6 Times a Day

Chapter 924 Mom And Sister Have A Heart To Heart [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

Victor Setelo Special [11 / 15] 4K words


Again, Alan merely nodded. He felt as if he was some kind of military sergeant inspecting his troops. He didn't know what to do or say next, and just seemed frozen, staring at them. It was taking time for everything to sink in. He felt waves and waves of happiness as he realized that he really could be with these four for the rest of his life. It was nearly too much.

Then he said, "And there's nothing more important to me, sexually, than pleasing you. That's what makes this work. It's all about the joy of giving and receiving."

The others all nodded at that. The mood in the room was electric.

Then suddenly Susan rushed out of the room, holding her breasts from bouncing as she scurried away. She reappeared seconds later with pen and paper in her hand. "Tiger! Let's make this official!"


"What we all agreed on is going to be the basis of all our lives. We should all sign a pact on it, right now, so we can mark this precious moment forever and make sure there's no backsliding. Here, let me write something up."

But Suzanne stepped up and snatched the pen away. "No you don't. Sorry, Susan, but if you write it, it'll end up being a two-page breathless description of Alan's big cock. Let me."

Susan saw that Suzanne had a point about that, but compromised. "We'll do it together."

There was a lot of whispering between the two mothers as they bent over the paper while the other three looked on.

Alan was mentally wiped out, so he kept his mind more or less blank. He focused on watching their two asses swaying back and forth as they stayed bent over a table. He noticed their pussies were dripping copiously. He asked, "Um, ladies, do you think maybe you'll regret what you're writing tomorrow when you look at it and you're not totally in heat? I mean, your thighs are flooded."

"Nope," Suzanne said firmly as she ran a finger through the rivulets on her thighs to see just how wet she was. Then she held her wet finger an inch in front of Susan's mouth, letting her suck it clean.

Alan gulped.

Suzanne smiled. "Not an issue. Besides, whenever are we NOT in heat lately?" She and Susan went back to whispering and writing something.

Alan was content to just watch their swaying asses, although he was tempted to walk up to one of them and slip his dick in. They were at just the right height. He especially eyed Susan's gushing slit. The forbidden pussy. My mom's pussy. Soon not to be forbidden anymore! Hell, my two moms' pussies. Whoa!

Susan and Suzanne finally sat down at a table, but the pen hadn't touched paper yet. Amy and Katherine also crowded around the table, and whispered to Susan and Suzanne. But sometimes they'd occasionally glance towards the front door.

At one point, Alan asked, "Can I pitch in with what you're about to write there?"

All four women turned to him, and said at once, "NO!" Suzanne added, "Sweetie, it's important that these words come entirely from us to you. Trust us on this."

The four women went back to their urgent whispering. Finally, it seemed consensus had been reached.

Suzanne eventually scribbled something on the paper and then she stood up.

The other three women stood up in a line, as if they were all about to make some kind of formal presentation to a big group. But their only audience was Alan, who was dying of curiosity.

"Ta-da!" Suzanne said triumphantly. "Here we go. Let me read it to you: The Plummer Family Pact. We hereby agree to start a new family, consisting of Alan, Amy, Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne. We may not have all been born as family, but we are truly family to each other in every way from today. Alan is the head of the family, and master of the family harem. We trust him to lead us in sexual matters, and we pledge to obey his every desire. Alan has the right to sleep with any other women he chooses, within reason, but his first priority is with his harem. The women of this harem pledge to avoid any physical intimacy with other men, without exception, and devote themselves fully to pleasing Alan and his insatiable cock. Any new women wanting to join our harem must be approved by us all. We are one family, united in love and sex and eternal friendship."

She paused, then said, "How does that sound? Does anyone have anything to add? ... No?"

Still, no one spoke. Finally, Susan said, "I like the sound of that: The Pact! Rules to live by!"

Suzanne asked, "Sweetie? What do you think?"

Alan looked blown away, because he was. Having the words on paper made everything seem more real somehow. "Me? To be honest, I can't really think right now. I feel so overwhelmed. I mean, I'm really just a kid. A very lucky kid. A harem? With all of you? I still can't believe it!"

Amy laughed. "Somebody just took a time machine back to last month, you silly willy. Get used to it, Brother. It is what it is."

Alan mulled that over. "'It is what it is.' Aims, you can be so wise. That's so simple, but so deep. I'll tell you guys what. I'll think it over while I'm gone and maybe I'll come up with some amendments later."

The others nodded.

After a pause, he added, "It's just... the thing is... it seems so unfair, ya know? I mean, it sounds like I practically have carte blanche to have sex with any woman I want, and you all can only be with me. Heck, that's not fair at all."

The four women shook their heads sadly. Amy spoke up. "O.B., it's cute how you keep trying to be fair and stuff, but this is what we want! What we all want. Can't you see that?"

Katherine added, "Yeah! Screw fairness!"

Susan stated with surprising firmness, "Son, we love that you're so considerate, but it's time to take your place as man of the house."

He replied, "I know, and I'm trying... It's just that... I don't want to take away your freedoms. I love you all so much, and I want you all to have limitless possibilities. Don't... I mean... This is just so..."

Suzanne sashayed her naked body over to him. She ran a finger up his neck and across his face. "Sweetie, it's so sweet, that you're so considerate and caring. But this is what we want. We want to belong to you. Think about any marriage. People give up certain freedoms so they can be deeply bonded to someone else."

"Yeah, I know, but it's just so... unbalanced."

Suzanne looked him deeply in his eyes. "Please. Just accept this. You're the master. You have the power. You can't be a master of a harem and have equality." She looked down at his crotch, and ran her finger up his shaft. "At least I can see Alan Junior likes the idea." She smirked.

He shook his head in disbelief, but he finally smiled and nodded.

One by one, all five of them signed the paper. The mood was solemn and serious as they all contemplated the long-term commitments they were making.

Alan watched the four naked women as they signed the paper, and then he looked down at his erection again. He said, "Okay. Now certainly it must be time for me to go. I say it's time for me to say my goodbyes. Then I should go wait with my pack by the curb."

Susan was the first one to give him a goodbye hug. She clung to him tightly, but she still managed to start jacking him off. "Son, you have no idea how much this means to me. I love you as my son, and I always will. You know that. But I need you as my master too! I need to serve you and pleasure your cock. It fulfills me and makes me so happy. I know it's weird to think of your mom as one of your sex slaves, but please try, okay?"

He nodded. In truth, he wasn't as reluctant as he seemed. His entire body was on fire with excitement and sexual desire.

She whispered in his ear as she stroked him, "Suzanne is such a meanie. I wanted the document to clearly state how you've tamed us all, but she wouldn't allow it. I wanted to call it 'The Terms of Total Surrender.' She's such a party-pooper. But you have no idea how hot blooded I am, knowing that your control over me, and all of us, is official!" Then she gave him a toe curling kiss.

It took a good five minutes of French kissing, groping, and a lot of cock stroking before the goodbyes were done.

Torn between the need to get presentable in case the scouts saw them and the desire to stay naked and frolic, the women eventually put the clothes they'd taken off back on, but slowly and reluctantly, and only after much cajoling.

Alan reluctantly stuffed his dick in his pants and zipped up his fly. Seeing the others were finishing up dressing, he exclaimed, "Jesus Christ, I'm only gonna be gone for the weekend! You'd think I was going away to Europe for a year or something, the way you're all carrying on!" He was exasperated but very pleased with all the affection and love.

Susan said, "Believe me, I'm extremely aware that you'll be coming back soon, though not soon enough! I'll be waiting for you. In case it isn't completely, 100% clear, I'll be waiting on my bed with my legs spread wide open." She grabbed him by the chin to ensure that she had his full and undivided attention. "I expect you to finally fuck my brains out. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am," he said with a bowed head as if he was being chewed out, but he was just playing.

Susan roughly grabbed him and began kissing him all over again. "I love you, Tiger. You know that. I'll be counting the hours!"

He laughed, once he finally managed to separate his lips from hers. "Me too, Mom. Me too. I hope you're ready the minute I get home on Sunday night."

"Oh I will be, you can be sure of that," she said confidently as she yanked her dress off and thrust her chest out. They she sat down on a nearby couch, happily preening and showing off her topless state by raising her arms above her head.

Alan chuckled, thinking, Her chest was covered for a good two minutes there. He looked at Amy and saw she'd somehow lost her clothes again too. He suddenly changed the topic. "I want to clear the air. I want us to become closer than ever before, and not have secrets. From now on, I pledge to be more honest about sexual matters. Mom, I'm sorry I hid that I was fucking Sis and then that I was fucking Aunt Suzy. Just to be sure, you're not still mad at me and Sis for lying about that, are you? I feel bad about sneaking around behind your back."

"Of course I'm not still mad at you. That's ancient history. I understand it was necessary. You have your insatiable needs, and at the time I wasn't ready to fully accept all the implications of that. But if we're going to make this unusual family work, we have to have complete honesty and trust moving forward. There have been too many schemes and scares. No more lies, okay?"

"Okay," said a chastised Alan.

Thinking about her own lactation secret, she quickly added, "Unless it's for a good cause, like a surprise birthday party or something." She still held her arms above her head, acting like she was fixing her hair.

"Of course."

She beamed a wicked smile. "From now on, the only time you're going to be going around my back is when you're stuffing your huge, throbbing cock up my asshole or taking me doggy style. I already have some ideas on how the two of you can make it up to me."

He pretended confusion. "Hmmm. Could one of those ways have something to do with this spot?"

He walked up to where she was sitting on a couch. He grabbed her legs and pulled them up so her knees were at her chest. Then he grabbed at her crotch and poked through her panties with his finger. "Panties," he said, and chuckled.

She kicked her feet up around her head and squealed in delight. "Look everybody! Look how he just tosses me around! My son knows just how to treat his fuck toy mommy!"

Susan had put her panties on a couple of minutes earlier when Alan told them all to dress up like "normal women" in case the scout master or anyone else came to the door. But to Alan, the very notion of his mother wearing underwear now seemed laughable. He knew she'd take the underwear off as soon as the scout van left, even though he wouldn't be around for the rest of the weekend. She and the others had started going without underwear because he asked them to, but now they did it because they loved it.

He could easily see the wet spot around his finger growing before his eyes.

Susan grabbed his finger as it was pulling away and ground it back into her hole. With her other hand she tried to pull her panties off. She panted, "Tiger, you're making me hot! Too hot! I'm burning up!"

She gave up trying to remove her panties for the moment and grabbed him by the shoulders with both hands instead. Leaning in inches from his face, she said excitedly, "Son, just blow off your scouting trip. It's not too late. Screw the scouts! We'll just tell them you're sick. Stay here and fuck us all, all weekend long! My pussy is ready and waiting for you, right now!"

Alan was tempted, extremely tempted. As he stood there, he thought, Fuck yeah! Why not? He was going to say as much out loud. Screw the lack of time and everything else. Why should I abstain all weekend, even while my friend Sean spends the whole time in Los Angeles, fucking Xania's brains out? I need to screw Mom this very instant! He didn't say anything, but the others could tell what he was planning on doing by the possessed look on his face.

But then Suzanne spoke up. "Sweetie, don't even think about it! You know how important it is for you to carry on a semblance of a normal life. This is a big test for you. Will you completely give in to your sexual desires, or will you show some backbone? Don't disappoint me. You know that your first fuck will be so much better if you let your desire, and the amount of your cum, build up all weekend. Not to mention, your penis is going to up and fall off if you don't give it a rest. Seriously. Alan Junior is suffering. If you do it now, it won't be as great as it should be."

She cast a quick glance at Susan. "Sorry. I don't mean to contradict you, but I think it's important for our son to be his own master, first and foremost. That means mastering his desires, no matter how great or small they might be."

Susan grew a bit sober at that, and nodded. "Yes, Sister. You're perfectly right. I'm so glad you're here to help balance me out."

Although Alan was sincerely disappointed, he agreed with a nod and dropped his finger from Susan's panties. "How could my desire grow any more? It's just not possible! ... But I guess you're right, Mother. I can see what you mean now about the 'good cop, bad cop' thing."

He turned to Susan. "Sorry, Mom. It's better if we wait. When I come back I'm gonna be so hard, so ready! It'll be the greatest fuck in the history of humanity, you just wait and see!"

She smiled. "I know it will be. I'll be waiting. Counting the hours. But there's just one thing. You're not seriously planning on leaving with a bad case of blue balls, are you? What's Alan Junior doing tucked away? Bring him out to play!"

They kissed on the lips. Susan let him do all the hugging though, because she used both hands to unzip his fly and whip his erection back into the open. Then her two hands stayed right there to start stroking it.

The look on her face was one of pure bliss.

Alan then kissed Katherine, and Katherine kissed Susan. Soon everybody was kissing everybody else. Suzanne and Amy even kissed each other some more, even though they still hadn't gotten used to it. The sexual tension was at an extreme high.

Whomever happened to be kissing Alan generally took over stroking his throbbing rod. Clothes that were put on a few minutes before were flying back off. Before long, Alan's T-shirt and pants were the only clothes anyone still had on (not counting the shoes and heels).

Alan looked down at his dick and saw both Susan and Katherine pumping it in rhythm, as if they had one mind.

But while their hands were sliding back and forth over his shaft, Susan had her other hand on Katherine's head and she was staring intently into her eyes. "Angel, I love you so much. I've been so distraught about you moving away, you and Tiger, leaving me all alone. But now, we can be together forever, can't we? We're bound together by our love for the same wonderful man!"

"Of course we can, Mom! We're sex slaves. We'll be doing this kind of thing for years and years and years!" She looked down at their hands and saw that she had a hand that wasn't doing anything and that Alan's balls were not being attended to. She quickly rectified that situation.

Susan asked over the sloshing sound of hands sliding through pre-cum, "You're not gonna get tired of me, of mothering you all the time? You probably don't want your ol' mother around."

"Mom, you're not like other mothers. I love having you near. True, you've always been mom-ish, but you've been my good friend, too. Maybe in the future, you could be less of a mom and more of a sister. And a lover. Not to mention a fellow slave and fuck toy. We have so many things to share together now. Gosh, it's so exciting! Isn't it?"

"It is!" Susan's hand pumped even faster.

Katherine's hand picked up the pace, so their hands still stroked as one. "I love you, Mom, and not just as a daughter, but as a lover. I don't want you to leave me."

"Oh! Angel! That makes me so happy. I get so worried about being old and unwanted!"


The two of them began kissing each other so intently that they momentarily forgot about their stroking. In fact, with their hands and arms all over each other, Alan's dick was left untouched.

But all the stroking and talking had gotten Alan quite worked up. He knew it wasn't exactly commonplace for a mother and daughter to be talking matter-of-factly about being "sex slaves" while rubbing their busty racks together and sharing a handjob.

Giving in to the inevitable, he realized that he'd be cumming soon, whether he liked it or not. He thought, Shit, what am I holding out for, anyways? Mom's right. I need to cum before I go or I'll be hating life all weekend.

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