A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 614 But There’s More To It

Chapter 614 But There's More To It

Archer summoned a horde of flying shadow creatures that shot out from his shadow. He ordered them to capture the beasts above, causing them to rush off.

When Morgan and Giselle saw this, their eyes were wide with fear as they quickly walked backward as he turned his head. ''What are you two doing? They won't hurt you.''

The white-haired girl smiled nervously as she stopped backing up before carefully approaching Archer, who was smiling at the duo. He turned to the shadow creatures as they returned carrying the flying beasts.

He scanned them as they got closer.

[Nightshade Raptor]

[Rank: S]

Archer smirked when seeing this as the shadow creatures landed. He walked over to them and stared down at the angry-looking bird. It was a lovely white color with black tips on its wings.

The bird's wingspan was massive, taking several shadow creatures to contain. That's when he saw its yellow eyes. Archer could swear something was there and grew curious as he approached it.

He crouched down and looked into the beast's eyes before asking. ''Can you understand me?''

The Nightshade Raptor stared back before he heard a voice in his head. ''Yes. You can speak our tongue?''

When hearing this, Archer smiled. ''Why are you attacking the human ship? They will attack you.''

''We were desperate after being chased from our nesting and hunting grounds. The young needed food.'' The Raptor spoke.

The voice evoked the image of a kindly elder, but the beast's words caused his greed to flare and propose. ''You need a home, eh? I got an offer for you, bird. You and the rest of the Nightshades will take a mana oath never to betray me. If you do this, I'll give you a place to thrive and grow stronger.''

When the beast heard this, its head tilted but nodded, causing Archer to smile and dismiss the shadow creatures. After they were gone, the Nightshade Raptor stood up and was giant.

The size of it shocked him a little, but it soon vanished when it bowed down. It was nearly as tall as him, but it then took the mana oath before he ordered it to get the rest of its kind and return.

After that, the Raptor took off, leaving Morgan and Giselle with eyes as large as plates. The white-haired girl shook her head before rushing up to him and asked. ''What were those noises you were making?''

Archer grinned before explaining he could speak to smarter beasts, which he took advantage of. He told the father and daughter in a nonchalant voice. ''They belong to me now so that they won't attack anymore. I'll ask them to guard the manaship.''

Morgan waryly nodded while Giselle looked skeptical. Archer saw this and explained while using Mana Manipulation to create a chair. ''You see, big G. I am a white dragon. Do you know what that is?''

The older man sighed before checking on the other Magic Knights, leaving his daughter with the annoying dragon.

Giselle looked at him and realized what he said. Her cheeks became red and covered her boobs as she spoke. ''Don't call me that! It's not my fault I have big boobs. Blame my grandmother Vera, who I took after.''

Archer laughed at the embarrassed woman as she answered his question. ''Well, I know white dragons are royalty of dragon kind. That's all really.''

He grinned before creating another chair and motioning for her to sit. Giselle sat down and turned her attention to him. Archer started explaining. ''You're correct, but there's more to it. I am the living embodiment of mana and can control it like no one else.''

Archer caused his left arm to turn into a clear but colorful one to prove his point. Gisselle saw all the different colors rushing about. Fire, Earth, and Darkness were three she spotted, but there were too many to count.

"What are you exactly?" Giselle asked, her voice carrying a mix of fascination and uncertainty.

Archer turned to her, his expression clouded before answering. "You know, Giselle, I've become many things since my incident, and sometimes I wonder if I truly know what I am anymore. Watch this Big G."

He turned to the white-haired girl and let the mana go wild. Archer's violet eyes began to glow with a supernatural light. Giselle watched in amazement as the radiant colors danced within his eyes.

Her eyes widened with wonder as she watched this otherworldly display. The glow intensified, casting a gentle illumination in the dim surroundings. Giselle couldn't help but be captivated by the mesmerized by Archer.

But he stopped and continued talking, "I'm a white dragon, royalty among my kind. That's much I've always known, as you said. But there's more to it."

He gestured toward the colorful arm, and the elements danced in response. "I am the Shadow Prince, a title that carries its weight and mysteries. But all that doesn't matter to me as long as it doesn't stop me from living how I want to.''

Giselle, sensing the complexity in his words, listened intently. Archer added with a hint of uncertainty, "The world itself blessed me with mana. A blessing it hadn't granted to anyone before me. I am something beyond definition.''

He paused before continuing. "So, to answer your question, Giselle, I don't exactly know what I am anymore. But perhaps that's the beauty of it—the constant discovery, the mysteries within myself."

The woman absorbed his words, a mix of awe and confusion crossing her features as she spoke. ''I was expecting that, but thank you for telling me. Now I can win some bets within the company.''

When hearing her remark, Archer burst into laughter. The two continued to chat about everyday things, but soon, Morgan called for Giselle to join him as he was about to speak. She bid her farewells and hurried back to assist the Magic Knights in protecting the manaship.

Once she was gone, Archer turned to the nearby grassland where the other passengers sat around on tables and chairs. He noticed a group of excited students heading into the forest.

Archer grew curious and followed behind them while dodging other people. As he got closer, he spotted a group of four girls surrounded by a crowd of rowdy boys.



[Kestria Ashguard's POV]

[Just before the manaship landed on the grasslands]

Kestria was staying in the College Of Magics section of the manaship. She was in a room with three friends she met when they all started. The captain's message woke them up, causing the four girls to get out of their beds.

A blonde girl with bright pink eyes was the first to comment. ''Damn, the old man had to wake us up! I was having a good dream.''

''It's better than crashing Lila. It is protocol in such situations. The Magic Knights on board will secure the area before we can get off'' A blue-haired who had bright green eyes.

Kestria looked at both girls and spoke. ''Yeah, Fiona's right, Lila, something happened in the early hours. I'm just happy we're landing while there's light. Father told me many beasts roam the land at night.''

That's when their bedroom door opened, and a short girl looked at Kestria before speaking. ''Yeah, we're landing now. I see the knights getting ready.''

After that, the four girls prepared to stand around while repairing the ship. They left their room and followed the Professors as they led the students outside. The other three girls complained while Kestria thought to herself.

While walking down the corridors, she wondered how Archer was doing as she hadn't seen him around lately. When they stepped outside, she was shocked by the beauty of the landscape.

A vast expanse of white covered the ground, transforming the grassland into a winter wonderland. The snow sparkled in the soft light, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape.

Tall trees, their branches adorned with a layer of glistening snow, stood like sentinels against the cold. The professors ushered everyone off and told them not to wander too far. Kestria and her friends sat close to the ship while gossiping.

She looked at the three girls who stood by her when everyone found out what her father had done to Archer. Lila Stirling possessed radiant blonde hair and beautiful pink eyes. Despite her lack of height, she displayed a curvaceous figure that defied her age.

In contrast, Fiora Ravenscroft stood tall and slender with beautiful tanned skin, her black hair framing striking grey eyes. Watching the trio, Kestria focused on the final member, Brielle Wycliffe, distinguished by her grey hair and vibrant green eyes.

Her body resembled that of a seasoned warrior, and her combat style revolved around the proficient use of a spear. After that, she joined in with the gossip, and after a while, Fiora suggested as she went over a map. ''It says there is a waterfall around her. Want to check it out, girls?''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

[Would anyone be interested in a dark British zombie novel? Let me know, and I'll release the chapters I've written so far]

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