A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 187: Is it possible that she is not possessed by a ghost and that her acting skills have really improved by leaps and bounds?

Chapter 187: Is it possible that she is not possessed by a ghost and that her acting skills have really improved by leaps and bounds?

Before the shoot, Wuji Gu and the rest of the crew were talking and asking the director about his own understanding of the characters and stuff like that.

The crowd at this time on Wuji Gu is greatly changed, feeling that he and the rumors are completely unlike, thinking about last night, they also began to sympathize with Wuji Gu, was such a superb to the target ...... fortunately those people do not know how to hit the evil are gone.

After the part to be filmed, is the female ghost to the protagonist to see the vision, probably a tangled drama ...... and the protagonist in her life with her husband and the first room in the heart of the female ghost dissolved the obsession, but the heroine because the ghost tossed for so long, is also unable to return, and finally left a touching kiss to the protagonist left the world.

In short, probably the female ghost thinks she is the true love of the scum, the beginning of the day in the house too arrogant, the result offended many people. And the slag is actually the kind of red flag at home does not fall outside the colorful flag floating type of slag, the most important or the main room to bring him the benefits of ...... so in the slag and look on the new love, the female ghost suffered such a plot.

After that, the female ghost was tortured to death by the first house, in short, full of resentment in her heart, after killing the whole house people are still not relieved, and finally want to revenge on her husband and the reincarnation of the first wife.

In any case, the three people are actually quite problematic.

But has become the main male and female reincarnation of the two men and women, although the same appearance and the past, temperament is completely different from the previous, are very good people, can be said to be involved in this feud or very innocent.

Especially after the reincarnation of the main man is simply a holy father ...... and as the Taoist leader of the male two is quite cold and ruthless, between the two people is also some conflict from time to time, but in the process also become a close friend who can trust life.

The actress who plays the female lead is named Rui Yiling, and she is not as excited as the female ghost actress, but she also has a bit of contempt for Wuji Gu. In fact, because she is a fan of Liangmiao Cheng, she is also a bit displeased with Wuji Gu, who Liangmiao Cheng seems to dislike.

Of course, she will not show such a mood on the surface, are maintaining basic manners, smile and communicate with them.

"Speaking of which, we're about to start shooting, why isn't Lei Min here yet." The director frowned. Lei Min was naturally the actress of the female ghost.

"I don't know, maybe it's still in make-up ......" the staff said, the actor of Lei Min over there came over, she looked nothing wrong at first glance, but her look was a little stiff, her face was white, and her eyes were not much brighter.

"If you're not feeling well, take a break."

"No need." Lei Min shook her head, passed through the crowd and took a seat at the dresser already by herself.

Wuji Gu, who brushed against her, felt an eerie aura on the other side and knew without even suspecting that the other side was possessed by a ghost, and immediately his face sank.

Sidun Ao next to him was shocked to see Wuji Gu looking angry, he was always so gentle and always looked at others with tolerance no matter what happened! Is that woman so important to Wuji Gu?

In fact Wuji Gu's point of anger is that the ghost is actually trying to interfere with the shooting, which is absolutely unforgivable! You know his biggest pursuit in life is acting!

These ghosts do anything else he does not care, and even understand, and they communicate well, but if they want to come to destroy Wuji Gu's dream, this is a touch of his scales.

The director originally wanted to send someone to talk to Lei Min, thought of the plot to be shot today suddenly heart happy, found this does not meet the plot of the next shot? Maybe the other person was too deep into the scene. So he acted as if nothing had happened and told the crowd to start filming.

The others thought Lei Min was strange, but they thought she was just in shock yesterday and didn't think much of it.

And as filming began, Lei Min's actor combed his hair in the mirror with an icy look and subtle stiffness and slowness in his movements, giving him an eerie feeling no matter how he looked.

But the feeling blends well with the atmosphere of the drama. The staff outside had a feeling of body chills and began to think about when Lei Min's actor became so amazing, she was known as a vase before!

The actress Yiling Bing then slowly walked in and sneered at the woman in front of her, "What are you doing here? Do you think you still have the same looks you had back then? Let me tell you, now you have-"

She hadn't even finished her lines when she saw Lei Min slowly turn his head, a pair of eyes looking grimly at himself, his eyes filled with deep-seated hatred.

This even made Yiling Bing break out in a cold sweat, thinking that he had some kind of grudge against Lei Min in the past.

Now the plot does not seem to follow the original script, but the director is quite satisfied with this, so it did not end the shooting.

Wuji Gu was also shocked, thinking does it mean that this ghost still has a showbiz dream like him? Although already dead, but also to possess the actress to achieve this wish.

It seems he had misunderstood before. Wuji Gu thought it was too inspiring, and his eyes softened as he looked at Lei Min, feeling like he had found a like-minded person.

Sidun Ao was shocked to see Wuji Gu's eyes change several times and wondered what it was about this ordinary looking woman that attracted Wuji Gu's attention.

On the other hand, Yiling Bing thought that the other party could not possibly do anything in public, so he could only continue to say his lines and humiliate the other party.

I didn't expect the other party to hear the lines and suddenly burst into a frenzy, lunging towards Yiling Bing, hands fiercely choking her neck, hair is all scattered down, face distorted amazing.



"Damn it, the phone doesn't work at all." Jia Cheng wandered anxiously around the room, "After all, Master Gu is too desperate about acting! I'm sure he turned off his phone when he was filming. The Sidun Ao phone can't be reached either, it's usually useless, and now it can't be reached when it's time to use it!"

Jia Cheng did not dare to go out at all, after all, just as soon as he was about to step out of the room, he saw a few black shadows floating by, scared back.

After all, Jia Cheng has encountered ghosts several times before, and once almost became a vessel for ghosts ...... Now not only is it easy to see ghosts, but it is also easy to encounter them.

At least there are some props left by Wuji Gu in the room, so that those ghosts outside dare not come in.

"According to the information obtained from the investigation, this mansion actually did have a story similar to the plot in that script." Jia Cheng took a deep breath, "just the people in the mansion after the haunting to invite the high people, did not expect that the high people are unable to suppress this ghost, and finally everyone moved away, after quite a few years and was purchased ...... finally is now this is transformed into a hotel. "

"Although it seems that nothing major has happened in the middle. But what if the plot of this script irritates the ghost!"

"And the most frightening thing is not this female ghost. Rather, there are still plenty of legends of ghosts in this village ...... I heard that people who used to film in this place have accidents! Especially those handsome looking men, often there may be accidents that lead to disfigurement."

"Damn it, how could there be such a coincidence." Jia Cheng grabbed her hair in a tangle and muttered worriedly, "Even Master Gu probably can't resist this kind of severe ghost!"

But Jia Cheng and no matter how can not contact the people over there, he has tried, the weird thing is that everyone's cell phone is no signal. Although this place is also quite remote, but it is not what the poor countryside, this kind of thing think about it is haunted by ghosts!

"I must tell him about this, I can't let anything happen to Master Gu!" Jia Cheng slapped the table and stood up, he still couldn't stay here by himself and watch something happen to Wuji Gu.

So Jia Cheng fiercely put seven or eight charms on himself, and clutching the remaining charms in his hand, he took a deep breath and walked towards the outside.

Jia Cheng did not even notice that the moment he walked out, a black shadow flew from the side, originally wanted to stick to Jia Cheng's body, but was deterred by the spell, and finally just followed him in the dark.


At this point everyone on the set has been stunned.

The actor of Lei Min seems to have gone crazy and choked the actress, just about lifting her up with one hand, while Yiling Bing looked at her opponent in shock, trying to struggle but couldn't exert any strength.

This is too damn weird! No matter how you think about it, Lei Min's actors can't suddenly have such amazing strength even if they suddenly have amazing acting skills!

In this time of crisis, Liangmiao Cheng see the situation is not right, suddenly remembered their last encounter with ghosts, are trying to rush up to save the people.

But Wuji Gu is faster than his speed steeply rushed past, and a hand on the actress from the other side of the control, the whole action is flowing shocking.

Even Lei Min's actors did not react and looked at Wuji Gu in a daze.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath and held the other's hand, feeling a cold to cold temperature, as if he was holding a corpse.

"I know you hate her, but everything has passed, you don't have to mind those things that happened in the past." Wuji Gu is also surprised, after all, the plot of the protagonist resolving the resentment in the heart of the female ghost should be the next scene shot, but since the other party likes this plot so much, then he will cooperate in advance.

The director's face is already not quite right, but he is also the kind of person who is more important to the requirements of the film than to his own life, feeling that the current atmosphere is really too consistent with the script afterwards, hard to let people continue shooting.

The female ghost looked at Wuji Gu with angry eyes and hissed as if she was going to come up and bite him to death, speaking in a hoarse and frightening voice, "And what do you know!"

Unfortunately, Wuji Gu is so strong that the female ghost can't even break free. And the more mysterious point is that her words happen to be consistent with the script, and I don't know if there is any influence from Lei Min himself.

So Wuji Gu thought that the female ghost was too excited to play the role, he could not help but shake his head, he could understand this excitement of the other side, must be good with each other to play!

"Of course I know it well." Wuji Gu took a deep breath and read the lines from the script, but because he was really amazing at acting, no matter how it looked, it seemed to be the same as the real thing, "Even though I haven't seen it myself, I can understand the kind of grief you feel, but do you really want to torture yourself like this?"

In fact, Wuji Gu said these words are not any use, but the key is his face is so handsome, eyes and deep love, the tone is more tender and with a little sad.

Many of the staff members gathered around were moved! Not to mention the female ghosts that Wuji Gu looked at so directly, suddenly felt that every word Wuji Gu said was so classic, as if their hearts were really cleansed.

She suddenly felt that Wuji Gu had a point, after all, the scum that the female ghost had met at the time was not as good looking as Wuji Gu ...... she had actually tortured herself so much over the years for a man of average looks! It never occurred to me that there were so many handsome men waiting for her in the outside world!

The crowd then saw that the original fierce Lei Min , the look suddenly softened up, but also with a kind of relief ...... which also happens to fit the script.

"Could it be that she is not possessed by a ghost, but is really a sudden improvement in her acting skills?" Even Liangmiao Cheng couldn't help but have such a thought.

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