A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 189: This is enough for Wuji Gu

Chapter 189: This is enough for Wuji Gu

It didn't take long for the light to return to the room, and the crowd felt a sense of bewilderment, completely forgetting what had happened before, and thought it was just a normal power outage.

But even so, the hearts of the people have a very bad feeling. And the body also felt extremely tired because of the relationship of ghost possession, the director is also the same, simply feel like they just a shake of the kung fu ran a few hundred meters, immediately let the crowd rest first.

The people present, only the few who had contact with the ghosts still have memories. Jia Cheng was terrified and stayed where she was, not daring to run at all, and not knowing where Wuji Gu had gone.

Liangmiao Cheng looked around and did not see Wuji Gu's shadow, and suddenly his face changed, something about that person's clues came to his mind.

He looked down at what the man handed him in the pitch black, and it was a charm similar to the one Wuji Gu had sent over earlier.

Liangmiao Cheng remembered that the last time he saw that person was also after he met Wuji Gu, and this time also happened to be ...... This kind of thing can not be any coincidence, but-

He came to a conclusion with a sharp internal shock.

"Does it mean that that person ...... is related to Wuji Gu?"


In a hidden warehouse, Wuji Gu is sitting on a chair with the ghosts tied up tightly on their knees in front of him.

Sidun Ao is behind the ghost to prevent it from changing. The black shadow ghost is called out to serve tea to Wuji Gu and pound his back.

As for the monster in the painted world, it was lying beside Wuji Gu, just face to face with the ghost, and it had an extremely interested glint in its eyes. After all, this monster can also increase its strength by devouring ghosts and grievances, but Wuji Gu has never used it that way.

The ghost was shivering, with the feeling that he had entered the wolf's den. Why is this happening? Don't these ghosts have any self-respect! How dare they work for a human!

It remembers what happened before, and regrets that it chose to disguise itself as Sidun Ao ...... because Sidun Ao's disguise was so perfect that even the ghost thought he was one of Wuji Gu's bodyguards and attacked Wuji Gu unawares with Sidun Ao's face. Wuji Gu.

But the most confusing thing for the ghost is that the power of the Wuji Gu has been weakened, it does not look like a weak person at all, but looks alive and well, it just thought he was going to be torn by hand.

Because of the above, Sidun Ao had been in the pocket watch from the beginning, following Wuji Gu and his report on the situation around him, and suddenly saw a 'self' appear, the emotions are very complicated in short. What made him even more furious was that this ghost actually used his own appearance and Wuji Gu's intimate contact! This is something he never dreamed of!

Wuji Gu took out the kitchen knife in his hand, with a cordial smile on his face, "I actually don't want to talk to you like this, but after all, I still want to guarantee a little safety, so I'll give you a hard time."

Even with all the cursing in his heart, the ghost couldn't help but shake his head when he saw the sight, "No, no. I think this is quite good."

Wuji Gu also looked over with some consternation, as if seeing a jitterbug, "So you have such a hobby."

Ghost: "......" No, it didn't!

"Actually, I want to ask you some questions." Wuji Gu said, "This place should reasonably have many ghosts leering at me, but now there are not many appearing, it is too weird, why is this?"

The ghost's face emerged with scorn, a very hesitant look, "This kind of thing on ......"

"I think we should just feed this guy." Sidun Ao spoke sorrowfully from the sidelines, "That would still produce some value, otherwise who knows what this kind of ghost would do if it were released."

The monster in the painted world on the side was even more excited and opened its mouth, as if it could not wait.

The ghost, which had no courage to test Wuji Gu's kindness, realized that this was the most frightening situation it had ever encountered since it became a ghost and immediately spoke, "I say! I'll say it!"

Sidun Ao looked disappointed, which gave the ghost even more of a feeling that he had picked up a life.

"Because you also know the relationship, all the ghosts in the vicinity have gathered here to try to devour the soul of this lord, so that we will get great benefits for us." The ghost said, "I like in there are just ordinary ghosts, among them there are even two or three Li Ghost level, put in ordinary places are ghosts inside the existence of the big brother!"

The crowd looked grave, Wuji Gu also did not expect the situation is actually so intense, even the Liege can be attracted over, this is not comparable to a real copy, and the difficulty is estimated to be about equal to the senior copy.

"Then how do they not just come out and deal with me, such a number of me must not even be able to do resistance directly hang."

"Of course it's not possible to do that." The ghost said, "This world also has subtle rules, if you could just go ahead and kill and devour other people's souls, would there still be any living people here?"

Wuji Gu nodded, in fact, the game copies are basically the same rules, and all the player has to do is to find these copies of the way that can allow people to escape. In that case, the current situation may seem chaotic, but it actually follows some sort of rule, and as long as he can figure out how to get through it, he can definitely get through it safely.

He also tried to summon ghosts with Ghost Mastery before, but only the most low-level ghosts could be summoned, and the high-level ones were inaccessible as if they were separated by a barrier, which is probably some kind of restriction in this village.

"The more powerful the ghost is the stronger the rules to follow, the more powerful the ghosts at the level of Liege want to make a direct move on you, you have to wait at least seven days." The ghost said, "At the same time there are many local ghosts in this village, they were not that threatening and did not target the village people. But because of some kind of relationship, these ghosts also become ferocious ......"

"So that's how it is." Wuji Gu nodded, feeling the pressure growing in his heart, only according to his past strength to get through this crisis is still not easy, not to mention that his current strength is still only one tenth of the usual.

These ghosts are not yet local ghosts, which means that it is impossible to learn their origins and weaknesses through local investigation, which makes it more difficult to deal with them.

The person who wrote the script wrote the plot and the mansion once happened actually coincided, it can never be any coincidence, but inevitable, he also need to guard against the person who wrote the script. But before Wuji Gu checked, only to find out that the script writer is some very ordinary screenwriter in the industry, can not see any abnormalities, it is estimated that the person behind is also very cautious.

The only way is to get his ghost mastering skill upgraded to the point where he can control the stern ghosts, and all this will be fine, and he can still do a lot of good here. But the points needed to upgrade that skill are obviously not something that can be gathered overnight.

Wuji Gu suddenly thought of something in his mind, so he looked at the ghost in front of him with very soft eyes, "Can you please do something for me."

The ghost subconsciously felt bad, but looking at Sidun Ao and the monster watching it intently, it could not say no, but nodded warily, "Of course."

"I want you to ask some ghosts out for me." Wuji Gu said.

Ghosts: "......?!" What kind of request is that?!

Wuji Gu said, "Don't worry, I'm not trying to do anything bad either."

Ghosts: "!" This sounds even more bad ah! That said, why as the existence targeted by the ghosts, this human instead gives a more threatening feeling ah!

"I'm just going to talk to everyone to see if I can resolve their regrets and purify them." Wuji Gu spoke affectionately, "It's rare for this place to gather so many ghosts, isn't it a great time to do good!"

"So that's how it is." In fact, this ghost can not understand what Wuji Gu is talking about, what purification or not, is it so easy to dissolve the resentment of these ghosts?

Wuji Gu's request gave it an opportunity to take advantage of the situation, although it could not contact the stronger ghosts, but the ghosts of a similar level to their own, or those that are a little stronger than it can still be called, and will not make the person in front of him alert.

The ghosts seem to have seen the future of this human rollover, and suddenly the spirit lifted up.


At this time, the village has been surrounded by a faint fog, as if this place has become an isolated space from the outside world.

Not far from the village on the peak of the mountain, there is a villa, at this time a handsome young man who looks pale with a sickly look is using binoculars to observe the village scene, with an icy smile on his face.

And behind him stood a tall man whose face was completely covered with a mask, looking nothing like an ordinary person.

If Wuji Gu was here he would have recognized that this was the same creepy Bai family person he met at the banquet Yangshuo Xia took him to earlier. Even he suspected at the time that what happened to the Xia family was related to the man from the Bai family, but there was no direct evidence.

As for that already unconscious young master Xiasi naturally did not appear here. The aura on that youth with a sickly look is however the same as the previous Chassie.

"Sure enough, this Wuji Gu is also a player, and at this time is going through the test needed to become an advanced player." The youth opened his mouth and spoke with an icy killing intent in his eyes, "It's not in vain that I laid those innings before ...... this place must not have a second advanced player, so I can only let you stay here forever."

The only thing he felt sorry for was that the mysterious woman he met last time in the Xia family was nowhere to be found, otherwise it would have been better if he could have found a way to get that woman killed along with him, so that the fewer people with uncertainty the better.

After all, that day is not far away.

The youth opened a notebook he had in front of him, and the content written on it was exactly the same as the one Wuji Gu had gotten their script.

"Anyway, there are a lot of ghosts in this village, and it's ready-made material." The youth opened his mouth carelessly, thinking about what will be written up next to play with these ghosts and humans in the village, this feeling of being in control of everything makes him always very excited.

"There's no way these people are going to leave this place before they finish this drama ...... Of course according to the level of these people, even if it's all over, none of them will be able to leave alive, right?"

This is also an extremely valuable prop that he got, and even after he had poured a lot of points into it, he got the ability to make a limited place into a space like a replica, and only by passing the requirements, the people inside can leave.

Of course this prop is also extremely limited and not very manipulative. But the youth thought that against such a Wuji Gu who had only just upgraded to an advanced player was enough, and even gave him a feeling of waste.

After all, only through this ten-day test is considered a real senior player, did not pass before, that are still only quasi-advanced players, whether it is the strength or experience is far less than their real, caught in this prop that is absolutely sure to die.

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