A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 610 The Witch Of Terror

Chapter 610 The Witch Of Terror

Archer watched as the rage-filled Albert instantly calmed down when Mia appeared. He watched as his grandmother scolded him. ''You stupid man! You didn't have to destroy the capital.''

Mia stopped talking but smiled as she hugged Albert. ''Thank you, my love.''

''The anger was too much. When they hurt you, I couldn't control myself.'' Albert said as he held her hands.

''Don't worry, you idiot. The emperor will take the opportunity to add the Moonshadow Kingdom to the growing empire.''

Albert nodded in agreement and was about to talk, but the crystal ran out. Archer reappeared on the mana ship's balcony, looking around. He shrugged to himself. ''Seems like the old man is strong. I should fight him.''

He shook his head, pulled out the other mana recorder Lioran gave him, and saw it was about his grandmother. Archer got curious, so he watched it as the afternoon shone down.

When he was about to do that, a flock of small flying beasts passed by the mana ship. Archer smiled as he summoned two shadow creatures and ordered them to attack. They bowed their heads before rushing toward the beasts.

They tore the flock apart, and a shower of blood fell to the ground, which made him laugh as he spoke to himself. ''That was good. They've got stronger since I became the Shadow Prince.''

After doing that, he held up his forearms and imagined his shadow claws appeared, and with a second, they did, which pleased him. Archer was happy as he could hide everything now but only hid his horns because they got in the way when he made love to the girls.

As he caught sight of his reflection in the door's glass, he couldn't help but be taken aback by his appearance. His snowy white hair, though short, gave off a scruffy charm, giving him the air of a rogue.

The violet luster of his eyes radiated an abundance of mana, resembling stars in the night sky. Examining his features, Archer took note of his strong jaw, a feature adored back on Earth.

His unblemished, clear, and smooth pale skin might be the envy of others. Archer rose and removed his shirt, revealing a body defined by pure muscle but not excessively. He admired the well-defined eight-pack he possessed and felt amazed.

Done with his narcissism, he sent mana into the mana recorder that Lioran gave him and was sent to a beautiful city. Archer looked around and saw people going about their business, but that's when he saw Mia.

She was walking down a street while looking around. When Archer saw this, he started to laugh as he spoke. ''You look dodgy, grandmother. Let's see what you're up to.''

He followed behind the dragon-kin woman who approached a group of guards. Archer sensed the mana as she cast a spell on them. As the magic took over, they started fighting each other.

''This grandmother of mine is a menace. I like it'' Archer said with a grin as he watched her do it to numerous groups she passed by.

Mia cast a spell that caused the target to think the closest people were beasts, causing them to attack, but she released it hundreds of times. Archer watched as the streets descended into chaos and people fought everywhere.

While this happened, Mia continued her walk with a smile and a mischievous glint. She summoned dark and ominous golems with another wave and ordered them to ransack the noble's mansions for their wealth.

They rushed off, causing the ground to shake, which made her smile. Archer was watching the scene with wide eyes. Mia continued, and whenever a soldier approached her, she would send a Fire Blast at the man.

The dark red fire turned the enemy to ash as the woman passed by with a smile. As she strolled toward the palace, the air crackled with magic. As Mia approached the grand palace, the chaotic aftermath of her spells was evident in the city around her.

As she reached the palace gates, the ground trembled slightly, and from the shadows emerged the ominous stone golems she had summoned earlier. These eerie figures, dark and silent, took their positions behind her, their stony presence heightening the tension in the air.

Just as the golems settled into place, a man, surrounded by a formidable entourage of guards, stepped forward.

His voice echoed through the courtyard as he called out to her, his tone a mix of disbelief and frustration. "Mia! What are you doing? It was a dispute over the terms of the peace accords; there's no need to take it this far!"

Mia turned to face the man, a mischievous glint in her eyes. She gave him a sly smile as she gestured to the chaos surrounding them and replied with a hint of mockery, "Oh, dear, Chancellor Octavius. This is merely a taste of what happens when one displeases the Avalon Kingdom."

The chancellor's expression shifted from disbelief to a stern frown. "This is your solution? Bringing chaos to the entire city over a disagreement?"

Mia chuckled softly. "A little chaos keeps things enjoyable. Besides, it's not just about peace. It's about sending a message, about ensuring that no one underestimates the power of the Avalon Kingdom."

As she spoke, the stone golems behind her seemed to shift uncomfortably, their silent and ominous presence adding an eerie atmosphere to the confrontation.

Chancellor Octavius sighed, his frustration evident. "Mia, you're jeopardizing everything, the stability of the continent. This won't be taken lightly by the other kingdoms."

Her smile widened, and she raised her hand, commanding the stone golems to advance slightly. "Let them come. My love and I deal with whatever consequences arise. The Avalon Kingdom will not be underestimated any longer. We will become an empire that the continent fears!"

As the golems moved, the chancellor and his guards tensed, realizing that convincing Mia to undo her chaos might be more challenging than they initially thought.

The courtyard remained tense, with Mia standing defiantly, surrounded by her magical creations, as the consequences of her actions reverberated through the city.

She pointed at the group with a grin. ''Kill them all! Show no mercy, my golems!''

When they rushed forward, the chancellor screamed out. ''You would doom a whole kingdom just for the emperor's ambitions?''

Mia looked at the man and gave a simple answer. ''Yes. Now die.''

The sea of golems washed over the soldiers and annihilated them. Once that was done, she looked at her handiwork but felt like she wasn't done. She ordered the golems to destroy all military buildings and kill any remaining soldiers.

They bowed before rushing off. The ones who looted the noble's mansions returned and dumped a mountain of gold in front of her. When Archer saw this, he was shocked because his grandmother's eyes looked the same whenever he saw treasure.

''She's a greedy menace? Is that where I get it from?'' He mumbled to himself.

He shook his head and continued to watch as Mia stored it all away in her storage ring and pulled out a communication device. ''Alby! I'm heading for Moonshadow Grove City. When you are done in the south, come here, but make sure not to damage the city as Cynrad wants to keep it pristine.''

After a few seconds, a deep voice was heard. ''Yes, my love. It will take me a few hours, but be careful.''

''I will. After the war, we need to get married. Little Sia will be here in a year.''

"Believe me, my love, we will! I assure you that by the time our little angel grows older, we will have solidified the empire's power as a formidable force in Pluoria. Mia, we must put an end to these raids. The kingdom won't last unless we retaliate, and that's precisely what we're undertaking now."

''Yes. The Ashguard family is taking the west along. Even Agnes Avalon has joined the war with her band of crazy mages and took most southern castles.''

When Mia finished talking, Archer was shocked and wondered which ancestor they knew. He also wanted to know who Agnes was.

After a while, Albert replied. ''Cynrad has his wife fighting now? Is it that bad?''

''No, she was bored and is using her thunder magic well. She swiped away an Azuraian army that tried to invade the kingdom from the south.''

''What did the king say about it?'' Albert asked with a fed-up voice.

Mia started laughing before informing him. ''He can't say anything. Agnes is a Demi-god and the matriarch of the Avalon Kingdom. The people love her, and the soldiers adore her.''

''Damn! That woman is crazy, though. Her magic is dangerous.''

Archer watched his grandmother smile. ''She's a darling. It's just she and Cynrad don't get on at all. So she trains her magic and helps the kingdom while he's at war.''

''Understandable. Okay, I won't be long, my love. Be careful of the Magic Knights over there.'' Albert commented before disconnecting.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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