A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 638 Glad You Like It

Chapter 638 Glad You Like It

Archer stepped on stage to see the referee and Wulf staring at him like he was a beast. He grinned before coming to a stop as the brown-haired boy commented. ''So you're the infamous white dragon the continents speaking of.''

His nod prompted Wulf to continue. ''What's the point of us fighting when you can wipe me away without much effort? You're a dragon, after all.''

Upon hearing that, Archer held up his wrist to show the boy and referee the bracelet before explaining. ''This a limiter I set on myself to have fun and make it a challenge. I'll be fighting with the power of a Master ranked mage.''

Wulf smiled as he wanted to fight properly and not be blown away. The referee just shrugged and announced the start of the match, but neither moved. Archer grinned before casting Element Bolts made from fire that shot toward his opponent.

As the bolts got closer, Wulf swung his axe and deflected all of them, making his smile grow as he summoned his greatsword and wanted to fight using brute strength.

The tension thick like a storm ready to unleash its fury. Archer gripped his greatsword tightly, the weight of it reassuring in his hands. Wulf swung his axe with ease, the metal gleaming in the sunlight.

Without a word, they charged toward each other, the excitement etched on their faces like battle scars. His weapon clashed against Wulf's with a resounding clang, sparks flying as metal met metal.

Each blow they exchanged thundered through the arena, shaking the ground beneath their feet. Archer danced around Wulf, his movements precise, his greatsword slashing through the air like a deadly whirlwind.

The brown-haired boy roared with fury, swinging his axe with brute force, each strike aimed to cleave him in two. But he was swift, dodging and parrying with skill and finesse, his every move calculated to evade Wulf's relentless assault.

The crowd watched in awe as the two warriors battled on, their cheers and shouts echoing throughout the arena. Archer's greatsword sang as it sliced through the air, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Wulf fought with primal ferocity, his axe crashing like thunder, each blow threatening to shatter bone and steel alike. But Archer was undaunted. With a mighty roar, he unleashed a flurry of strikes, his greatsword a blur of steel as he pressed the attack.

The brown-haired boy fought back with equal enthusiasm, his axe a whirlwind of death as he defended himself against his relentless attacks.

Their fight continued like that for minutes until Archer spotted Wulf breathing heavily, and with a grin, he deflected the next attack, causing the axe to lodge itself in the stage.

When Archer saw that, he took the opportunity to finish the fight and struck the boy in the chest with a powerful kick, sending him flying off the stage and crashing into a nearby wall.

He fell to the ground with a thud, causing the crowd to erupt in a frenzy, and Archer raised his arms while being declared the winner. Once that was over, he dismissed the sword and returned to the girls.

They all had smiles while greeting him with kisses. Teuila walked up to him and grabbed his arm before speaking. ''I loved the way you used the greatsword. Can we fight one day?''

Archer nodded before they left the arena, as everyone else's fight was the next day. When they stepped onto the field, the manaships they saw a sea of tents.

As the group took in the sight, Llyniel commented with a proud smile. ''Mother and Father made sure we had the best. Follow me.''

Everyone turned to her as she started walking. Archer caught up with her using Blink, which made the wood elf jump. She quickly spoke in an annoyed voice but still had a smile. ''Why frighten me, Arch! I was taking us to the tent my parents gave us.''

Archer smiled before grabbing her hand and pulling her close. When she was staring up at him in confusion, he leaned down and stole her lips, which caught everyone's attention, including the soldiers patrolling the area.

Once the couple separated, Llyniel informed any approaching guards that Archer was her fiance and should be treated with the same respect.

Afterward, the group followed the wood elf through the bustling arena grounds, met with curious stares and whispers from the onlookers.

She walked confidently, her posture proud as she led them through the maze of tents and bustling activity. The wood elf soldiers stationed at the row of tents straightened as Llyniel approached, their eyes recognizing her authority.

With a swift hand, Llyniel acknowledged their salute, and the soldiers bowed respectfully as she passed, granting her passage without question.

The group continued to follow Llyniel until they reached the end of the row, where a massive tent stood tall and imposing against the backdrop of the arena.

Its fabric fluttered in the breeze, adorned with detailed patterns and symbols that spoke of ancient traditions and powerful magic. Llyniel led them into the massive tent.

With a gentle sweep of her hand, she pulled aside the entrance flap, revealing everything within. The group stepped into a vast space, far larger than they had anticipated.

The inside of the tent seemed to stretch endlessly, illuminated by flickering torches that cast warm, golden light across the room.

Their eyes widened in awe as they took in the sight. The tent wasn't fancy but just right. But the rows of comfortable-

looking sofas arranged in a seating area at the tent's center caught their attention the most.

When Archer saw this, he grinned before flopping down on one of the sofas. Llyniel started talking as everyone else started sitting down. ''My parents assigned one tent for all of us while in the Oakheart Kingdom.''

He smiled. ''Tell them I said thank you.''

''They want to see you once the Qualification Round begins. I hope you don't mind.''

Archer shook his head. ''That's fine. I have to meet your father anyway, so this will be the best time to do that.''

After that, the group relaxed while Ella, Halime, and Sera were cooking while the others were doing their own thing. Archer sank into one of the comfortable sofas within the clan's grand tent.

Plush cushions wrapped around him like a cocoon, and the gentle flicker of torchlight cast a soothing ambiance over the space. As he leaned back, closing his eyes for just a moment, the weariness of his journey caught up with him.

The sounds of conversation and laughter from the girls provided a comforting backdrop, lulling him into a state of relaxation. Time slipped away, and soon, the soft embrace of sleep enveloped him completely.

He drifted into a deep slumber, his breathing steady and his mind at ease. The smell of freshly cooked food stirred him from his dreams.

Archer's senses awakened to the scent of warm bread and savory meat, filling the air with a mouthwatering smell that made his stomach growl in anticipation.

Opening his eyes, he found Ella standing before him, a warm smile gracing her lips as she held out a plate of food. "Hey there, sleepyhead. I thought you might be hungry."

Archer blinked away the remnants of sleep, sitting up with a grateful nod. He accepted the plate from her, his mouth watering at seeing the meal before him. The bread was warm and crusty, the meat juicy and flavorful, and a feast for a weary traveler.

"Thank you, El." Archer said sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude. He took a bite of the food, savoring the flavors that exploded in his mouth.

Ella chuckled, watching him eat with amusement. "Glad you like it," she replied. "You looked so peaceful, I almost didn't want to wake you."

Archer smiled warmly, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. At that moment, surrounded by everyone and comforted by good food, he felt truly at home at the start of his journey.

As the day wore on and the exhaustion settled upon them like a heavy blanket, they decided to go to bed so they could get enough rest for the fights tomorrow.

The air was filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the gentle rustle of blankets as they prepared to settle in for the night. With a yawn, Archer stretched his arms above his head, feeling the weariness seep into his bones.

He glanced around the spacious room, noting the rows of ten cozy beds lined up against the wall, each beckoning with the promise of rest and relaxation.

But before he could even think about claiming a bed for himself, he was surrounded by a flurry of activity as they clamored around him, vying for the spaces next to him.

The others joined in the playful commotion, each vying for a spot next to Archer, their laughter filling the room with warmth and joy. Nefertiti and Halime won the competition and got comfortable next to him.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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