A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 609 The Butcher Of Moonshadow Grove

Chapter 609 The Butcher Of Moonshadow Grove

Archer watched Albert stroke a strand of black hair off Mia's face as he spoke. ''My love. They will pay for what they did to you.''

His grandfather turned his head and called out. ''Merric. Heal her while I deal with the King.''

''Yes, commander!'' A slim man with brown hair appeared out of the forest and took hold of Mia.

Before Albert could rush off, another man interjected. ''Commander, if you go through with this, the emperor will be displeased. He may punish you.''

A pair of ice-blue eyes turned on the man and spoke in an unbridled rage. ''They hurt my wife, Theodore! The Moonshadow King will answer to my axe!''

Without another word, a boom was heard as Archer watched Albert sprint toward the city. He was dragged along and witnessed the old man go crazy as he leaped into the air and aimed for the city's gate.

Albert slashed toward it, and a massive mana blast tore the gate apart, sending soldiers flying. When Archer witnessed this, his eyes widened as he realized his grandfather was powerful and a man not to be messed with.

The scene continued as the old man rushed into the city while swinging his large axe against the hordes of soldiers. The axe cut many soldiers in half and sent the rest flying while mages started to appear around him.

Archer loved the scene and sat in a nearby building to watch while getting excited. The city trembled as Albert Silverthorne unleashed fury upon the soldiers. His eyes scanned the surroundings, ablaze with a fire that mirrored the inferno he was about to unleash.

The rhythmic clash of his boots echoed as he advanced, the air crackling with his rage as mana surged from his body as he sent slashes flying toward the buildings. His attacks destroyed them, causing them to crumble into dust with their inhabitants still inside.

In one hand, Albert wielded his formidable axe. A weapon passed down through generations of Silverthorne; its blade whispered to have tasted the blood of countless foes.

In the other, he conjured flames that danced with an intensity matching his burning rage. Soldiers, clad in armor that once symbolized the strength of the Moonshadow Kingdom, now faced the manifestation of wrath.

Albert's movements were a blur, a relentless storm of strikes that left no room for defense. His axe cleaved through armor and bone alike, each swing accompanied by a trail of searing fire that consumed everything in its wake.

The city streets became chaotic, stained with crimson blood and the scorching touch of impenetrable flames. Soldiers, once defenders of their home, now met their doom at the hands of a berserker fueled by an unyielding desire for vengeance.

As the carnage unfolded, buildings crumbled in the wake of Albert's devastating onslaught. His axe, a conduit of destruction, bit into stone and timber, rendering the cityscape into ruins.

Flames, both magical and mundane, consumed structures like a ravenous beast, leaving behind a landscape scarred by the relentless wrath of a man scorned.

Albert continued with his attack. Archer noticed that all he kept saying was Mia's name as he struck down dozens of soldiers, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

It took him a while to slaughter all the King's soldiers. An hour passed as he watched Albert destroy the Moonshadow capital. It now lay in rubble with a sea of blood rushing through the streets.

Albert watched from a good vantage point as he arrived at the palace gates. The King's Guards, clad in ornate armor, formed a formidable line of defense.

When seeing this, Archer thought to himself. 'Watch grandfather slaughter them. Hurry up, old man!'

Albert's eyes blazed with an unmistakable fury as a smile played on his lips. With an earth-shattering roar, he charged at the King's Guards like an enraged bull. The sheer force of his rush sent shockwaves through the air.

His axe, a gleaming extension of his wrath, caught the sunlight as the first strike was a torrent of power, a sweeping arc that cleaved through the air with a menacing whistle.

Two King's Guards, caught off guard, met a brutal fate as the axe cut through them effortlessly. The force of the swing sent crimson arcs into the air, and when Archer saw this, he cheered Albert on as the blood splattered against the palace garden.

The remaining Guards hastily raised their shields, bracing for the attack. The impact of Albert's swing rattled them, the sheer strength behind each blow reverberating through their defenses.

A ceaseless rage etched across Albert's face, mirroring the storm of unyielding strikes that ensued. Blessed with a lifetime of finely honed skills, he exploited every opening and weakness in their defense.

His axe transformed into a lethal blur, discerning the vulnerabilities in their armor and ruthlessly capitalizing on them as he turned the soldiers into a blood mist when he hit them.

The clash of metal against metal echoed through the courtyard, a battle that Archer could only watch in awe. In a matter of moments, Albert's brutal assault reduced the once-

mighty King's Guards to a scattered, defeated force.

The courtyard lay strewn with fallen warriors, and a heavily breathing Albert was staring at the palace doors.

Archer jumped off the building to get closer just as the old man shouted in a rage-filled voice. ''King Rio Moonshadow! Get out here now! How dare you hurt my Mia? She was innocent and carrying my first daughter!''

As Archer heard that, he mumbled. ''He must be talking about Sia.'

The thunderous shout echoed through the palace, causing its foundations to tremble. A man, encased in a suit of imposing armor, stood forth, gripping a mighty greatsword in his hands.

When Albert saw this, he rested his bloody axe on his shoulder and spoke teasingly. ''Marcus. You can run now, and no one will think differently of the cowardly knight.''

After speaking, he started laughing before suddenly stopping and charging toward the knight, who was caught off guard. But Albert was like a whirlwind and kept striking, constantly causing the enemy to defend himself.

Archer felt something and saw his grandfather slow down his attack. He swung the axe in a way that caused the knight to entirely block it, leaving his chest exposed, which Albert put to use and slammed a fire blast into it.

The knight was sent flying and crashed through the palace doors. Albert stepped through and battered away some King's Guard who rushed him in a futile attempt of an ambush. Once he was out of sight, Archer followed him inside.

It only had been a minute, and when he entered the palace after Albert, the walls were covered in blood, and butchered corpses lay all over the place. Archer was taken aback because the happy-go-lucky teasing grandfather he knew was a demon.

He wondered why the old man would let himself get captured that time but then concluded that it was Mia's doing, causing him to mumble. ''Damn, that woman is dangerous. She was a demon but now a troll.''

After that, Archer followed the destruction and saw hundreds of King's Guard lying dead. Some were cleaved in half, while others were crushed. When seeing this, he spoke. ''Damn, old man. You were brutal.'

Soon, he made it to the throneroom, where he heard screaming. When Archer entered, a man flew at him, which passed right through and crashed into the wall.

That's when he heard Albert talk as he grabbed a trembling, scared man. ''Rio! You harmed my beautiful Mia. Why! She did nothing wrong!''

''The witch killed a party of our finest adventurers. They were important to our kingdom, Albert!'' The man named Rio responded.

"I don't give a damn! They attempted to force her into things! She had to defend herself while carrying our child, you idiot! Now, rot and die!"

Albert snapped the man's neck before launching his body into the wall near Archer. The impact caused the King to explode into bits.

Once the old man was finished, he cast a spell before taking off and flying around the Moonshadow, wasting everything. Archer watched this and thought to himself. 'Is this where I get it from? Grandfather is a beast.'

Albert flattened castles and turned armies into fertilizer. He tried not to harm citizens and only armed men. This went on for hours, and Archer watched as the old man stood over the prince and his bodyguard, whom he just slew.

He could see the old man's rage increasing, but a booming voice was heard. ''That's enough, Alby! You've shown the world your strength.''

Archer turned to see his grandmother, but he was briefly bewitched before shaking his head as she descended to the ground.

Mia looked at the bodies around them and spoke. ''Well, Alby. We will be labeled the demon king and queen if this continues. Look at the orcs on the Eastern continent; you couldn't help yourself to challenge the chief who offered us shelter.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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