A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 223: Shura Field

Chapter 223: Shura Field

Wuji Gu felt his strength draining away instantly, unable to stand up, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

The black fog that poured into his body made him feel like he was even having trouble breathing, and the large amount of Yin in his body caused such a strong discomfort that he had to grit his teeth to keep from passing out.

Both eyes stung, warm liquid flowing down, Wuji Gu did not have to touch it to know that it was blood flowing down from it, making his vision blurred up.

"Surely it's too much to forcefully seal a stern ghost like this ......"

The black fog around this time is like a gentle hand, gently brushing over Wuji Gu's cheek, wiping away all the blood.

Wuji Gu could feel that the terrible evil god boss he wanted to seal was staring around him, and was not resistant to what was happening, but rather seemed to be happy to see it happen, waiting for things to develop.

Even with ghost mastery, Wuji Gu didn't think it would be possible to make a harsh ghost boss so submissive, it must be some kind of situation that he didn't know was going on.

Wuji Gu The cold sweat on his forehead dripped down. If it is other severe ghosts, there may be a good side that will be sensitized ...... for example, in the past he has seen many ghosts from the good.

But this evil god boss is simply bad, how can nothing suddenly become good, maybe he will seal the other thing will cause some more dangerous things to happen.

There is no way out now. Wuji Gu's body almost had a feeling of being torn apart by the powerful force, after all, this is the power of an entire Ghost King level Liege ...... If it was not Wuji Gu standing here but another player, it would have burst into flames and died.

Even though the other party did not resist too much because of the ghost management, rather than say that the other party was also unexpectedly obedient to this matter, to the extent that Wuji Gu felt surprised, but the power alone is already able to kill.

Wuji Gu gritted his teeth and immediately used his healing power on his body.

If Wuji Gu hadn't already had this ability, he would have been dead on the field by now.

"Fortunately, I got such an ability before." Wuji Gu thinks about how lucky he feels.

Even so, the healing ability is barely able to fill the body's injuries, Wuji Gu can only keep enduring the pain that almost makes him faint, maintaining consciousness to endure the black mist of the Liege boss into his body.

"It was much smoother when I sealed that ghost before. Now that I think about it, that ghost is really too kind, I must thank him next time if we can meet."

The process was so long that Wuji Gu acted almost by instinct, his face pale to the extreme and close to the limit.

By the time Wuji Gu finally sealed the Liege boss barely into himself, before he had completely sealed it, the surroundings had changed abruptly, the original bizarre water scene completely shattered, replaced by a desolate ruin. There are several fainted people around - a few of the heir candidates in the copy, as well as the berserker youth players.

Wuji Gu sighed with relief when he noticed this, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a hand that could barely muster any strength, "I didn't expect everyone to be okay."

These people can save their lives in this environment can simply go to buy a lottery ticket. Even Wuji Gu, who indirectly saved them, could not have imagined it.

"No, now is not the time to relax."

Countless ghosts floated in the air, they slowly woke up from their slumber, apparently very surprised at the current situation - after all, such a big evil god boss just disappeared - and then lost control and fell into a frenzy, attacking the living people present And came.

And such a huge number of ghosts that got out of control because of the disappearance of the evil god boss, if they strayed to other places afterwards it would definitely be a problem.

Even Wuji Gu at this time are feeling tired, obviously his body of the evil spirits are not dealt with, how to involve so much trouble, but his character and let him think he can not sit idly by.

Wuji Gu stood up stiffly, ready to first force the evil god boss in their own body to suppress, will find a way to purify these ghosts before. But the moment he did so, he felt something different.

The power of the evil god boss is too powerful, and these powers are in conflict with the power of another Liege in his body, it is actually an accidental cracking of some kind of Wuji Gu memory restrictions in the mind, many strange memory images steeply emerge again.

"What are these ...... again ......"

Wuji Gu couldn't help but cover his forehead that was stinging to the extreme, breaking through the limits of his memory brought a burden that normally wasn't much, but at this point it made his body feel burdened to the limit.

And those broken images were something he had never seen before, even from childhood, as if another person's life was imprinted, whether it was the school he attended, the friends he knew, the neighbors around him.

Obviously it has never been touched, but he feels incredibly familiar, as if that is what has happened to him, but obviously it can not be what has happened to him.

He wanted to know what happened, but these memories were too broken, so broken that no doubts could be answered.

"I the hell ......"

With the collision of the power of the evil spirits in his body, Wuji Gu finally lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground as powerless as the others.

The countless ghosts above look like they are about to swarm down, and there is no longer any sober person in the place who can stop it.

It is better to say that except for Wuji Gu, even if the others wake up, it is only the difference between living to die and being unconscious to die.

Just as a ghost's hand was steeply about to grab Wuji Gu's face, an invisible force steeply appeared from the void, causing the hand to instantly turn into ashes.

In the midst of the steeply surfaced black fog, a Wuji Gu very familiar figure slowly emerged, it was the ghost that had long been sealed in his body.

The handsome youth slowly lowered his head and reached out to stroke Wuji Gu's cheek, then he vaguely felt the power of other ghosts remaining on it, and immediately frowned in displeasure.

Then another force also abruptly burst out, a pair of incomparably cold eyes coldly surveyed the ghosts over here.

Right next to Wuji Gu, two unbeatable Liege bosses go head-to-head anywhere.

As for the other ghosts that wanted to attack Wuji Gu, there is no longer a shadow of them. Although they are not conscious, they are not the kind of low-level ghosts that would run over and kill themselves.


There Guangyu Di's soul hid for half a day and found that he was still alive, and the original oppressive feeling of the outside world had disappeared. He was amazed, "What's going on here, that Wuji Gu didn't even hang up after all that work!"

Wuji Gu, that's the person who went near a terrifying existence like the Evil God boss and tried to seal the Evil God boss! It's strange that such a thing can succeed!

Under the curiosity Guangyu Di could not help but venture out to see the situation outside, the result just took a look at him directly demented, and even has disregarded their own has been the senior player forced to burst out foul language.


This ruin can be described as hell. With the unconscious Wuji Gu as the center, the power of two different harsh spirits actually gushed out from his body, forming a huge black shadow in the void.

These two forces repel each other, but are powerful beyond compare, can vaguely see two of them hideous and horrible appearance, at this time as if to fall into the fight between you and me ...... this is what a terrible thing ah!

Any one of them makes Guangyu Di shiver, and now the two together that is simply not a living person can look directly at it!

No, not just the living. Dead people in this environment that can only wait for death. Guangyu Di did not dare to look up, but he could vaguely see this space originally that a large number of ghosts in this situation of the gods fighting can only be reduced to cannon fodder ......

Also on the ground lying on those living people do not know whether it is lucky or what, can still be stable in there unconscious. If they are awake the first thing is estimated to be stunned.

Guangyu Di did not even dare to shrink back, he felt that his soul has even a movement can not move, that is because the pressure of this space is too strong.

"I'm too hard, this Wuji Gu simply is no longer human, how in the world did he do it!!! If I can go back alive, I will be his little brother properly ......"

Guangyu Di at this time is most grateful that he did not really impulsive in this copy to make what sorry Wuji Gu things, otherwise he is now certainly dead can not die again.

But at this time, Guangyu Di's inaudible system alert sounded.

[Passing condition reached, the boss of the nightmare level copy is already in the player's semi-seal, so this copy also disappears completely].

[Now teleport the players who are still alive back to the real world].

[Because it is a nightmare level copy, the passer who seals the boss will be given a special opportunity].

Seemingly sensing the changes in this space, the two forces chose to return to Wuji Gu's body, and strangely maintain a balance. Probably their power is too strong, if the Wuji Gu directly burst open that Wuji Gu must be directly killed.

This matter also makes Guangyu Di feel very scary. From the situation that just seems to be the two evil spirits seem to want to run is also possible, the seal has simply and no similar! But why didn't they run? Not only do not run, even so concerned about Wuji Gu's body ......

After such a terrible thing happened, this Wuji Gu lying unconscious on the ground is even fine, even his face seems to be better!

This incident even gives Guangyu Di a feeling that two lovers have to live together temporarily for the safety of their beloved ones.

Guangyu Di : "......" No, how is this possible! There must be some other reason in it, like both ghosts wanting to use Wuji Gu or something like that!

How could an advanced player like him, who has experienced a lot of things, have such a vulgar idea! It must be because of Sidun Ao's ghost.

A few seconds later, the restlessness of the place calmed down completely.

Regardless of the power of the amazing two Liege ghosts, or the ruins and the ghosts in them, everything disappeared into the air as points of light.

And this mysterious cursed casino has really become a legend since then.

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