6 Times a Day

Chapter 936 Christine-"That's No Way To Treat A Superheroine!"[HYPERION SPONSORED]

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That night, Christine lay in bed struggling to get to sleep. She couldn't get Alan out of her mind.

She kept tossing and turning, ruminating. Mostly, she was thinking about what she'd learned from Donna's phone call earlier in the day. Damn that Alan and his irresistible ways! It's true that he hasn't "rocked my world," but I got a taste when we kissed Thursday night. It felt so good and so right, I could have done that for hours!

But no! I'm in control of my body, and I say: NO! I've vowed to just be friends with him, and after what I learned today, that's the only sensible course. He's doing God knows what kind of freaky stuff with Heather, Simone, Kim, Amy, and who knows how many more girls?! Dominating them all! Making them fall deeply for his charms.

Luckily, I've been warned. Knowledge is power. I have the power to say no, and that's just what I'm gonna do. So there! End of story!

But then in the middle of the night, she had a vivid dream.

Outwardly, Christine was a frigid girl - the notorious "Ice Queen Christine." But in fact, she had an extremely vivid and increasingly sexual imagination. It was a deep, deep secret because she would have just about died of shame if anyone knew what, and who, many of her fantasies were about.

Much of the time, her fantasies were run-of-the-mill Harlequin romance type material. But sometimes, and lately more and more of the time, her fantasies would involve a long-standing fetish of sorts: she wanted to be Wonder Woman.

When Christine was a little girl, one of the local television stations had shown Wonder Woman reruns five days a week. She loved it. Christine loved to kick butt (both physically and intellectually), but looking around the cultural landscape, there were no female role models that kicked butt except for Wonder Woman. So the super heroine was a big inspiration for her to do well in school and learn martial arts. While she learned how to fight, more often than not as she practiced her technique she imagined that she was Wonder Woman delivering justice to notorious criminals.

But in the last year or two, something else had happened. She had turned into an exceptionally beautiful young woman but, in large part due to her "Ice Queen" persona, she still had no sexual experience whatsoever. As time went on and her frustration grew, she found herself becoming attracted to that other aspect of Wonder Woman: while Wonder Woman certainly did "kick ass" and defeat the criminals by the end of each show, she also had a habit of getting caught and tied up. The sexual implications were obvious save to the censors, who wouldn't allow anything explicit. She didn't realize that the original creator of Wonder Woman deliberately developed bondage themes and in fact practiced bondage and domination in his personal life.

Christine increasingly longed for a confident man to come along and take charge sexually so she could overcome her complete virginity. She had all the tapes of the old show starring Linda Carter and as she watched them again in recent months, she found herself squirming with excitement whenever Wonder Woman got bound up with ropes. Christine was naturally a dominant type in most things, but she couldn't deny what was arousing her.

Her dream this night started out with a frequent theme for her: she was Wonder Woman and out to get an evil criminal overlord. In this case the evil mastermind was named Black Bart and his fiendish plot involved poisoning the water supply in Manhattan and then robbing key buildings of priceless artifacts after the security was too sick to put up any defense.

She had overheard word of this plot but no one in law enforcement believed her. With so many lives at stake, her only hope was to throw caution to the wind and raid Black Bart's well defended headquarters before the plot could be put in motion.

Christine liked using her martial arts, if only in dreams, so she dispatched many henchmen with takedown throws and dodging maneuvers before reaching Black Bart's lair at the top of a very high office building. With her superheroine powers, she had no trouble overcoming the henchmen no matter how many there were. She could even dodge bullets thanks to her magical and indestructible bracelets.

As usually happens in such plots, she finally managed to break into Black Bart's penthouse for a final confrontation. However, she found out that she had walked into a trap.

As she entered his chambers, a bright ray shone down on her, forcing her to shield her eyes. But then she watched in horror as her golden belt simply unclasped and floated away. No one and nothing was holding it, it simply floated away on its own. "The Golden Girdle of Gaea!" she wailed. "The source of all my strength and powers!"

She attempted to reach after it despite the blinding light, but then her indestructible bracelets came off and began floating away in another direction. "Great Hera!" She exclaimed. "What's happening?!"

However, no sooner did she say that when another powerful weapon she possessed, the Lasso of Truth, also detached and floated away in yet another direction.

"What's happening?! Who is doing this to me?!"

On cue, the bright ray of light disappeared and a man completely covered in black stepped out of the shadows to stand about ten feet in front of Wonder Woman/Christine. A mask covered his entire head except for two slits where his eyes were, making him look much like a common burglar.

"Black Bart!" she cursed. "I should have known!" She looked around for her weapons but they were nowhere to be seen except for the Lasso of Truth, which slowly floated into Black Bart's hands.

"Sorry for the surprise," the villain said, "but I can't allow you your little toys. I want to fight you fair and square, one on one."

She looked around his vast penthouse. Now that she wasn't being blinded, she could see the walls were almost entirely made of glass, giving stunning views of the city at night from every direction. "You mean it's just you and me here?"

He smiled and nodded.

She struck a martial arts pose. "Fine. I can still beat you without my powers. Fight me!" She growled, "Bring it on!"

He closed the distance to her, still holding the lasso in one hand, and struck a similar pose. As they warily eyed each other and circled for position, he said, "It's true that you can probably beat me, even without your special powers. You're still an Amazon and I'm but a mere mortal. However, are you sure you want to hurt me?"

With a dramatic flourish, he suddenly removed his black hood.

She gasped. "No! It can't be! A-A... Al- Alan?!"

Alan took advantage of the confusion, quickly flinging the magical lasso at her. With a bulls-eye toss it went around her neck and tightened.

She struggled with her hands to pull it off but it was useless. In truth, she was still so shocked to find her enemy was Alan that she didn't put up much of a fight. "Alan? You're Black Bart?! But you're not even black!"

He cackled as evil masterminds do and closed the rest of the distance to her. "I guess I wasn't being completely honest when I said I wanted to fight fair and square. But what do you expect from a super villain, Wonder Woman? Or should I call you by your real name... Christine?"

She was still stunned. "And you know my secret identity? Great Hera! I've been completely defeated! Alan or Black Bart or whoever you are, why are you doing this to me?!"

Holding the lasso with one hand, he reached out and traced a finger along the underside of her chin. He spoke mostly to himself. "Finally! All my years of scheming have come to fruition!"

Then, eyeing her body from head to toe with undisguised lust, he spoke to her. "Christine, I'm afraid you are the cause of my fall. I was a good kid until that fateful day way back in high school when I asked you out and you rejected me. Since that time, I knew the only way to take you as mine was by force. It took years and years of scheming, but at last! You are mine!"

Christine blabbered, "But, but, but... Alan, you were always a good person. This plot, the poisoning of thousands, I can't believe you would do something like that!"

Again he cackled, but less like a manic villain. As can only happen in dreams, he was slowly morphing from an evil mastermind to ordinary teenage Alan while Christine was morphing from Wonder Woman to her normal self (while still keeping the superheroine garb).

He said, "You silly fool! There's no poisoning plot. I just made sure you overheard that so you'd be forced to come here and fall into my trap. There is no plot at all. However, it took years of hard work, lots of money, and great advances in technology before I could find a way to neutralize your powers. Everything I've done my whole adult life has simply been to get you at my complete mercy."

With that reminder, Christine again bewailed the loss of her weapons. "Great Hera! Without my Golden Girdle, you can have your way with me and fulfill all of your perverted desires!"

He laughed. "That's pretty much the plan." As they talked, he was using more of the lasso's rope to bind her hands behind her back.

She didn't resist this, but complained, "And you're using my Lasso of Truth against me! Surely you must be aware that anyone bound by the lasso must not just tell the truth, but must obey any command whatsoever!"

He laughed again. "If I didn't know it before I know it now. Thanks for the tip! However, of course I knew that already. In fact, I also know that this magical rope can never be undone or broken. Once it's on, only I can take it off. So that means you'll be mine forever. You're no longer Wonder Woman the superheroine, but simply Christine the super sex slave."

"Great Hera, no! It can't be!" Despite her protests, her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was getting wet as she thought about him taking advantage of her.

With the rope now around her neck and her wrists, he stepped back and admired her. "Damn! You really are something, you know that?"

He reached down with his gloved hands and pulled on the star-studded blue fabric covering her groin. As can only happen in dreams, the strong fabric tore away easily, practically dissolving in his hands. He smirked as he looked at her exposed pussy. "A-ha! I knew it! Look how aroused you are. You're soaking wet! Aren't you?"

Christine could feel the rivulets of cum pouring out of her pussy lips, but she tried to convince herself that she wasn't actually wet. She protested hotly, "Nnnnnnn-yes! Argh! Curse that Lasso! I can't lie! But it's only because... rrrraagggaaah! I can't say that either!"

He laughed. Then his eyes drifted up to her breasts. "Ah. I decided to save the best for last. Why are superheroines always so smoking hot and busty? Do all the superpowers reside in the boobs? Speaking of which..." He stepped forward and pulled her top down enough to cause her breasts to bounce free.

He exclaimed, "Oh yeah! The objects of my desire. These damned tits drove me mad with lust. They've driven me to this extreme, but now the waiting is over!" He reached out and began fondling them with both hands.

Christine stood stiff and grimaced at her partial nudity. She complained as he tweaked her nipples, "That's no way to treat a superheroine!"

He joked, "Sorry. Why don't you make a formal protest to the Justice League?" Then he yanked her top off altogether.

She just whimpered in frustration and shivered with arousal. She knew that she'd been completely bested. She couldn't really hurt Alan due to a love for him that she had long suppressed. Even if she were able to overpower him, she would still face the impossible task of getting past all his henchmen without her powers.

Great Hera! There's absolutely nothing I can do to stop him. Doubtless he's planned this evil deed for years and worked out every contingency to prevent my escape. He's mauling my tits like raw bread dough and all I can do is stand here and take it. How utterly humiliating! My only hope is to talk him out of his madness.

She pouted, "The indignity!" But that just made him chuckle more, so she asked, "Alan, why are you so obsessed with me? Why?!"

He spoke with great pain even as he fondled her erect nipples. "Christine, don't you know? You're the only woman I've ever truly loved. When you turned me down I was utterly crushed and too ashamed to ever ask you out again."

"But you could have just asked me. Don't you remember our non-romantic dates? I practically threw myself at you."

"Perhaps, but my soul was so deeply wounded from your rejection that I could never ask you out again. I knew on some level that you were attracted to me, but that only increased my agony at my cowardice towards you. Instead, I turned to other women. Lots of them. As you know, within weeks, I was having sex with a dozen or more completely stunning women. My libido went into overdrive. I turned into a sex maniac. But it was all a sham! I needed a constant stream of women to forget about you. But it was no good. I knew I could only ever want you and this was the only way since you laughed in my face."

"I did not laugh in your face. I was very polite."

He continued to fondle. He simply couldn't get enough of her breasts. "Christine, you don't understand how you come across to others, do you? You were so cold, so heartless. It's no wonder everyone still calls you the 'ice queen.' You shattered my soul and turned me into this heartless villain. If I can't have your heart, at least I'll have your body." His picked her up and quickly carried her to his bed, conveniently located mere feet from where they were standing.

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