Yuri Empire

Chapter 55: A Peaceful Day

Chapter 55: A Peaceful Day


Three days have passed since the day when the Eldard Kingdom Army was annihilated. Today is Summer Moon 19th. Its early, and half of the summer is about to pass.

Rather, each season has only 40 days, so the cycle is actually too fast. Yuris mood still gives the impression that its just summer.

Good morning, my sister

After waking up in the morning and having only breakfast, heading to the office as usual. The girl who seems to be the busiest in the Yuri Empire was waiting there.

Isnt it Meteora? Maybe youre on duty today?

Yes, my sister. Finally, the day of my love duty has arrived, and Im very happy.

While telling that, Meteora happily squints.

Meteora is a child who is the captain of the construction unit Kikyo, which is the busiest and most active for the construction of a new city. Of course, the captain Meteora is probably the busiest of all the units It made Yuri feel sorry for her to be here.

Meteora. Regarding the night duty I was looking forward to spending the night with you, so Id be happy if you could manage to give me some time, but at least Is it okay to decline at least my escort during the day?

Before she knew it, it became common for the on-duty child to escort for one day. In the first place, Yuri is not so weak that they need an escort. If possible, the busy Meteora had a stronger desire to take a day off instead of escorting me.

Thank you for your concern, my sister. Yes Im busy, but the role of being an escort for my sister for one day is my only right, who is todays love duty. I absolutely hate to let it go.

Yes. Im happy with your feelings, but dont overdo it.

Its okay. In fact, the construction of the new city is almost complete, and all we have to do is leave the interior work of the building. Well, it still takes days because of the large number of buildings. But at least I have a lot of time to spare now that I have to spearhead the construction, so I slept a lot yesterday and Im fine.

Is that so? That was good. Thank you for your hard work.

With words of praise, Yuri gently strokes Meteoras head.

The children of Kikyou such as Meteora are of underground race (Dravan), so they are often a little shorter than the children of other units. Because of that, when they were by Yuris side, she just wanted to stroke my head.

Ah. Please stroke more.

If I stroke too much, your hairstyle will be messed up, right?

Yes, please make it messy. If my sister want to do so, then please


Because she said it was good, Yuri felt free to stroke Meteoras head strongly. Meteoras hair with a lot of hair was disturbed and it looked strange.

Ehehe Thank you, my sister.

You cant get that hair out. Ill clean it up, so come over here.

After sitting on the office desk chair, Yuri tapped her knees.

Meteora who saw the intention came immediately and sat down a little on Yuris lap. As expected, she seems to be lighter because she is shorter.

Customers. What are you going to do today?

Please make my hairstyle your sisters favorite!


Take out the greenish gray comb that she usually uses from the <inventory>, and slowly and gently comb Meteoras hair. There were many parts that got caught unexpectedly, so she had a lot of trouble just combing her hair.

Does she not usually comb her hair? Or does the Underground Species (Dravan) race have a slightly harder hair quality? Yuri doesnt know about that. If she did it patiently and politely, she could manage it, so she will take time to clean Meteoras hair.

Fortunately, there seems to be no office work to be done in a hurry today. It would be good to spend a relaxing morning combing Meteoras hair as it is.

Its peace

While moving only her hands slowly, Yuri quietly murmured. It maybe not the line that should be said by human who had just genocide three days ago.

Oh, thats right. I have one request for my sister.

Oh, what is it? Feel free to say anything.

As I said earlier, the construction work for the new city is almost complete. All that remains is the interior work for the buildings in Nishi, Higashi, and Kita Wards. That is, only in Chuo Ward and Minami Ward for example, people are ready to live.

If you dont mind, we would like to move dozens of people on a trial basis. And wed like to hear something like the impression of the city a few days later.

I see. Its certainly important to have a live voice after actually living in it.

The consideration of this area that the creator wants to cherish is well understood by Yuri, who originally worked for a landscaping company.

Is it okay to leave the selection to me?

Yes. However, as a matter of course, there are no shops in the new city yet, so I think it is better to bring in a sufficient amount of food. However, the distance between the new city and Nildea is 4 km. Its only far away, and since this months Destroyer has already been completed, theres no danger of encountering monsters. If theyre willing to walk, they can even go shopping to Nildea.

I see

The distance of 4km is not a big distance for people who usually walk a lot like farmers, aside from people who usually do not step out of the city of Nildea.

( Oh, I mean, it seems good for farmers to move to the test)

It would be too inefficient to relocate only the residences of those who currently have jobs in the city of Nildea to the new city. Rather, it would be less problematic to relocate those who have farms outside the city of Nildea.

The new city is 4km north of Nildea. Therefore, the distance from the residence to the field is not so long as the people who originally had the field on the northside of Nildea move to the new city of Minami Ward.

At least if the farmers were healthy, it shouldnt be too hard to live there.

Then, its better to have farmers move to Minami Ward. In Chuo-ku, the new city Is it better to have the people of Rostine Shokai, chaired by Rubetta, move in advance? The new city already has a sufficient number of stores for merchants to use. The people of Rostine Shokai will move to the new city in advance, and the store will be ready for business in advance. That way, about 10 days later, when the citizens actually start migrating from Nildea, the Rostine firms will be able to quickly open their stores in the new city.

Done, Youre cute now.

Thank you, my sister!

After combing the hair up to the shoulders, weave it neatly and then release Meteora. Yuri doesnt care much about her own hair, but she likes to play with her childrens cute hair.

Meteora, please call Partita and Hotaru. Then, can you tell Rubetta of Rostine Shokai and Ados of Tormark Shokai and tell them to come to the Lords House as soon as they are free?

I understand, I will contact them soon.

Meteora left the office, and one minute later, Partita had already appeared in the office.

Yuri asks Partita to investigate the farmers who have fields north of Nildea with the hands of Nadeshiko and ask them to move to the new city in advance.

A few minutes later, Hotaru also came to the office, so Yuri asked her to set up a barrier in the new city. There are two things to be stretched: [boundary barrier] and [temperature control barrier]. It is the same as the one they set up for Farrata, the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Nimun.

The surrounding monsters have been destroyed, but in this world the monsters will be revived if the moon changes. Since there are no barriers in the new city, [boundary barrier] is absolutely essential, and now in summer, [temperature control barrier] will also improve the comfort of citizens lives.

Also, one hour later, two people, Rubetta and Ados, visited the lords building, so Yuri explained about the advance migration to the new city and asked for their cooperation. Of course, they are not the two who refuse Yuris request. Yuri was able to get consent immediately on the spot.

Yuri will have them evaluate not only the residence but also the stores prepared for merchants. She hopes that both the house and the store will come up with various improvement plans with a strict eye like a merchant.

In return, the two were given the right to hold their favorite store in the new city as the store they plan to use. It would be delicious enough to be able to hold down the most convenient stores in Chuo Ward before other merchants.

In particular, Yuri asked Rubetta to start a temporary business in advance even at a food store if possible. If there is even one grocery store in the new city, people who move in advance will be able to live much more comfortably.

Its been 50 days since the construction of the new city started.

The moment when the lives of Nildea citizens changed completely was just around the corner.

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