A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 203: memory

Chapter 203: memory

Wuji Gu was in a daze, and the memories that emerged in his mind became more and more profound.


A very beautiful child is sitting in a dimly lit room eating dinner. The only illumination in the room is the electric light that flickers on and off.

And he is sitting on his side is a man and a woman two adults, their skin color are pale to an abnormal degree, the hand outstretched with a few stiff. Two people almost motionless, just sitting in silence, to the child showed a difficult to pull out of the smile, the scene is exceptionally bizarre, as long as a little common sense people will realize that these two people are probably ghosts.

The TV set next to it is still playing a talent show, but I don't know if it's a bad signal, the picture is very poor, and also distorted from time to time, making the people on it look very weird.

But the child was oblivious, just like a child in an ordinary family, telling his parents about what happened at school. Of course, he did not say that he was treated as a monster by other students, but his expression still looks a bit despondent.

Originally with such a face, he should not be disliked in this way, but everything about him is strangely predestined to this end that can not be accepted by others.

The smiles on both parents' faces were now natural, and the mother stretched out her hand and stroked the child's head with difficulty, letting out a slightly hoarse and somewhat helpless voice, "Good boy, everyone will love you."

"Really?" The child could not help but open his mouth, the bottom of his eyes seemed to glitter, the tone of voice also carried a few hesitant, as if very much looking forward to but can not believe, "but close to me, the others will be hurt ......"

"No matter, you will definitely become ...... a dazzling person in the future like those stars on TV. Even if other people don't dare to approach you, but they will definitely feel happy because of you."

The child nodded his head with seeming understanding. But no matter what, from that time onwards, he has set himself the most important goal in this life.

The picture just slowly darkens.

That's right, he has no memories from even further back, just memories of living in this place since the beginning. Everything around him was already strange at that time, and yes, his parents were ghosts.

But even so, the young Wuji Gu never found this, or rather he simply did not care about these things, for him the line between ghosts and humans is too blurred, rather than ghosts are more intimate.

There are so many weird things, such as the mother never goes out, her body is always cold, the father only appears late at night every day, and all sorts of other things, probably the kind of plot that would be right at home in a horror movie. But they still take good care of Wuji Gu, just like real human parents, and looks no different from ordinary humans.

Wuji Gu does not know whether they are his real parents or not, but there is no doubt that he has them in his heart as the most important people, and the influence they bring to him is so great that he must have been a very good person when he was alive.

The picture then shifted again.

It was in a remote corner of the neighborhood, where the young Wuji Gu was idly drawing on the ground with a tree branch.

No one else wanted to play with him, so he had to amuse himself with this kind of thing.

Then a faint fog seemed to spread around, and the black fog wrapped around the tree branches were also painted on the side.

Wuji Gu looked up with some surprise, his playmate was a shadow surrounded by a black mist that could not be seen, also about the same height as him, as if a dark child.

"You finally came out, I was bored to death, waiting for you for a long time." Wuji Gu opened his mouth and said, his tone subconsciously with a few pampering, apparently their relationship is extremely close, "Come and play with me."

The black shadow nodded, and the tree branch flowed on the ground and drew a small man, a perfect resemblance, and at a glance you could see that the drawing was exactly Wuji Gu.

Wuji Gu could not help but marvel, and then naturally took each other's hands, even if the hands they touched were not at all like living people, they did not care, and then excitedly added a crooked black little man next to that little man, with a smile so bright that it was dazzling, "I'll draw you on it too!"

The black shadow gave a slight beat, looking at the pattern on the ground in front of him, the action was careful for a while, as if afraid to destroy the pattern.

At this time but the noise came from behind, the black shadow immediately invisible to the Wuji Gu body.

A few children ran noisily from the back, and after seeing Wuji Gu, they all turned pale, a little scared and disgusted, "How is this guy." "It's so bad luck, let's go." "I heard that there is an abandoned factory nearby is quite fun, we'd better go there to see."

"This guy is so skinny, there's nothing to be afraid of!" A kid with a lot of guts came up and tried to make a move on Wuji Gu.

The other children saw the situation also can not control, have rushed over on the line to teach a lesson to this person who gives them a psychological shadow.

Of course the ending was tragic, they couldn't deal with Wuji Gu even if all of them came up. One by one, they all ran away in tears, and the original pattern on the ground was only a mess, completely erased.

Wuji Gu couldn't help but feel a little demoralized, he wouldn't want to hurt these children if he could.

The black shadow emerged, looking at the children who scattered and the pattern on the ground has disappeared, the surrounding black gas seems to have thickened a few points.

But at that moment, a hand steeply gripped his, Wuji Gu turned his head to look over, he seemed to realize what, opened his mouth and said, "Do not care about these people , we better go home."

The black shadow finally nodded and disappeared into Wuji Gu's body.


Yes, Wuji Gu comes to mind.

The one that occupies the most memories of his early childhood is the playmate.

The presence that has been with him since he became conscious hardly emerges at all, but Wuji Gu can clearly feel the presence of the other side in his body. And that presence will occasionally emerge from the black mist to play with Wuji Gu.

He was Wuji Gu's best friend, who seemed to know everything about Wuji Gu, who always knew what to do to make Wuji Gu happiest, who never bored him ...... at the time, and who was certainly Wuji Gu's favorite person.

But if Wuji Gu played with other children, those people would surely encounter ghosts that night, and then they would be so frightened that no one would want to be with Wuji Gu anymore, or even treat him as a monster. But if these people dare to tell Wuji Gu what to do or humiliate him, they will have an even more terrible end.

In the long run, Wuji Gu also did not have a living friend, all of them are afraid of him to avoid. But he did not care about this kind of thing, originally this kind of life may be ordinary to maintain, until that one thing happened ......

Perhaps because Wuji Gu had not yet been to the abandoned factory, he could not recall what had happened to him in there. But that extremely painful feeling came to his mind, and even made him feel a sense of fear and resistance to the presence in his body, which he had never felt before.

"What really happened in the past in the abandoned factory?"

Obviously before that, the black shadow was just an extremely close friend of his. It is not at all like someone who would do something terrible. And he also remembered, that man is exactly the childhood also wanted to come to bully himself, but finally was himself to beat crying back a child.

After this, images of memories resurfaced, and this time period of memories was probably after the incident of the abandoned factory.

This time, however, the scene was very different from the previous two. In the dark house, the child could only sit on the floor holding his body and shivering.

And before his eyes were two ghosts dripping with blood. The two ghosts that were supposed to be called his parents had now fallen to the ground with trepidation, their bodies almost twisted up, having difficulty maintaining their human forms, filling a terrifying and eerie feeling.

But to the children, they are still their parents, their closest people, and he wants to go up and hold their trembling hands.

But the next moment, the black fog spread throughout the room. The ghosts of the parents even encountered something fearful as their bodies stiffened, and then the black fog slowly consumed their bodies as if they were being tortured, and horrible wails rang out one after another in the house.

"Daddy, Mommy ......" The child nervously tried to get closer, but was bound by the black fog, and out of nowhere his view was blocked by hands.

The black shadow that was so cold to the two ghosts, the voice at this time but with a few soothing, "Do not look."

"How can that be! What the hell did you do to them all?!"

"They just didn't fulfill their duties well." The black shadow spoke softly, but his voice was very cold, "They didn't protect you well, in which case there would be no need to stay in this world."

"No, no way! Don't you hurt them!"

The child prayed to his favorite playmate, but the other party no longer responded to his requests as they had in the past.

"Next you just have to forget all about it. By the time you wake up, it will all be over."

Before the child completely lost consciousness, all he saw was the black fog that covered everything completely.



Wuji Gu's forehead began to ache vaguely, he covered his head and opened his eyes with difficulty.

That was the past that he thought about. Everything was because of his fault, because of this existence that was lodged in him. It was what made his father's ghost disappear outright and his mother's ghost turn into that crippled form, all reduced to even the lowest of ghosts, existing in this world only by instinct.

And everything that he has done since he left here, so the memories, have been deliberately guided to make him think that there is nothing wrong with everything and that he is just an ordinary person who is just prone to contact with ghosts.

But in reality, inside his body, there exists an existence that is even more terrifying than even the copy boss.

When Wuji Gu's vision became clear, what he saw was the black fog that existed in his nightmares.

"It can't go on like this. I have not protected those around me in the past, and this time I will-"

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