A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 682 Arriving At The Draconia Kingdom (3)

Chapter 682 Arriving At The Draconia Kingdom (3)

[In the not-so-distant future]

When Tamsin heard the man's reply, she was shocked and asked suspiciously, ''The king is looting the Aradonia Kingdom?''

The soldier responded before rushing off, ''Yes, Your Majesty. He wants all the wealth for himself and won't let it fall into the hands of the enemy.''

She was shocked, disgusted, and angry that their saviour was looting her kingdom in their time of need. After telling her family to stay put, Tamsin wanted answers and decided to find the ship's commander as she walked along the deck and questioned the nearest soldier, ''Where is the commander?''

'This is wrong. How can he loot our wealth while we're being invaded,' she thought to herself while her temper flared.

The soldier removed their helmet, and a woman's face appeared as she answered unenthusiastically, ''Follow me.''

Tamsin nodded and followed while they paced across the ship's deck and entered through a side door. The corridor was painted light grey, and she noticed a nice breeze flowing through it, causing goosebumps all over her body.

The female soldier turned to her, saying, ''Stay close; otherwise, you'll get lost.''

She nodded and followed the woman through the labyrinth of corridors that wind around the ship while sidestepping soldiers as they rushed past. Tamsin saw many rooms with people working in them, and at one point, they passed by one of the ship's cannons, where she saw a group of men carrying shells back and forth.

The acrid scent of oil and the tang of sweat assaulted her senses, causing her to shake her head. After passing by the cannon, a group of soldiers carrying crates of supplies barreled down the corridor, their voices raised in urgent conversation.

Tamsin flattened herself against the wall, heart pounding, as the soldiers hurried past, barely acknowledging her presence. The woman glanced back and informed her, "We're almost there. The bridge is just ahead."

"Understood," Tamsin replied, falling into step beside the woman.

They ventured into a quieter section of the ship, their footsteps echoing off the metallic floor as they approached a looming metal door. Tamsin's steps reverberated throughout the corridor, starkly contrasting the bustling chaos elsewhere on the vessel.

Tamsin pondered silently, her thoughts swirling with curiosity about the identity of the ship's commander. Still, she'd soon find out as the soldier banged on the door, and soon heard a serious but enchanting woman's voice was heard, ''Come in! This better be good.''

The woman swung open the door, revealing a bustling scene on the ship's bridge. Some crew members hurried about, while others sat at strange devices emitting periodic beeps. Tamsin was confused, as she hadn't seen anything like that.

Amidst it all, she spotted an exceptionally beautiful woman seated upon a captain's chair. This woman's snow-white hair, tied into a ponytail, perfectly complements her pristine white uniform.

As the admiral turned, her gaze fell upon the saluting soldier. With a swift acknowledgment, she dismissed the soldier and fixed her narrowed, piercing pink eyes on Tamsin, who felt like a predator was looking at her.

But the woman then introduced herself, ''I'm Admiral Olivia Anderson, Admiral of Draconia's First Fleet. What can I do for you, Queen of Aradonia?''

Tamsin's anger surged as she contemplated the wealth Archer intended to seize, spurring her to demand, "Why is your King pillaging my lands? Such greed is unjustifiable and unbefitting of a ruler."

She watched as Olivia grinned before replying, ''You stupid woman. A king without greed is even worse than a figurehead. Our King is unique as he doesn't care for anyone's opinion of him, and leads his people with such passion that it's honestly inspiring.''

''But he's acting like a bandit and raiding my kingdom! How is that a sign of a good king?'' She retorted.

As Tamsin observed Olivia's expression morph into one of sternness, a pang of regret surged within her. She realized her words had already been spoken, irreversibly casting their impact. Witnessing the admiral rise from her seat and advance to her, her voice slashing through the air like a whip, she braced herself for what was to come.

"Tamsin, do you realize what you're saying?" Olivia's tone was sharp, her eyes narrowing with disapproval. "Spreading falsehoods about the White King is not only reckless but dangerous. He doesn't just rule; he leads with strength. His people adore him because he looks after them, guides them, and inspires them to be better."

Olivia paced back and forth, her frustration evident, "You speak of lies and deceit, tarnishing the reputation of a ruler who has shown us what true leadership is. The White King doesn't look down on his people; he stands beside them, acknowledging their service. He may be a very greedy dragon and a complete playboy, but he doesn't neglect his people or kingdom.''

She paused, her gaze piercing, "Your words undermine not only his legacy but also the trust and respect he has earned from his subjects. Think before you speak, Tamsin Aradonia."

Tamsin felt guilty because she assumed he was a tyrant who thrived on people's suffering, but hearing Olivia's explanation made her apologize.

"I'm sorry," she uttered, her voice tinged with remorse. I was emotional. I understand that Archer harbors no ill intentions toward us or my kingdom, and I shouldn't jump to conclusions."

"King Archer, but that's good. At least you can acknowledge your mistakes," Olivia was about to reply but was interrupted.

That's when Tamsin turned to see a man quickly speak to Olivia after bowing to her, ''Ma'am, we have three incoming ships heading toward the bay. What are your orders?"

Afterward, she watched the white-haired woman remove a scope from her pockets and look toward the bay's entrance. She turned to her excitedly and declared before motioning for her to watch, ''Now wait and see how Archer's Pride deals with the Sunspear Navy.''

She nodded and followed Olivia to the closest window. There, she spotted the three ships, dwarfed by the battleship they were on. However, the white-haired woman seemed unfazed by their size difference.

Tamsin couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Olivia's eyes, which reminded her of a child unwrapping a present on their birthday. That's when the white-haired admiral screamed, ''Fire!''

Shortly after, Tamsin heard a series of resounding booms, followed by the sight of volatile mana streaking across the sky. The mana projectiles struck the three ships precisely, causing massive explosions that reverberated through the air.

Seeing the power of such weapons, she was glad she wasn't an enemy. Tamsin shook her head and curiously asked, ''How come they're so powerful?''

She grinned before responding, ''You'll see. The King has found some extraordinary engineers who can build these marvels.''

''Are they goblins or dwarves?'' Tamsin asked as the two races were known for their craftsmanship skills.

Olivia laughed as she replied, ''Dwarves. Unfortunately, my King hasn't met any goblins yet.''

Tamsin nodded, but she continued, ''Now return to your family. You will be guided to your rooms, but I'd wait until sunset as the view from the bow is beautiful. Take your daughters to see it.''

After saying their goodbyes, Olivia made her way back to the bridge. At the same time, Tamsin rejoined her family, who were seated towards the stern of the battleship and engaged in lively conversation.

She noticed Marigold looking up with a smile and asking, "Mother, what happened?"

Tamsin quickly noticed Jessica's scowl as she recounted all that had transpired. Yet, despite this, she found solace in her daughters' evident relief at their newfound safety. Once she finished reciting the events, a sense of calm settled over them, like a comforting blanket enveloping a weary traveler.

The group settled in as the sun dipped low on the horizon, painting the sky pink and orange. Tamsin stood at the battleship's railing, watching the last rays of daylight dance upon the waves.

Below, crew members bustled about, loading supplies and assisting her people onto the ships. Tamsin nodded approvingly as she observed their efforts, grateful for their tireless dedication.

She noticed that more of her people were being brought aboard, their weary faces illuminated by the soft glow of twilight. Tamsin made her way among them, offering words of comfort and assurance, her heart heavy with the weight of their suffering.

Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope. They were now safe aboard the battleship, bound for a new beginning. As the final people were onboard, Tamsin got up and returned to the railing, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

She whispered a silent thank you to whatever magic powered the ship, marveling at how swiftly it sailed through the waters. Days turned into weeks as the battleship journeyed across the vast expanse of the sea.

Tamsin spent her time speaking with the survivors, listening to their stories of loss and resilience, and offering whatever comfort she could. But as the days passed, her anticipation grew, fueled by the promise of reaching their destination.

Then, one morning, as the first light of dawn painted the sky in shades of gold, Tamsin spotted it - an island rising from the misty sea. She hurried to find Olivia, excitement coursing through her veins.

"Admiral Olivia," Tamsin called out as she approached the bridge, "is that Draconia?"

Olivia turned to face her, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Yes, Tamsin," she replied, "that is our homeland."

Tamsin was amazed by what she saw as they approached the island. A huge metal gate at the kingdom's river entrance showed how strong and tough Draconia was.

"We'll need to pass through the gate to enter the kingdom," Olivia explained, her voice tinged with pride. "But first, we must seek permission from the Homeguard Battalion."

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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