A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 185: Wuji Gu What if I get scared by a ghost?

Chapter 185: Wuji Gu What if I get scared by a ghost?

After getting down from the car, Wuji Gu felt a chill in the surrounding atmosphere, the intensity of the Yin Qi here is even comparable to the ghost caves in some copies.

Sidun Ao also got out of the other car as if nothing had happened, pretended to be a human being and hurried to Wuji Gu's side, fulfilling his duty as a bodyguard.

At this time, the rest of the crew has long arrived, the shooting site is also almost built, have first shot some insignificant scenes, waiting for the key role of the actors to arrive.

Because it is not the peak season, there are not many tourists, sparse walking in the streets, coupled with the weather is gloomy, the darkness always gives a person a feeling as if there is something terrible hidden.

"Master Gu, is there really no problem here ......" Jia Cheng already hates to put charms all over her body.

"The number of ghosts here looks amazing, that's great! This will allow us to purify more ghosts." Wuji Gu was excited, and felt that he was able to get a lot of points. It really feels like a game, much more exciting than a handheld game.

And this time to shoot the film script seems to be a bit problematic, I guess there is also something behind the hands, maybe we can find out something in the process.

Wuji Gu thought of the ghosts he was about to see, and was very excited to see them.

Next to Jia Cheng could not help but be moved, worthy of the master Gu, even in such a place are thinking of everyone, it seems that he can not only think of themselves and want to run away, must be persistent until the end of the shooting!



The accommodation in this village is still good, there are many B&Bs ...... in fact, according to the scale, have been considered a town, there are even a number of old mansions left behind.

And the crew because of the Cheng family's financial sponsorship, is also rented a mansion with many years of history for the people to live. Inside the environment is very good, many places can also be used for filming, can be said to be very convenient.

When a group of people walked into it, it even gave the feeling that they had traveled several years back in time, but they also felt uncomfortable walking inside, as if they were being spied on all around them, making Jia Cheng suspicious and asking the attendant, "Are there any strange rumors in this mansion?"

The waiter leading the way in front looked as if he stiffened for a moment, and then introduced enthusiastically: "This mansion is very historical, it is said to have once been the courtyard of a large family, as for the rumors that are certainly not, please feel free to stay."

This instead gave the crowd a more subtle feeling, but the general public who would think there might be a ghost, so the line of people also came to the restaurant in a very ordinary way.

At this time, the rest of the crew was almost waiting, but of course they were waiting for Jia Cheng, the big moneymaker, and they were very respectful to Wuji Gu.

Of course, secretly, many people are still quite uncomfortable with Wuji Gu, think that this person is completely rely on the relationship to rise to the top, although the fire a little, but actually not enough to make this film.

And most of their prejudice comes from Wuji Gu's far superior face, although I heard that Wuji Gu's acting seems to be good, but these people have not seen the movie, anyway, they think it is all hype.

Among them are also seniors like Liangmiao Cheng, who is already very unhappy with Wuji Gu because of the previous misunderstanding. He didn't even know that the person who saved him at the award ceremony was actually Wuji Gu.

On the other hand, the third actor Jian Qiu, although well concealed, but the eyes with the color of dissatisfaction still vaguely revealed, after all, he thinks he is more suitable for the position of the male lead, if not Wuji Gu, the capital into the group, how he would be reduced to the third male situation.

However, Wuji Gu did not notice the subtle heart activities of these people, greeted the crowd cordially, and looked very happy (after all, he had purified many ghosts on the way here, and was in a very good mood).

When some people saw Wuji Gu's attitude, they were ashamed of themselves and felt that Wuji Gu was not as big a deal as they thought. As for people like Jian Qiu, there was a burst of impotent rage inside.

Regardless of how the heart is thinking, this meal is still eaten by the guests, in the near finish, the director to the crowd serious open, "I think you also understand that this place is some rumors. So all must be careful and follow the instructions of the high people."

The crowd nodded, in fact, did not take it seriously, where in this world there is no ghost ah. The director is also suspicious of the ghosts in the opening of the machine before also invited what the practice of the high people, and then the high people must have pulled some of the ghosts here and so on, in fact, if there are really ghosts have not heard of a murder case here ah.

At the same time Wuji Gu also noticed that many people in the crew seem to have a black aura haunting them, and immediately distributed the charms he had purchased to the crowd, which has a certain defensive ability and can alert him.

The crowd, of course, all took it, but the heart did not take it seriously, thinking that the charm looks very casual, completely bought from the ground stall worthless look.

The director thinks Wuji Gu is too mysterious. Is Wuji Gu's charm more powerful than the one given to him by the high priest? And this charm is too textureless! But with the idea that one more charm is one more safety, the director still cautiously put it away close to him.

Jia Cheng saw this picture is anxious are going to be on fire, these people know what they are taking precious things ah! This is Master Gu's talisman, no one else wants to buy it! These people got it and still not excited to thank, simply too much!

Afterwards, Wuji Gu gave Jia Cheng a few more charms, which made him put the matter behind him and was moved to put them away. In his opinion, each of these charms is almost as good as his own life.

After the separation, the crowd has gone towards their own accommodation, today can rarely rest for a night, tomorrow will officially start filming.

At this point, almost no one noticed that the mansion had been almost surrounded by a pitch-black fog in the night.

The third male Jian Qiu sneered and threw the mess of charms into the trash while the others weren't paying attention, then pulled his assistant and gave a wink in the direction of Wuji Gu.



Wuji Gu and Jia Cheng's place is naturally the best, the interior is decorated with the atmosphere of the original mansion, but also very convenient and comfortable, if not the surrounding is too weird, Jia Cheng would like to think that they are on vacation.

Originally, both of them were living in a single room, but Jia Cheng was really too weak, so she came to Wuji Gu, and felt safe around Wuji Gu anyway, even if she had to bunk on the floor!

Sidun Ao was sent to live with the other bodyguards, but of course at night he had secretly returned to Wuji Gu's pocket watch, not caring what the others would think if he didn't return for the night.

Wuji Gu put aside the idea of purifying the ghosts and read the script first, trying to find any clues from it. Although the contents of the script could not be recalled in any way in the outside world, they seemed to become very common after entering this village.

This script is written by a man and a woman who are unmarried couple, but the female lead suddenly became very strange after a car accident, and one day also left without saying goodbye, leaving clues indicating that she went to a remote town.

So the hero will be in search of the heroine and hurried to the town, met a claim to be to exorcise the evil, acting and ordinary people out of character Taoist male No. 2, in various encounters with ghosts plus investigating clues, the two entered the town together are very avoid the haunted mansion.

This mansion legend has an extremely frightening female ghost, died because of house fighting, after death resentment attached to the mirror, so that all those who see their faces in this mansion will be cursed, and the heroine is suspected to be the reincarnation of her enemies ......

As for the third male role is relatively small, the role of the town is more of a local, but also often to be scared half to death of ghosts, very unforgiving. That's why the third actor hates Wuji Gu in particular.

"So that's it." Wuji Gu closed the script, probably because he had indeed seen it many times before, the lines and the plot all came to mind very clearly.

Jia Cheng was creeped out after watching it and couldn't help but spit out, "The plot is good, but what does the director think, doesn't he think the place we live now is similar to the haunted place the protagonist goes to in the copy? Is this to get the actors used to it in advance?"

He did not even dare to look at the mirror in the guest room for a while, and this routine is too familiar! When they Cheng family haunted is not because of the mirror in his room!

Jia Cheng immediately went up to find something to cover up the mirror.

"Maybe." Wuji Gu nodded.

Jia Cheng again hurriedly said, "Then we will not really have ghosts in this mansion, right ......"

"That's for sure." Wuji Gu nodded, "Of course, nothing will happen to you, don't worry, and as for the ghost in the mirror, I guess that's not there."

Unless he himself has nothing to do with Jia Cheng and Jia Cheng has a connection with the LiGui boss Jia Cheng to summon here. But why does he always feel an eerie sense of familiarity since he arrived at this place ......

At this time Wuji Gu noticed that there seemed to be some movement outside the window and immediately raised his pocket watch, suggesting Sidun Ao in it.



"Brother Qiu, this is not good, right?" The assistant followed Jian Qiu, who by now was wearing a wig and his face was painted white, which at first glance could really scare people, plus the background was in this gloomy mansion, and passersby really thought it was a ghost when they saw it.

The assistant was trembling and worried about what he was going to do, "Are we really going to pretend to be a ghost and scare Wuji Gu? What if we scare people out of their minds?"

After all, Wuji Gu actually sent what charms, a look at this kind of thing is to believe in the look, to really see the ghost scared to death how to do.

"The actual fact is that you can't get a lot of money from the company. Jian Qiu sneered, he has long looked at Wuji Gu very disagreeable, think he is not worse than the other side to where, why not Wuji Gu's popularity, it must be because he does not have the background relationship.

However, in fact, from the assistant, Jian Qiu whether it is the face or acting skills, and even character are far worse than others Wuji Gu, if this can be more than Wuji Gu fire that the audience is blind, right!

"But that next door also lives the little Cheng, if the little Cheng is scared out of the good, we will ......" assistant is most worried about this, if offended the little Cheng, the two of them do not want to mix in the entertainment industry, no, do not mention the entertainment industry, can not be in this city The city is a problem.

"Don't worry about this, anyway, with makeup, who can recognize it! Besides, we're not real ghosts, we're just a scare." Jian Qiu is full of confidence.

"That Wuji Gu must have also read the script, we follow the script up to do, he will certainly be surprised."


On the other side, several staff members also carefully walked towards Wuji Gu's location. They are just ordinary staff members on the surface, but in fact, they have secretly received some money from some gold owners to get Wuji Gu's scandal during the shooting of this movie.

They are also very suspicious that Wuji Gu and Jia Cheng have an affair, so they are ready to come here to secretly shoot something, that will earn a lot of money.

"Let's go faster, lest we be discovered." The leader of the man spoke in a low voice to urge, although he vaguely felt a little wrong, his side seems to be just four people, how seems to be the shadow behind an extra ......

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