A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 557 Stormscale Serpents

Chapter 557 Stormscale Serpents

Everyone nodded, but Hecate inquired as she was always curious. ''How do you know this husband?''

He smiled when he heard the moon elf before answering her. ''I am mana, my love. I can interact with it all around us, and it responds to me.''

Before he could continue, Marzena spoke up with a smile. ''White dragons are the race most connected to mana, even more so than witches and elves. Strange it chose a race known for death and destruction to live through, but from what I've heard, the only people you have a grudge against is the Church Of Light.''

When the elder witch said that, all the girls' eyes widened, and Ella informed him of the assassins sent after them, ''Arch, the church sent people after us, but the guards beat them the emperor assigned us.''

They all nodded, and as Archer heard this, he began to get angry but controlled it and grinned when he remembered a tale from Earth's history. Everyone was waiting for anger to take over, but an eery smile appeared on his face, which caught them all off guard.

Archer turned to Marzena and inquired with a charming smile. ''Could you tell me the most prosperous city the church owns? They must have one for the fat priests.''

When the elder witch heard his question, she grinned because she knew he would cause trouble and replied. ''Yes, my dear dragon, it's called Celesta City on the southern coast of the Verdantia continent in the Novgorod Empire.''

He nodded before walking over to the sleeping girls to fully heal them before messing with the Church Of Light. Archer approached the lion girl and placed his hand on her chest.

The magic in Nala went wild, but Archer used his magic to calm her down. Her body started getting back to normal. He did the same for Llyniel, but they stayed asleep, making everyone concerned.

After that, he kissed both girls, who made adorable noises as they calmed down and got comfortable in their beds. Once he did that, he explained to the rest of the group. ''They will wake up in the morning. All the two of them needed was rest.''

Ella smiled as she approached the wood elf and tucked her in even more as Hemera did the same with Nala. Archer checked on them once more before leaving the room to deal with the church and annoy the Pope even more than he already has.

Archer walked over to every girl and kissed them all before speaking. ''I'll be back soon. I will fly to the central continent to teleport us over there.''

They all smiled, but Sera quickly spoke in an excited voice. ''I'll fly with you. We haven't flown together in a while.''

Everyone turned their eyes to her, but Marzena interrupted. ''I'll also fly with you two. It's dangerous over the Dreadmist Sea with the weather and beasts that roam it.''

When the girls head, the older woman will look after the two dragons. They were happy because they didn't want to travel through stormy skies over the sea apart from Teuila, who didn't have an issue with it, but she chose to stay because she was fighting Valencia.

Archer said goodbye to each one and said he would spend the night with them, which pleased them. After the farewells, he opened a Gate to the Riverland Duchy. It was as far east as he traveled so far.

Once the portal materialized, the three stepped through to appear in a snowstorm, but Marzena cast a shield covering the area around them. Archer smiled at the woman, who returned it with one of her own.

Archer walked around as he whispered. ''Draco.''

He transformed into his dragon form, which impressed the elder witch, who flew toward his head. When Archer saw her, he lowered his head so she could land on him.

Marzena sat down next to one of his large horns and cast a spell so she wouldn't fly off. Once he did that, Sera transformed into her small dragon form.

The two dragons took off with a beat of their wings and soared through the snowy air, but thanks to their size, it didn't affect them much.

After flying for some time, the sunset and the moon rose in the distance. As soon as that happened, they approached the ocean, where the waves crashed on the shores, causing a roar.

Archer looked over to Sera, who was struggling against the wind but was trying her best, which caused him to smile internally. He reached over and plucked the smaller dragon out of the sky.

Sera let out a scared roar but realized it was Archer grabbing her. She calmed down as he put her on his back, forcing her to hold onto him as the wind picked up.

It whistled past him as he soared over the Eastern Sea. His Aura Detector began to emit erratic pings from all around him. Intrigued, Archer furrowed his brow and looked down.

The sea raged with formidable waves, but the source of the pings revealed itself in the roiling waves. Serpent-like beasts, their snake-like forms weaving through the churning waters, became visible to him.

Their scales, a mesmerizing shade of dark blue, shimmered like the midnight sky. These dark serpents emitted an evil presence that sent shivers through Archer's being as they watched him with their black eyes.

It was not a hunger for prey that emanated from these creatures but an ancient hatred. The feeling made him uncomfortable, but he couldn't ignore it.

As he watched the beasts, he heard Marzena's sweet voice in his head, and her exotic accent calmed him down. ''They can't get you unless you fly lower, of course, but you'll be fine. They're called Stormscale Serpents, and thousands of years ago, water and storm dragons used to hunt them for food.''

Archer looked at the beasts who were following him. That's when he got a good idea and cast hundreds of Element Bolts made from thunder.

When Marzena and Sera saw the spectacle Archer was putting on, he flew them toward the closest serpents, who got hit and fired when the thunder surged through their elongated bodies.

The Element Bolts hit with ferocity, creating an electrifying show as they struck the beasts with deadly precision. The Stormscales now fled in panic, their sleek forms twisting and turning to escape the storm's wrath.

Archer and Sera watched as the serpents vanished into the dark sea, seeking refuge from the relentless assault. He continued to fly as the now-adequate Sera clung to his back, which made Marzena smile as she got some rest.

Hour after hour, Archer flew across the night sky, the stars above shimmering like distant diamonds. His vision allowed him to see the world like it was daylight.

Soon, Archer noticed something in the distance and turned toward it before speeding up. Marzena's violet eyes opened, and a big smile appeared on her pretty face as she sent him a message. ''That my handsome dragon is the central continent. When we get there, land on the coast.''

He questioned with a curious voice. ''Why?''

Marzena giggled before explaining. ''The two empires and kingdoms mutually agree on defending the continent. The three built forts and castles up and down the coasts that target anything approaching from the sky.''

Archer nodded and kept an eye out before getting close to the continent and decided to send Sera back to the domain because she was in a deep sleep. Once the dragon girl was safe, he descended and flew along the coast.

He quickly saw the forts and wondered why they didn't see him until he felt the witch magic washing over him. Archer sent Marzena a message. ''Thank you.''

She brushed it off like it was nothing while smiling at him. The beach unfolded before him like a mysterious canvas adorned with smooth pebbles and scattered seashells. The air carried a salty scent, and a cool breeze tousled Archer's mane of scales.

When his claws were buried in the sand, Marzena jumped off Archer, allowing him to return to his humanoid form. After doing that, the witch walked over to him and cast a spell on him.

She smiled before explaining. ''This will hide your appearance. Let me show you.''

After speaking, Marzena cast her spell, and her whole body shone before returning to normal.

Archer saw a brown-skinned teenager with pink hair and big pink eyes, which surprised him. He smiled at the woman, who now had a big smile.

She looked completely different and couldn't tell she was the previous witch queen.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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