Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 34: Lust

Chapter 34: Lust

R .: it seems that I confused everyone with the comment I made on the unedited version :( I'm sorry, it was still the usual chrome machine translation, and I was not able to post mine now, while I'm getting ready.

That being said, I'm sorry but I'm not sure that the next chapter ends on time, because I have to slowly get used to small walks every other day and until I find the distance that does not suit me to push, the translations could be displayed irregularly. I know you must all hate this because you already have just 2 chapters a week. But please be patient with me because I have already mentioned, I do not really understand Mandarin and I am only a team composed of a woman, which takes about 8 hours to translate a chapter more 3500 words (

Tian Qi did not understand why the emperor looked so excited because RuYi wanted her to wear a dress. Not only did he ask her to immediately wear a dress so that RuYi could see it, he even went so far as to ask people to look for a dress with a pattern and pattern similar to that worn by RuYi.

The dress RuYi wore was just an ordinary dress, not made to measure. It was stored in the palace warehouse, then Tian Qi found it there. Hearing that the emperor now wanted adult clothes with the same style, people quickly went to the palace warehouse and found an exact copy to be worn by Tian Qi. Moreover, the people who carried the Emperor's order knew that Tian Qi was going to dress up to attract His Majesty's favors, so they could just as easily give it all. Later, they came to Tian Qi with everything they found, such as the hairpin, jewelry, red and women's face powder.

As expected, the emperor's dragon face looked extremely happy.

Tian Qi continued to complain without stopping. When she heard this request for the first time, Tian Qi thought that her identity had been revealed, but that did not seem to be the case. The Emperor did not seem angry or seemed to doubt it. Instead, he seems to be in a good mood, his eyes shining, the corners of his mouth slowly bent.

Well, it must be that his mental disorder was recurrent.

Once she received the imperial decree, Tian Qi returned to her room. Once she looked at the clothes and jewelry she was wearing in her hand, she felt a little excited. It had been many years since she had worn dresses. In front of the women's clothes, she felt like it was the last time she wore them.

She could wear a skirt, but she had to keep the chest tied. She also could not wear cosmetics because RuYi did not seem to like them very much. As for the hair ... she could think of a lot of hairstyles, but she was not skilled enough. As a result, she easily wrapped her hair in a bun, used a hair clip the same color as her hair to fix it, and then placed a hairpin in Japanese rose. Regarding the other accessories, Tian Qi turned away from the mirror and found a bit of silver bells to wear on the wrist. She liked to wear bells, their hissing could give people energy and their moods lighten up.

After putting the little bells, Tian Qi also found a small scented sachet to hang on his waist. The scented sachet came from Xiang Fei. Suspended above the yellow duck dress, its color has brought some diversity to their monotonous appearance. She looked back at the dressing table, trying to find a pair of earrings. Silver threads twisted on a ruby, the gemstone polished drop-shaped, shiny and translucent. Tian Qi kept them in his hand and played with them for a while, then put them back in place. She really liked this pair, but her ears were not pierced. Women, whether they are the wives of civil servants or the people, have all pierced their ears. However, there have also been rare cases where some refused to ruin the bodies received from their parents, as well as those who were afraid of the pain. The ears of Tian Qi were not pierced because her mother wanted her to be a man in her next life, even if she did not really understand the bond that united them (2).

In any case, it was lucky that her ears were not pierced. In this way, no one suspected her of being a woman.

After getting dressed, Tian Qi turned around and looked in the mirror. The mirror was too small and she could not see herself completely. She was always excited to have finally worn a dress. She pulled her dress left and right to make sure everything was in order, and then she went out quietly.

She put on a dress that she unconsciously started again to behave like a girl. Every step she took was light and unhurried, the length of her steps slowly diminishing. She did not even walk on her dress once. After walking a few dozen steps, she was shocked to realize that she was walking too much like a young woman.

She deliberately increased the length of her steps and put on her dress until the imperial study.

The eunuch who guarded the imperial office told him that the emperor and his highness had gone for a walk and left him a message to pick them up.

Ji Heng just took his son on a walk. It was almost evening, the sun was already inclining to the west, but it was not yet time to light a lamp. The light inside his office was not as good as it was outside, so Ji Heng took RuYi to stand on the platform of the moon in front of the Qian Qing Palace. RuYi slid on the platform of the moon with her tiny, short legs, taking slow steps, while Ji Heng followed him patiently. Basically, he made two or three steps and Ji Heng took a step.

The two did not walk far as they waited for Tian Qi.

The sun went down, but, without resigning itself to finish, it bloomed for the last time today, its brilliant rays seeming of an extraordinary splendor. Thousands of multicolored rays in the sky have dyed the clouds, resembling layers on layers of mosaic. The whole world was bathed in the red and golden embers of the dying sun.

The vast floor was made of limestone bricks and was covered with a layer of golden muslin, the projection of the elongated white marble guardrail, as if it were a fence. The tiny silhouette of RuYi has also been enlarged. On the floor, her shadow looked like a courageous, strong little girl.

The girl's mood seemed really good, moving and having fun.

Ji Heng raised his head and looked back. The great Qian Qing Palace was silently dominating them, while the heavy beast above the palace hall silently welcomed the sunset.

Slowly, a woman escaped gigantic vermillion pillars.

The woman's clothes were yellow, her shoulders were small and thin, her waist perfectly straight and thin. At the moment, she was gently squeezing the hems of her dress as she walked slightly toward them. His belt floated gently with the slight infiltration of the wind, his walking accompanied by a crisp ringing, soft and pleasing to the eye.

She obviously wore a simple garment but, standing under the beautiful evening sky that shook one, her beauty was by no means inferior.

She walked under the romantic sunset. As she got closer, she looked at the two men in front of her, one tall and one small, and had a bright, clear smile on her lips. Her beautiful eyes wondered what looked like a starry sky.

In a split second, the evening sky had lost its color.

Ji Heng felt that he could not hold back his heart, which jumped wildly in his chest. He opened his mouth but no sound came out. He felt that something was stuck in his throat and choked him. He wanted to throw up, it would not come out; he wanted to swallow it, it would not go down. Disappointed and frustrated at having failed, he felt embarrassed and completely lost.

RuYi's feelings were not so complicated. Once he saw Tian Qi, he held out his hand and rushed to her at the speed of lightning to hurry him up.

Tian Qi laughed softly and caught RuYi, hugged him and hugged him. In fact, RuYi was a bit heavy for her because Tian Qi's arms and legs were very thin. Although she was happy to have managed to hold RuYi, she could not do it for a long time. From RuYi's point of view, he certainly could not always have Tian Qi's hugs.

Thus, RuYi rejoiced as he came closer with a smile and stuck his face on Tian Qi's cheek, rubbing, and Tian Qi rubbing himself as she laughed. RuYi was huddled in her arms and they were chatting as she walked slowly towards Ji Heng.

Even with his very good hearing, Ji Heng did not hear anything. A tall and a small, a "woman" and a "little girl" dressed in identical clothes, looked like a beautiful pair of mothers and daughters as they talked and laughed. This scene was really hot and beautiful. Ji Heng could feel his heart melt. He was so distracted that he did not notice that the little beauty was already under his nose.

Tian Qi put RuYi and called "Your Majesty"

Ji Heng finally returned to God. He did not pay attention to Tian Qi as he lowered his head and grabbed RuYi's hand. The father and son walked slowly obliquely. The Emperor looked calm, as if he saw nothing and nothing happened.

Tian Qi walked behind them. After walking a few steps, RuYi suddenly stopped and turned to pull Tian Qi's hand. Tian Qi saw that the emperor did not stop him, so she also lowered her hand and grabbed RuYi's hand, walking hand in hand.

The three walked side by side, looking like a family.

"Tian Qi, you are pretty." RuYi said. The feelings of the children were always intuitive, always honest. If they said you looked good, they really thought you were pretty.

"Thank you for your praise, Your Highness, I'm glad you like it." Tian Qi lowered her head and deliberately walked on her dress. She feared that the Emperor would realize it and suspect her, sometimes trying to hide it to make it more visible. She said, "It's just that dressing up as a young woman is a little embarrassing, does not suit that servant."

Ji Heng interrupted them and said, "You look like sisters."

Tian Qi saw that the emperor did not leave his face much, so she was embarrassed because she said, "This servant is not a woman."

This fact stabbed Ji Heng in the center of his heart. He looked at the side of Tian Qi's face and said it would be fine if he was a woman.

If Tian Qi was a woman, that would have been great.

Once this thought appeared in her mind, she could no longer be erased. Ji Heng's mind was full of this idea. Thinking thus, he turned to the side and glanced at Tian Qi. This idea became even more serious, leaving him almost possessed by the devil.

After walking a little, Tian Qi tried to persuade the two to return.

Ji Heng always felt that some things seemed to be out of his control. His mood was nervous, not wanting to think too much or too deeply. So much so that he did not want to waste time thinking about something that justified his reasoning. He deliberately avoided some things, deliberately forgot some doubts. His instinct told him that once you've opened some doors, you can not go back.

The next day, Ji Heng ended up going to court with black eyes. After the morning courtroom, once in Yang Xin's palace hall, he saw Tian Qi again. Ji Heng felt that he really did not want to face him at the moment, so he called Sheng'An Huai and asked him to arrange small individual tasks for Tian Qi.

Sheng'An Huai could usually understand the meaning of the emperor's words, but this time he was wrong. The Emperor was more and more confident of Tian Qi and as nothing unusual had happened in recent days, Sheng'An Huai thought that the Emperor was not giving him a new job because he had poor performance but because he wanted to show it a lot the Emperor trusted him, such as ... night vigil.

Although the night tasks were rather unobtrusive and less effective than the daytime tasks, where one could make room for the emperor's heavenly face, only these talented people, his faithful collaborators, were qualified to work during the night shift. Working mostly next to the Emperor's room. Once the emperor fell asleep, he could not protect himself from anything and his personal safety was a top priority. Only absolutely reliable people were allowed to get close to him.

Sheng'An Huai also saw that the emperor was very satisfied with Tian Qi, so he wanted to give Tian Qi a face right away. So he decided to have him work at night outside the Emperor's room.

Ji Heng did not get wind of this case until he went to bed. As it was a long time ago and he did not want to unexpectedly ask another person a great fanfare, which could make others suspicious of his behavior, he had no choice but to leave to drop this idea.

Suddenly, Tian Qi was not used to getting up late. Originally, her hours of work and rest were fixed, she had to go to bed at a precise time. Tonight she was not allowed to sleep. She was standing outside the bedroom, covering her mouth with a yawn, wondering why the Emperor had suddenly transferred her to another post. Although this post is not as good as its precedent, but one could explain that the emperor had an incomparable confidence in her. It might have been supposed that he was unlikely to treat her unfairly.

As the environment was calm, Tian Qi was more and more sleepy. She did not dare to sleep or leave her position without permission. So she had no choice but to scare herself by saying "the Emperor will cut off your head if you fall asleep" and "they'll find out" you're a woman if you go to sleep. "Every time that she was thinking of these things, she could feel a cold sweat trickling down her back at the same time, she was so afraid that her drowsiness would be a little lessened.

It's just that using these experiences to scare has also enormously tormented her mind.

In the dark, some people wanted to sleep but were not allowed, and some people were allowed to sleep but could not.

Ji Heng was lying in bed, keeping his ears erect as he listened to all the news from outside, not feeling asleep in the least.

He was unusually excited, his nerves as on hooks, attracted by the person standing in front of the door. For once, he wanted to regain consciousness so he could go out and walk around.

Tian Qi was right in front.

This achievement made Ji Heng's heart beat even faster. He lay on his side and deliberately turned his back to the door, closing his eyes.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, he could see Tian Qi. His body was delicate but not weakened, his face of national grace, his divine perfume, his smile capable of provoking the fall of the cities, his radiant and enchanting eyes, his lips cherry red ... not one.

national grace, divine perfume - idiom = exceptional beauty

able to cause the fall of cities - idiome = (of a woman) of a devastating beauty

Ji Heng suddenly reached his hand inside his pants.

'... stop, you can not be like that.

... he's just outside.

... what is it considered?

... he's just outside.

These thoughts that swept him hid the sky and covered the earth. Ji Heng was no longer able to control himself. His eyes were tightly closed, his brows slightly wrinkled, his breath gradually rough and heavy. Tian Qi was outside, but Ji Heng felt he seemed to be watching him closely. This notion made Ji Heng crazy for joy. He seemed to see Tian Qi come inside, climb into bed, kiss and caress him gently.

hide the sky and cover the earth - idiom = upsetting

"Tian Qi ..." Ji Heng moaned unconsciously.

Outside the room, Tian Qi was immediately alerted "Your Majesty, did you call me?"

Since there was no answer, Tian Qi sat down again.

A moment later, she heard him calling "Tian Qi". Tian Qi was sure she did not have hallucinations, so she knocked lightly on the door and asked, "Your Majesty, what instructions do you have?"

As Ji Heng touched, he called "Tian Qi, enter".

Tian Qi pushed the door open and entered. She saw that the bed curtain was shaking slightly. Hearing the man inside panting, she asked anxiously, "Your Majesty, are you uncomfortable anywhere, Mom?"


Tian Qi found that her answer was a bit strange, so she again asked "In this case, Your Majesty, why did you call?"

'I want you.'

Ji Heng gritted his teeth and swallowed those words. He said, "Stay still, do not talk."

Tian Qi had to do what was asked.

The two people were separated only by a layer of curtains. The bed curtains used in the summer were thin, the candle was blocked by Tian Qi. Only an indistinct form could be seen from inside the canopy.

Part of the figure was leaning on Ji Heng's body. He felt that the shadow was alive, enveloping his body, allowing his desires to arise.

Ji Heng was hidden by this small distance masturbating. Thinking that Tian Qi was just outside the canopy and could see him, he felt his blood boiling with ferocious lust as if submerged in the ocean.

He ends up falling in torrents on himself.

Ji Heng pulled his hand out of his pants. He looked at the cloudy white liquid that covered his fingers and took a long, deep breath. After the release, he felt light and happy, but there was also a touch of helplessness.

In the end, he was not able to believe his own lies, ma.

A.: our JH is a big pervert !!! Fortunately, TQ has no idea what the guy does, otherwise she will never want to face him again.

Thank you all for reading my translations xx

Tian Qi did not quite understand that since she wanted to see her wearing a skirt, why was the Emperor so enthusiastic? She not only asked him to put the skirt on immediately for a bewitching look, but also to find the same style as this one. who wants to wear.

Because the skirt worn by Ruyi is a fixed style and not a custom, this book was collected in the inner house and was later found by Tian Qi. Now, I heard that I wanted the same style of adult clothing, and the people of the inner house library will find it quickly according to the figure of Tian Qi. And the person who led the life knew that Tian Qi had to play the palace to please the Holy Spirit, so he came everywhere and found the scented ornaments and the red gouache for the woman.

The emperor really has a beautiful face.

Tian Qi complained. When she heard this request for the first time, she almost thought that her identity was revealed. However, he did not look like it. The emperor was a little angry or skeptical. Instead, he looked good, his eyes shone and his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Ok, it must have been a neurotic disease.

Tian Qi had to go back to his room. Looking at the clothes and jewelry in her hand, she is actually a little excited. She has not worn a skirt for many years. Again, it's like the feeling of being separated.

The skirt can be worn, but the chest should be worn all the time. Even though the fat powder is too much, it seems like I do not like her much, her hair ... She will have a lot of hairstyles and is not skilled enough, so she only took one screw easily and used a small Fasten it with the same hair color, then lick a pink light pink flower between the hair. As for other props, Tian Qi turned away from the mirror and found a chain of silver bells on the wrist. She loves bells and people who ring can listen to the light and get up.

After wearing the bell, Tian Qi had a bag at the waist. The bag was made of Xiang Yu, hanging in the yellow duck dress, making the color of clothes less monotonous. She looked for him again in the mirror and found a pair of earrings. The silver wire was twisted on the ruby, the gemstone was polished into a shiny, translucent drop, and Tian Qi put it in his hand and put it back in place. She loves the pendant a lot, but she does not have a pierced ear. Women, whether they are the son-in-law of the bureaucratic house or the headless, do not all have their heads in their ears. Some people are afraid of pain. Some people think that if the body is not damaged by their parents, they will not wear it. The reason why Tian Qi does not wear ear piercing is that her mother wants her to be a man, although she does not know what is the necessary connection between the two.

Fortunately, she did not have a pierced ear and did not let people suspect she was a woman.

After getting dressed, Tian Qi turned in front of the mirror. The mirror was too small to show her whole body, but she finally put on her skirt again and could not help but get up and looked at the skirt and left to look at her, confirming that everything was fine, so the money is out.

As soon as she put on her skirt, she unconsciously regained the feeling of being a girl again. Her steps were gentle, her stride was small and she did not kick the skirt. Leaving a dozen steps, she was surprised that it was not fair, too much like a girl.

So she deliberately increased the stride and kicked the office skirt.

The eunuch in the study told him that the Emperor and Her Royal Highness had just come out, leaving words to let her out to find them.

Ji Hengzheng took his son on a walk outside. It's almost evening, when the sun is already inclined, but it's not yet at the back, the light of the room is not as good as the outside and it stands on the flat in front of the dry palace.

Ruyi slipped on the platform with a short, short leg and left unhurriedly. Ji Heng followed him patiently. Basically, he made two or three steps and Ji Heng took a step.

Both are not far away as they wait for Tianqi.

The sun will fall, but it will not reconcile itself to that, and it will bloom in the final glory of the day. The sky above the sky is full of light, the clouds are like layers of mosaics, dyed and dyed on beautiful and colorful colors, the whole world is bathed by the golden red glow.

The vast blue stone brick floor is covered with a transparent golden palace wire, and the protrusion of the white marble balustrade is lengthened, which seems to be a huge fence. The figure of the little rascal is also enlarged, projected on the ground and becomes a powerful girl.

The mood of the girl is really good, she plays on the ground with one foot.

Ji Heng looked up and looked back. The large and dry Qing Palace stood silently, and the beast at the top of the temple welcomed the setting sun and was silent.

Between the red pillars, a woman slowly went out.

The woman snail yellow skirt, shoulders shaved, the size of willow is quite straight, and now gently wear the skirt, went quickly to them. The breeze passed, his belt of clothing was light and the march was accompanied by a ringing sound net, pleasant to watch.

Obviously, it's a simple outfit. Standing under the thrilling skylight, it is not inferior.

She was walking under the beautiful sunset and when she got closer, she smiled at the big man and the little boy. The beauty of the eyes flows, and it seems to be a starry star.

For a moment, the skylight has lost color.

Ji Heng only felt that the heart could not stop jumping. He opened his mouth, but he could not make a sound. It seemed to block something in his throat. He could not delete it. He could not vomit, excited, irritated, lost, but leave it. He is lost.

Ruyi did not have so many complicated feelings. He saw Tian Qi and quickly opened his hand.

Tian Qi smiled and captured his wish and hugged him. In fact, there are heavyweights. Tian Tian's thin arms and legs, though so good, can not last too long. Yu Ruyi's cuddles are not always available.

I wanted to be even happier. I used to smile and hit Tian Qi's face. With his capricorn, Tian Qi smiled and responded, holding it while talking and walking towards Ji Heng.

Ji Heng, who has excellent hearing power, did not hear anything this time. A big and a small, the same "woman" and "little girl", like a beautiful mother and a beautiful girl, talking and laughing. This picture is really hot and beautiful, and Ji Heng must open his heart. Hey, this little beauty is already at your fingertips.

Tian Qi gave up his vow and called the "Emperor".

Ji Heng finally returned to God, he did not pay attention to Tian Qi, he only tilted his hand to the hand. The father and the son walked slowly in the oblique light and the emperor was calm, like nothing, nothing happened.

Tian Qi walked behind them. If I take a few steps, I stop suddenly and turn to Tian Tian's hand. Tian Qi saw that the emperor has no objection, but also followed his wish to stop waiting for her, so she took the other hand to take the lead.

The three walked side by side, like a family of three.

"Tian Qi, handsome." Said Ruyi. The feeling of the child is very intuitive and the words are honest. Say you're good, it's really beautiful.

"His Royal Highness, you love him." Tian Qi nodded and deliberately kicked the skirt. He was afraid of being found by the emperor and suspected it and he wanted to cover it. "But it's so uncomfortable for slaves to get dressed."

Ji Heng intervened: "You have been a girl."

Tian Qi saw that the emperor did not give face, so he said, "The slave is not a woman."

This sentence is only an excerpt from Zhong Heng's thoughts. He looked at the side of Tian Qi's face and thought how good a woman should be.

Tian Qi is a woman, what quality.

Once this kind of thinking is out, it can not be cleaned anymore. Ji Heng is full of this sentence. Think about it, look at Tian Qi on the side, this idea will be a little more important and will drive him crazy. .

Later, Tian Qi tried to persuade the two to return.

Ji Heng always feels that some things seem uncontrollable. He is angry and does not want to think deeply, does not want to think more, and does not even intend to look for reasons for himself. He deliberately avoided certain things and deliberately forgot some doubts. He instinctively believes that once he opens a door, he can not turn around again.

The next day, Ji Heng went to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea with a black eye. After going down, I saw Tian Qi at Yang Xin Dian. Ji Heng now has people who do not want to face him. So he sent Sheng An Huai and asked him to organize individual races for Tian Qi.

Sheng Anhuai will come to observe the Holy Spirit, but this time he did not think well. Tian Qi receives more and more the confidence of the emperor. In recent days, there has been no anomaly. Sheng An Huai naturally thinks that the emperor has changed the task of Tian Qi, that is to say, to do something more trustworthy on the part of the emperor, such as ... vigilante.

The difference between night and night is discreet, it is not as good as that of the day, but it is indeed the empire of the emperor who is qualified to do it. Especially in the vicinity of the emperor's chamber, there is no defense after the emperor's sleep. Personal safety is the most important thing. Only an absolutely reliable person can approach.

Sheng Anhuai also saw it. The emperor was very satisfied with Tianqi, so he wanted to sell a face to Tianqi. He arranged it outside the Emperor's room.

Ji Heng knew it before falling asleep. But this time, and I do not want to ask for a substitution in a big way, in order to show that I'm not normal, so I have to give up.

Suddenly, at night, Tian Qi is not used to it. The rest of the work is corrected. I can sleep on time. I can not sleep tonight. She sat outside the room and opened her mouth and yawned, wondering why the Emperor had suddenly made a transfer. Although this position is not well positioned in relation to the previous position, it still shows that the Emperor does not trust her and will not treat her badly.

Silent and silent, the drowsiness of Tian Qi is more concentrated. She did not dare to sleep and she did not dare to leave. She had to threaten the threat of being "asleep and decapitated", "asleep and discovered as a woman". Every thought of these thoughts, The neck is always cold, the fear in the heart is very good and the drowsiness is diluted.

However, using this idea to scare you is also an enormous spiritual torture.

The night is deep and heavy, some people want to sleep and can not sleep, some people can sleep and can not sleep.

Ji Heng was lying on the bed, raising his ears to listen to the outside movement, and there was no drowsiness.

He has abnormal excitement. The nerve is like being hooked to something. He wants to take out his conscience and wander.

Tian Qi is outside.

This awareness makes Ji Heng's heartbeat more serious. He leaned over and deliberately turned his back on the bed and closed his eyes.

But after closing your eyes, you can see Tian Qi. The fiber is not weak, the face of the national color is fragrant, the smile of the country, the bright eyes, the lips of the cherry red ... no one is bad.

Ji Heng suddenly reached and explored his pants.

... do not stop like that.

...he is outside.

What is it?

...he is outside.

Thoughts swept over and over, and Ji Heng could not control himself anymore, closed his eyes, his eyebrows were slightly narrowed and his breath became progressively heavy. Tian Qi is outside, but Ji Heng feels he seems to be watching him. This idea makes Ji Heng excited and crazy. He seems to see Tian Qi come in, crawling in bed, kissing him, sharpening him ...

"Tian Qi ..." Ji Heng cried unconsciously.

Tian Tian's outside immediately alerted, "Im, are you calling me?"

There was no reaction inside and Tian Qi had to sit down again.

After a while, she heard him calling "Tian Qi". Tian Qi determined that he had no illusions, so he tapped the door and said, "I have instructions?"

Inside, Ji Heng acted and said, "Tian Qi, come in."

Tian Qi pushed the door. She saw the bed shaking slightly and heard the heavy panting inside, so she worried, "Does that make you uncomfortable?"


Tian Qi always thought this answer was a little strange. She pressed her doubts and asked, "What do you want from the emperor?"

I want you.

Ji Heng gritted his teeth and ravala. He said, "Do not stay up, do not talk."

Tian Qi had to do it.

Both are separated only by a bed layer. In summer, bed linen is fine and the candle is blocked by Tianqi. When he is put on the account, he casts a vague figure.

Some of the contours of the human figure are pressed against Ji Heng. He feels that this shadow is like having life, entangling his body and picking up his lust.

Ji Heng hid between the squares and walked the self-deprecating thing. He thought Tian Qi would look out of the account. His whole body was bloody and violently spilled in the sea of desire.

Finally poured into the body.

Ji Heng pulled out his hand and looked at the whiteness between his fingers. He took a deep breath. After the release of joy and ease, there is a touch of helplessness.

Finally, you can not go wrong?

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