A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 558 They Are The Finfolk

Chapter 558 They Are The Finfolk

With short blonde hair and green eyes, Archer felt uneasy about being human. Marzena giggled at his expression, and when Sera came over, she squinted and said, "You look ugly as a human. I like the usual you better, sweetheart."

''It's only until we get to the city. Once we return to your domain, it will wear off.'' The witch commented.

He gave her a nod before the two turned toward the dragon girl, who was grinning as she demanded. ''Come on! Change me as well.''

Marzena nodded in agreement and began casting her spell. Midway through, Sera's transformation began. Her dark brown skin lightened, and her red hair shifted to blue. Human ones replaced pointy ears.

With the transformation complete, Sera started bouncing around excitedly, reveling in the change. She now resembled an entirely different person. Her once ruby-red eyes had turned leaf-green, yet her joyful expression remained unchanged.

Archer chuckled as she came bounding toward him and clung to him. He carried the dragon girl by holding her by her plump ass, which excited her.

But he knew they couldn't do anything thanks to their guest, watching them with glowing pink eyes. She shook her head before mentioning it. ''I love the way you treat your ladies. I can see you truly care for each one.''

Archer smiled at the older witch before they started looking for a road. As they walked, he remembered the Tressyms he summoned before and opened a Gate to the Silvershade Kingdom.

He called out to them, and they heard him thanks to the beast's connection to him. Archer waited a while, which confused Marzena, who started watching him with a curious gaze.

Soon after, the flying cats flew through the portal and circled Archer while meowing. He put Sera down and stroked the felines as they hovered close to him.

He apologized to them and explained many things that had happened, and he would send them to get pampered if they wished. When they heard that, the little beasts forgave him, making Marzena and Sera laugh.

Once the Tressym's were happy and content, he opened a portal to the domain where the rest of the girls were and sent them through.

Just as the last Tressyms passed, their leader approached Archer and nudged its head against him, causing him to pamper the cat, enjoying the attention before he flew through the portal.

Archer then cast Mana Manipulation and combined it with domain to create a scene inside the treehouse. Marzena and Sera stepped forward to have a look.

Every girl was covered in the furballs and loved the peace the cats brought. The Tressym's aura was peaceful and caused people to relax in their presence.

He noticed at least half the ladies were nodding off, including the Battle Witches. The trio chuckled at everyone's reactions, and soon, he dismissed the scene before continuing.

As they were walking, the surrounding area was devoid of life, and Archer wondered why, but Marzena gave him the answer with a sad tone. ''The western coast of Verdantia is dangerous and known as Kraken's Corridor. Deep sea beasts venture onto land and attack caravans and travelers. I'm surprised we haven't seen any yet.''

Archer and Sera rolled their eyes, which surprised Marzena, but he explained. ''You just jinxed us. They will appear now.''

A roar could be heard before she could reply, but Archer was quicker and cast Shadowspawn to summon hundreds of shadow creatures.

The creepy beings appeared around him like dark bodyguards who stood watch over the three. When Marzena saw them, she sensed that the creatures were completely loyal to Archer and would do anything for him.

She hadn't heard of other dragons except the shadow dragons from Aetheria, especially not a white dragon, but she soon realized he had control over all elements and could use darkness, which he seemed to like.

Archer looked at the older woman, who looked like she was in her little world, and smiled as he poked her. Marzena yelped and narrowed her eyes at him.

''Don't poke me, boy. I was thinking to myself!'' She snapped at him as she rubbed her side.

Sera giggled before commenting in a teasing voice. ''Why are you acting like that, Marzena? You're clearly enjoying it.''

The witch smiled and walked away from them, causing the two dragons to laugh. After that, they continued strolling for an hour. They reached a crossroads, and that's when Marzena pointed south. ''Celesta City is in that direction, and it's about a two-hour walk.''

Archer nodded, then walked past her. Playfully using his tail, he smacked her on the rear, causing the older woman to blush. She hurried after him, attempting to scold him, but it only made him smile even wider. "Don't you dare touch me, boy! I'm here to help, not to have my ass slapped by you."

But her flustered reaction stumbled when he gave her his charming smile, which caught her off guard, but she straightened her robes out before talking. ''I'm sorry for my reaction. I can see it's a joke, but I hate people touching me.''

Archer felt remorse and apologized when hearing this, saying, "I'm sorry, Marzena. I promise not to tease you or touch you anymore."

The witch accepted the apology and moved on when she started a conversation with a question. ''Does using the dark element bother you?''

He shook his head and smiled before answering. ''No. Why would I? The element isn't evil. It's the people who use it. I believe it can benefit me, and as you can see, it does.''

Archer's answer pleased the older woman, who then turned to Sera, admiring the large black-leafed trees looming over them. ''Seraphina's your name if I remember correctly?''

The dragon girl turned her gaze toward Marzena with a smile and nodded. ''Yes, or you can call me Sera like everyone else.''

Marzena smiled, ready to respond, but suddenly, the shadow creatures reacted and swiftly moved to one side. Passing through dense bushes, they encountered beasts attempting to ambush them. However, shadows intervened, swiftly ending the threat's life.

The trio heard a thump, causing Archer to walk over and see what kind of beast it was. When they got closer, they saw a humanoid-looking creature that looked like it had been mixed with a fish.

When Marzena saw it, she informed Archer and Sera about the beasts. ''They are the Finfolk.''

She approached the body and kicked her, causing the thing to flip onto its back. When she did that, she continued explaining. ''They are a race that lives under the sea and hunt the other deep-dwelling races, but it seems they were forced on land where they are only good at ambushing people.''

Archer wasn't interested and continued walking alongside Sera, who returned to her fairy dragon form, landed on his shoulder, and crawled into his clothes to curl up. When he saw this, he smiled before stroking her little head.

That earned him a pur as she fell asleep due to it being so late. Archer and Marzena continued walking until they reached the city gates.

As they came in sight, she grabbed his hand, pulled him close to him, and acted like a couple when a guard stepped forward to stop them. ''Halt! What brings you to the holy city?''

Marzena answered with a sweet smile. ''We're shopping for a wedding dress. We are getting married in a local church and need the correct robes.''

The guard studied them for a few seconds before nodding his head. ''You two can pass. May the God Of Light bless your marriage.''

Archer gave the man a fake smile as they passed by. When the duo entered, he saw a well-built city with God Of Light symbols plastered everywhere.

He internally cringed when seeing this and started strolling down the closest street to get an idea of the city's size. Marzena held him close every time a group of church knights passed by.

They walked around the city for a couple more hours before returning to the domain using an alley. When the duo returned, Sera climbed out of his shirt and flew toward her room.

Marzena chuckled when she saw this and asked in a teasing voice as she returned to her usual appearance, which caught him off guard.

Her massive boobs jiggled every time she moved, causing him to stare, which earned him a chuckle. Archer shook his head and stopped admiring the older woman before speaking. ''Follow me. I'll show you to your room.''

She smiled as the two walked down one of the treehouse corridors where the Battle Witches stayed. After walking for five minutes, Archer opened a door showing Marzena her room.

When the older woman saw this, she smiled and nodded satisfactorily before speaking. ''Thank you for the room, Archer. It's much better than an Inn.''

He smiled before walking to the living room to find the other girls.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

[Sorry about the inconsistent chapters. I've been away for the last couple of weeks and find it hard to get time to write, but things will be back to normal on Monday when I return home]

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