A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 633 Stop Being Dramatic

Chapter 633 Stop Being Dramatic

?Archer saw the look on Lioran's face and started to laugh before the lion boy spoke. ''How could you corrupt my innocent little sister, Arch? I thought we were friends.''

''Stop being dramatic, you idiot. He hasn't corrupted me, but his idea of having you babysit our cubs when they come is very good.''

Lioran sighed, causing everyone to laugh before Archer reassured his friend. ''I would never corrupt any of my girls, Lio. I care too much about them to do that, plus I love seeing their smiles and can't do that if they're not themselves.''

After he spoke, Lioran nodded with a smile and was about to talk until the Captain's voice boomed. ''All passengers, can you proceed to the exits please? We will be landing outside Greenwood City.''

When hearing that, everyone jumped up while making their way out of the room. Archer, his girls, and the rest went to the College Of Magics section and saw Headmistress Ophelia standing there waiting for the student.

She turned to them and smiled. ''Archer and friends. How was your flight? I do hope you enjoyed it.''

Everyone nodded as they went back to waiting. That's when he heard the students surrounding him talking about the Church of Light summoning five people to deal with a darkness that had fallen on Verdantia.

Archer started listening to the gossip as the ship descended to a snow-covered grassland that bordered Greenwood City. After a while, it got before, so he stepped up to the window of the airship, drawn by the allure of the landscape unfolding before him.

He was taken aback by the scene he was seeing. Before him lay a vast city unlike any he had ever seen; buildings stretched as far as the eyes could see, dwarfed by the immense trees that intertwined with them.

'It reminds me of an Ewok village from a film I loved back on Earth.' Archer thought as he took in the city below.

It was like the city had been seamlessly woven into a forest, with buildings among the branches and foliage. The trees were colossal, their ancient limbs reaching out like guardians over the bustling metropolis below.

Archer could hardly believe his eyes as he watched birds flit between the branches and vines cascading down the buildings. The city seemed alive, pulsing with life as people moved through the streets below.

He could see dozens of bridges and walkways connecting the buildings, allowing the citizens to traverse the city on foot and through the treetops.

'So beautiful. It's like a forest paradise.' Archer thought to himself.


[Svarograd City - Novgorod Empire - Main Church]

While Archer was nearing the Oakheart Kingdom, Pope Jeremiah Volkovitch stood on his balcony, watching dark clouds gather over the continent. The emperor had sent a message, alerting him to sudden attacks by frightening creatures.

The church armies were holding them off at the banks of the Volga River, but they needed reinforcements. Jeremiah's advisor brought him a book found in the ruins of the old world when the knights were on an expedition.

It would allow them to summon people from somewhere else with powerful magic and skills that could help them. The creatures were very strong, and only their strongest soldiers and knights could handle them.

Jeremiah looked north and mumbled. ''The high elves are lucky they have that woman. She is a powerhouse to be able to encircle the Nightshade Empire in an impenetrable wall that the nightmarish creatures couldn't breach.''

That's when his thoughts turned to the Fae, who vanished into their forests and hid away from the creatures, but he suspected the elves left them behind the wall as the Feywild Empire was the smallest of the three.

While getting frustrated, someone barged through the door to see his son Silas running into the room. He quickly spoke in a breathless voice. ''Father. They have breached one of the bridges, and the commander requests reinforcements. Allow me to lead them.''

He looked at his second son and nodded. ''May the God of Light watch over you, my son. We will start the ritual soon.''

Silas bowed before leaving the room as his advisor entered. ''My lord. We are ready and waiting for you.''

Jeremiah nodded. ''Let's begin. Hopefully, these heroes can beat back these creatures as we won't hold out for long without help.''

The pope followed the man to an underground chamber where a group of mages had gathered, chanting an unknown language. All he knew was that the God Of Light blessed the people the spell summoned.

The last time the spell was used was to bring down the old dragon empire, but it hadn't been used since. As the mages completed the summoning ritual, a shimmering portal appeared.

Five figures dropped from it with a crackling energy, stepping into the room with uncertain expressions. Among them was a girl with striking black hair and eyes that shifted between blue and grey.

She looked around with wide-eyed excitement, her heart racing with adrenaline before exclaiming, unable to contain her excitement.

When Jeremiah heard her accent, he was taken aback by how different it was. "We've been summoned to another world!"

The other four, two girls and two boys, exchanged puzzled glances. One of the girls, who had blonde hair and blue eyes, furrowed her brow in confusion. "What do you mean, another world?"

The black-haired girl grinned eagerly. "You know, like in the light novels! We're the chosen heroes who are destined to save the world from the demon king!"

He watched the young ones blink in surprise, processing the girl's words. It was clear that they were not entirely sure what to make of this revelation, but he decided to make the first move and step forward.

Jeremiah quickly introduced himself."Welcome, brave souls. I am Pope Jeremiah Volkovitch, leader of the Church Of Light and servant of the God of Light. You have been brought here by powerful magic, summoned from a distant world to aid us in our time of need."

The young heroes exchanged uncertain glances, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

He continued, his tone unwavering, his words carrying the weight of prophecy. "You are the chosen ones, destined to become the saviors of Verdantia. Darkness has descended upon our land, and evil beings threaten to plunge us into eternal chaos. But with your strength and courage, we shall stand against this darkness and emerge victorious."

Jeremiah paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "You possess unique talents and abilities, gifts bestowed upon you by the God of Light Darikha. Together, we will harness these powers to drive back the forces of evil and restore light to our world."

After speaking, he noticed the five looked interested, but one of the boys with brown hair and blue eyes commented in a strange accent that he could barely understand. ''What will happen to our old lives? Won't people worry?''

He sighed when hearing this because he knew what this spell entailed and decided to lie to the group to get them on his side. ''This ritual only summons people who have passed away and started their journey to the next life.''

When the group heard that, they became visibly upset, causing Jeremiah to internally chuckle as he succeeded in fooling the five. Once they accepted their new lives, he would save the central continent before turning to that white lizard with his new soldiers.

After getting over his excitement, he spoke to the quiet group. ''I will get my maids to show you to your rooms so you can relax.''

They nodded, but Jeremiad noticed the black-haired girl looking around excitedly. She looked at him before approaching. The girl spoke with a big smile that confused him. ''So Mr Pope. We will be hunting down monsters and killing bandits?''

When he heard that name, his eyebrow twitched as the face of a certain lizard appeared in his mind. Jeremiah shook his head and thought the possibility of them knowing each other was impossible, so he answered. ''Yes, Lady?''

''Oh, you can call me Tammy Reynolds.'' She replied with an excited smile.

He watched as she shifted her attention to the others and added, "These are my companions. The one with black hair and eyes is Natsumi Suzuki. The blonde-haired girl with green eyes is Emily Jameson, and the two boys are Jason Barnes and Tim Bennett."

Jeremiah was about to talk when the door slammed open, causing him to spin around and see the Novgorod Emperor Anatoly Novgorod and the third Princess Yevdokiya entering the hall with The Imperial Dragoons.

The emperor had short grey hair and glowing red eyes. He stood at seven feet tall and was wearing Dragonsteel Armor. Jeremiah looked at the princess who shared features with his wife and her sister, which didn't shock him as they were her aunt and grandmother.

She had short grey hair and bright crystal blue eyes. Jeremiah always thought the princess was beautiful and would be the perfect wife but would never try anything as the emperor was overprotective of his daughters.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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