A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 632 When Do We Land

Chapter 632 When Do We Land

Archer watched Aeris transform into a similar shadow figure to the one he had, but it wasn't as strong. Once he sensed no hostility, he put his claws away. He knew the boy couldn't harm him, so he calmed down and scanned him.

[Aeris Redcliff]

[Race: Dark Wraith]

[Age: 20]

[Rank: Master]

[Exp: 7660/12000]

[Level: 90]

''A dark wraith? Like a ghost?'' He asked.

Aeris boy shook his head. ''No. We're born from pure mana, like you, but less potent. Our ancestors created a spell to let us take human form."

Archer smiled before commenting. ''That's awesome. What's it like to be a wraith? Do you scare village children at night? Or haunt the evil noble plaguing the land?''

He just looked at him with a deadpan expression before shaking his head and asking in a worried voice. ''Shut up! Why would I scare children? Do I look like an evil ghost? But doesn't it bother you that I am a wraith?''

"Seriously, Aeris, no sister to introduce me? Are you sure you're not secretly a woman? You've got that feminine flair going on," Archer teased with a mischievous grin.

The black-haired boy blushed furiously, avoiding eye contact while retorting, "Knock it off, Arch! Why are you picking on me? And hey, I've got my grandmother; she's just like me."

His eyes widened as he spoke. ''Let me see her, Aeris.''

''Why? You don't plan to court her, do you? She's a mean woman but lovely to me.'' Aeris answered after sighing.

He shook his head. ''No. I have enough women for now, and I've never met your grandmother. But I would like to. So what's her name?''

Aeris shook his head. ''Narcissa Redcliff. The Dark Witch of the South.''

After speaking, he took a Mana Recorder and passed it to him. ''Send some mana into it, and you can see her.''

When hearing the boy's instructions, Archer nodded in agreement and looked closer at the recorder. As he peered into the device, he was greeted by the sight of a seductively beautiful woman.

She had long, flowing black hair and captivating red eyes mirroring Aeris's. She possessed a seductive hourglass figure. Her curves were highlighted, giving her a goddess-like appearance.

The woman looked like she was teaching and saw Aeris casting dark magic spells, which amazed him. But he couldn't take his eyes off the woman whose plump ass caught his attention when it jiggled as she moved.

Archer was captivated by Narcissa's beauty, but before he could fully appreciate it, the recorder was yanked out of his hand, causing him to become annoyed.

When Archer snapped out of it by shaking his head and turning to Aeris, wanting to know what happened, Aeris responded immediately, saying, "Quit staring at her like that. Yes, she's pretty, but no, she's not into charming dragons like you."

He chuckled before changing the subject. ''Did you think being a dark wraith would make me dislike you?''

The black-haired boy agreed. "Yes, when people find out, or I've told them, they tend to avoid me because wraiths are seen as evil. But we're just like any other race, with both good and bad individuals among us."

Archer looked at the black-haired boy and reassured him. "Aeris. I want you to know something. Whether you're a dark wraith, a slime, or a donkey, it doesn't change a thing between us. We're friends, and that's that."

Aeris glanced up at him, surprise flickering before a small, genuine smile spread across his face. The weight of uncertainty lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a warmth that radiated from within.

"Thanks. You don't know how much it means to me. I've never really had friends." After that, they returned to the room with everyone else and sat to wait for the ship to land outside Greenwood City.

Lioran and Cian turned to him when they sat down before the lion boy commented. ''Did Aeris try to kiss you, Arch? I've seen the way he looks at you.''

''Shut up, Lio. He just wanted to talk, and I asked if he had a sister but had no such luck.'' Archer replied with a grin.

When Aeris heard this, his cheeks went red, and he instantly looked away, causing Cian and Alaric to laugh at the reaction. Archer shook his head and spoke. ''When do we land? This ship is getting on my nerves.''

Alaric was the one who responded, his voice steady and composed. "About an hour, Once we land, Mother and Father will be waiting to welcome us with a feast. And tomorrow marks the beginning of the fights."

He grinned mischievously while nudging the lion boy with his elbow. "Hey, Lioran, don't forget to save a dance with your grandmother Malaika for me at your wedding. I hear she's quite the catch."

Lioran rolled his eyes, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Keep dreaming, Archer. I highly doubt she is in the market for a husband, especially one like you."

Alaric chuckled at their banter, enjoying the light-hearted exchange between his friend. Despite the teasing, warmth, and friendship bound them together as they looked forward to the festivities awaiting them.

He didn't let it go and continued. ''How come? I already have Nala. Why not add Malaika Goldheart? She would love to have such a handsome dragon for a husband.''

''How do you know her name?'' Lioran asked with narrowed eyes.

Archer chuckled at his reaction. ''Nala told me about your family, who live on the southern continent, Avidia. How come you ended up here?''

Lioran smiled before elaborating, "The Lionheart family rules the lion demi-human kingdom on Pluoria, while the Goldhearts reign over the empire on Avidia. My mother married into my father's family and moved here years ago."

''Oh, interesting.'' He commented with a smirk.

When Lioran saw this, he snapped. ''Don't you get any weird thoughts, you lewd dragon! Don't be chasing every woman in my family.''

Archer innocently smiled. ''I don't know what you're talking about. You're overreacting.''

Everyone laughed, and he noticed Aeris listening intently while looking at him. After a little while, Cian asked him with a curious expression. "Hey, Archer, what do you think of my sister Maeve?"

He paused for a moment, considering his reply. "Well, from what I've seen, she's beautiful and seems nice. But honestly, I'd like to get to know her better."

A smile spread across the orange-haired boy's face at Archer's answer. "That's great to hear! I'll make sure to arrange for the two of you to spend some time together. I think you'll get along well."

Archer nodded appreciatively, grateful for the opportunity to get to know Maeve better, but was suspicious. ''Why are you doing this? Isn't she engaged to a prince?''

Cian let out a sigh of frustration. "Yeah, I know. But what bothers me the most is the guy she's marrying. He's notorious for using girls for his own pleasure and then tossing them aside. And the worst part? She's getting married after the Arcane Tournament."

''Why are you telling me this? What do you need from me?'' Archer's confusion was obvious.

The desperation in Cian's eyes was real as he pleaded, "Take her away from that wedding. Kidnap her if you must. Make her yours, please. Just help my big sister!"

When Archer heard Cian's request, something inside ignited, and something about kidnapping a princess on her wedding day excited him, causing his violet eyes to glow.

''Oh, great. Now you've sparked something inside him. Watch the rumors of the white dragon kidnapping the princesses he likes will spring up now.'' Lioran commented with a run.

''Oh god. Should I hide my other sisters?'' Alaric asked the lion boy.

Lioran shook his head with a grin. ''Yes. You never know if he will be interested.''

Archer looked at the two boys and then at Aeris, who was laughing alongside Cian. He spoke in a frustrated tone. ''I'm still here, you idiots.''

He looked at Alaric and declared. ''I have no interest in your sisters. I love Llyniel and only her, so don't worry.''

The brown-haired boy nodded, causing Archer to turn to Lioran with a mischievous grin. "Now, watch closely, Lion Boy. I'm going to marry all the women in your family."

''Shut up, you playboy. My grandmother would run rings around you.'' Lioran answered with a smirk.

Archer chuckled before retorting. ''You'll have to babysit loads of cubs in the future.''

Lioran looked at him before he started to laugh, and soon, everyone joined in until Nala interrupted them. ''What are you boys laughing about?''

Nalika and Leonard also appeared, with Cassie waiting for the lion boys' answer. He stretched his cheek while looking at Archer, who shrugged. ''Tell her. I don't hide anything from my girls.''

The blonde boy nodded before turning to Nala. ''He was teasing me about claiming grandmother Malaika and having me babysit all the cubs.''

When hearing that, Nala started laughing before walking over to Archer and sitting on his lap as she replied. ''Well, if Grandmother and our aunties want to join, they could if he likes them. Having family in the pride will be so good.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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