A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 188: probably this is really two people having an affair

Chapter 188: probably this is really two people having an affair

At this time, Jia Cheng also took a taxi to the area around the set.

The journey was very smooth, no ghosts approached him, only the surrounding passers-by with a stunned and sympathetic look over, after all, Jia Cheng's body was plastered with too many charms, the style is very mysterious.

When Jia Cheng got out of the car, the driver took a look at his back, his eyes suddenly appeared stunned, and was about to speak to remind, but suddenly seemed to be frightened by something, immediately drove away.

"Thanks to Master Gu's charms, there must be no problem now." Jia Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and was heartened.

And at this time, a dark ghost is attached to a place some distance behind him, the ghost looks hideous, extremely gruesome birth, can give passers-by to scare the kind of level of urine.

"The other ghosts are really too wimpy, waiting for that moment, not daring to do it right away ...... just gives me the opportunity, maybe I'll have the chance to have that person's soul all to myself." The more the ghosts think about it, the more they think they are really resourceful.

After all, there are a lot of ghosts here, and most of them are still asleep, and this is his chance! As for that human although there are a few means, but after all, in a weakened state, must be unable to play the strength of ...... also gave it the opportunity to take advantage of.

The ghost does not think that Wuji Gu, who can only play a part of his strength, is very garbage, it still has some basic vigilance, since to deal with people like Wuji Gu, of course, we have to bring out their full strength.

What's more, it is to use the entire set to play the game, so to speak, all the people inside are its pawns, the human is certainly defensible.

The ghosts followed Jia Cheng quietly into the set, and instantly felt the atmosphere on the set was chilly, the heart was anxious, could there be any ghosts in front of him?

It has to find a human body to possess as soon as possible, anyway, by its special ability, once it can contact the vital parts of Wuji Gu's body through others, everything is already logical.

Originally, Jia Cheng was the most suitable candidate, but Jia Cheng is too cautious, not only almost all the time and Wuji Gu stick together, but also when going out, also covered with charms, afraid of other ghosts near it, so the ghost actually can not find a chance! The ghost could only follow Jia Cheng to this set.

But everyone around him happened to be placed Wuji Gu previously given the talisman, so the ghost could not get close for a while, simply hit a wall everywhere, could not help but be anxious, and only with great difficulty attached to a staff member.

In the eyes of outsiders this staff member is just a physical lurch, and not the slightest difference from before.

In a place where others could not see, the staff burst into a cold laugh, "This is enough, after possession my power is increased, so down this way everyone in this space can become a puppet possessed by me ......"

And when the power is increased to a certain level, it can even directly disguise itself as a certain person, not afraid of not being able to fool Wuji Gu.


"Is Master Gu all right?" Jia Cheng rushed forward, and the others backed away as soon as they saw it was him.

At this time, Wuji Gu and the female ghost are still in the process of probation exchange. It was hard to finish the scene, the female ghost has regarded Wuji Gu as a confidant, and wants to communicate with him more deeply.

The actress Yiling Bing was taken to rest before, she was too frightened.

Everything seems to have returned to peace. Everyone looked at Lei Min ...... who was possessed by a female ghost with a happy face and Wuji Gu talking, and couldn't see any problem, which possessed by a ghost can be so happy!

Wuji Gu was still excited, he didn't expect the female ghost to be so fond of acting and communicated with each other. After that the female ghost left Lei Min's body satisfied, Lei Min himself immediately fell into a faint and was anxiously taken by the staff to prepare to see a doctor.

When the director was about to speak to them, Jia Cheng suddenly rushed over to Wuji Gu and pulled him aside to speak.

Liangmiao Cheng saw the situation and frowned, although Wuji Gu showed acting skills are still worthy of the film, but the attitude is really not good, in the shooting on the way to pull and pull with the actress, and now also in the work on the way to do what messy things, so he can not look over.

"Master Gu, are you all right! I have investigated the rumors of this place!" Jia Cheng spoke nervously and told Wuji Gu everything he had investigated.

"So that's how it is." When Wuji Gu heard Jia Cheng's words, he suddenly felt disappointed. It turned out that the female ghost was only so excited because of her resentment towards the scum, not because of her love for acting.

"It's okay, it's all right." Wuji Gu reassured Jia Cheng, who was finally relieved that Master Gu would not lie to him anyway, and that the female ghost must have been almost solved! As expected of Master Gu.

But at this time, the lights in the room suddenly darkened, the whole space darkened to the extent that you can not see your fingers. The crowd was shocked, it is still daytime, even if the lights are broken can not be to such an extent!

And a gloomy coldness steeply surrounded the crowd, this is not the temperature of the cold, but a chill that penetrates the marrow of the bones, so that people feel fear from the heart.

"What's going on!?" "Wait, the door suddenly won't open!"

"I'm here too, and my phone isn't responding."

The director rushed out to let everyone calm down, after all, this space is too many people, if any trampling accident will be in trouble.

The crowd barely quieted down, but the heart has been vaguely aware of the situation now, this TM is definitely haunted it! What the hell should they do!

Jia Cheng was so frightened that she grabbed Wuji Gu's sleeve, "Master Gu, I, what should we do?"

"It seems that a ghost has appeared." Wuji Gu's face sank, "but I can't feel its breath ...... Could it be that it is possessing someone's body, and this ghost must be found to solve the current problem."

Although Wuji Gu had not encountered such a thing, but for some reason such a thought popped into his head. Before Wuji Gu was not clear, now he knows, probably because once he knew something, so now it comes to his mind subconsciously.

"Well, hmm." Jia Cheng nodded warily.

"Wait here, keep these charms well attached to yourself, and don't take them off no matter who is looking for you. Not even if I call you." Wuji Gu admonished.

The words were simply more frightening than lines from a ghost movie, and Jia Cheng shrank in horror in a nearby corner and began to frantically regret why she had come to this place.

And Wuji Gu is ready to find out where the ghost is in the room, and send some props and charms to everyone, so that no innocent people will suffer.


"What the hell is going on." A man cowered warily in the corner, when a man suddenly approached next to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

The man was almost scared half to death, and then heard the voice before he realized it was his colleague, and was relieved, "Don't scare me."

"No, I'm just a little scared myself." That colleague's voice, although the tone and the usual slightly different, but nothing particularly strange, did not cause this person's attention, "your phone can be used to illuminate a little?"

"Of course not, everyone's phone can't open, this shitty place is really haunted, right?" The staff was already beyond terrified.

"Take it out and see if it might work?" The colleague's voice seemed to carry a few inducements.

The staff member's brain seemed to be suddenly confused, and his hand went into his pocket to take the phone out, while the charm originally placed in the bag was brought out and slipped to the ground.

"I told you no." The staff member sighed after pressing, but never heard the voice of the colleague next to him, and suddenly just froze and jerked his head around -


Liangmiao Cheng, because of the last experience, stood still and did not move, then there seemed to be the sound of footsteps, a figure appeared on his side.

Liangmiao Cheng frowned, the subconscious told him to be contacted by this figure absolutely nothing good, slowly back a few steps, but the other side is fierce chase over.

Something is wrong with ......!

At this point, a bone-chilling cold also seeped into the marrow from the ground, so Liangmiao Cheng actually could not move his pace again, his face was hard to see.

But at that moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from behind him, and the shadow in front of him turned away when he saw the situation.

Liangmiao Cheng looked at the black shadow beside him, even though he could not see the other party's face and figure, but he felt a familiarity and reassurance, excited to look over, opened his mouth to say something, but did not know exactly how he should start.

It was the first time he felt such confusion over how to communicate with people, and he had mixed feelings.

The figure was not as torn as he was, and hastily stuffed something into Liangmiao Cheng's hand, and left at a fast pace, disappearing at his side.

Liangmiao Cheng grasped the thing in his hand that he did not know what it was, suddenly felt a pang of despondency in his heart, he missed the most suitable opportunity to communicate with each other ...... clearly should now thank each other.

However, since the other party appeared in this place, it proves that he is also one of the people trapped in this space!

The first thing that came to Liangmiao Cheng's mind was naturally Wuji Gu, but he dismissed it in a few more breaths because of some kind of discrimination in his mind.


Wuji Gu in the field for half a day to fight around did not catch the ghost, only to feel the space of the Yin Qi stronger and stronger, and the surrounding people are more and more silent up, one is like the walking dead general.

"It seems that all these people are controlled by that ghost." Wuji Gu shook his head, "In such a situation, that ghost's strength has reached its peak ...... think it will be coming to approach me soon."

"What's the situation?"

At this time, a voice sounded coldly behind Wuji Gu, and it was Sidun Ao's voice.

But his voice was a bit different than usual, but with a few differences, but this difference is not extremely close to the people can not hear.

Sidun Ao at this time also slowly reached out and patted Wuji Gu's shoulder, the action is extremely natural, but if the light here is a little stronger, Wuji Gu will be able to see the distortion of its expression.

"There's nothing wrong." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, also extremely relieved to turn around on the other side of the arms, as if because of trust in the other side and defenseless, revealing all their weaknesses.

Sidun Ao ' in this moment has been excited to the extreme, as if it has seen itself will Wuji Gu kill the picture, it did not even have time to think about Wuji Gu and Sidun Ao why so gay question, probably this is really the two people have a leg it.

Anyway, it had to seize this opportunity to make a move on Wuji Gu! It was not at all expected that things would be so simple.

And Wuji Gu is still speaking softly, "After all ......"

Even before the words fall, Wuji Gu steeply reaches out and restrains 'Sidun Ao', who is about to show his original form, and takes out a rope to tie him up.

"After all, it's nice that I've caught this ghost and that it has come to me on its own." Wuji Gu gave a cordial smile to the ghost.

The ghost looked at Wuji Gu in consternation, it didn't know exactly how it had been exposed anyway, "You-"

Then it watched as Sidun Ao suddenly surfaced beside Wuji Gu.

Ghosts: "......"

Shit!!! It actually chose a ghost to disguise!!!

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