6 Times a Day

Chapter 923 I Just Love It When You Call Me 'Mother'! [Victor Setelo Sponsored]

Victor Setelo Special [10 / 15]


Alan turned back to Amy. "Now, Amy, my new sister, how are you feeling about all this?"

"Great! Super! This is the greatest ever! It's like my family just doubled. How cool is that? And I love all these new titles! 'Sister.' 'Daughter.' 'Brother.' 'Mother.' They make me totally hot. I think this is my favoritest day of all time too! I can't wait until you come back from your trip! My own brother is going to fuck my ass for the first time! And I hope that's just for starters, 'cos my cunt is already feeling really super duper empty and lonely!"

Alan smiled at that, and then turned towards Suzanne. "There is one fly in the ointment about all of this. Everyone has declared their complete love and sexual devotion to everyone else, but Mother, what about you and Amy?"

Suzanne grinned. "I just love it when you call me 'Mother'! Can you do that again?"

He grinned too. "What would you like me to say, Mother?"

Suzanne was smiling from ear to ear. "Ooh! I love it!" She had to hold her breasts in place because she was bouncing up and down excitedly on her heels so much.

Alan said loudly, "Hey, everybody. I have a suggestion, by the way. It's going to get confusing with all these mothers and siblings. I suggest we call Susan nothing but her name or 'Mom' or 'Mommy', or 'Aunt Susan' for Amy, and we call Suzanne nothing but her name or 'Mother', or 'Aunt Suzy' for Kat and me. That way we can avoid confusion. And Katherine can still be 'Sis' while Amy can be 'Sister' and I can be 'Brother'. How does that sound?"

Everyone agreed, and they all were quite happy with it.

He stood up. His hard-on was still pointing straight out, unencumbered by his drooping pants. He continued, "Now, back to my point. What about Aunt Suzy and Amy? Are you two going to be sexually involved with each other? I think it's time. It's inevitable."

Suzanne replied tentatively, "I have serious objections to that idea. But in the spirit of group unity and I guess a reflection of my new sex slave status, I'll follow your orders. I'll do it to please you." To herself she thought, God, I'm starting to sound like Susan, with these comments where I don't even fool myself! As if I wouldn't love making love to Amy. The problem is, I'd love it too much!

"No you won't," Alan said, surprising everyone. "First off, it doesn't become you to call yourself a sex slave. I'm glad that you showed the flexibility to agree to that, but I know it still rankles you, so as far as I'm concerned you're still the same beautiful Aunt Suzy that I know and love. I'm not going to call you any term like that unless you find it arousing and pleasing if I do, and you shouldn't hide behind your supposed loss of freedom. There's been no loss of freedom here. Everybody's doing exactly what they want to do. If, for instance you wanted to sleep with your other son, Brad, I'd even be willing to agree to that. It would pain me, but he is your son, so I think that's a special case. Of course I want you all to myself, but I'd feel guilty to hold you back from something you really want to do."

"I appreciate that, Son." Suzanne smiled at saying "son."

Susan clenched her fists and shouted out with dismay, "NO! NEVER!"

Suzanne held up a hand. "Hold on, hold on, I'm not done. I was saying that I appreciate the offer, but I most certainly am NOT going to get involved with Brad. We have such a perfect group here, and that would just ruin everything. Son, he'll never be anything like you; there's no place for him in any of this. He wouldn't be able to share and he'd turn the whole group into a disaster. That's just how it is."

Susan visibly relaxed at that, and everyone else did too.

Suzanne went on, "Each person is what they are. Frankly, I know mothers aren't supposed to say this, they're supposed to say they love all their children equally, but that isn't always true. The Pestridge family is divided. Amy and I make up one group and we stick together, while Brad takes after his father and has drifted away from me just like Eric has. So forget him in this, and forget any other male."

Alan didn't want to admit it, but he felt a great relief at that. He didn't really like Brad and couldn't imagine sharing with him, but had made the offer in an effort to not be completely hypocritical.

She continued, "You're the only one I want, Sweetie. You're right. I'm not agreeing to anything I don't already want to do. There's a part of me that minds being called a sex slave, but there's another part that finds it a turn-on. I'm happy with that name so long as it's just a hat I can wear sometimes during sex, when I'm in the right mood, but otherwise keep off."

Alan nodded. "Of course! That goes for everyone! I want, no, I need, to be treated just like a normal teenager on all things outside of sex. I hope that's always been understood. Otherwise I'm going to become insufferable and spoiled. I fear that's already kind of happening. I mean, look at you all, standing there in just your high heels in order to-"

Susan butted in, "But Tiger! How can you say that? You're so much more than a lover to me. I want to pamper and adore you in every way." She blushed and said with her head bowed down, "I want you to replace Ron and sleep with me in my master bed."

Katherine laughed. "Dr. Freud has just entered the building!"

Suzanne commented drolly, "I think Freud permanently lives in this house. And now the incestuous relationships have just multiplied, because I take the second mother title dead seriously. Susan, it's fine that you feel that way, but let's face it. You've always spoiled Alan and Katherine, and only kept them in line with your unlimited love and their desire to please you. That's why it'll be so much better with you and me as mothers. We can be a 'good cop, bad cop' team."

Alan said, "Good point, Aunt Suzy, or should I say, Mother."

Suzanne felt a thrill of excitement run up and down her spine when he said that word. She liked being called "Aunt Suzy," but she loved being called "Mother."

He went on, "And Mom, you know I love you just the way you are, and I adore you too. But let's talk about these kind of things like sleeping arrangements later, and focus on the issue at hand, which is slipping away from me. Aunt Suzy and Amy. Aunt Suzy, about Amy - I'm not forcing you to get physical with her. I don't want you to do it if that's how you still feel about it. But I think you want it too. You're just having trouble admitting it. Are you really serious about this mother thing? If so, why would you have sex with one daughter but not the other?"

Suzanne could have pointed out it was because she and Amy had the only real genetic relationship in the whole group, but she didn't. Instead, she said, "You're right. I do want it. I want it so bad that I can barely stand it. I guess that's why I could never figure out a solution to the 'Amy problem' in the whole picture, because secretly I've wanted her in bed with the rest of us. Amy, come here to your mother."

Amy gladly walked forwards and stood before Suzanne. Then they hugged. It was like they were touching each other for the first time. They held each other hesitantly at first, and then made small, exploratory kisses on each other's cheeks. But within a minute they were fully French kissing. After another minute, they were kissing as if they'd been lovers for years.

As her daughter began to fondle her huge breasts, Suzanne gasped, then pulled back and complained, "The van! The van is coming! Coming soon!"

"Let it come! I don't care!" Amy said as she dropped her head down and buried it in Suzanne's chest. She kissed her mother's nipples, and licked her boobs all over. "Mmm, Mother, I love your big tits," she moaned as her whole face was smothered in them. "I've been waiting to really get my hands on these for so long!"

"Me too!" Suzanne exclaimed, as she also fondled her daughter's boobs. "I've been noticing your growth spurt lately, and it makes me so proud, and horny. But I've heard you have such a tight cunt! I can't wait to get in there with my tongue!"

"Oh Mom! That sounds so sexy!"

They ran their hands all over each other's bodies, especially their asses.

"All right," Alan barked suddenly. "That's enough for now. I would like nothing more than to sit around and watch you two go at it. But again, we have to remember the time! They could be here any second now. How much do you think they'd like to look in the window and see a mother and daughter totally naked and going at it with each other?"

He smiled at that naughty thought. Actually, they'd probably like it a whole lot, since they're a bunch of horny buggers. But we'd also get in a whole lot of trouble.

Suzanne nodded and disengaged herself from Amy. She was ready to completely abandon herself to her lust for her daughter; Alan's halt only delayed the moment when that was bound to happen.

But at the same time, Suzanne thought to herself, My God, what am I doing? That was close. This is real incest! Why am I willing to do anything for pleasure? I conceived her! She came out of my vagina, and now she'll be going back in with her tongue and fingers... Yet I love it!

Who am I kidding by resisting? Let's face it. As far as anyone here is concerned, it's a foregone conclusion that Amy and I will fuck each other. And you know what? They're right. That will complete the full circle, so it has to happen!

Amy and Suzanne stood back from each other, and walked backwards until they joined a line with Katherine and Susan. The four females now stood expectantly in front of Alan. They were waiting to see what he would do or say next.

He grabbed his dick with one hand since it was bouncing around too much. He thought to himself, They're waiting for orders! All four of them! It's like I'm their drill instructor or something. No, it's like I'm their master, because that's what I am: their master!

Spurred by these thoughts, he asked, "Another wording question. When it comes to sexual things, what do you think of the word 'master'?"

Not surprisingly, Katherine answered first. "Alan, Brother, I am SOOOO all over that word! I keep trying to call you that, but you won't let me! I propose that we all call Alan 'Master' and treat him as such. But only in sexual matters, of course." She was like Susan and didn't really see a distinction between the sexual and nonsexual in her treatment of him, and loved the idea of him running the house in every way. But she added that last part to make the idea more palatable for Suzanne and for him.

Amy raised her hand. "Oooh! Oooh! I second the motion! That sounds like fun."

Susan also raised her hand, as if they were suddenly following parliamentary rules of order. "Me too. We can't have a harem without a master. He is MY master, regardless of what anyone else says. I just hope we can all openly admit what he is."

That turned Alan on tremendously. He was having a really hard time not stroking his iron hard penis (he knew that if he did, Susan would have a big "sins of Onan" conniption fit). He turned to Suzanne to get her reaction before he said anything.

She smiled at him. "In sexual things only. In all other things I'm going to kick your ass if you're a bad kid." She winked. "Master."

Alan nodded sagely and acknowledged Suzanne's response without smiling back. He was calm on the outside aside from his shaking hands, but on the inside his heart was pounding intensely and his penis seemed to be about to spontaneously shoot out a big load. He reeled in the fact that even Suzanne was now freely calling him "Master."

He coughed, then announced. "We're all one big family now. I am now your master, I suppose."

Susan groaned. "You suppose?! Come on, Son! It's time to stop being so politically correct and take ownership of the women who love you. Look at us." She waved a hand in the general direction of herself and the other three buck naked voluptuous vixens standing next to her. "And look at you."

He secretly thrilled, even though a part of him still resisted. "Okay, I'm your master. But I'm a very unusual master, because I love you all so dearly, and I consider myself a slave to all of you. It's my duty to keep you all as happy and loved and sexually satisfied as I possibly can. And in return, you'll do the same for me, and we'll all simply die of joy, together. That means that for the four of you, there is now nothing more important sexually than pleasing me. If you agree, say, 'Yes, Master.'"

All four of them said, "Yes, Master," in unison. There was no more excited bouncing around because the mood had turned solemn. They all realized this was a crucial moment in all their lives.


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