A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 659 There Are A Million Soldiers

Chapter 659 There Are A Million Soldiers

Archer listened as Ophelia recounted the tale but stopped when a device started going off. She pulled it out of her pocket and read it. She then looked at him before explaining that some Professors needed my help.

Before leaving, she handed him a Memory Stone with the rest of Valkyria's story. She said her goodbyes and rushed off to deal with private matters that didn't bother Archer, who got up and returned to the still-waiting girls.

When he arrived, Nefertiti asked suspiciously, ''What happened?''

He told them everything that happened, from his leaving the college after the tournaments, the expedition to the Unknown Continent, and Valkyria's story. When Leira heard her aunt's name, she asked him to speak in private later, which he agreed to.

Nefertiti was happy he didn't court Ophelia, and after all that, Lioran approached while speaking, ''Arch. Leonora, Nalika, and I are going to train. We will catch up with you tomorrow.''

Archer nodded and said his goodbyes to Lioran, Cian, and Alaric before returning to the domain along with the girls, who started to relax. He sat down and started thinking about his army.

He decided to visit the Draconia to see how things were going and wanted company, so he looked at the girls before asking, ''Does anyone want to visit my kingdom?''

When asked, everyone politely declined because they wanted to rest after the fights or study some new spells they found in the library. With a shrug, he contacted Fianna to see if she was free.

Archer only had to wait a few minutes to get a reply telling him she was free. He invited her, and she instantly accepted, mentioning that her husband was asleep. After accepting, he instructed her to meet with him at the entrance to the arena.

Afterward, he kissed each girl before leaving the domain and heading for Celestial City, which he built to troll the church. When Archer was teleported to the city, he was shocked at the sight and shook his head.

There were dragon temples all over the city, and the people looked at him respectfully, which confused him even more. Archer landed on the streets only to be greeted by a smiling older woman.

She bowed toward him and spoke in a voice full of respect, ''Tiamat's chosen. We thank you for bringing us to this wonderful place. Our lives have greatly improved, and the people have chosen to worship the dragon goddess because of the safety you and her offer us. We don't have to worry about anything.''

''What?'' Archer asked in a confused voice.

The woman laughed before explaining, ''We were skeptical, but a dragon girl with red hair spread rumors about you being Tiamat's husband. Honestly, we all thought they were lies until some of us received dreams proving the girl's claims right when the goddess herself told us.?So after that, we converted.''

'Seraphina! What have you been up to, you cheeky dragon,' Archer thought with a smile.

He nodded as he inquired, ''Would you mind helping me with my kingdom?''

When she heard this, her eyes opened wide in amazement before speaking excitedly, ''There's a dragon kingdom? Can we live there to spread the word of Tiamat?''

''Of course. I will open a portal to the main city in an hour, so prepare everyone and everything you need,'' He replied.

She nodded as Archer opened a Gate to the arena to meet with Fianna. Once he stepped through, he saw her standing by the entrance. She wore a winter cloak but still noticed her shivering from the wind and thought, 'Humans can't handle the cold weather well.'

After thinking to himself, he walked toward her, which caused her to turn around, her smile widening as she spotted him. She was about to speak, but he cast a spell, summoning a violet shield that enveloped them, warding off the biting cold weather.

Fianna looked around and nodded with a smile, ''It's warm now. But I must admit I hate Frostwinter.''

"It doesn't bother me unless it's really bad. But It's good to see you," Archer replied with a smile of his own.

Fianna was clad in a pair of tight pants that hugged her thick thighs and wide hips, and the jumper she wore clung to her curves and massive boobs, which perplexed Archer.

'How does she fit her boobs in that?' He thought.

But that didn't change the fact that Archer found her extremely attractive and wondered why her husband would neglect her. Her red eyes glowed with wisdom, and her dazzling smile caught him off guard.

Her face was a masterpiece in its own right. She had glowing white skin, smooth as silk, glowed with a soft radiance.Full lips painted a subtle shade of pink, curved into a captivating smile that could light up the darkest of rooms.

Overall, her beauty was ethereal, a blend of elegance and charm that left him breathless in admiration. But he shook his head andnoticed Fianna was wrapped in a thick cloak that couldn't shield her from the cold weather.

''Let's get going,'' Archer spoke after examining the Duchess.

The older woman nodded as he opened a Gate to his kingdom and stepped through. They stood side by side on the edge of a snow-covered cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the winter landscape below.

Archer felt the air was crisp and clear, and the soft glow of the morning sun cast a golden hue over the scene before them. As they gazed out at the breathtaking panorama, Archer couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the kingdom he had built.

Despite the harsh winter season, the land below teemed with life and activity. Dozens of farms dotted the countryside, their fields blanketed in a pristine layer of snow. Smoke rose lazily from the chimneys of farmhouses nestled among the trees.

Their cozy warmth is a stark contrast to the cold landscape. Beyond the farms, dense forests stretched as far as the eye could see, their snow-laden branches creating a picturesque winter scene.

Tall mountains loomed in the distance, their peaks dusted with snow, while a large river wound its way through the valley below, its icy waters glistening in the sunlight.

"It's beautiful," Fianna whispered, her voice filled with awe as she took in the breathtaking vista before her.

But she shook her head before asking in shock, ''What is this place?''

''It is the Draconia Kingdom. A home for all dragon kind to be safe and grow, '' Archer answered proudly.

Following that, Archer summoned his wings, a sight that startled Fianna. However, she bravely approached him, extending her hand to gently trace her finger along their surface, sending a shiver coursing through his body.

Speaking softly, she remarked, "They are beautiful. Are they heavy?"

Archer quickly picked her up, which earned him a yelp, but he quickly explained. ''We can reach the main settlement.''

Fianna nodded and got comfortable in his arms as Archer took off. They flew toward the distant building he spotted.As the duo soared through the crisp winter air, Fianna couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking landscape below.

The snow-covered grasslands stretched beneath them like a pristine white blanket, shimmering in the soft glow of the morning sun. Small villages dotted the countryside, their cozy cottages nestled among the trees, smoke spiraling lazily from their chimneys.

Fianna's eyes widened as she took in the scene unfolding before her. The quaint villages looked like something out of a storybook, with their thatched roofs and colorful gardens peeking out from beneath the snow.

It was a sight unlike anything she had ever seen, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty of it all. Archer glanced over at Fianna and couldn't help but smile at the look of wonder on her face.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and her lips were curved into a delighted smile as she took in the breathtaking view below.As he flew over one of the villages, they started cheering, catching Fianna off guard as she questioned. ''The people truly love you, don't they?''

''Yeah, but there's a reason for that. As you know, the dragon-

kin were a nomadic people who suffered brutal oppression from all sorts of empires and kingdoms along with the church. They never had a home or a safe place until I offered them one, and now I have millions of willing subjects, and that number grows by the day.''

Fianna looked nervous before asking. ''What are you planning to do, Archer? I mean, that's a lot of people. I can't imagine how many are soldiers.''

''Build a world of peace for my children to live in, even if I have to become the villain to accomplish this. Once given a reason, my armies will trample empires and kingdoms that have stood for thousands of years. I will bring change to Thrylos that no one has ever seen Fianna. Not even the Avalon Empire can stand in my way.''

He looked around and saw the hundreds of military bases and concluded. ''There are a million soldiers ready to die for me and its not only for conquest but its to fight the Swarm that's coming in five years.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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