6 Times a Day

Chapter 935 Suzanne Moving Pieces Everywhere! [HYPERION SPONSORED]

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Suzanne paused to give Glory time to digest everything she'd said. She saw from Glory's pensive and thoughtful face that she was making some kind of impact.

So Suzanne went on, "But listen. What I did was immoral and selfish, I know. But it's worked out so well for everyone involved that I'd gladly do it all over again."

"It hasn't worked out well for EVERYone involved, I can definitively say that," Glory replied bitterly.

"Don't speak too soon. I'm confident things are going to work out between you and Alan. I've learned something very important, and he has too. There's no reason why people who emotionally love each other can't love each other physically too. There's no law of nature that says a person can only be with one other person. Many societies have polygamous marriages and all kinds of different arrangements, and those customs have worked for untold ages. We've all learned and grown because of these startling changes in our lives, and our eyes have opened to new ways of doing things."

Glory however was still very obviously wedded to conventional morality. "Sorry. No thanks. If you think I'll join in some crazy group marriage..."

Suzanne held up a placating hand, halting Glory's impending tirade. "No. I said I realized that already. I'm trying to be mature, and not manipulative like I sometimes am. That's why I'm talking to you and telling you the full truth so you can decide things for yourself. I've realized that Alan needs you in his life and that it would be selfish of me NOT to try and keep you two together. I don't know what form your relationship will take. I only know that he wants to help make you happy, and keep on loving you, and that it's right. I'm not talking just about a sexual relationship; both of you have so much more to offer each other than that. Although I'll bet the sex is great. Am I wrong? Have you ever had better sex in your life?"

Glory blushed but didn't reply.

Suzanne noticed that a small, uncertain smile crossed her face ever so briefly. "A-ha! I knew it! He blows us all away, actually." She looked around conspiratorially, and seeing the coast was clear, asked, "What is it that you like best? Is it the taste of his succulent sweet seed? Is it the way he's always hard and ready? Is it his inventiveness and the way he makes each fuck so memorable? Is it the way he can just go on and on, making you climax over and over? I hear you're a really good deep-throater. Is it the way he rams his huge thing in your mouth and slides it-"

"Suzanne! Please!"

Suzanne looked at Glory and saw that while her face was irate and annoyed, her nipples had sprung to rock-hard attention beneath her tight-fitting top. Suzanne was testing to see whether Glory still desired Alan, and Glory's nipples showed the answer. Satisfied, Suzanne immediately changed tack. "Oh, excuse me! I got a little carried away there. I warned you I'm a rather hopeless nympho."

"That's all right, but please watch it." Glory belatedly noticed her own nipple reaction and tried in vain to will them back to normal. However, the mental visions now filling her head of Alan pushing his penis far down her throat, and especially the recollection of the one time he'd fucked her into complete helpless oblivion, didn't help matters.

Suzanne carried on, deliberately ignoring Glory's arousal. "But the point I was going to get to is that it's not just a matter of sex. He loves you. I don't know how, and I know he's stretched thin, but somehow you belong in his life, and he in yours. It just feels right to me, and I've always trusted my intuition. That's why I told you this great secret of mine, a secret I trust you'll never tell another soul. Alan, Susan, Katherine - none of them have any clue as to what I've done. You're the only one who knows now, aside from the nurse and doctor who prescribed the treatment, who naturally had to be in on it. You could play havoc with all our lives if you told anyone."

Glory sat and thought about that. She stared off into the distance for quite some time. Then she said, "Thanks... Thanks for telling me all of that. That certainly does put things in a different light. I guess in my despair I thought that Alan couldn't possibly love me and he just wanted to use me for his own insatiable sexual desires. I mean, deep down I know he really loves me, but what does that mean if he loves half a dozen or more other people as much as or more than me? I was thinking he was sexually greedy and out of control. I didn't realize. But that still doesn't fix-"

Suzanne interrupted. "Actually, we're the sexually greedy ones, if you want the brutal truth of it. It's really the four of us, the Pestridge and Plummer women, plus you as the fifth, who are the main women in his life. Almost everyone else will probably fade in and out of his life, but he has a deeper love for us. And we four back at the Plummer house are sexually insatiable. Trust me; WE'RE the ones who are out of control, all thanks to me. I got the others to turn into complete nymphomaniacs. He's just trying to keep up with all the sexual wheels I set in motion. I almost feel sorry for the guy at times."

Glory rested her chin on the palm of her hand. "Huh. I'd heard that you were a bit of a schemer, but still. Wow! However, I still have the same worries as before. How much can he really love me if he loves you four? That's not one, not two, not three, but four! Even more so now, given that you're apparently all so sexually needy. I've always only wanted, and needed, one man in my life. I don't have some kind of great bisexual orgiastic fantasy like you do. I don't want any part in that. Don't even get me near that house, please! His intentions may be good, but ultimately our relationship is doomed. He can't be happy with just me, and I can't be happy sharing him with all of you. I mean, for the love of God, all four of you are like supermodels, and my looks are more ordinary. You've all known and loved each other since he was born. I'll never even be near number one in his book. What you're saying makes me feel better about him as a person and how he's ended up where he is, but it still doesn't ultimately change things. It's still insanity for him and me to continue."

Suzanne nodded in understanding. "Those are good points. I too have suffered knowing that Susan would always mean a bit more to him than I would. But then I realized I would get more love from him, in every way, even a good way down his list, than I would ever get from my husband or any other ordinary man for that matter. Trust me; I've shopped around. Think about it Glory. He needs you. I can feel it. He's got a lot of women in his life, but there aren't that many with such strong willpower who can hold him up and push him if he needs pushing. Susan loves him dearly, but she's a softy and can't really tell him no. Same thing with Katherine and my daughter Amy."

Suzanne saw a waitress walking their way, but waved her away before the intrusion of a stranger could spoil the mood.

"Glory, I don't like to admit this, but I think my resolve and willpower have been weakening too. I think I'm letting my sexual urges get the better of me. That's always been a problem for me, as you can see from the scheme I devised to start this all off. He's likely to become insufferably spoiled and dissolute, given the way things are going, and I think I'm probably more of the problem than the solution on that, the way I feed his ego all the time. You're a unique influence in his life, and a very needed one. You inspire his better side. You can't just walk away!" Suzanne reached out and grabbed Glory's hands again.

Glory allowed her hands to be held, and even sympathetically squeezed Suzanne's fingers. "I don't know. I'd like to help him, I really would... but I'm kind of an all-or-nothing woman. Now that he and I have gotten involved sexually, and so intensely emotionally, I can't turn back the clock on that and merely be friends again. Maybe some other people can, but I can't. I need a partner in my life - one partner, for life. If it can't be him, I have to wash my hands of him or I won't be able to get emotionally involved with someone else. I love him, but I can't just suspend my life forever to continue helping him. Maybe he, or you, can sleep around with lots of people at once, but I just can't do that. It's not in my nature. And I get jealous, very jealous. Every day of my relationship with him has been exhilarating, but also so emotionally tiring. I tried to pretend he didn't have other lovers, but I can't do that anymore! And now, talking to you and seeing you... You seem so lovely and beautiful, even if a bit, uh, ethically-challenged, to say the least."

She nervously laughed a bit, and Suzanne laughed along to be polite.

Glory pouted, "You're so far out of my league! Of course he loves you, and won't want to leave you. If I were a man, I'd probably fall head over heels in love with you too, just like anyone else would. In fact, why do you even put up with the situation? You could have your pick of any man in this whole city."

That cut Suzanne to the bone and brought up issues she didn't want to think about. She growled, "We're here to talk about you." Then she realized she was being a bit short, and added, "I love him. Not some other man, but him. I know I could catch a multimillionaire if I wanted, but so what? I've been with that kind of guy before and learned that money can't buy happiness."

"Sorry. It's just that, what with all the competition, I can't keep fooling myself that he and I will end up together as a couple."

"Glory, don't sell yourself short. A woman's beauty isn't simply defined by how curvy and busty their body is, or how sultry their face is. Not only are you attractive as all get out, but you have a profound inner beauty and a beautiful mind. I don't have to know you well to see that beauty radiating from you. Let's just say that, in every possible way, you definitely qualify as 'Alan-worthy,' as we like to call it."

That accidental reminder of Alan's many other lovers didn't go over very well with Glory, and neither did the sexually-hungry look she thought she saw briefly flicker across Suzanne's face. Suddenly she regretted wearing a low-cut blouse (and no bra!) when meeting with a woman she'd already heard through rumors to have a great sexual appetite.

Suzanne saw Glory wince and tried to lessen the sting with a friendly conspiratorial wink, as if she were just teasing. "All I'm asking is that you think about what I've said and don't make up your mind about him just yet. Let him talk to you on Monday, and listen to what he has to say. I know the situation might not be ideal, but there must be some sort of way things can work out, isn't there?"

Glory pondered that. "I don't know... I just don't know... I'll... think about it. I promised that I'd give him a chance to talk, and I'll at least do that. Thanks for being so honest and open. No matter what happens, your secret will be safe with me. I can't relate to why you did what you did with this scheme of yours, and I certainly don't approve of it, but I won't tell a soul." She genuinely smiled at Suzanne for the first time.

Suzanne smiled back. They squeezed their hands together. "Thanks for listening, and for being understanding. One is lucky to find real love even just once in life, which is why it hurts me to see you two part. Please don't tell him or anyone else about this meeting either. I don't want him to think that I'm fighting all his battles for him behind his back. But these were things you deserved to know, especially since you've been hurt by them."

Glory nodded.

Suzanne said, "Oh, and a rhetorical question or two for you to consider: Has Alan ever hinted at or tried to push you, sexually, into getting involved with anyone else while you've been involved with him? Do you honestly think that he would try and force you into a situation with other people where he knew you would be uncomfortable and unhappy, purely for his own selfish desires? Or do you think he's the kind of guy who has tried to accommodate your feelings and be sensitive to your moral bounds, so as to make you feel happy and loved rather than manipulated and used?"

Suzanne let go of Glory's hands, giving her space to think.

Glory seemed to get lost in contemplation of that question. Her eyes focused somewhere off in the distance as she recalled pleasant memories.

After giving Glory some time, Suzanne essentially answered her own questions. "To my admittedly limited knowledge, Alan has tried, as far as he's been able, to keep your relationship with him compartmentalized and separate from everyone else in his life. In other words, he's made a space for you in his heart that no one else but you, Glory, can get into. If I had to guess, I'd say he did that to protect you, because he loves you and cares for you, the way a kind and considerate lover should and would with any special woman who was near and dear to his heart, and not because he was trying to take advantage of or make a fool of you."

Glory didn't answer, but she did nod her head slightly while she thought about it.

The two of them parted amicably not long thereafter. Glory had a lot to think about.

Suzanne felt a tremendous sense of relief that she at last had divulged her most guarded secret to someone else. She also felt proud of herself that she'd put what was best for Alan's development ahead of her own sexual pleasure. She believed that, despite her attraction to Glory, there wasn't any way she could benefit sexually from Glory's inclusion in Alan's sexual circle. Chances were Glory truly did have no interest in women. But Suzanne could sense tough times ahead for Alan and hoped that she and Glory could develop a friendship and work together to give Alan the backbone he needed to overcome all the obstacles which he would undoubtedly face.

She also felt good to once again be a prime mover in events. Between the idea for this meeting and her second-mother idea the day before, she felt like she was back in control.

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