A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 613 What Do I Get

Chapter 613 What Do I Get

Soon after, the infectious wave of delight reached Halime, who surrendered to a fit of giggles, and Llyniel joined in, concealing her face to stifle the laughter. The others were laughing, causing Sera to grow confused.

''What are you idiots laughing at?''

The girls and Archer shared looks before he nodded and explained. ''Sera. Female dragons don't lay eggs, especially if they have a humanoid form like you.''

When the redhead heard this, her eyebrows raised in enlightenment. Sera quickly asked in an excited voice. ''So I have to push our baby out of my honeypot?''

Archer started laughing but soon calmed down. ''Yes, my dragon girl.''

Sera went still, and everyone knew what was about to happen. She pitied him as a red blur was seen before slamming into him. The chair he was sitting on was sent skidding backward as he embraced.

''Calm down. We have enough time to have children. After all, we're still young and have hundreds of years ahead of us.''

''Unless you get a weak human girl. Then live for about eighty years but will pass away unlike us.'' Talila commented, surprising everyone.

Archer had to agree with the mixed elf and responded. ''So true. If I get any human finances, I'll rank her up so her life span can increase every time.''

Everyone agreed, and the group started chatting until the girls told him they were attending some clubs in the morning.

The atmosphere shifted with the changing skies as the night wore on, and the laughter echoed through Archer's room. The colors of the sunset gradually faded, giving way to the mystical glow of the full moon.

Its silver beauty spilled through the windows, casting a glow over the gathering. The girls and Archer engrossed themselves in conversations ranging from light-hearted banter to more profound discussions about their lives and future dreams.

The room buzzed with the energy of affection, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. As the last rays of sunlight vanished, replaced by the moon's supernatural glow, subtle changes rippled through the group.

Some of the girls began to exchange glances, their expressions shifting between nervousness and excitement as they remembered what Archer said and expected a visit from the horny dragon.

Nala stood up and stretched her muscular body that clicked before looking at everyone with her beautiful sapphire blue eyes reflecting the moon's radiance. "It's getting late, and I should get some rest as I'm a tired lioness. Goodnight everyone."

She walked over to him and gave him a long, passionate kiss, causing a few jealous eyes to stare at the lion girl, which didn't bother her. After that, she kissed his forehead before walking to her room.

Nala's departure prompted a few others to follow suit. Teuila, blushing but smiling, got up and excused herself with a naughty grin at Archer. "I think it's time for some beauty sleep. Goodnight, everyone!"

Halime, whose earlier giggles had subsided into a more thoughtful demeanor, rose from her seat. "I need some time to myself. Goodnight, Archer."

He watched the changing expressions on the faces of the remaining girls. Some exchanged knowing glances, while others seemed caught between the desire to stay and the anticipation of what the night might bring.

Sera, always honest and forward, leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Archer, I believe it's time for us to retire too. I want to be first tonight."

Archer chuckled, recognizing the playful tone in her voice. "Of course, my dragon girl. Lead the way."

As Sera and a few others exited the room with excited smiles, he couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness in his current life. The moonlit night held promises of intimacy, shared moments, and the enduring bond that connected them all.

Left alone in the quiet room, Archer couldn't help but appreciate the moon's beauty, casting its gentle glow through the manaships windows. Once they walked outside, he kissed the other eight girls before returning to their rooms.

Sera happily dragged him to hers, which wasn't far from his. Archer cast Cleanse on himself, remembering to do it after visiting each girl.

He was the most handsome and all-caring dragon and lived up to his promise. He visited all ten girls and made sure they were satisfied before ravaging them. Each one feinted into a world of pleasure.

Archer was gentle with Halime and Llyniel, but the others wanted it hard, which he happily agreed to. The last girl he visited was Talila; the two were now sleeping with half her body on his.

The manaships engines worked overtime as everyone slept. But all of a sudden, the speaker in the corner of the room came to life, causing Archer to wake up with a groan.

''Passengers! This is the Captain speaking. We have to land for immediate repairs because of the storm last night. I'll be landing shortly.''

He shook his head and rose from the bed, noticing that Talila was sound asleep, unaffected by the Captain's message. Archer stood up, stretched his limbs, and headed to the balcony.

Venturing outdoors, he observed the sun piercing through the grey clouds, yet a lingering chill persisted. The conclusion of Frostwinter was imminent, and he eagerly anticipated the festival, eager to claim his rewards.

But he soon noticed they were flying over an expansive white grassland. The manaship descended until it touched down, causing a snow cloud to engulf them, cutting off everyone's vision.

Archer remained unperturbed by this, as eyesight wasn't affected by it. He used the tattoos to check on the girls, making sure they were all well and peacefully asleep. When he saw all ten with happy smiles and wrapped up in blankets, it made him happy.

Once the cloud calmed down, he could see the Magic Knight rush off the ship and secure the area with some spell that circled them.

As he stood on the balcony, taking in the serene beauty of the morning, Archer noticed two figures by the main entrance of the manaship. Commander Morgan stood alongside his daughter, Giselle.

The two seemed to be talking among themselves. A mischievous glint sparked in Archer's eyes. He felt an urge to make an entrance. With a confident grin, he decided to drop from the balcony in a way that would catch their attention.

Vaulting over the railing, Archer sailed through the air with a controlled fall. The enchantments of the ship responded to his mana, slowing his descent until he landed with a thud on the snow-covered ground.

The morning sun shone, casting a warm glow on the wintry landscape. Commander Morgan and Giselle turned their attention toward the sudden sound. Archer straightened up, brushing off imaginary dust from his clothes nonchalantly.

His arrival seemed to surprise the father and daughter duo. Archer greeted with a casual wave, his eyes reflecting the playfulness of the moment. "Good morning. I hope you both enjoyed the night."

Commander Morgan, ever composed, nodded in acknowledgment. "Archer. You have a flair for the dramatic, I see."

Giselle, a hint of amusement in her eyes, smiled at the unexpected display. "That was quite an entrance. But why would you jump off instead of simply walking?"

Archer chuckled. "Why walk when you can make an entrance, right? What brings you two out here at this early hour?"

The older man sighed before explaining. "We have a situation."

Archer's playful behavior shifted to a more serious one as he spoke. "What's going on?"

Morgan took a deep breath before explaining, "A flock of beasts managed to breach the ship's shield during the night. They caused considerable damage to one of the engines, and we need immediate repairs."

Archer's brows furrowed in response. "How did they do that? I thought this ship couldn't be attacked?''

Morgan sighed, "The storm last night weakened the shield, and they took the opportunity to attack. We've secured the area, but we're temporarily grounded until we can fix the engine."

His mind raced, considering the situation. "What kind of beasts are we dealing with?"

Giselle, who had been silent until now, said, "They're a species of large birds with razor-sharp feathers. Agile and fast. They caught us off guard."

Archer nodded, his expression shifting to greed. "If I can deal with the beasts. What do I get?''

''I'll inform the emperor of your assistance, and he will add to your already substantial reward, which you'll be getting once we're back from the Oakheart Kingdom.'' The older man answered with a nervous smile.

''You better tell father-in-law that my help was amazing and needed.''

Morgan and Giselle just looked at him with dumbfounded expressions. The older man shook his head before retorting. ''You cheeky dragon! Help out first, and once it's dealt with, we can see how amazing it will be.''

Archer chuckled, then nodded, spotting a sizable bird soaring in the distance. "Is that one of the beasts?"

The father and daughter duo turned to follow his gaze, confirming that it was the culprit of the attacks causing a smile to appear as he raised his arms.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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