A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 204: I must find a way to seal him completely before I can do that.

Chapter 204: I must find a way to seal him completely before I can do that.

The fog around the area has almost drowned everything around, and with Wuji Gu's already enhanced eyesight, he can't see anything clearly.

A harsh scream seemed to echo through the mist, and it was still the very familiar scream of Jia Cheng.

"It's bad." Wuji Gu could sense that Sidun Ao and Jia Cheng were in no better shape than they were now, and that the connection between him and Sidun Ao had become tenuous, which was obviously not right for him to have his pocket watch on his person.

As for the charms left on Jia Cheng's body is a collective warning to Wuji Gu, telling him how dangerous the situation is, but the good thing is that there are enough charms, Jia Cheng can probably hold on a little longer.

The last man, Wuji Gu that is not sure how the situation is, it is estimated to be alive is not easy.

He hurried forward to try to save the people, but his body was bound by an invisible force.

"This is ......" Wuji Gu frowned, looked down, at this time countless black fog is wrapped around his body, making his body too weak to break free from the bindings.

Even if Wuji Gu uses healing techniques to heal himself, the black mist will simultaneously increase the power to consume him, maintaining a delicate balance that Wuji Gu cannot break free from.

It is clear that the other side does not want to hurt Wuji Gu, but does not want him to save others.

"It's you." Wuji Gu realized in just an instant that the person who had done all this was undoubtedly the very same being inside him.

After his words fell, a shadow seemed to emerge from the black fog.

Everything around him is surrounded by a dark fog that cannot be distinguished, and the power around him makes people subconsciously afraid of him. Of course, this person does not include Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu's eyes are complicated.

For him, the ghost in front of him is his early childhood is the most important friend.

But also, the ghost that ruined everything and hurt his most important family.

Even now that Wuji Gu has grown, he can feel how terrifying the power contained in his opponent's body, which is not even a normal copy of the Liege boss can match.

The only good thing is that the other side, like the powerful ghosts, is restricted from using all their power when they appear. Otherwise Jia Cheng and the others would have died a violent death, where there would have been time to wait for Wuji Gu to come to their rescue.

Wuji Gu seemed to suddenly realize the reason for all the things that had gone wrong in the past in the various copies, and even the source of the wrongness in himself. So it was because there was such a powerful ghost possessing him that made him so strange?

Apparently this ghost did not mean to hurt him and even helped him several times in the copy. But the other side is not so gentle to the others, and even has the intention of driving them to their deaths.

No wonder the senior player was scared like that when he tried to possess him, after all, such a level of ghosts actually exist in a person's body is too scary.

If other players had such a helper, they would be happy to hear about it, but Wuji Gu is unable to accept such a thing.

At this point in time, Wuji Gu will not back down in any way.

"Although I can't remember most things, you're my former ...... friend, right?"

The dark figure was quiet and did not speak, Wuji Gu could feel him watching himself.

"No matter what you want, or what demands you have, I will definitely meet them, as long as you let them go." Wuji Gu took a deep breath and tried to penitentiate the other side by speaking, "I know you are not that kind of person, there must be some misunderstanding ......"

The black shadow is dissipated, and Wuji Gu clearly felt that the cold power around the more alarming, if Jia Cheng's words are estimated not to support for a long time.

"Damn it, I can't seem to convince him at all." Wuji Gu kept struggling to get up, but was never able to break free from the black shadow on his body. He tried to use the Ghost Mastery technique, but the system informed him that in such a bound situation, all the abilities he used were restricted, and he would not be able to continue using them unless he got the Ghost Mastery technique upgraded once again.

Of course this upgrade is not as straightforward as the previous upgrade and transformation, but added a patch-like effect, probably not afraid of being restricted by other things in the future.

Wuji Gu : "......" Why does your system always give people the feeling of a black-hearted businessman! Such a patch should not be free for players to add!

Obviously it's easy to upgrade the ghost mastering, but because the ghost is open and actually can not use, this is simply the game's BUG it!

Wuji Gu looked again, to upgrade the patch, you need a lot of points, although not as much as before, but what Wuji Gu has now is not enough.

"It looks like that's all I can do now."

Wuji Gu finally took a deep breath and took out the kitchen knife that had not been taken out for a long time.

Obviously, this chopper is useless to the surrounding black fog, its level is too low, even to this level of ghosts can not cause a little damage, at most is to hold a little bit of a frightening look.

Wuji Gu but in the next moment, the kitchen knife to his wrist, the blood burst out the moment -

The surrounding black fog seemed to freeze for a moment, becoming restless because of the changes within its owner.

Wuji Gu did not care so much, he certainly not for what to use their own lives to blackmail each other, Wuji Gu can still be completely confused about what the ghost is trying to do to themselves, not to hurt him does not mean that they care about his life, which who knows what problems, maybe he himself died instead of meeting some kind of what conditions.

He did this, of course, in order to use this blood to summon the ghosts around.

Under the effect of the blood, the effect of the ghost mastering technique was even more amazing than usual, and a large number of lonely ghosts immediately appeared around, making the space incomparably crowded.

That black shadow are stunned, probably did not expect Wuji Gu will also engage in such an operation. It did not know what to do with these ghosts for a while.

Wuji Gu also used the upgraded purification technique to purify these ghosts in a matter of moments, the speed is incredibly fast. He then repeated the previous steps once again ...... Anyway, his healing art was strong enough to be used repeatedly, and so the points kept increasing.

I can only be thankful that Wuji Gu has already gained a lot of points from purifying the ghosts in that village where the movie was made, and now it is only almost enough to meet the conditions for another ghost mastery upgrade. There are also enough ghosts around this haunted place.

In short, the whole scene instantly turned into a feeling of playing an open game.

Soon, after purifying another wave of ghosts that had gathered with difficulty, Wuji Gu was starting to feel weak, and fortunately he had just enough points to make up for it.

Without even thinking about it, Wuji Gu hurriedly called out the system and immediately upgraded his ghost mastering skills.

[Congratulations player, your Ghost Mastery has been upgraded].

[Now players can summon all ghosts except those below the Ghost King level, and can even pay a great price to make ghosts of the Ghost King level listen to their actions for thirty seconds].

"That's what I'm waiting for." Wuji Gu took a deep breath and used the Ghost Harnessing Technique directly at the black fog surrounding his body.

[Because the opponent is a ghost king level ghost, the player will pay a great price, this great price may be life expectancy reduced by several years, or may be destined to be single for life, or may be in a coma for several months, full of uncertainty ...... player confirm to use it?]

Wuji Gu nodded without any hesitation at all, "I'm sure."

In any case, he would never choose to hesitate because of his own relationship when he could save someone.

The moment Wuji Gu's words fell, he instantly felt clearly that everything around him seemed to be under his control, even the presence of the black shadow he could clearly feel.

As long as certain requirements are met, no matter what he says in those thirty seconds, the other party will definitely do it.

Of course there are certain limitations, such as what the ghosts themselves ashes or disappear in the world such requirements can not be accomplished, far beyond the ability of ghost management.

This is the power of ghost mastery. Wuji Gu can't help but feel the power of this power, and at the same time his own body's power is constantly being drained away, so if this continues for thirty seconds he will surely just pass out.

"What exactly should I do to save the others and keep the crisis down, and still keep him from leaving?"

Wuji Gu don't even have to think about it to know, if such a powerful ghost from here to leave, this will bring what will be a terrible situation, directly around the generation of a high-level copy of reality copies are possible!

"Since he was staying in my body before, all I have to do is let him go back in."

Wuji Gu suddenly thought of this, took a deep breath, broke free from the surrounding, entered the black fog, and grabbed the hand of the indistinguishable black shadow.

"Come back into my body."

The black shadow looked at Wuji Gu in consternation, originally wanted to struggle, but he then gently nodded his head.

Almost instantly, the surrounding black fog has receded.

Jia Cheng was so scared that he fell to the ground Jia Cheng saw this scene were moved to tears, he was just chased by a ghost, and then suddenly appeared a large number of ghosts scared him out of his mind ...... thought he was going to hang, but fortunately there was Master Gu in!

Sidun Ao seemed to have realized something and looked at Wuji Gu with a complicated expression.

As for the man who was going to tell about the past, he also fell unconscious on the ground, and if it weren't for the fact that his chest was still slightly heaving, others would have thought he was already dead.

The black shadow is directly dissipated, and in its place Wuji Gu felt his body steeply cold, as if there was something more than before. But this is another very familiar feeling. After all, the ghost had long been inside him for such a long time.

At this moment, Wuji Gu subconsciously understood. The black shadow in his body seems to be in a state of lethargy, usually will not use the power nor wake up, unless it is stimulated by something.

The other party will use up a lot of Wuji Gu's power when he wakes up, and will even make Wuji Gu pass out directly, after all, this is a ghost king level ghost relying on his body and appear in this world.

This time this ghost can use such a powerful power, also because Wuji Gu because become a high-level player, the power has been amazing enough relationship.

"In that case, is the power of my body so much stronger than ordinary from the beginning, also because of this matter?" Wuji Gu couldn't help but frown as he realized this extremely scary thing, "If one day my power grows to the point where I can completely carry a Ghost King level ghost ......"

Maybe that's the purpose of this ghost possessing him? That's why he was not allowed to know this truth, lest everything go wrong.

Wuji Gu almost did not dare to think about the consequences after that, you can imagine that if that time comes, it will bring a crisis that is difficult to stop, and even harnessing ghosts can not be controlled, not just him, even the whole city may be in crisis.

"I must find a way to seal him up completely before I can do that."

After Wuji Gu determined this and the thirty seconds had finally passed, he immediately felt a blackout and lost consciousness straight away.

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