A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 642 Congratulations

Chapter 642 Congratulations

[Teuila's POV]

Teuila was staring at the black-haired boy named Dorian. She noticed the lewd look he was giving her, which caused her anger to flare as she warned him. ''I wouldn't look at me like that. You see, my husband is VERY possessive of us girls and will kill you after this.''

Dorian shrugged. ''He wishes. My Father would raise hell in the imperial court if he did that.''

Teuila chuckled before retorting. ''You think he cares about that? Continue with your stupid behavior and watch what happens.''

He smirked. ''How does it feel to be one of many women he sees? If you were with a man like me, I would spoil you rotten.''

When Teuila heard this, she asked herself. 'Is this simping that Archer told us about?'

As the fight was about to start, the referee's announcement prompted Teuila to grab her sword. Dorian also had his sword ready. Without a word, she lunged forward, moving so fast that it created a loud boom in the arena.

Teuila swung her sword at Dorian, who barely blocked the attack. But she continued attacking, not allowing him to react as her strikes grew more ferocious; the crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, their voices blending with the excitement.

The arena seemed to pulsate with energy as she unleashed her fury upon the boy who disrespected her with unmatched savagery. Dodging his swings ease, she closed in on him with determination etched across her features.

With a swift movement, she delivered a brutal headbutt, causing his nose to explode in a spray of blood. The crowd roared in approval, thrilled by the raw power on display. But Teuila was not finished. With a fierce growl, she let go of her sword and chose to fight with her bare fists instead.

Her punches landed with precision and force, her movements a blur of speed and intensity. Dorian, caught off guard by her relentless assault, attempted to retaliate, but she effortlessly dodged his attacks, her reflexes honed to perfection.

Despite his desperation, she wore him down with each blow, and her resolve was unwavering. As the intense battle between the two raged on, the crowd watched with bated breath, anticipation hanging thick in the air.

Teuila's blue eyes blazed with determination as she unleashed a relentless attack upon her opponent. With every strike, her blows landed with precision and force, each driving Dorian further back, his defenses crumbling beneath the onslaught.

Despite his attempts to fight back, he was outmatched by her skill and ferocity. Sensing an opening, Teuila pressed forward, her movements fluid and calculated as she closed the distance between them.

She struck him repeatedly, relentless in her assault. Each blow was powerful enough to make him stagger backward. As the barrage continued, Dorian's strength faded, his movements slowing down as he struggled to keep up with Teuila's relentless attack.

With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that he was no match for her. Finally, with one powerful strike, she delivered the decisive blow that sent Dorian crashing. He crumpled beneath the force of the impact, his body folding in on itself as he lay sprawled on the ground, defeated.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their admiration for Teuila's prowess echoing throughout the arena.

Teuila stood triumphant, her chest heaving with exertion as she surveyed the aftermath of the battle. At that moment, she had proven herself a true warrior and to show the other students that they were strong.

She shook her head as the referee approached and announced her as the winner before calling for the next match.


[Back to Archer]

Archer stood up and approached the tired Teuila, who smiled when he saw him. He quickly cast Aurora Healing, causing her to feel much better. She thanked him with a kiss before he asked the group. ''Who's fighting next?''

''It's me, husband. The girl is already on stage.'' Nefertiti answered with a grin.

He turned around to see a brute of a woman before absentmindedly commenting. ''Is that a real-life gorilla woman?''

The girls started laughing, and Lioran answered. ''She's part of a family in the east. A strange bunch as they alter their bodies with chemicals and dark magic.''

Archer nodded as he turned back to Nefertiti. ''Show her what my succubus can do.''

When the pink-haired girl heard this, she grinned before speaking. ''Of course, my love. Let me deal with this brute quickly, and I'll be back.''

After speaking to him, she made her way confidently toward the stage, drawing the attention of everyone present. Nefertiti ascended the stage and nodded with the referee, signaling her readiness to participate.

The referee started the fight, and the gorilla woman charged forward. The crowd held its breath, anticipation thick in the air as the pink-haired succubus prepared to unleash a devastating attack.

Nefertiti thrust her palm forward with a fierce cry, unleashing the Arcane Blast with explosive force. The pink sphere hurtled through the air, leaving a trail of shimmering energy in its wake as it homed in on the woman.

Her foe attempted to evade the attack, but it was too late. The blast struck her squarely in the chest, engulfing her in a blinding flash of light and sending her hurtling backward with bone-

shattering force.

With a resounding crash, the gorilla woman slammed into the arena wall, the impact echoing throughout the stadium. The crowd was stunned into silence before erupting into thunderous applause and cheers.

Many of the Professors were shocked at Nefertiti's strength. They knew she could use the famous Zenian arcane magic, which impressed them. Archer noticed the smiles of Ophelia and Professor Ashguard sitting on a balcony not far away.

The referee announced her win before Archer watched her walk toward him with a big smile and a lust-filled look in her pink eyes. When Nefertiti got closer, she kissed him before returning to her seat.

As they were speaking, the announcer started talking. ''Llyniel Oakwood and Lalina Bloodaxe! Come to the stage.''

He watched as she nervously stood up and was reassured of her power, which made her feel better. She approached the stage and saw a demon girl with red skin and black hair.

Llyniel's opponent used a whip and short sword, which didn't bother the wood elf, who stepped up. As Archer watched her, he felt the natural magic gathering around her as the demon girl was using fire.

The referee asked if they were ready, and both girls nodded. He motioned for the fight to begin. Llyniel didn't give her opponent a chance and instantly cast her spell. 'Vine Reach.'

With a thunderous roar, vines burst forth from the ground, surging forward like a tsunami, and caught the demon girl in their grasp. The audience gasped in amazement as they coiled tightly around her, immobilizing her completely.

Archer watched in astonishment as Llyniel surged forward as Teuila had done earlier. She quickly closed the distance between herself and the trapped demon, delivering a swift kick to her head.

The impact reverberated throughout the arena, and the girl staggered dazedly. Seizing the opportunity, she launched a rapid combination of strikes, each blow landing with precision and force.

Everyone watched in amazement as Llyniel's flurry of attacks left the demon girl reeling, her consciousness fading with each strike. Finally, with one last powerful blow, the wood elf delivered the finishing blow that knocked the demon girl unconscious.

A stunned silence fell over the arena as the realization of what had happened sank in. Archer and the other girls could hardly believe their eyes at the display of power before them. But the silence was short-lived as the citizens of Oakheart, filled with pride and excitement, erupted into thunderous cheers.

The sound echoed throughout the stadium, causing the very foundations of the arena to tremble beneath their feet. Once the cheering calmed, the referee announced that Llyniel was the woman.

Afterward, the wood elf ran over to the Archer, who was watching her with a proud smile. He wrapped his arms around her before whispering into her ear. ''You're strong, Llyniel. I didn't know you could fight hand to hand.''

The brown-haired elf smiled before looking at Teuila and Talila as she answered. ''They helped me train in my spare time.''

"Congratulations, Llyniel! That was amazing!" exclaimed Ella, clapping her on the back.

Sera nodded enthusiastically. "You really showed them what you're made of out there."

Llyniel blushed, feeling a mixture of pride and embarrassment at the attention. "Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without your support."

Before the girls could continue their praise, the announcer's voice boomed through the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a short break! But don't go too far because, after the break, we have an exciting match between Archer Wyldheart and Kassandra Leviathan!''

Once they heard that, Archer and the girls got excited before getting something to eat as he got hungry while watching Llyniel's fight.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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