A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 206: "Wait!!! If you go, dont take me with you!!!"

Chapter 206: "Wait!!! If you go, dont take me with you!!!"

At that time he was still a young child, he only felt that the image was very strange and frightening, and he could not help but move backward while making a fearful sound, "Monster ...... Wuji Gu is really a monster ...... "

Then the surrounding ghosts sensed the child's presence and looked like they were about to fly this way. In the nick of time, a figure that had fallen to the ground suddenly pushed the child out of the way, and was himself entangled in the ghosts.

The figure is naturally the child's brother, who turned his head with difficulty and struggled to get his brother out of the place.


This is the last thing the man remembers. It was also after that, that he developed a deep hatred for Wuji Gu.

He didn't even think about the fact that his brother and the others were responsible, nor did he think that if that hadn't happened, it wouldn't have been the thugs who died, but the other innocent children. It's only because of his brother's death that he blames everything on Wuji Gu.

But he did not have the courage to target Wuji Gu, God knows what happened on that occasion. If he hadn't seen with his own eyes the tragic death of his brother, he would have thought he was dreaming.

This person moved away from this sad place with his parents after being rescued. Until he grew up and got the system thought he had grown in power before he returned here.

The man just remembered that this place is haunted in the past, thinking to come back to get something powerful, but did not expect to run into Wuji Gu, who happens to be very good in the entertainment industry, and wanted to make a move on him under the resentment.

Of course, he also did not expect that Wuji Gu is actually so terrible, not at all what ordinary people, what revenge and other ideas naturally disappeared, or to save their own lives is the most important.

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu nodded, and what the other party said was pretty much the same as what he knew.

"This guy has a tumor in his brain, right? Jia Cheng was furious as she listened, "It's your brother's own fault, and you're blaming Master Gu? If Master Gu really wanted to kill you, do you think you would have survived?"

As for why Master Gu was so amazing as a child, Jia Cheng didn't even think about it. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing! The people who died were all thugs who wanted to kill people, so there was nothing wrong with that.

In short, he is a complete Wuji Gu fanatic.

The man had to be lectured by Jia Cheng and nodded his head repeatedly.

Wuji Gu began to think deeply.

It seems that at first he was also involved in this sacrificial event, and was also brought to the center ...... specifically by the people of this organization seems to be because the people of this organization have detected the existence in his body.

But the people of this organization is a rollover, presumably all because of that presence in the body to be freed.

It was also because of this that the being in his body became angry at his parents for this matter, blaming them for not protecting themselves. In the end, it even erased most of his memories.

"What exactly did they pay attention to in my body in the first place?"

Wuji Gu then took the time to go into the system space to check the price he paid - that is, the system added several debuffs to him.

[debuff: The chance of players suddenly falling asleep or falling into hallucinations due to supernatural events in the copy is increased].

[debuff: The player's chance of encountering ghosts in the copy is greatly increased].

[debuff: The player's chance of encountering a faggot in a copy increases dramatically].

Wuji Gu : "?" The first two are fine, in a way it's good, especially the increased chance of encountering ghosts, that is not their own run to send heads?

But what is the last one! Even considering the background of the story, the faggot he meets will probably not be human.

But it doesn't matter, even if it's a faggot, it doesn't necessarily look at him. Wuji Gu has been worried about the final boss that he will encounter after entering the copy, the other side and he has all kinds of incompatibility.

Compared to the other great costs that could be paid, these debuffs seem like a joke.

Wuji Gu certainly does not feel that this is the system is particularly good to them, maybe this is instead what is related to the next copy of the trap.

"It's true that I still have to make more preparations to enter the copy." After Wuji Gu's coma, the preparation time has been greatly shortened, and there is not much time left.

After that, Wuji Gu went to the abandoned factory with Jia Cheng and others. What surprised him most was that it hadn't been dismantled yet.

Just this place has been too dilapidated at this time, it looks like it will not be long before it collapses in general, so people are frightened.

"This place is also frequently haunted after that incident." Jia Cheng opened his mouth and said, this time he still investigated a lot of things, let him slightly care is cousin also asked him a few things about Master Gu, as if he had long heard about the previous incident.

The cousin also mentioned about his father suddenly out of the whole thing of illegitimate children, told him that the mother and son suddenly did not know where to go, and do not know where to run, actually could not find.

Jia Cheng for this suddenly popped up bastard brother has no feelings, heard here simply do not care, but also feel as if to save a lot of work, will this matter are left in the back of the mind.

Jia Cheng continued, "In short, although this place is not right, but the death has not happened ...... but this place is also too broken, Master Gu, we are better to be careful."

"Hmm." Wuji Gu nodded and looked at his surroundings, except for the fact that it was very dilapidated, it was indeed the same as what he had seen when he had dreamed before.

In short, it is the kind of consistent haunting at first glance.

Jia Cheng turned a corner and saw a ghost-like trace on the wall, so scared that he took a deep breath next to him, while in his heart he kept reassuring himself that he was now a man who had experienced so much and would never be scared by such trivial things again! He was said to be a friend by Master Gu himself, and even met each other's parents! The other people are completely incomparable!

Wuji Gu swept the surrounding area, "The ghosts here are very ordinary, just some lonely ghosts. It seems that the ghosts of the outlaws really don't exist anymore."

Wuji Gu then took Jia Cheng on a very smooth journey, based on the vision in the dream, and soon arrived at the very center of the factory where the sacrifice ceremony was held.

This is a fairly large plant, at this time, it is empty, the roof has long collapsed part. Perhaps because of this, the ground in the center of the plant is often blown by the wind and sun, the dust is not a lot, vaguely revealing the traces on the ground to.

"This is-"

Jia Cheng excited rushed forward, but a closer look but found that those lines have been forcibly cleaned up, now left only some difficult to deal with traces, but also can barely see a lot of blood splashed out in the past, it can be seen how tragic things happened here at the beginning.

"It seems that this place has been treated long ago." Wuji Gu looked around and spoke, "After all, something like this is too dangerous to stay here, and if it hadn't been dealt with over the years it couldn't have been left dead."

"So, Master Gu, do you remember anything?" Jia Cheng said.

"No, I can't think of anything." Wuji Gu shook his head as he poked around the place, looking closely at everything around him, but nothing came to mind, as if this place was so unfamiliar.

But just as he saw a spot in the corner, a sudden vague pain in his mind, as if an image had flashed.

"What's that?"

Wuji Gu hurriedly walked to that location, groped around, and after squatting / body, found a ring buried in the dust among the debris.

"What is this in the end, there is always a very familiar feeling, but can not remember, and the original I have any relationship?"

In the end, Wuji Gu put the ring away, took a few more photos with his phone here, thinking he might use it later, and chose to leave.


After that Wuji Gu concentrated on preparing things for the next copy, while asking the others about the advanced copy and exactly how to completely suppress that ghost in his body.

Shao Yang was shocked when he heard that Wuji Gu's copy actually came out so quickly, and immediately became anxious, "It will actually be so fast, but I'm not very clear about too many advanced copies, I just know that advanced copies are really hard!"

"Because players to this time is basically not what will be afraid of ghosts of ordinary people, so the copy of the restrictions have become very random, if still and ordinary copies of the same random will certainly be killed."

"And advanced players are no longer helping each other, even are hostile relationship, so players will disguise their identity, will disguise themselves as npc. after entering to the copy, you will not even know whether other people are players or npc, if exposed identity will be extremely dangerous, after all, if the other party pretending to be npc gave you wrong information. That will certainly make people meta!"

"Also, the advanced bosses that will appear in the advanced copy, that is simply not the existence that people can deal with anymore. Even the most powerful advanced players can only do to avoid just, you must be careful for the top."

Although Shao Yang suddenly remembered that Wuji Gu is the kind of person who has dogged emotional entanglements with villainous bosses beyond the norm, but this can't be the case when it comes to advanced copies! He can't think of any advanced copy of the boss still in love with someone.

Wuji Gu immediately thanked and finally asked, "Then if there is a sleeping ghost in the body, what should be done to restrain him from waking up?"

Wuji Gu asked this question without the slightest hint of concealment. Shao Yang instantly seemed to realize something, and immediately felt dumbfounded.

"This problem, it is not difficult ...... I know many advanced players in order to enhance the power also have done so, they will have some special ability of the ghost sealed in their own body, and then use certain special methods will be able to use the power of those ghosts."

Shao Yang said, "Of course the side effects of this method is very strong, want to suppress also have a variety of methods, some forced with props to suppress, some with what the formation or spell suppression. There are even some magic suppression with some western fantasy background."

"So that's how it is, aren't there some other ways?" Wuji Gu nodded, he did have all these things, but they are not enough level ah! After all, the ghost in his body is a ghost king level ...... No, the ghost king level is just the strength shown by the other party, the actual strength may be more terrifying. Because of the limitations of this world so not completely displayed just.

Shao Yang was sweating coldly, did Wuji Gu really use such a dangerous method to seal the ghost into his body? Even the previous methods could not suppress it. What level of ghost is this?

You know the average player will use a mid-level ghost at best just to play it safe! Wuji Gu Isn't this amazing.

"I don't know any other methods." Shao Yang sighed, "But if you have a channel, you can ask other senior players, if they are those experienced senior players may have a method, but whether they are willing to say it or not is unknown."

"Okay, thank you! I got it."

Wuji Gu turned his head and ran to grab the soul of the senior player he had previously locked up from the picture book to force the answer to this question.

That senior player soul was beyond haggard at this point, and he had no idea what he had been through.

This Wuji Gu is a fucking devil of a man! Would an ordinary person have such a terrible prop? Thanks to him, he thought the other party was a newcomer, he was simply deceived!

Faced with Wuji Gu's question, the senior player soul immediately knew what Wuji Gu was worried about, and remembering the horror of that ghost, had to give an honest account: "I do know of one more way. That is to introduce another ghost into your body, so that the power of the two ghosts can reach a delicate balance."

Wuji Gu : "Hmm?"

"The previous methods are all just one-sided suppression of ghosts, which will always make the ghosts' grievances build up deeper and deeper, and will have all kinds of side effects." The senior player soul said, "This method after that is more coordinated, and if it can be done perfectly, it can combine the power of two ghosts! But this one would be too difficult."

"I got it." Wuji Gu seems to have some vague idea of introducing other ghosts? That's a good idea.

"I advise you to give up." The senior player soul's face was ugly, "The strength of that ghost in your body is no ordinary ghost! Even intermediate copy bosses are going to send heads! I'm afraid that even some slightly worse bosses in the advanced copy are not useful, do you really want to go to what advanced copy to catch a boss sealed into their own body?"

This is no longer an ordinary person can do things! It is simply a person who is not in his right mind seeking his own death.

"That makes sense." Wuji Gu was suddenly reminded by him and spoke excitedly, "You're right, then I'll do a good job like this."

It just so happens that he's going to the world of that evil god boss afterwards, so I guess the other side should be strong enough to fight the existence inside his body! The problem is solved this way!!!

The senior player soul stared dumbly at the excited Wuji Gu , who felt as if he was too young.

Then he suddenly realized something.

"Wait!!! Don't take me with you if you go!!!"

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