A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 641 Meeting The Family

Chapter 641 Meeting The Family

While the girls were getting to know Aeris, Llyniel led Archer toward her family's tent. After bowing to the girl, the Oakheart guards let them through when they arrived.

When they stepped into the tent, Archer saw half a dozen people sitting around talking but stopped when they spotted the two. He noticed a man who looked a lot like Alaric stand up and approach him with an unreadable expression.

Archer watched the man who stopped in front of him. Llyniel quickly spoke with a smile. ''Papa, this is Archer. I will be marrying him.''

The man nodded but didn't take his eyes off him, which caused him to stick out his hand with a smile. ''I'm Archer Wyldheart.''

When the Oakheart king saw this, he beamed before taking his hand and speaking. ''It's good to meet you finally. My wife has told me a lot about you. I'm King Alderion Oakheart,''

''All good, I hope.'' He replied when letting go of the elf man's hand.

Alderion nodded. ''Sit down, you two. We have much to discuss.''

Archer and Llyniel nodded before the king started introducing the people in the tent. ''You already know my wife Sylphina, but the young man sitting next to her is Aramil Oakheart, the first prince.''

He greeted him with a nod and received one in return. Alderion turned to the next boy and introduced him. ''This is the second princess, Faeler, and the two beauties sitting there reading are Arwen and Aerin Oakheart, the first and second princess.''

Archer looked at the girls and thought they were beautiful, but to him, they had nothing on Llyniel, who looked around nervously. He grabbed her hand and went to sit down when Sylphina motioned them to.

Llyniel calmed down when she felt his hand, but Archer greeted everyone who returned it with smiles. After that, Aramil spoke while looking at him. ''So my baby sister is just one of your many women?''

He looked at the boy and decided to mess with him. ''Yes, Aramil. I love twelve women dearly, and Llyn is one of them.''

When the girl in question heard his words, she went bright red, but Archer felt her tattoo going crazy with feelings of love, which caused him to look over at her. He felt her love for him through their connection, just like he could feel the other girls.

Archer shook his head when Aramil replied, causing everyone to look at him like a fool. ''Can you even please all of them?''

When Llyniel and her two sisters heard this, they started protesting, but their parents watched with interest. So Archer sighed before explaining. ''I can please them and more prince. It's not even about the pleasure. It's what they bring to my life. For example, Llyn is a ball of joy to be around. She always smiles, and I love watching her while she works in her garden.''

''You watch me!'' Llyniel panicked, causing everyone to laugh.

Archer nodded. ''Yes, you're adorable when you're working.''

Her parents and sisters smiled when they saw her reaction, but her two brothers watched Archer with suspicious gazes. He just ignored them and started chatting to the king and queen.

''So, Alderion, do you accept Llyniel's engagement to me? I know Sylphina has, but I haven't heard your opinion.''

The older elf man nodded before explaining. ''I have no issues apart from the fact that you've got loads of women at your side. How do I know my daughter will be treated the same?''

Archer sighed and was about to reply, but Llynial interrupted. "I know there have been rumors and speculation about Archer's relationship with me and the other girls in his life,"

She continued, meeting each of their gazes with unwavering determination. "But I want to assure you all that Archer treats each of us with the same love, respect, and consideration."

A murmur of uncertainty rippled through the tent, spurring Llyniel to press on with even greater conviction.

"He doesn't play favorites or show favortism to anyone," she emphasized. "Whether it's me, or Ella, or Nefertiti, or any of the other women in his life, he treats us all with equal care and devotion."

Alderion and Sylphina exchanged a meaningful glance, silently acknowledging their daughter's words. Aramil and the rest of her siblings listened intently, their expressions softening with understanding.

"I have seen firsthand how Archer goes out of his way to make each of us feel special and loved," Llyniel continued, her voice filled with emotion. "He values our individual strengths and personalities, and he cherishes the unique bond he shares with each of us. He also is willing to support us in whatever we desire. I wanted a garden to grow plants, and he made me one; Hecate wanted to sell potions, so he bought a shop for her."

Sylphina spoke up, her voice gentle yet probing. "But Llyniel, how can we be sure that Archer's intentions are genuine? How can we trust that he won't hurt you or the others?"

Llyniel met her mother's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Because I trust him, Mama," she replied, her voice firm. "I trust him with all my heart, and I believe in the seriousness of his love for me and the other women in his life. He would die for any of us without thinking about it.''

When the family heard this, they turned to Archer, who was nodding with a smile. Her parents saw this, and they smiled before Alderion spoke up. ''Okay, I'll accept this engagement, but just look after her son.''

''Of course, I will,'' Archer answered.

After that, he got to know Llyniel's family before returning to his tent to see some girls chatting to Aeris. Archer got jealous when he saw how close the black-haired boy was to his girls.

As Archer warned, the wood elf went to the sofas and sat down to get comfortable. ''Aeris, you better not be flirting with my girls. Even if you're a friend, I won't accept it.''

When Aeris heard this, he shook his head. ''I would never Arch! You're my friend, and now the girls are.''

He looked around as the rest giggled but ignored it before slumping into one of the sofas as he spoke. ''Who's fighting today?''

Ella was the one to answer. ''All of us are. But Teuila's fight is first, which starts soon, and we'll be leaving.''

Archer nodded. ''I remember she's fighting Dorian Blackwood. When does it start?''

The girl in question entered the living room and spoke. ''It starts in ten minutes. We were waiting for you to leave, darling.''

He looked around the tent to see if everyone was ready to go and spoke. ''Okay, let's head to the arena before the announcement so you can prepare.''

All the girls agreed, and the large group, including Aeris, left the tent and made their way to the large arena the Oakheart Kingdom built using nature magic.

Archer loved the look of it as it was made from vines and wood, which produced a unique-looking arena that only the wood elves could build.

They stepped into the building and ushered them through the student entrance, then were led to the College Of Magic section to see Lioran, Alaric, and Cian along with their ladies.

The lion boy greeted them with smiles as Archer and the girls sat down. Lioran turned to him and spoke with an amused voice. ''You're fighting the top student in the Starlight Academy.

Archer grew curious and asked. ''Who is this student?''

Lioran shrugged. ''Kassandra, something. No one knows her family name as she appeared months ago and impressed the academy headmaster, who put her on the tournament team. But she beat them all and became the strongest student in the Starlight Academy.''

''Interesting. Well, it's the last fight until I find out what group I'd be in, but I'm guessing it's the Cosmic one.''

Cian was the next to speak. ''Arch.''

He looked over to the orange-haired boy, who explained everything he missed. ''Once the girls finish their fights, see the headmistress to find out what group you'd be in.''

Archer nodded before Alaric spoke. ''Llyniel tells me you met Father. I'm shocked he accepted the engagement as she is his baby and treats her like one.''

When the wood elf boy spoke, the girl in question complained. ''He does not baby me, Al! I can't control what Father does.''

He started laughing at the siblings before turning back to the match, where a girl smashed a hammer in another girl's face and sent her flying off the stage.

Once that fight was over, an announcement rang throughout the arena.''Can Teuila Wyldheart and Dorian Blackwood come to the stage for their fight.''

The blue-haired girl jumped up with a big smile before kissing Archer and approaching the stage as she stretched her arms. When Teuila stepped onto the stage, she pulled out her sword and waited for her opponent.

A boy with black hair and bright green eyes stepped on the stage with a big smile. Archer saw him looking at Teuila with a lewd look in his eyes and wanted to kill him but knew his Ocean Princess could look after herself.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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