Young Noble Be Monster Slaying

Chapter 393: Can You Do It?

Chapter 393: Can You Do It?

"Can you do it?"


"This thing of yours is so small..."

"Just wait a moment, and you'll see how powerful it is once it starts drilling. Just watch."


In the dead of night in the northern part of Python Belly City, amidst the vast darkness, several figures gathered outside a section of the City Lord's Residence's towering fortress.

The massive City Lord's Residence was built entirely of black rock engraved with talismanic scripts, making it incredibly sturdy. Additionally, it was fortified with layers upon layers of enchanted formations. Even with immense force, it was nearly indestructible. Techniques like wall-phasing and earth-escaping were ineffective here.

It was impossible to break this wall.

For this reason, the Blazing Fire Gang's vice-chief and Elder Yin decided to act when the Dragon Cavalry emerged at noon tomorrow. However, Chu Liang felt that this plan was unreliable.

The Blazing Fire Gang members, desperate to save their chief, were grasping at straws. But Elder Yin clearly had another agenda. If his goal was to find a way to escape, the act of kidnapping a member of the Dragon Cavalry was too reckless...

Chu Liang suspected Elder Yin was up to his old tricks again. He was probably using the Blazing Fire Gang to create a distraction while he pursued another objective.

However, Chu Liang knew that trying to outsmart the old man would be futile. For dealing with people like Elder Yin, it was best to let his esteemed teacher handle them.

So, Chu Liang quietly found the vice-chief and proposed an alternative plan.

The plan was... to drill a hole in the wall of the City Lord's Residence and lead them inside to rescue their chief under the cover of night.

This way, they could rescue the chief of the Blazing Fire Gang while also finding a method to escape the hidden realm. This plan would achieve the same goals as the original but in a much simpler manner.

However, the vice-chief's first reaction was disbelief.

"Do you even know how hard the black rock walls fortified by the City Lord's personal enchanted formations are? If you can make a hole in them, why not just break out of the hidden realm directly?" She didn't believe Chu Liang's idea at all.

But Chu Liang understood that while he didn't know how hard the walls fortified by the enchanted formations of a seventh-realm expert could be, he knew they couldn't be harder than a bottle reinforced by a shaman at the ninth realm.

If the ancient bottle that contained the wish-fulfilling spirit could be gobbled up by the little golden butterfly, then this wall could be too... It could only fail because the wall was not tasty.

As for whether it could break the wall of the hidden realm...

How could he break it when the hidden realm didn't have an actual wall? If this wasn't a small world but the belly of the Heaven-Devouring Python, no matter how hard it was, Chu Liang wouldn't be deterred.

He would have already let the little golden butterfly devour its internal organs.

In the end, because Chu Liang was adamant, the vice-chief decided to bring a few powerful experts from the gang and go with him to try out this method. If this plan worked and they managed to rescue their chief tonight, everything would turn out well.

At this moment, there were nine people behind Chu Liang. Besides the vice-chief and another senior martial artist at the beginning stage of the sixth realm, the remaining seven were fifth-realm martial artists.

These people’s gazes were filled with such intense focus and anticipation that it almost felt tangible. Everyone stared at Chu Liang as he prepared to drill a hole. If he failed and made them run in vain in the middle of the night, they wouldn't be pleased.

Chu Liang then flipped his hand and took out the little golden butterfly.

The little golden butterfly had been sleeping in the White Pagoda for a long time. Because Chu Liang had been concerned, this little golden butterfly had not been allowed to come out to eat.

Chu Liang was worried that this little golden butterfly was really the legendary Heaven-Devouring Bug. What if it ate so much and actually became the demon god? But considering the urgency of this situation, he had no choice but to use it.

A little bit shouldn't hurt... Chu Liang thought.

He even considered putting the little golden butterfly on a diet. Not just stopping it from eating, but also making it move constantly to burn off energy, controlling its food and exercise. The goal was to slim it down back to its original little maggot form...

That would make it look much safer.

In the pitch-black night where one couldn't see their own hand, nine men and one woman huddled at the base of the wall, nervously watching.

"Is it in?"

"It should be."

"Can it really do it..."

"Look at its head. The head is in. It will be entirely inside soon."

"It looks so soft, but it really made it inside."

"But this hole is so small. Will it fit?"

"The hole will get bigger soon, just give it some time."


"So fast?"

"That's how it is."

As the little golden butterfly gnawed at the walls of the black rock fortress, it burrowed a hole large enough for a person to pass through. The high-ranking members of the Blazing Fire Gang were left astonished, marveling at this celestial bug.

Chu Liang simply smiled and put away the still-unsatisfied little golden butterfly, not letting it absorb more spiritual energy. Despite its chubby body twisting in protest, Chu Liang ruthlessly tucked it back.

"With this spirit bug, even the bodies of seventh or eighth realm experts can't withstand its bites, right?" someone exclaimed in awe.

Chu Liang nodded. It was true. He had never seen a defense that the little golden butterfly couldn't breach. But as long as the expert wasn't paralyzed for years, they could send this soft little thing flying away with a simple flick. It was almost impossible to use this butterfly in real combat.

Chu Liang then threw a puppet pill to scout the situation inside the wall.

Through the hole, there was an open space surrounded by black buildings. They were all made of rough black rock, not looking much more refined than the exterior of the City Lord's Residence.

"It's okay, let's go in carefully," Chu Liang said. "The demons will soon start wreaking havoc outside, and the members of the Dragon Cavalry should be heading out to investigate. When the defenses are weak inside, we'll start the rescue. When we have the chance, we will seize someone who can talk and get some information out of them."

"Mm!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Unknowingly, they had already begun to think of this handsome young man as their leader.

This status wasn't baseless; Chu Liang's series of unexpected performances had made them believe that he truly possessed extraordinary power.

Three fights with the members of the Sun and Moon Pavilion... invoking the demons... breaking through the city wall...

He had been in this small world for less than a day and night, yet he had already reached a position they couldn't touch in decades or even centuries.

Now that Chu Liang was ready, he took out a large bow and long arrow that exuded a demonic aura. He pulled the bowstring taut and shot the arrow.

A streak of cold light pierced through the night street!

This was his way of communicating with the demons. He had previously left a Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf Arrow Guide with the demon king. When an arrow landed, it signaled that they could launch their plan.

"It's done." He put away his bow and turned back.

The vice-chief took the lead, and the group slowly crawled through the hole into the City Lord's Residence.

Chu Liang didn't forget to cover the hole with a black cloth, making it difficult to notice in the dark unless examined closely.

"Be careful," he whispered.

As the strongest combatant, the vice-chief led the group, cautiously approaching a building's wall and hiding first.

In just a moment, a loud bang echoed from outside the City Lord's Residence.


Something was violently striking the gate of the City Lord's Residence in the northern part of Python Belly City.

The demons had launched their attack.

Everyone knew this was part of the plan, but they couldn't shake their nerves.

Chu Liang had instructed the demons not to attack the gate directly, as that would be too dangerous. A direct assault could lead to a crackdown, risking the extermination of the demons in the city and arousing the demon king's suspicion of his identity as a divine envoy.

Instead, he gave the demon king four Undead-Summoning Talismans, instructing him to find four large demonic beast corpses and use them to ram the gate. Once someone opened the gate, the corpses would flee. When the Dragon Cavalry chased into the city streets, the demons would ambush them. If executed properly, there would be no trace of the culprits by daylight.

As of now, all the creatures that had died, including the giant elephant Chu Liang killed, were awakened from their deathly slumber and ramming the city gate.

Since the demonic beasts in Python Belly City often had to hunt outside, their mortality rate was high. Finding a few corpses in the wild wasn't difficult.

Those four Undead-Summoning Talismans had been confiscated from the Southern-Route Guider long ago and had been lying in Chu Liang's storage enchanted tool for a long time. Now, they finally came in handy.

As the group stayed hidden, they heard a commotion inside the City Lord's Residence, with heavy footsteps sounding in disorder.

It seemed a squad of Dragon Cavalry had gone out.

At that moment, a set of footsteps approached, and everyone immediately held their breath.

The vice-chief gestured to two subordinates behind her, and everyone understood. Robbing was their professional expertise.

In the next second, the vice-chief suddenly sprang into action!

The qi of this sixth-realm martial artist peaked instantly. She circled out from behind the wall, grabbed the person's neck with a dragon-claw technique, and flipped them onto the ground. The other two subordinates immediately restrained the person's limbs, controlling them firmly with fluid motions.

"Don't move! If you make a sound, I'll kill you instantly," the vice-chief threatened coldly.

"No, no, no..." the person pleaded softly, "Brothers, let's talk this out. Humans shouldn't beat up humans!"

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