pale, and he nodded in concession. Archer dismissed the spell and returned to his seat just as Raymond emerged with a tray of four noodle dishes, catching his attention.

He smiled gratefully at the elderly gentleman before inquiring, "What's the price?"

Raymond pondered momentarily before responding, "Twenty-five silver, young sir."

''Here, take this gold and bring five more bowls,'' Archer said while handing the old man the old coin. He tried to refuse it, but one look caused him to accept it and rush back to his stall to start cooking after Archer told him the names of the dishes.

'Realm Roast Ramen, Mystic Mushroom Miso Noodles, Dragon's Breath Pasta, and Shadowed Shrimp Stir-fry were the names,' he internally said. 'Someone from Earth definitely came before me.'

After checking out the four bowls of noodles, each smelled distinctly different and delicious. The aroma forced Archer's mouth to water, which forced his hand. He decided he couldn't wait any longer before first trying the steaming bowl of Realm Roast Ramen.

The mouthwatering smell drifted up to his nose, causing him to tuck in, sipping the rich broth and enjoying the taste of the roasted meats and fragrant spices that exploded in his mouth, making him groan.

Once he finished the Realm Roast, he turned his attention to the Mystic Miso Noodles. The aroma of the earthy mushrooms mixed with the tangy miso broth in each bite was a burst of meaty goodness alongside the delicious noodles, soaking up the flavorful sauce.

It took Archer a little while to eat, but he still wasn't satisfied, causing him to look at the third bowl, the Dragon's Breath Pasta that tickled his taste buds as he relished the spice burning his tongue.

Despite the pasta's fiery kick, Archer was enamored with its sweet and tangy fusion of flavors. With eager enthusiasm, he shoveled it down, unconcerned with passersby's shocked glances at his voracious appetite.

At that moment, he focused solely on indulging in the delectable dish before him, oblivious to any semblance of manners as his hunger took precedence. Once Archer was done with the Dragon's Breath, he pushed the empty bowl away after dropping the fork on the tray and turning to the last dish, the shrimp stir-fried noodles.

The smell of garlic and ginger filled his nose as he started eating. The tiny creatures resembled shrimp and were flawlessly cooked, their succulent flesh harmonizing with the vegetables and delectable sauce.

Savoring each bite until he finally reached the last, feeling satiated. Raymond wandered over and took the bowls after thanking him for the patronage and stopping the old coot from starting an argument during the busy festival hours.

Archer brushed the man off before saying his farewells and joining the crowd. He traveled through the throngs of people until he spotted Ella, Halime, and Llyniel playing a game where?they had to smash four glass bottles with little ice stones created by the stall owner.

He watched as Ella managed to break two bottles but missed the last ones. Halime's shots went wide apart, including one that just bounced off one of the bottles, causing her to grow disheartened, but Llyniel's go was worse.

The wood elf missed every throw and even hit the stall owner, who let out a yelp when the ice pellet hit him in the chest, causing him to laugh. Archer approached them when they were finished with the game.

''Hello, my beauties,'' he said while embracing Ella from behind.

Archer took in her sweet scent, which reminded him of blooming flowers. Ella yelped before trying to escape, but she soon realized it was him and relaxed before melting into him with a sweet smile.

''Hi, Arch,'' she said while turning around in his arms. ''You scared me.''

With a chuckle, Archer kissed the half-elf before releasing her, then repeated the gesture for Llyniel and Halime, who stood off to the side, observing the scene. After greeting them, the group walked to a table just outside one of the city's parks.

When they all sat down, Archer questioned the three girls, ''How has the festival been?''

''It's been nice so far,'' Ella said while Halime and Llyniel agreed with a nod as she continued. ''The food is delicious, and the people have been friendly so far.''

Archer nodded, ''That's good. Have you seen any of the other girls?''

''We bumped into Maeve and her family just after running into Aurelia, who was with her siblings going on one of the rides in the city center,'' Llyniel answered.

''I saw Eveline drinking in one of the inns with a group of her people,'' Halime commented. ''I think they were family.''

''Well, if we bump into them, then so be it. But I want to spend time with you girls,'' Archer responded to the three, who beamed at his words.

Afterward, the four of them continued to spend time with each other and played many more festival games that the people set up. As the Frostwinter Festival continued, Archer thoroughly enjoyed his time with the three girls.

The frosty air was filled with laughter and the scent of roasted Enchanted Ember Chestnut as they wandered through the bustling streets illuminated with winter-themed decorations and people singing about the end of Frostwinter and the start of Elderbloom.

Archer and the girls found many stalls selling food and drinks they liked. Right now, the four were savoring the warmth of spiced cider and indulged in sweet treats like Moon Honey-

glazed pastries and fire apples.

He couldn't help but smile at the joy on the girls' faces as they loved everything. Eventually, they stumbled upon a stage where local performers entertained the crowd with music and dance.

Ella's eyes sparkled as she pulled Archer into the lively gathering, joining in the spirited festivities with Halime and Llyniel close behind. Musicians were playing a cheerful song, causing people to get up and dance with their lovers.

When the three girls saw this, they all turned to him with pleading expressions, which he obliged and started dancing with Ella first. Archer was swept up in the music, his heart beating in time with the melody.

As the cheerful notes filled the air, he locked eyes with his half-

elf, whom he had known for years by this point. Her blue eyes were sparkling with joy and delight, and he extended his hand to her with a charming smile without wasting any more time.

Ella accepted the invitation to dance amidst the bustling crowd in the city square. With a radiant smile, she accepted, her hand fitting perfectly in his as they moved gracefully to the music.

They danced for a while, enjoying themselves. Their bodies moved in harmony while they were lost in the moment. Archer and Ella continued until he spun her around, which caused her to let out a delightful giggle, music to his ears.

As the song reached the end, Archer dipped her low, causing her laughter to erupt as she leaned back before gently pulling her back up as their eyes locked in a silent moment of affection.

But the dance wasn't over for him, and with a playful wink, Archer walked over to Halime and took her hand as Ella joined the wood elf who was watching them in fascination. He noticed her big, beautiful brown eyes gleamed with excitement.

Archer looked into her eyes with a grin before speaking, ''Your turn is next, my wood elf princess.''

With a smile in return, she gently guided Archer and Halime onto the dance floor as the next song began to play. As the music filled the air, they began to dance, and it became apparent that Archer lacked experience compared to the graceful Halime.

However, with her guidance, he soon found his rhythm. Halime's movements flowed gracefully and easily, reminiscent of the gentle sway of willow branches in the breeze, mesmerizing Archer.

The two danced in perfect harmony for a full hour, their movements synchronized to the music's beat. Halime graciously guided Archer through each step, their bodies swaying together seamlessly.

Soon, Archer noticed Halime growing tired as the dancing finally got the better of her, and the two finally stopped before walking toward Llyniel, who was waiting with Ella. When they arrived, Halime collapsed onto the bench while catching her breath.

When he saw the snake girl, he smiled before turning to the wood elf and offering his hand, which she happily took.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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