A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 222: Opponents level is Ghost King level or higher ghosts

Chapter 222: Opponents level is Ghost King level or higher ghosts

Wuji Gu didn't even notice Guangyu Di's words.

After the other players left this copy, Wuji Gu just put his heart down and his consciousness was immediately immersed in a strange state, where he could still pay attention to other places.

As if there was some voice luring him, Wuji Gu's vision was only the surface of the water in front of him, the bottomless dark water is, by definition, very frightening, but he had a vague feeling of wanting to enter it.

"What the hell is this ......"

His body is like not his own, subconsciously reached out to the water at hand, the seal on the back of his hand burst out with a blinding light.

Wuji Gu's body was instantly swallowed by the big wave that hit him, the whole person was surrounded by water, and in this instant, a figure next to him also rushed over abruptly, and it was the mad believer youth from before.

"You actually--" Wuji Gu just remembered that this guy probably didn't leave at all, but he also had no time to care about each other, both of them were swept into the water by an irresistible force.

After a series of violent shaking, Wuji Gu's brain has been dizzy, the body can not make the force, can only float in the water at will, and even failed to notice why the water can still breathe such a thing.

The water rushing by his side was like a gentle hand taking him into its embrace, but Wuji Gu's subconscious mind kept sounding the alarm so that he would not be completely dazzled by this tenderness and lose consciousness, and he came to his senses abruptly.

"So dangerous, sure enough the water in this place is not ordinary water, it may not even be solid." Wuji Gu thought alertly, as he was almost completely bewildered.

Guangyu Di's soul as early as the moment Wuji Gu was swept in by the water to hide, he did not have the courage and what the evil god boss head-on, even if he had to die, let him die in peace a little!

Wuji Gu look around, the surrounding area is dark, the water is a myriad of ghosts floating around, these ghosts are closed eyes, as if sleeping in the water generally peaceful, at first glance and living people are not much different.

But the more this happens, the more it gives people a creepy sense of dread.

In fact, what Wuji Gu does not know is that if other people came here at this time, these ghosts would have all stirred up and would never have let outsiders in easily.

The imprint on the back of Wuji Gu's hand makes all the beings in this space think he belongs here in the first place, so it doesn't attract any attention from the ghosts inside.

"If all these ghosts wake up, things will probably be in trouble ......" Wuji Gu pondered the horrible situation that could happen. As for the young man who was swept up as a fanatic, there was nothing he could do.

Wuji Gu although want to save people, but also can not stop others to send death ah, probably that fanatic youth pursued like these ghosts, sleep forever in this water, now come in here may also be happy and New Year's Eve.

"However, if I do succeed, I don't even know if this place will still exist."

Wuji Gu did not forget his ultimate goal - to seal the evil god boss in his own body, to shock the strength of his body originally existed even as high as the ghost king level of the Li Ghost. In this way, the two ghosts will reach a balance and be able to solve the problem once and for all.

At least that's the best case scenario. And in just the beginning Wuji Gu felt the sleeping ghost sealed in his body is constantly stirring, if not hurry up the other side woke up that's all over.

The water was quiet to the point where Wuji Gu's body slowly moved upward along the current, getting closer and closer to the depths of the water.

By this time the number of ghosts around had diminished considerably, and there were many dark distorted shadows in the water, and Wuji Gu realized that he seemed to be unknowingly surrounded by black shadows.

"It doesn't seem good." Wuji Gu looked around and took a closer look at these black shadows all spreading out from the center of the water, simply part of a giant monster.

Wuji Gu tentatively touched the surrounding dark shadows, the original calm underwater instantly dark currents, a pair of huge eyes in the middle of the dark shadows slowly opened, looking in the direction of Wuji Gu.

The sight was like a substance, making it difficult for Wuji Gu's body to move. And such a close and such a terrifying eyes on, really gives people too strong sense of oppression, even Wuji Gu can not help but to speed up the heartbeat a few points, can not help but take a deep breath to set the mind.

If another person is here, probably be this aura oppressed on the spot to kneel down to submit to this boss. Even the hidden Guangyu Di felt the cold hair straight up, scared to move, the heart more and more painful how they found Wuji Gu this ancestor.

But Guangyu Di also feels that the situation is not right, why Wuji Gu so smoothly came to the place where this big boss ah! If someone else had waited until they came in after all the hard work, they would have been battered and bruised and would be lucky to be alive! But Wuji Gu seems to have come in like a walk, which ......

Should I say Wuji Gu?

Wuji Gu himself did not think so much and asked the system.

"Is it okay if I want to use the Ghost Mastery technique on the evil god boss now?"

[Because the target object is too strong, the player must at least find out where the opponent's body is before they can use the Ghost Mastery technique].

"What?" Wuji Gu was a little surprised, he hadn't found the real essence after all this, what was he supposed to do to find it? But the system has a point, since just now, he has not felt that these phantoms have too much real feeling.

How should I find the body of the evil god boss?

At this time, Wuji Gu looked down and saw the mark on the back of his hand, and immediately took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and felt the breath contained in the mark that had been in his body.

After sinking his consciousness into the place where the seal is located, he subconsciously also immediately felt a change in his surroundings, his body subconsciously advanced towards the front, and after passing through the warm water, he subconsciously opened his eyes.


What caught Wuji Gu's eyes was the blue sky, white clouds and turquoise water.

The sea breeze blew by, Wuji Gu was a little confused, he felt he forgot something, looked around, he was standing on a luxury cruise ship.

"What am I supposed to be doing again?"

Wuji Gu couldn't remember anything, but felt as if he was supposed to be in this place.

He walked around the ship somewhat aimlessly.

Everything on this ship is very good, with a variety of personal facilities, and the other guests are very kind and warm.

Wuji Gu almost completely forgot the incongruity.

But then, a waiter rushed over and rushed into his body.

"Are you all right?" The other side steeply held Wuji Gu .

"I'm fine." Wuji Gu said, but felt that after being touched by the other side, his entire body was unusually cold, and the environment that had just felt very comfortable instantly gave him a very indescribable sense of weirdness.

"You don't look well." The blond waiter seemed to look at Wuji Gu with concern, holding him up to the railing, "Is it seasickness?"

"I ......" Wuji Gu looked down into the water, his mind instantly like being stuck by a needle, he saw the dark fog under the water.

Right! He just entered the space where the evil god boss is!

After Wuji Gu realized this, everything around him dissipated, except for the figure holding his side.

Wuji Gu has hindsight full of cold sweat, he looked down and saw the marks on the back of his hand had spread to most of his body and wondered what would become of him if he continued.

"Thank you very much." Wuji Gu looked to the blonde waiter who was Sidun Ao.

"It's okay." Sidun Ao opened his mouth, "I also just feel wrong, I have been investigating this place before, and sure enough the situation is as dangerous as I thought, so I lurked into this space and came out when I saw something wrong. Fortunately, the ghosts here also can not detect anything ......"

After all, Sidun Ao has been working for the evil god boss before, I guess those ghosts think he is their colleagues.

Sidun Ao's body was half transparent after he finished speaking, and it was clear that he had used up most of his strength by risking his life to warn Wuji Gu.

"It's not good, I can't hold on anymore, I might just fall asleep after that." Sidun Ao immediately flew and also hid in the pocket watch Wuji Gu carried on his body, and finally spoke out to Wuji Gu, "You must be careful, he will never allow you to leave this world-"

With these words, Sidun Ao was silent and unconscious.

Wuji Gu is still wrapped in mist at this point, but he subconsciously has a feeling that the evil god boss's body must not be far from here.

"This is the place."

[Because the opponent's level is ghost king level or above ghost, originally the player's level is not enough to use it, but because the player and the boss have a connection, it makes the situation change. In short using ghost mastery player will pay a great price, confirm to use it?]

So the level of this evil god boss even exceeds the ghost in his body, just because he has a connection with the other side can barely use the ghost mastery, which if sealed into the body in the end what will happen ......

But the matter now can not allow Wuji Gu regretted, no matter what, first sealed first, he immediately spoke, "I am sure."

After Wuji Gu's words fell, his entire body instantly had the feeling of being abruptly awake from a muddled state. When he opened his eyes, he could see everything around him.

Wuji Gu just noticed that he was in a huge hand, which had already closed, grasping him completely in it, as if one more push would be able to crush Wuji Gu's whole person.

But Wuji Gu is filled with a confidence he never had on the outside.

Under the Ghost Harnessing Technique, he can make a request that the Evil God boss cannot refuse within thirty seconds, which is the reason why he is still standing here properly.

So Wuji Gu took a deep breath and said what anyone else would have been stunned to hear, "Please, come inside me."

At the end of the sentence, the surrounding pitch black color moved, not only the hand holding Wuji Gu, but also the entire world of black shadows around, all turned into fog towards Wuji Gu's body.

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