A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 660 Stormguards

Chapter 660 Stormguards

Archer looked at the shocked woman and grinned as he flew toward the largest town the dragon king had built. When they got closer, the two saw thousands of soldiers training, shocking the Duchess.

''Do I have to worry about anything, Archer?'' Fianna asked in a wary voice.

He laughed before responding, ''No.''

After speaking, Archer descended to the ground, catching the soldiers off guard. They quickly knelt while the commander rushed to him and put Fianna down. The dragon-kin man bowed, ''Your Majesty. I'm commander Soren Poisonclaw; I'm in charge of training the recruits for the army.''

Soren continued. ''We didn't know you were coming, but I hope you're happy with the soldiers. They are ready to fight for you.''

Archer nodded while looking around, ''Where's General Kaba?''

The man pointed at a distant military fort that borders a large town, ''He operates from the Bastion, which is the army's main headquarters. While Drakewood is the town right next to it, Your Majesty.''

He smiled when hearing this and asked another question, ''How many towns does the kingdom have now?''

''Three excluding Drakewood with about ten villages. Queen Aisha is planning to build a city but wanted to speak to you before starting,'' Soren man answered.

''What is the name of the towns?'' Archer answered.

''Dragoncrest, our farming town that produces a lot of our food; Dragonhold is where the craftsmen live and operate their businesses, and Dragon's Gate is our trade town; the queen allows trading vessels to pass through the White Gate,'' Soren quickly responded.

A confused expression appeared on Archer before Soren explained. ''She got the builders to install a metal gate that allows trading vessels to cross through the North and West Gates and sail down the Whiteflow River.''

''How many soldiers are in the army? And is there a wide range of skills?'' Archer commented.

Soren nodded. ''Yes. There are just over a million soldiers, but half are still in training, and many skills are available that can be used in war, Your Majesty.''

''Good. I have some ideas for new units and names. I'm going to speak to the general.'' He said while picking up the silent Fianna.

Commander Soren bowed before getting back to training. Archer took off and headed toward the Bastion, and when the two got closer, they saw a large half-stone and half-wood fortress still under construction.

Its sturdy walls and towering battlements were a formidable sight to see. As they drew closer, they could see hundreds of soldiers stationed along the ramparts, their vigilant gazes scanning the surrounding landscape.

Descending to a courtyard in the heart of the fortress, Archer and Fianna were greeted by the bustling activity of soldiers going about their duties. When the soldiers spotted him, they all stopped until one shouted, ''The king has returned!''

A chorus of voices rang out in unison, echoing through the courtyard as soldiers and civilians shouted in jubilation.

''He has returned!" the voices cried out, each word infused with reverence and awe.

Fianna's eyes widened in shock as she entered the scene before her. She had expected a respectful welcome, but the genuine display of loyalty and devotion left her speechless. The sheer magnitude of the moment overwhelmed her, sending shivers down her spine.

Soldiers and civilians alike knelt in tribute, and their heads bowed in reverence as they awaited the arrival of their sovereign. She watched in astonishment as the courtyard became a sea of kneeling figures, their voices raised in praise.

Archer grinned at the display of loyalty from his subjects, and Fianna saw the smug look on his face. Before long, General Mohamet emerged from the crowd of kneeling figures. Flanked by several men, he knelt before Archer, his head bowed in deference.

"Your Majesty," he spoke, his voice reverently addressing his sovereign. "We are honored by your return."

Archer inclined his head in acknowledgment, a warm smile gracing his lips. "Rise, General. "There is much to discuss."

Mohamet nodded and led Archer through the corridors of the Bastion, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. Anticipation hung thick in the air. The torches lining the passageways cast flickering shadows.

Fianna stuck close to him and looked in amazement at the plain corridors without decorations. She wondered why she spoke. ''Why aren't the corridors painted or even decorated? It looks plain.''

Mohamet was about to speak, but Archer explained. ''It a waste of coin. This fortress was made to protect the kingdom, and that's what it does. It doesn't have to be fancy. It just has to be practical.''

The blonde woman nodded, and the Mohamet smiled happily before speaking. ''Exactly, Your Majesty. I remembered your words from many of our chats over the years.''

''It's the way forward for Draconia. We will not fall to greed; well, you cannot. But I certainly will. I can always take more treasure, but it's unnecessary after taking all the Church Of Light's wealth.''

Mohamet agreed but was curious, so the older man asked, ''What did you want to discuss, Your Majesty?''

Archer chuckled, ''We will re-organize the army, create some specialized units, and recruit even more soldiers before the Swarm appears.''

He looked around at some soldiers standing guard before continuing, ''For example. We can have beast riders, skirmishers, light infantry, and many other units I've been thinking of. Commander Soren said there were many skills in the army. Can you explain?''

Mohamet nodded, ''Of course. Many races have joined us, from dwarves, elves, demi-humans, humans, and others. They all have specific skills; we can organize them into these units you want to create.''

Archer was pleased with Mohamet's answer and continued walking while saving the questions for another time. Finally, they reached the entrance to the throne room, massive wooden doors adorned with elaborate carvings looming before them.

With a solemn nod, Mohamet pushed open the doors, revealing the grand chamber beyond. Archer stepped into the room, his eyes widening in awe at the sight before him. The throne room was vast and majestic.

Its walls are adorned with banners bearing the symbol of the Draconia Kingdom, which was a picture of a white dragon breathing out violet flames. The floor was paved with polished marble, reflecting the warm glow of the torchlight.

But it was the throne that captured Archer's attention. It stood at the room's far end, carved from gleaming white stone, symbolizing power and authority. The throne exuded an undeniable aura of elegance and grandeur despite its simplicity.

As he admired its beauty, he approached the throne, his heart swelling with pride. He reached out and ran his hand along the smooth surface, feeling the cool touch of the stone beneath his fingertips.

Mohamet stood nearby, his expression of quiet respect as he watched Archer take his place on the throne. The other men followed suit, kneeling before their king with unwavering loyalty and devotion.

Archer looked at the men and said, ''I want to re-organize the Draconia Army. There are just foot soldiers right now, but that will change.''

That's when he spotted a dragon-kin man who was even taller than him and looked like a tank. He got an idea. Archer turned to Mohamet while speaking, ''Who is the big man?''

The older man turned his head and chuckled before informing Archer, ''That is your biggest fan, Your Majesty. Talonar Thornscale was from a nomadic tribe enslaved on the Frostwood Continent. Sagana brought them back a couple of years ago.''

Archer nodded as he spoke, ''What is his skillset?''

Mohamet thought briefly before answering, ''He is what adventurers call a Tank. Talonar uses a mythril shield passed down in the Thornscale family.''

'Yes. The first part of the plan is in place.' Archer thought to himself as he spotted Fianna standing there staring at him.

He called for her in a sweet tone, ''Come here, Fi.''

As the blonde woman approached, Archer reached out and pulled her into his lap, eliciting a surprised yelp from her. Despite her initial reaction, she didn't resist as his arms wrapped around her slim waist, sending a shiver coursing through her body.

Archer got comfortable and started running his fingers up Fianna's juicy thighs, causing her to get goosebumps, but stopped as he spoke to the crowd, ''Talonar. You will lead and train any volunteers who want to become Stormguards. They will be the frontline and hold the enemy in place while killing as many as possible before dying. Whoever joins has to be ready to die for me or their kingdom.''

When Talonar heard this, he felt honored before kneeling lower as he spoke in a deep and gravelly voice, ''Your Majesty. I would be honored to lead such a unit. Thank you for this opportunity.''

''Don't disappoint me,'' Archer commented, causing Talonar to nod in understanding.

He turned to Mohamet and asked while pampering Fianna, ''Is anyone here good at magic and spellcasting?''

The older human smiled before introducing two elves who looked like siblings, ''This is Finrod and Aranelle Moonflower. They are talented mages and joined us half a year ago.''

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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