A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 637 The Arcane Tournament Begins

Chapter 637 The Arcane Tournament Begins

?Archer smiled at Nala, Llyniel, and Halime before commenting. ''I was just checking out how much you girls have grown stronger.''

The three nodded before getting back to chatting. After that, he checked his current status before spending the points.

[Experience: 1325000/4000000]

[Rank: Sovereign Mage] (Limiter Activated: Master Rank)

[HP: 29500>30000]

[Mana: 678690>685000]

[Strength: 27500>28000]

[Constitution: 26000>26500]

[Stamina: 27000>27500]

[Charisma: 21500>22000]

[Intelligence: 27500>28000]

[New Magic's Learned: Poison - Shadow]

[Shadow Prince: 2>4]

[Shadowspawn: 6>7]

[Timewarp: 3>4]

[Dragon's Domain: 5>7]

[Analyze: 9>10]

[Anti-Magic: 9>10]

[Immunity: 8>9]

[Draconic Synergy: 2>4]

After checking his status, he allocated two hundred points each to HP, Mana, Charisma, and Intelligence and four hundred points to the remaining stats, which boosted him immensely.

A burning sensation shot through his body due to the intense change in his status, causing him to shiver as the Regeneration kicked in and started healing him. Archer shook his head before taking a deep breath and checking his new status.


[HP: 30000>34000]

[Mana: 685000>689000]

[Strength: 28000>36000]

[Constitution: 26500>34500]

[Stamina: 27500>35500]

[Charisma: 22000>26000]

[Intelligence: 28000>32000]

Excited by the boost, Archer was in a good mood but remembered he wanted to remove some of the spells he'd never used. That's when he started thinking about the ones he wanted gone.

After a few seconds, he felt something, and a screen popped up.

[Cure Wounds]

[Flashpoint (7)]

[Aurora Borealis]

[Beacon Of Clarity]

[Spells removed but not forgotten. If you use them in the future, they will reappear]

Archer shook his head and thought that was helpful. After messing with his status, he saw students walking toward the stages while others were fighting.

With a confused expression, he turned to Teuila and spoke. ''What's happened? I was busy thinking about something.''

She giggled before filling him in on what he had missed. ''The fights have started, but it's no one we know. You're fighting someone called Wulf Steelbane, which will be in an hour.''

He grinned. ''Who is he?''

Teuila scanned the surroundings before singling out a tall human boy of Archer's age, distinguished by his brown hair and striking red eyes. Archer observed his opponent, noting the boy's imposing size, and felt excitement at the prospect of testing his strength.

Despite the intimidating presence of the giant axe he carried, Archer remained unfazed, confident in his scales' ability to withstand such weapons without threatening him.

"Wulf looks like he will put up a good fight, but who are you fighting, my Ocean Princess?" he asked in a curious voice.

She turned to him with her pretty smile. ''I fight some boy called Dorian Blackwood. Gianna told me he specialized in using spear and earth magic, which would be easy to deal with when I used my Aquarian magic.''

Archer grinned with pride. ''I know you'll beat him. You girls have grown so strong it even took me by surprise.''

She giggled, then leaned closer. ''It's all because of you and your naughty side. The amount of sex we have has added up. Now we're a lot stronger than ever.''

Archer nodded, and they turned their attention back to the ongoing fight. Two girls were battling it out using fire and earth magic, which bored him, but then the earth mage managed to get a sneaky attack and sent the other flying.

Her attack caused the crowd to cheer, and the referee called for the next match. For the next hour, the fights continued until it was Ella's turn. Their arena was massive and beautifully decorated with banners from the participating kingdoms.

Archer noticed that the arena could hold most students and officials who attended the group fights. Waves of cheers and shouting could be heard as other fights were going on, but the noise soon died down when the last battle was ended by knockout.

A notice could be heard, quieting the arena as The announcer spoke over a mana speaker. ''Ella Wyldheart and Emilia Brightwood. Could you two step onto the stage for the next fight.''

When the half-elf heard this, she quickly approached Archer and expressed. ''Wish me luck, husband.''

He hugged her without warning, causing a sweet smile to appear on Ella's pretty face. After embracing her for a while, he leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss on her soft pink lips.

His actions sent a shockwave through her body, causing her to smile even more. She returned the kiss with a passionate one of her own. Once they separated, Archer replied. ''Good luck, El. I know you can win the fight.''

"You can win, Ella! Show her what you can do!" Sera shouted excitedly, followed by the other girls' encouraging words.

Teuila was the next to holler. ''Come on, Ella! Show our husband what you can do!''

The half-elf smiled at him and the others before stepping onto the stage. Archer looked to see who her opponent was and saw a brown-haired girl with bright yellow eyes.

She was built like a warrior, but there was something about her. That's when he remembered as she saw the sword on her waist. 'She must be a knight.'

That explained the serious attitude and stern-looking face. He thought she was pretty but in a girl-next-door way. Archer wondered where she came from but shook his head because it didn't matter.

Archer and the girls were sitting at the arena's edge, his eyes fixed on the spectacle before him. The tension in the air was noticeable as Ella and Emilia faced off in the center, their determination evident in every movement.

As the referee signaled the start of the match, Archer's heart began to race with anticipation. He watched Ella swiftly reach for her quiver, selecting explosive arrows to use first.

He watched as she notched them, her movements perfect. With a flick of her wrist, Ella released the arrows, each trailing sparks of fiery energy as they streaked toward Emilia.

The girl attempted to dodge, but the explosions were relentless, engulfing her in a fiery blast that sent her stumbling backward. Archer's breath caught in his throat as he witnessed Ella's prowess, which he hadn't expected.

When seeing this, he thought to himself. 'Wow. She is really strong now. I wonder when she trains.'

She wasted no time, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Emilia swung her sword desperately, but the half-elf dodged it by sidestepping the attack, the blade slicing through the air where she had just stood.

With a natural expression, Ella unleashed a powerful Earth Blast. The spell struck the brown-haired girl squarely in the stomach, the force of the impact knocking the wind out of her.

She doubled over, gasping for breath as she struggled to regain her footing. But Ella was relentless, just like him. With a fierce smile, she advanced on Emilia, her bow held aloft like a club.

Without wasting more time, she brought the bow crashing down, the wood connecting with Emilia's jaw with a resounding crack. Archer watched in awe as the girl crumpled to the ground, defeated.

The crowd erupted into cheers, their voices echoing through the arena as they hailed Ella as the victor. With a triumphant smile, she raised her bow high in the air, her victory clear for all to see.

As Archer celebrated with the crowd, he felt a surge of pride for Ella, who had fought with courage, proving herself to be a force to be reckoned with.

While he watched her bask in the crowd's admiration, he knew she had earned every moment. After the cheering died down, she approached them with a smile.

Archer jumped up and wrapped his arms around the half-elf, who let him do it as she sunk into his embrace. The other girls circled Ella while congratulating her after he let her go.

Once that was over, the large group watched more fights, but they recognized a few students who attended the College Of Magic. After that, it was Archer's fight, then Teuila's.

The other girl's fights would be held later on or tomorrow. Once a dozen battles ended, the announcer spoke. ''Archer Wyldheart and Wulf Steelbane. Please come to the stage.''

When Archer heard his name, a big grin appeared before he stood up. He approached each of his girls and kissed them as they wished him luck. Afterward, he went to the stage to spot his opponent, Wulf Steelbane, and his axe.

With a grin, he stepped onto the stage and heard his women screaming at him. Ella was first, her blue eyes shining with confidence. "Now it's time to show them what you're made of, Arch!"

Teuila added her voice to the mix. "You're strong, Darling. Believe in yourself, and you'll come out on top!"

Sera shouted in excitement, "Go get 'em, sweetheart! Show him what you're made of! We're all rooting for you!"

When he heard all ten screaming excitedly, his heart swelled at the support he received. The crowd cheered and screamed when they realized who stepped on stage.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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