A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 683 Arriving At The Draconia Kingdom (4)

Chapter 683 Arriving At The Draconia Kingdom (4)

[In the not-so-distant future]

Tamsin watched the gate grow larger as they approached, but soon, she spotted towers dotted down the giant wall made from menacing-looking black stone. Soldiers patrolled up and down the wall while large cannons pointed to the sea, waiting for enemies to get close.

As Tamsin admired the wall, she wondered who built it, but her thoughts were interrupted when Olivia spoke into a device, ''This is Admiral Olivia Anderson. Open the Southern G...''

An earth-shattering roar interrupted her, sending Tamsin and some of the sailors on the bridge into a momentary panic. However, they quickly regained their composure, hurried to the exit, and dashed outside.

They were greeted by the breathtaking sight of a massive white dragon soaring overhead. Stunning violet flames illuminated its majestic form as it let out its Dragon's breath, lit up the giant wall and surrounding sea.

Tamsin turned to the admiral, noticing the fascination gleaming in her pink eyes as she watched the Dragon. She asked, "What is that? I've never seen a white one before."

Olivia shook her head slightly as she pointed and replied, "That's the king. Look, he's coming toward us."

Tamsin's eyes widened as she saw the massive Dragon flying directly toward them. Before she could react, a sudden burst of blinding light momentarily disoriented everyone on the bridge.

Then, amidst the confusion, a heavy thud echoed through the air. As the light faded, Tamsin blinked rapidly to clear her vision and found herself face-to-face with King Archer. She couldn't help but be taken aback again by his strikingly handsome face and charming smile.

"My gorgeous admiral," King Archer greeted Olivia warmly, his voice hinting affection. "You destroyed those Sunspear idiots with ease. It was good to see."

Tamsin stood in awe, silently observing the king and admiral exchange. Her heart pounded with a blend of nervous anticipation and fascination. Soon, she couldn't help but notice the faint blush creeping onto Olivia's cheeks as she gazed at Archer.

At that moment, she noticed the king's gaze. He said, "I hope your journey was uneventful. Now, you will witness the splendor of my kingdom and discover what it can offer your people."

She smiled and gave the young man a nod in agreement but wanted to find out who built the Draconia wall, so she asked curiously, ''Who did you hire to build your kingdom's fortifications?''

When Olivia heard Tamsin's question, she started laughing before Archer answered with a cocky grin, ''I did. Do you like it? I did use a lot of my mana in the process and feinted.''

Tamsin's eyes widened as she thought, 'What kind of monster is this?'

As additional thoughts flooded her mind, she couldn't help but voice another question. "Why don't you construct your cities yourself?"

Archer chuckled as the ship neared the opened gate. He honestly replied, "Well, I certainly could, but I choose not to. I prefer not to foster a reliance on me for every aspect. I'll defend them and the realm, but I won't pamper them. They need to learn how to be independent incase something ever happens to them."

'That's very smart. He may be powerful in his own right, but he wants to encourage his people to become strong through experience,' she thought while looking into Archer's violet eyes.

Tamsin nodded before speaking, ''I will check on my daughters and then enjoy the scene from our balcony.''

''Okay, Tamsin. Enjoy yourself. I ordered my soldiers to build you and your family a mansion on the edge of the capital,'' Archer commented as she walked off.

She felt the urge to leave swiftly as Archer's gaze lingered on her, flushing her cheeks crimson. Yet, as she hurried towards the cabin designated by Olivia, her husband's face flooded her thoughts, eclipsing any memory of the young man's scrutiny.

When she entered the cabin, Marigold and Briela smiled at her, and Jessica commented, ''What was that large beast that flew over us?''

Tamsin answered, ''It was King Archer returning from Aradonia.''

After explaining everything that happened while she was gone, she walked toward the balcony and stepped outside as the battleship slowly sailed down the broad river; Tamsin was entranced by the beauty of the landscape unfolding before her.

The riverbanks stretched in leafy expanses dotted with lush greenery and wildflowers. The water shimmered in the gentle sunlight, casting a mesmerizing reflection of the surrounding scenery.

In the distance, Tamsin spotted clusters of quaint towns nestled amidst the rolling hills, their rooftops glinting in the sunlight. Smoke curled lazily from chimneys, hinting at the bustling life within.

Beyond the towns, vast fields stretched out, where farmers toiled under the watchful gaze of soldiers, the white banners fluttering in the breeze. Tamsin's gaze followed the road from the towns, where a column of soldiers marched with purposeful strides.

They moved in disciplined formation, their armor gleaming in the sunlight as they made their way toward a towering stone fort perched atop a distant hill. The sight filled Tamsin with awe and wonder, and she marveled at the harmony between civilization and nature.

Her daughters joined her, and Marigold commented, ''The land is so beautiful. It's like the painting Father used to show us.''

''Yes, those nature books he loved,'' Briela excitedly declared.

When Tamsin heard that, her heart dropped as the grief slowly crept back, but she didn't let it consume her as she knew Rio wouldn't want her to get depressed, plus she had her daughters to look after.

They stood together on the balcony of their cabin, taking in the breathtaking scenery. Below, the river flowed gently, its surface shimmering in the fading light.

Lush greenery adorned its banks, punctuated by colorful wildflowers swaying in the breeze. Marigold and Briela leaned against the railing, their eyes wide with wonder as they took in the beauty of the landscape.

"It's so beautiful, Mama," Marigold whispered, her voice filled with awe.

Tamsin smiled, her heart swelling with love for her daughters. "Yes, it is," she replied softly, wrapping an arm around them. "Just look at how the sunlight dances on the water, painting everything in gold and amber."

As the hours passed and the ship sailed down the river, Briela's curiosity was piqued by a distant silhouette rising against the horizon. She pointed eagerly and asked, "Mama, what's that?"

Following her daughter's gaze, Tamsin squinted, trying to make out the shape in the distance. Then, recognition dawned on her, and her eyes widened with realization, "That, my darlings, is Dragonheart City," she explained, her voice tinged with excitement.

"Dragonheart City?" Marigold repeated, her eyes widening with curiosity. "Is that where King Archer lives?"

Tamsin nodded, a fond smile playing on her lips, "Yes, it is," she confirmed. "It's the capital of the Draconia Kingdom, ruled by King Archer himself."

As they continued to watch, the silhouette grew larger, revealing towering spires and grand buildings bathed in the soft glow of twilight. Lights flickered to life in the windows, casting a warm and welcoming glow over the city.

Soon enough, the ship docked at a shipyard, and the Draconia soldiers disembarked while guiding the Aradonian survivors onto the pier. Tamsin and her family made their way to the exit and ran into Admiral Olivia and King Archer.

When the white-haired boy saw her, a big smile appeared as he spoke, ''Tamsin. It's good to see you.''

After speaking, he cast a charming grin at her two daughters. "Marigold, Briela. You both look stunning today," he complimented.

Tamsin eyed her daughter's cheeks flush with color before shaking her head. "Your Majesty, please refrain from flirting with my girls. They aren't accustomed to the company of someone as handsome as you."

''Oh, so you think I'm handsome?'' He asked with a grin, and Tamsin realized what she just said and went red herself.

Archer started laughing before leading them off the ship, and when the four women saw the port, they were shocked. The port was constructed from beautiful white stone, and its architecture was grand and imposing against the backdrop of the sea.

Hundreds of people bustled about, each engaged in their tasks. Sailors hurriedly unloaded cargo from ships, merchants bartered with customers at market stalls, and fishermen returned with their day's catch.

The air was filled with the sounds of seagulls overhead, ships creaking, and the chatter of the busy port. Tamsin marveled at the scene before her, captivated by the vibrant energy of the port and the elaborate details of its architecture.

It was bustling with activity as hundreds of people went about their business, a testament to the kingdom's thriving trade and commerce. As Tamsin observed the bustling activity near the port, her attention was drawn to a peculiar sight.

A plump but beautiful dwarf woman with a warm smile purposefully walked through the crowd, her eyes fixed on King Archer, who stood nearby. Without hesitation, she approached him, her smile growing wider as she approached.

When the dwarf woman reached him, she wrapped her arms around his legs in a tight hug, her enthusiasm palpable. Archer, taken aback momentarily, crouched down with a gentle smile spreading across his face.

Tamsin watched as he returned her hug warmly, his eyes reflecting genuine affection for the dwarf woman. After exchanging a few words with the woman, Archer approached Tamsin and her daughters with purpose in his stride.

As he neared them, his expression softened into a warm smile. "Tamsin," he greeted them, his voice gentle. I will escort you to your new mansion just outside the city. I believe you and your daughters will find it quite charming."

Her curiosity piqued at the mention of the mansion, but she offered a grateful nod regardless, "Thank you, Your Majesty. We appreciate your generosity," she replied with genuine appreciation.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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