A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 207: You are the lover of this rich young master

Chapter 207: You are the lover of this rich young master

Of course, the request of the senior player's soul was not answered by Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu himself actually does not matter with or without, but such a powerful soul left here who knows what will happen, naturally or with the body insurance.

That senior player soul is simply vomiting blood out, can only hope that they will never be Wuji Gu body ghosts and replica boss gods fighting waves to ...... but this is obviously very little hope.

A few days later, after doing all kinds of homework, Wuji Gu finally entered the copy.



Wuji Gu opened his eyes and found himself in the back of a luxury car.

[As the bodyguard of a wealthy man, you will follow him to a certain casino. It is a casino that is rumored to be cursed, but many people are attracted to it.]

[Hidden setting: You are actually the lover of this rich young master, and you become his nominal bodyguard by this backdoor relationship].

Wuji Gu : "?" The first up so powerful? Or is it because he has the debuff of meeting a faggot that caused this result ......

[But the rich young master has long since gotten sick of you and is already thinking about how to brutally abandon you in the casino].

Wuji Gu : "......" can not have some morality ah! If you want to dump someone, don't do it specifically in this cursed place!

[And you actually inquired about this news in secret, so the rich young master out of love, decided to make him completely in love with himself and then dumped him].

Wuji Gu : "?" Why does this copy have the feeling that the essence has changed! Are all your advanced copies so complicated!

[Trigger a side mission: protect the rich young master. And brush up his goodwill, and make people around think that the player is in love with the rich young master, and finally choose to break up when the goodwill level is reached].

This is the first time Wuji Gu started to think about whether he should give up this terrible side quest. But considering that he had completed so many difficult tasks before, how could he possibly give up for this mere good feeling task!

What's more, the task of playing the love of a rich young man was very challenging for Wuji Gu, a good opportunity to test his acting skills.

"Looks like I'll just have to get on it."

Wuji Gu turned his head and looked to his side, where a handsome young man with a cold look was sitting. According to the information provided by the system, everyone else called him Young Master Ersen Ni. This person is full of nobleman's style at first glance. Of course he is indeed considered an aristocrat, can be said to be born with a golden spoon of high wealth, a birth has been at the end of others can not reach.

But I didn't expect this Ersen Ni young master himself can't think of running to what is cursed casino, can still leave alive is a problem.

Ersen Ni's eyes took on an obvious look of disgust when he looked at Wuji Gu.

[Obviously, Master Ersen Ni doesn't like you, he just chose you as a shield to get rid of his family's arranged marriage partner].

Wuji Gu : "?" Such a story he felt as if he had seen it on some doggy TV.

Although Wuji Gu himself felt that this would save him the trouble, he did not want to get emotionally entangled with any NPCs, but considering his mission, Wuji Gu immediately put on a look of infatuation that he wanted to say but did not.

Then the other party turned his head in disgust. Wuji Gu finally got to take the opportunity to survey his surroundings.

Before the evening, the sky has been overcast, dark as if a rainstorm is about to fall, filled with an eerie atmosphere.

In the distance is a glorious building, surrounded by several other buildings connected, next to even a pool and other recreational facilities ...... Yes, this is the destination of Wuji Gu's trip, an extremely luxurious but has all sorts of ominous rumors of the casino.

[Rumor has it that very few people who enter this casino can come out, but if they can achieve certain conditions, they will be able to fulfill their wishes].

Wuji Gu could not help but shake his head, what wish, it is estimated that the place is only affected by the power of the evil god. Even if the realization of the wish probably people also hang.

Soon the car had arrived at its destination and the casino staff rushed out to greet it. The crowd was led by the casino people towards the interior.

Wuji Gu, on the other hand, kept looking at Young Master Ersen Ni with that affectionate look in his eyes.

The female assistant following around is almost subconsciously disgusted, she has long been very unhappy with this little white face, all day only know to pretend, in addition to hugging the young master thighs do not know what can be done, well the young master has had the idea of finding an excuse to abandon this person.

But after a closer look, she was stunned to find that today's Wuji Gu somehow felt a lot fresher, and his face looked far more pleasing than usual, and that the eyes revealed all kinds of complex feelings, definitely not a white boy who only knows money can disguise it!

"Could it be that he has actually moved his feelings." The female assistant's heart could not help but shake, looking at Wuji Gu's eyes could not help but bring a little sympathy, after all, she knew very well that young master Ersen Ni was just using this guy.

But even with a little sympathy, the female assistant's disgust was not completely wiped away.

The moment he stepped into the hall, Wuji Gu clearly felt that discomfort. It was exactly the same as the two copies he had experienced before with the evil god boss, like being stared at by some intense sight.

His footsteps, alert to look around, but in addition to the staff here to come and go nothing to see, only a huge stream of consciousness hanging on the wall paintings to attract his attention. The painting depicts a distorted figure with an unreadable face, and just gazing at it gives people a not-so-pleasant feeling.

"Such a powerful boss should not be able to directly appear, the copy should also have something that can inhibit him." Wuji Gu did not produce a feeling of fear, but seriously thought about it, "If I can seize some opportunity to restrain and weaken it, and then use the ghost mastering technique might be able to succeed-"

The sensational thing to seal another powerful boss into your own body, even the most senior advanced players are not even dare to think about it, they even seal a mid-level ghost that is to be careful.

After all, this is a fucking gamble with their own body to ah, a little bit of carelessness body by the ghosts will take over. Wuji Gu, however, surprisingly little resistance to this matter, but also very eager to try.

[Triggered main quest: Survive five days in the casino and get a thousand chips from]

"Survive five days? It seems like it's too dangerous in this casino too. And the chips, how is this supposed to get your hands on them?"

As Wuji Gu was thinking, the casino staff handed out two chips to each person, while Young Master Ersen Ni got three.

"I think since you guys are here, you know the rules here." The staff showed a smile looking at the crowd, but gave a feeling of hairy body, "No matter who is here, if you want to stay here, you will consume a chip every day, if you don't have a chip, you can only leave here."

"I can buy it, for whatever it costs." Young Master Ersen Ni spoke up coldly in a rare occasion.

"That's not allowed. In this place, the only thing that can be traded is chips." The staff said, "You all should have known about such a thing already."

If it is other places, the casino owner that is certainly wanting money. But this place ...... Wuji Gu think, it is estimated to want their lives.

It seems that the chips in everyone's hands are extremely important things now.

Ersen Ni frowned, but didn't say anything in the end. After all, he came here to abide by the rules here. As long as he can successfully pass the test in this casino, he will be able to get the position of the family heir, which is more important than anything else.

Of course, Ersen Ni also knew that there were several other contenders for the family heirship who were probably here before him, and the rest of his days at the casino were not likely to be any easier.

Wuji Gu is completely unaware of what Ersen Ni is pondering about the feuding heirs of a powerful family, but feels torn.

Although he has that mysterious dice can be used, but that prop is also very limited, but once a week can be used, once also limited to one hour, meaning he can only use it once in this copy, of course, can not just use it.

If you don't use the dice, how in the world can you get a thousand chips in five days. Wuji Gu has been learning from Jia Cheng's teacher for a while, but he feels it's still too hard to make that much money.

And the casino personnel opened the door that led aside to the accommodation. The next moment there was a scream, and then a man who looked mentally disturbed rushed out from inside in terror, "Get me out of here!"

The man looked wretched, full of cold sweat, a look of mental strain to the extreme, swept a glance at Wuji Gu and others and then hurriedly rushed forward.

"What's wrong with this guy?" Wuji Gu sensed an aura of danger on the other side and was the first to shield Young Master Ersen Ni, who would never forget any opportunity to show off his acting skills.

The surrounding bodyguards are somewhat silent, obviously they are the real bodyguards, at this time but all of a sudden forget to go forward, and give Wuji Gu robbed their own work, it is a bit shameful.

The moment he saw the door, the man's face showed an expression of found hope, but in the next instant he fell to the ground and let out a shocking scream.

The crowd turned their heads to take a look, and immediately sucked in a breath of cold air. The man who was still alive and kicking just now had fallen to the ground after the scream, and bizarrely his body had split into several parts.

"What's going on here!" A bodyguard instantly looked at the staff, looking alert to the extreme.

This fact is too bizarre and makes them all blush with embarrassment.

"This is just a very normal result." The staff's attitude was good, but the words that came out were creepy, "Because he has lost all his chips, he is naturally not a guest of our casino, so he will be let out of here."

"But this man is dead!" The female assistant couldn't help but speak up.

"Is that so?" The staff was looking at them with a surprised look, and the crowd realized that the corpse behind them had disappeared, and there was not even a drop of blood on the smooth ground, as if what had just happened was their collective hallucination.

Even if the temperature here is very suitable, the crowd can not help but face ugly up, the body are subconsciously shivered.

"Does it mean some kind of holographic projection? This what gives the guests excitement?" The female assistant couldn't help but nag.

But everyone clearly remembers the huge commotion just after the man hit the door, and even the strong wind brought up when the other side brushed past, this person must be real.

They have vaguely realized that this place is unusual, this is really a cursed casino ......

A bodyguard was the first to rush to the door, but nothing was checked. He pushed the door to get out, but his hand showed a stunned look when it touched the glass door.

"Outside, outside ......"

The crowd headed that way, and as they approached the door, each one was silent.

Only to see the huge glass door outside, I do not know when has condensed fog, visibility is only a distance of one or two meters. And those fog, there are a large number of bizarre figures, it is a distorted body shape of the monster. The ground is lying on a number of corpses that are still moving.

"Oh, yes, it's dark." The staff smiled and spoke, "Something not so good will appear outside here after dark, so you guests should be careful yet."

This is simply a scene that would only appear in a horror movie, but it really appeared in front of their eyes. The group couldn't help but imagine what kind of terrible ending they would have met if they had come a little later.

As the others shivered, Wuji Gu also walked to the door.

The crowd then found that the monsters in the fog outside suddenly seemed to twitch one by one, their bodies twisted away from the distance.

"Does it mean that their appearance is just to scare us a little?" The female assistant spoke up, "But no matter what, it's still safest in here."

"Why do I always have the feeling that those monsters seem to fall away ......"

Wuji Gu is certainly aware of this.

"I'm not so strong that I can scare the piss out of these monsters!" Wuji Gu can't help but look down at the back of his hand, the pattern of the evil god's mark has faintly emerged on it at some point, "It's really this ......"

He didn't move and pulled his sleeve down to block the mark, it would be a problem if someone saw it, even if the mark meant Wuji Gu was high up in the hierarchy of these believers, but he had no intention of interacting with these fanatics.

The casino staff was also stunned, what happened to these monsters! Run faster than flying, usually do not see this sight, is it that there is something in this group of people can make them fear the existence?

Thinking about it, the staff's attitude are a few points better, lest they provoke the wrong people.

"I'll contact the outside now and send a helicopter to pick up the young master by tomorrow." The female assistant said, "We can't let Young Master Ersen Ni stay in such a dangerous place."

"No." Ersen Ni young master himself coldly refused, "We must stay. This is a family test, and I must pass."

The others, of course, could not do anything about their employer. And the female assistant also found that the crowd's cell phones were completely out of signal, and they couldn't contact the outside world at all. Apparently, they had been trapped in this casino.

"Please rest assured, wait until five days later, our casino will arrange for you to leave." The staff smiled and said, "We have no problem if you leave on your own, but please be responsible for any problems that occur."

Wuji Gu : "......" Five days later is not the deadline given by the main task? Wuji Gu Five days later is not something to send people out, but to send everyone to hell, right?

"Okay, now everyone follow me." The staff member spoke up and turned around and continued walking away.

The others had no choice but to follow. The good thing is that these people are good psychological quality, quickly accepted the matter. Of course it is also because the place is still safe and orderly relationship.

With the casino people to the side of the building in the accommodation, the conditions are also comparable to a five-star hotel, and Ersen Ni stay in a premium suite, which has several rooms, can accommodate several people.

Wuji Gu, the lover and bodyguard of Young Master Ersen Ni, lives furthest away from his bedroom and even shares a room with another bodyguard, so anyone with a brain would know that he is no longer in favor.

As for the female assistant is staying in the opposite room, because just too much stimulation, she also closed the door to rest.

Wuji Gu also came to the room, and his room with the bodyguards look with contempt, apparently very disdain for Wuji Gu this little white boy, not even the intention to speak.

Wuji Gu, who will not and his general calculation, showered immediately ready to go to bed, he had a feeling that something big will happen tonight, he has to take advantage of the darkness just now to sleep, get up in the middle of the night to work.

Immediately after falling asleep, Wuji Gu feels that his consciousness has been withdrawn from his body and he is in some weird space.

"......" right oh he still has that debuff on him, will encounter in the middle of sleep what is estimated to be the basic operation.



On the other hand, on the roof of this casino, there is a gloomy-looking young man sitting here, holding a picture in his hand, which shows Wuji Gu in a certain world, and the most striking thing is the mark of the evil god that emerges on the back of his hand.

"Although it looks different, this aura is obviously him." The youth muttered, a few moments of fervor flashed in his eyes, "If I sacrifice him to the gods, I will receive the gift of the gods."

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