A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 184: "But there might be a ghost there ......" "Isnt that just right?"

Chapter 184: "But there might be a ghost there ......" "Isnt that just right?"

Wuji Gu suddenly felt a vague pain in his forehead, he couldn't help but cover his forehead, and felt his body was sweating and tired.

"Is there a ghost behind me? That's not possible. I'm surrounded by ghosts, and I don't discriminate against them, so why hide behind me?"

Wuji Gu felt that if there is really such a thing, then he must communicate with the ghost, let the other side understand that there is true love on earth. Anyway, after all this time nothing has happened, the other side should also be a good ghost.

"If not, or is there something else behind me ......"

At this time, Jia Cheng next to him tapped his shoulder worriedly, waking Wuji Gu from his deep thoughts, "Master Gu, are you okay? Are you feeling seasick, so you should stop reading the script in the car? Do you want me to ask the driver to stop for a while?"

Wuji Gu shook his head, "I have nothing to do with it, just sleep a little more."

He felt as if the reason he was so tired was not that memory thing, but the fact that he had just cleared it.

Jia Cheng saw Wuji Gu like this and no longer said anything, but in his heart there is still some apprehension, Master Gu like this is not because of the female ghost that he just saw outside the window, right?

Wuji Gu closed his eyes, the system summary voice immediately sounded in his head.

The summaries this time are no different from the previous ones, anyway, they are all amazing amounts of points that other players are shocked by.

After all, Wuji Gu in this copy is also brushed boss good sense and brush the good sense of ordinary ghosts, and even players and npc's good sense ...... is also saved several other players, but also completed the hidden task, simply to add points can be used.

After that the system also mentioned that this copy of the Liege boss was completely relieved because of Wuji Gu and other players will not enter again, but Wuji Gu can go back and check out ...... through the new abilities he got. In short, Wuji Gu got another big amount of points.

[Congratulations to the player who passed the promotion copy, and performed well in the copy, now successfully advanced to the advanced player].

[Activate various functions possessed by advanced players, which players can check in the system space. Activate special mall for advanced players, players can check it by themselves]

[Because of the extreme amount of energy required to upgrade advanced players, players will be physically exhausted for several days and can only exert one tenth of their usual power until the upgrade is officially successful after ten days. Please find a secluded place to stay until the end of the upgrade during this period].

[Also during the upgrade players will unconsciously attract ghosts, so please be careful. The good news is that these ghosts basically target the players themselves and do not harm others].

Wuji Gu : "......"

Is there really such a thing as a pit? No wonder he felt as weak as if he hadn't eaten for days!

So the test for advanced players is not over yet, and you have to pass this 10-day test to become an advanced player completely?

But Wuji Gu is here to make preparations for the film, to his degree of dedication is not possible because he alone and slow down the progress of the others, immediately gave up to go home to rest, anyway, these ghosts will not hurt others, only for him, there should be no problem.

The main thing is that Wuji Gu is already a body that attracts ghosts, and it doesn't matter to him.

However, it suddenly occurred to Wuji Gu that if Shao Yang gave him the prop, wouldn't he be in danger? He had to find a way to return it quickly.

Wuji Gu immediately entered the system space.

Just sitting next to Jia Cheng suddenly felt a cold body, looking out the car window suddenly creepy.

"Is it my illusion? It always seems like ...... there are a lot more creepy figures in this field."


Once the other players came out of the copy, the faces of the other people in the copy in their minds immediately blurred, and even more so, they could not remember the real face of Wuji Gu that only appeared inside the memory kill.

Otherwise they would probably have known Wuji Gu's identity in reality soon enough.

When Wuji Gu entered the system space, he immediately felt different from before, with many more features visible to the naked eye.

He quickly contacted Shao Yang, the other side said it was okay, he had long used points to purchase a large number of props to set up the home, but also prepared for a rainy day long prepared to support a month of food, is ready to go out completely.

Wuji Gu "...... "If you look at the situation, is he the only one who is still out there at such a dangerous time?

Shao Yang also found this out from the conversation with Wuji Gu, immediately said: "You quickly find a safe place to hide! If you can't, go to the mall and buy props to increase your chances of survival! Although normally these ghosts can not hurt you, but now can only use a tenth of the usual power is very dangerous-"

Then Shao Yang suddenly remembered what Wuji Gu had done in the copy and he couldn't help but fall into silence.

If it is a copy of Wuji Gu, it is simply not a person, okay! That one tenth of the power is enough to hang these ghosts! This should be worried about those ghosts is almost.

"Good, thank you for the reminder." Wuji Gu Rather, he really felt the seriousness of the matter and said in a serious tone, "I will go to the mall now and buy more things."

After saying that Wuji Gu hurriedly ended the call. Shao Yang, on the other hand, is in a complicated mood, "It should be okay ...... those ghosts ......"


Wuji Gu only now began to study the system features of advanced players, a time are very surprised.

If those things that can be purchased by intermediate players seem to have been very powerful, the things sold in the mall for advanced players have simply become a metaphysical text to expand ......

There are all sorts of abilities for sale inside, and what ghost taming, the ability to refine ghosts for their own use, the method of summoning ghosts ...... and even the method of fusing oneself with the Liege to increase strength and longevity.

The most striking thing is the prop that turns an ordinary place into a ghostly place, allowing the ghosts to kill ordinary people on it and then collect resentful intent to improve their own strength.

Of course these appalling props and abilities are extremely strong side effects, a little carelessness will be reversed, serious people will even fall into the slavery of ghosts instead, should not let people easily to try.

And to buy these, in addition to the sky-high points, you need some kind of key props to do so, such as what the beloved of the Liege, what pure white to the extreme soul, something that looks unknown.

"This looks okay, and not too many people should be able to trade for these horrible things." Wuji Gu mentally breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder those advanced players are hanging to beat other players, just buying these props from the mall is already not something that ordinary players can deal with. But this also proves how difficult it is for advanced players to go through the copy, and likewise their mortality rate should be extremely high, otherwise the world would have been in chaos.

"It always feels like there are quite a few things in there that are familiar, like they've seen in reality. It is estimated that many of the things that happened before were moved by certain high-level players." Wuji Gu pondered, "Although the system states that there is a big penalty for using it in reality, they probably thought of some way to avoid this penalty."

Wuji Gu again tried to find what and memory-related props, and finally found only a necklace, said to be able to awaken the memories of the person wearing it or the ghost wearing this prop, but must be used in the memories of the location to do so, because of this restriction, the price is not very high.

Wuji Gu In order to be able to retrieve the memory, it is natural to buy it down. And then bought some more ordinary defense props, and some very insignificant-looking defense props. In total, not too many points were used.

"These props will be good for the rest of the crew to use, although the ghosts may not attack them, but if something goes wrong, I can also help."

Wuji Gu After doing this, he suddenly found out that after upgrading to an advanced player, his abilities and props were also able to be upgraded through the system, but of course he also needed to invest a lot of points to do so.

For example, the ghost mastering technique, after the upgrade can already summon all the ghosts in addition to the ghost king level below, and can even pay a great price to make the ghost king level ghosts listen to their own actions for thirty seconds.

This ability if placed in ordinary copies has been able to invincible, and if combined with Wuji Gu's summoning Liege boss function, can even forcibly drive those Liege bosses ...... of course, but also to the other party's strength in the period did not improve.

The purification technique can also be upgraded to forcibly purify all ghosts below the Ghost King level, and low-level ghosts that can be collectively purified at once. And each purification of a ghost will also harvest a portion of the points ...... can be said to be completely from the previous public good deed, into a purification also give money to the virtuous circle mode.

The healing spell upgrade also allows for group milking, healing several people in the field at the same time.

And confinement magic and liberation magic that is not to mention ...... can say that if all abilities are upgraded, Wuji Gu will instantly from a normal person (?) The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you can do.

"I always feel that the points I thought were quite a lot are suddenly not enough." Wuji Gu's cold sweat trickled down from his forehead, and in the end he torn for half a day before choosing to upgrade his Purification Technique.

This way, Wuji Gu's points are almost empty, instantly becoming poorer than an ordinary low-level player.

Not only can he continue to satisfy his desire to be a good citizen, but he will also be able to earn points, and a few more visits will always earn back the points from other skill upgrades!!!

As for the prop upgrade Wuji Gu decided to leave it behind, it should still be barely enough for now. You can even upgrade the ghosts you have, but that's obviously not something Wuji Gu has extra points to consider right now either ......

What's even more frightening is that when Wuji Gu was about to leave, the system actually reminded him that it would not turn on all the functions until after ten days to finish upgrading Wuji Gu's physical fitness.

"Just how many levels has this advanced player upgraded!"

Advanced players and ordinary players compared, that has been completely giants and children, right?


At this time, the village as a destination around, has gathered a large number of ghosts, dense and extremely appalling, and even a number of severe ghosts, not to mention those subconsciously gathered in the lonely ghosts.

Although this village is haunted, but only a few ordinary senior ghosts, they are hiding in the village shivering, do not know what is happening in the village in the end, attracting so many severe ghosts! This is too scary, right?

The people of the village immediately felt chills all over their bodies, although they did not know what was happening, but they had begun to fear based on the village's rich experience of haunting, and had to pray to God and pray that nothing would happen.

This village is quite large and the scenery is quite good. And because there are many haunted legends, in fact, there are a large number of tourists running to try their guts, is also considered a popular tourist location, in fact, before the most is the tourists were stunned, injury to life has never happened.

But not so much now ......

These ghosts are looking at the road with cold eyes, they are waiting for the car that is coming here, and the person in it!

In the dark, these ghosts know that if they kill that person and devour his soul, they will be able to get a great promotion themselves.

As for those who are somewhat experienced in the Liege, they even feel that their chance has arrived. They are very clear that generally at such times, the kind of human strength will be reduced to one tenth, even if the previous strong and so what, even if there are props on the body and so what, simply can not resist the number of such a large number of ghosts.

When the time comes, even if you can't devour all the souls of that person, just a share of the pie will give them a great benefit.

Still, until then, all these ghosts choose to hide, not wanting to spook the snake. More to the point, this world also has restrictions and certain conditions have to be met before they can make a move on humans.


Wuji Gu came out of the system space, rushed to use the healing magic milk themselves a sip, immediately feel the whole person is better.

He looked out the window, "Is the system saying that there will be a lot of ghosts coming after me? Wait!"

Wuji Gu suddenly realized that he is now so short of points, although there are many ghosts in the world, but usually it is just two or three, can not see too many at once. Even in the copies, many of them have a very small number of low-level ghosts.

But now, there will actually be a lot of ghosts trying to get him in trouble!!! Then he can purify those ghosts to get points ......

Jia Cheng saw that Master Gu suddenly went from just a face full of cold sweat a look of discomfort, into a red face with a face of excitement! It was as if he had won the lottery.

"How long do we have to get to our destination?" Wuji Gu turned to Jia Cheng and asked, his expression already becoming very impatient.

Jia Cheng could not help but be a little bewildered, Master Gu was so positive before? And that village seems to be haunted, obviously so ominous ...... he still spoke truthfully, "there should be ten minutes to arrive, this village is so bizarre, or we better not go ...... "

"No." Wuji Gu squeezed Jia Cheng's shoulder and said in a firm tone, "We must go. I have something very important that must be done. And of course the shooting schedule cannot be left behind."

"But there may be ghosts there ......"

"Isn't this just the thing?"

Jia Cheng : "?" Although I don't know what Master Gu is talking about here, but always feel suddenly at ease down!

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